Daily Chat Thread



  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks Dawn! I don't have any dumbbells at my house, so I was practicing without them. I think I did alright. Maybe I'll find a secluded corner of the gym tomorrow, haha.

    Nice job on the DL's!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've been MIA with life too. Still training of course. Moved house last week too.

    So Saturday, my coach finally said to me "you can squat "
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! I'm feeling not so happy that it's Monday, but trying to pretend. Fake it til you make it.

    Saturday I did Candito Linear Program, Control Upper Day
    Spoto Press - 6x4@29 kg
    Paused DB row - 6x4@30 lbs
    OHP - 1x10@19 kgs
    Chin ups - 2x5@1.5" band assist
    Skipped accessories as it was late.

    Yesterday I did 5.2 mile run. Weather was lovely, finally.

    Jo - glad you can squat! Haha!

    Dawn - nice deadlifts, that's some heavy weight!

    Aubrey - I have never done dumbbell snatches, but agree with Dawn to start with light weights
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aubrey - dumbbell snatches look fun, I might try some tomorrow - I will let you know if I hit anyone :)

    Aigre - Great running & lifting as always! How are you finding Candito?

    Dawn - Great job getting it all done around your schedule, have you decided if you're entering another meet?

    Jo - good luck squatting, and I hope your house move went smoothly

    I don't really know what I'm doing at the moment, pretty much just turning up at the gym and doing whatever I feel like. Today I kinda followed the 5/3/1 set up, for no other reason than I wanted to squat and deadlift!

    Squat: 5@ 50kg, 3 @ 55kg, 8 @ 62.5kg (was aiming for 7, so I was pleased I got the last one)
    Deadlifts: 5 x 6 @ 60kg
    Planks: 5 x 30 seconds

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aubrey - ah, I don't have dumbbells either. But does help to try them out with actual dumbbells if planning to use them since it's more just getting used to how the weight gets balanced in the hand and the control of the motion. And thanks. :smile:

    Jo - Good to see you. Here I thought you could squat this whole time. :wink:

    Aigre - And it feels heavy. Am a tad sore from it too.

    Stephie - Thanks. Right now it's just not in the budget and I haven't really found one. I don't have a membership so would need to pay to be a member of an organization and pay the fee for the meet. Until sister gets a more stable job and actually makes all of her rent and maybe even can buy some of the food, I can't splurge on a meet. But some day.

    Off to a meh start today. Ended up a little rushed and forgot a couple of things at home. Then forgot they do street cleaning over by work as I'm not usually over here on Mondays so there is half the unpaid parking unavailable. Ended up parking in garage by gym and having to pay for it while I was using the gym. Then moved the car to a spot since the "cleaning" ends at 1pm. Forgot lock in my jacket so had to carry my bag around the gym with me cause I don't like using the other lockers they have that have the built in locks.

    Did upper body accessories day but skipped a couple of things. Then studied on treadmill for an hour.

    wide grip bench press paused - 2x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 2x5 @ 80
    preacher curl - 1x6 with the bar then 2x8 with bar + 20
    tricep pushdown with rope - 3x10 @ 70
    overhead tricep extension with rope - 2x10 @ 40
    treadmill - 60 minutes at 5 incline and 3 speed then about 10 minute cool down

    Now I'm going to do a little bit of online stuff. Still have like 15 stories to review, then it's studying and going to talk to boss about a shift that is in question. Might walk over to a clothing store too as I really need a new pair of work pants and may have enough from tax refund to at least get that.
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    So I started Stage 3 today.

    Dumbbell snatches - Weren't as bad as I was expecting, though I did hit myself in the head with the dumbbell once ROFL. Felt GREAT (jk).

    For the 1 Leg Romanian Deadlift, my arches HURT. I have high arches and do wear supports. I'm wondering if I need to wear harder shoes for those. Or is there an alternate exercise? I couldn't do the 3rd set because my arches hurt so bad. I also had difficulty with the balancing part of it. In Stage 2 I replaced the 1 Point Rows with regular rows using an exercise bench because of the balancing part.

