Rude friends

sbtripp Posts: 44 Member
Has anyone else had someone tell them not to lose anymore weight because it is making you look old in the face? Two folks have said that to me. I know skin starts to sag and wrinkles show more, but is there a face exercise? Heck, I am 63 after all! It hurts my feelings because I have worked hard to get this weight off, but it is the truth. What do you say to these people? I said, "I know it does, but I am getting healthier." Then there are those who think keto is not healthy. So tired of rude people; they should do their thing and let me do mine.


  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    sbtripp wrote: »
    Has anyone else had someone tell them not to lose anymore weight because it is making you look old in the face? Two folks have said that to me. I know skin starts to sag and wrinkles show more, but is there a face exercise? Heck, I am 63 after all! It hurts my feelings because I have worked hard to get this weight off, but it is the truth. What do you say to these people? I said, "I know it does, but I am getting healthier." Then there are those who think keto is not healthy. So tired of rude people; they should do their thing and let me do mine.

    The skin should start looking better over time anyway. As your body adjusts to being that size the skin should start firming up again. Make sure you are moisturized and think about taking some supplements for your skin, but just ignore them. If you are happy with the way you are that's the most important thing.

    They are probably just jealous! :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I might just go with "I'd rather be wrinkled than sick or dead" lol
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    I doubt that they really meant you look older. Sounds like pure jealousy, I was told I look younger and I believe EVERYONE looks younger the slim'er they are. My aunt is 90 years old, skinny and looks in her early 70's.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Fat does smoothe out wrinkles, so these kind of comments are not surprising.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Sounds like a classic case of ppl talking without first engaging the brain.

    Just keep getting healthy for you. I know many ppl who have died by age 63! It's great you are taking control for your life. I'm pushing 50, and the dums never cease to amaze me. Ppl need to filter their thoughts before it reaches their mouth... there used to be a poem called the four gates about it. But Thumper summed it up - if you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RacyTray wrote: »
    You could always turn the tables and say, "Thanks for noticing! I've been workin hard and there are changes with every part of my body. Getting healthy and slim ain't for the faint of heart, that's for sure!" And then just shut up and wait for their next response. If it's not positive or apologetic, make a sophisticated exit with your head held high. "Gosh, look at the time, I've got to run. "

    Oh, I like your style. Welcome aboard!
  • MissMorts
    MissMorts Posts: 94 Member
    So uncool, it's hard but "beauty" is only part of it, being healthy enough to be able to enjoy life and spend quality time with family and quality friends is much more important, not to mention beauty being only skin deep, such a shame about their petty rudeness, much harder to justify!
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    edited April 2017
    Look up face exercises on Google. There are a number. Plus there are actual "tools" you can get. I use one that uses electricity to cause muscles to contract in the face. It has worked wonders for me, lifted my eyebrows and tightened around my mouth. If you look, you can find something to help that "face slack" that develops as we olders lose weight. I'm 60 in my picture next to my post.

    Oh yeah, and look at the insensitive person who makes a rude comment cross-eyed until they look like THEY feel uncomfortable. Just my 2 cents!
  • PaulaJSchiller
    PaulaJSchiller Posts: 100 Member
    I would say something like "Thank you for noticing!" It may make them pause for a moment and realize the rudeness that just came out of their mouth. Then follow up with. "I guess that's what happens when you lose weight"