    The Body Weight Matrix kicked my butt! I have a difficult time with lunges and was unable to do the lunge jumps. So I just did the squats, lunges, and squat jumps. I had to stop a few times because I was exhausted. I also only did it once instead of twice. Last week was a planned rest week, so I figured I need to work up to it.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Aubrey - nice workout! I have never had my arches hurt with SL RDLs before. The balance is definitely tricky though. I actually love that exercise and haven't done it in a while.

    Dawn - have you done a meet before? cool! You definitely have the strength for it.

    Stephie - I really like Candito! I feel like I'm making good progress, but yet the workouts don't take hours, and I can keep it interesting with the different optional exercises. Your squats looked great!

    Candito Linear Program
    Heavy Lower Day
    Back squat 3x6@94 lbs
    Deadlift - 2x6@131 lbs
    Hip thrust - 3x12@83 lbs
    Back extension - 3x30@BW

    Not my heaviest weights ever, but probably my most reps with those weights!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - Yep, I competed about a year ago up in Oregon. I ended up with a 198 squat, 115 bench and 248 deadlift. Used to have one of the clips as part of my youtube intro before lost bunch of stuff when computer crashed. Do also have a video of some of the meet lifts that someone filmed for me over on my channel. :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,965 Member
    Interesting, Aigre, that your WHT is lower than your DL. My DL are MUCH lower than my WHT!! I kind of have this twinge-y thing happening in my lower back, so I have dropped my DL weight waaaayyyy back. I think my form is right, but I am having trouble upping the weight in DL.

    I remember when you competed, Dawn!!

    I am meeting my goal of 0.5 lbs down per week....although I am nervous about this week. Tomorrow I weigh in, so we shall see. And I won't pout if I didn't make it. I will just try and do a bit better next week.

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Beeps - It's weird, I could move more weight with a lower rep hip thrust, but for whatever reason feel it more in my glutes when I do a lighter weight and more reps. When the weight goes up I feel I get my quads/hams into it too much somehow.

    Yeay for the slow and stead weight loss!

    Dawn - nice, will have to look it up!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Candito Linear Program, Heavy Upper Day
    Bench press - 3x6@30 kg
    DB row - 3x6@30 lbs
    OHP - 1x5@22 kg
    Chin ups - 3x2@1 1/8" band assist
    Lateral raises - 3x12@8 lbs
    Rear lateral raises - 3x12@8 lbs
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Nice foggy 4 mile run this morning. Able to turn my flashlights off partway through. It's getting lighter out!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Where is everyone?? :)

    Candito Control Lower today
    Paused squats - 6x4@34 kg
    Deadlifts - 1x4@125 lbs
    Paused deadlifts - 2x4@103 lbs

    Spent some time working on my video set up so ran out of time for accessories.

    Anyway, psyched to say that I signed up for coaching with Patrick at Eat, Train, Progress starting in May, so looking forward to seeing what happens from here!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - oo a foggy run sounds nice.

    Been busy. Worked at 3 different stores over the last 3 days. My main store on Tuesday, which was also my day in pharmacy so didn't handle any of my overstock or other stuff on the floor. Got asked to work at a different store on Wednesday to help with their freight (though a tad annoying fact is it was an hour less than I would have worked at my regular store). Yesterday was the one day I work at my secondary store and at least the technology worked all day this time so could get the stuff done that I needed to there and it was a small shipment for the freight.

    Aside from that, I've been trying to study, taking practice tests and not quite passing on them but not far off, and doing a little at the gym.

    Yesterday after work went to the gym by the secondary store, the one with the dry sauna in the locker rooms. Did bench, sauna then studied on treadmill. More people there this week so had to wait for a brief time for the flat bench even though this location has 4 of them (one measly squat rack but 4 flat benches cause #priorities hehehe). Even had to wait for the one incline bench too and ended up working in with the guy.

    Bench - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 75, 1x5 @ 95 and 2x3 @ 110
    close grip bench - 1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 2x5 @ 85
    incline bench - 1x10 @ 45 and 2x5 @ 80
    dry sauna
    50 minutes walk treadmill at 4 incline and 3 speed

    Today went to gym before work and it was shoulders but I only did a couple of the exercises from that and did a couple other ones instead.

    hack squat - wide stance 1x8 @ 90 and 1x8 @ 50, narrow stance 1x8 @ 90 and 1x8 @ 50 (just counting the plates)
    hack squat calf raise - 2x25 @ 140
    side lat raise - 2x12 @ 12.5
    front single db raise - 2x12 @ 12.5
    hour walk on treadmill at 5 incline and 3 speed

    Need to study but I have all weekend off. The test is Monday.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Study weekend. Today trying to get out to the beach but sister was having a rough morning (ah shark week) so I went to the gym first so she could cuddle with the cat and stuff. It was rocky though because today was at my max weight from last cycle for deadlfits. All I've eaten is a quest bar that I had right before leaving plus was a little still a tad sore from trying that hack squat. Won't do that next week. Will either retry the 255 or 265 but after more foods and later in the day and we'll see what happens. I'll later post the video because today's reps were rough, it was almost like the chalk worked too well so my grip was a bit off. I only did 30 minutes of cardio but tried out reading the large textbook on the elliptical.

    1x10 @ 115, 1x10 @ 135, 1x8 @ 185
    with belt 1x4 @ 215, chalk added 1x2 @ 255 (rough) tried 3rd rep but couldn't get to the knee
    sdl on 35 plate 2x8 @ 135
    elliptical 30 minutes while studying
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Haha great study efforts Dawn!

    Good training Aigre. Not surprised your DL is heavier than your WHT at all, I think it would be for most. Definitely so for me given that I don't do WHT hahahaha

    Squats for me today. Not sure how I'll go. Head space is squiffy at the moment. We'll see!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Dawn - Nice deadlifts! 255 is awesome!

    Jo - Nice new pictures. Hope squats went well!

    Saturday Candito Linear Program, Control Upper day
    Bench press 1x6@30 kg
    Spoto press - 5x4@30 kg
    Paused DB row - 6x4@30 lbs
    OHP - 1x10@20 kg
    Chin ups - 2x5@1.5" band assist
    Hammer curls - 3x12@12 lbs dbs
    overhead tricep press - 3x10@12 lbs

    Yesterday a 6.1 mile run. Legs felt heavy and pace was slow.

    On the bright side, down a pound or so, probably due to not sabotaging myself this weekend with wine and such due to being on call. But I'll take it!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks Aigre. Squats went well, so did bench today. Hating the volume (6 sets of 5 @ 35kg) but hopefully one day I'll see that weight go up! Unfortunately body weight went up - likely wine sabotage hahaha
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Jo - ah, wine sabotage is such a problem! Nice benching, though!

    Heavy lower day today -
    Squats - 3x6@~45 kg
    Deadlifts - 2x6@136 lbs
    Hip thrusts - 3x12@83 lbs
    Back extensions - 3x15@BW

    Hit 131 lbs BW this morning. Sub 130 here I come!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - Nice lifting you have going on there. I haven't done back extensions in a long time. And woot to sub 130 coming soon.

    Just work for me today. My cut is going painstakingly slow. I saw 131 at the end of March, but spent most of April 133-134 with the end again being 131 ish. Now it's May and had hoped I'd be getting closer to 125 by the end of the 13 week cut. It's just so hard to get my body to go under 130. I know slow is good but at the same time it's so annoying.

    Also, have to decide by tomorrow if I'm going to make the 16.5 hour drive each way in order to go to my uncle's funeral. Have a few pros and cons for either decision. Just not sure what I'm going to do.