Cheat Days are NOT an Option!



  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    @midwesterner85, I'm not planning to try this, but I am awfully curious what would happen if I did.

    How did you pinpoint potassium as what you needed to supplement?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @midwesterner85, I'm not planning to try this, but I am awfully curious what would happen if I did.

    How did you pinpoint potassium as what you needed to supplement?

    Based on symptoms (muscle cramps) and I know that I had really high BG's. I know high BG's causes cells to dump potassium back to the blood.

    What I didn't know was whether potassium was filtered from blood yet or was ready to go back to cells. After a couple days of returning to normal BG's, symptoms didn't improve... that told me cells were not re-absorbing potassium. The obvious reason is because it wasn't still in blood to be absorbed. It had already been filtered out.

    I literally pissed away all my precious electrolytes. :(
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Smoked33 wrote: »

    Dramatic? Well read some of the "Cheat" posts out there and come back. Great for you that you can get away with them, but I find the majority of those trying to lose weight use "cheats" and then are stunned to find there not losing and give up.

    There was a little drama to the op yes :) As I said, happy you found an approach that works for you, but cheat days can and do work for some...just wanting to rep that side of the fence. No offence meant. Everyone has to find their own way but I've found this site at times to be a bit discriminatory towards those that don't keto as WOE but just as a diet so while i"m way past getting offended by it, but I do occasionally like to stand up for the diet side.

    I can see that. Most won't have quite as dramatic BG issues as I do, so my experience doesn't apply to the majority of keto dieters that don't have diabetes. Doing a high carb cheat day still kicks someone out of ketosis and there is still some recovery, but not as much as what I had to endure.

    If it helps someone mentally to do a cheat meal/day/weekend on special occasion, then I can understand it. TBH, I started to crave the foods I don't normally allow as soon as my cheat weekend was over. I dieted with basic CICO for years before starting low carb. I've had cheat days throughout the entire time of dieting - both with basic CICO and with low carb and then recently with keto carb levels. In the beginning, those cheat days were more frequent and were the only way I could endure mentally. Now they are less and less frequent. After that last experience, they may be almost never. But for me, this has become a WOE. If I ever change back to eating carbs (that is a big if for me), then it will have to be a very slow and gradual increase in carb intake over several weeks or months. No more suddenly going from 10g/day to 1,000g of carbs in a day.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member

    If I ever change back to eating carbs (that is a big if for me), then it will have to be a very slow and gradual increase in carb intake over several weeks or months. No more suddenly going from 10g/day to 1,000g of carbs in a day.

    I find that the best way to cycle off and that's my approach when i do.
    I also find 'cheat' days way less impacting when i'm lc/keto....i can bounce back quickly because I flush out the excess water and start to feel good again fast. When I'm CICO a cheat day seems to be more impacting....and easier to justify lol
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    I think that if you are at a wedding, it is OK to have a sliver of the wedding cake. A tiny sliver. And I from time to time (not often) I will have a few more carbs, although I ordinarily try to keep them under 15 or 20, the last time is when I had a couple slices of home made bread, did not even throw me out of ketosis. I'm doing every other day fasting so even though I eat at maintenance on my feed day, it is still low carb.
    And then I did what everyone is talking bout, the slippery slope, I just slid down it and ate 4 slices of pizza. Day before yesterday.
    Sick does not begin to describe how I felt the next day. Nausea. Headache.
    I guess I should be grateful that it was so,so, so bad, because I'm not going anywhere near the edge of that slope again.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ The article and site were very inspirational! Great stuff, sorry to hear your app crashed, I am sure you had more insightful comments - as you always do :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Think about what cheating means. It means you are ready to set yourself back, after a lot of hard work. Who are you cheating? You are cheating yourself, no one else.

    Don't cheat, find a way of eating that doesn't require you to cheat.
  • collegefbfan
    collegefbfan Posts: 346 Member
    I have cheated off and on for last couple of months. Bread here or there. A few chips, pho, pizza crust. I have only gained four pounds. But I feel worse, I look more bloated, blood pressure is up to. Some. I gotta get back on track. I like the once a month treat. My cheats went from one day to the next, then treats from work, then pho when I had sinus infection. You get the idea.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    chirosche wrote: »
    Actually, having carbs occasionally helps to trigger fat mobilization by releasing hormones if done in a planned way as opposed to a triggered event. The body naturally uses carbs for energy (if you are not fat adapted), and we can cause the body to adapt in weird ways if you don't occasionally feed it some carbs, whichever ones you like--it doesn't matter which--on specific days of your of your low carb diet. I am a low carber and I don't have cheat days but I will give my body carbs on occasion, like recently Mother's Day I had pasta and a dessert. The next day, right back to my regular low carbing. I still watch calories and I think the key is to not binge. If you want to call eating carbs cheating, I guess that's ok, it's just a word. For me, it's helping my body's metabolism along so that it doesn't try to make unwanted changes or adaptations so results in low carbing not having the intended result. Once I realized my body wants to be low carb, I made the decision to please it and there are tons of wonderful things to eat and I don't really crave carbs as I'm fat adapted now. If you find that you have a tendency to binge on carbs, that's a wholly different problem and it might require that you make your carb eating days a more well-thought out menu, perhaps staying away from trigger foods, if you are the type who feels that having a carb eating day may get you completely off track. Carbs can change your mood, make you feel bloated and it's best to listen to your body and see how they affect you. Especially after being on low carbs for a while you can get a fresh impression of your body's reaction to carbs. I know now I can't wait to get back to low carb eating after a day of eating carbs. I find I enjoy it more. But don't feel restricted from eating carbs occasionally on special days or just for a night out. You're just giving you body a little switch to keep it working the way YOU want it to.

    This certainly sounds interesting.. .. Any references or sources you can recommend that lay out the details about it all works?

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    BennyCH wrote: »
    Extremes never worked...personally I aim for 100% but settle for 80%...also the "all or nothing"-mentality usually dont work long term...

    I second, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th this method/mentality.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    The 'all or nothing' mentality is what saved me from yo-yo dieting....
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    @mmultanen, I was honestly speaking from a purely personal PoV... I'm just saying what did and didn't work for me. I know that if I give in to temptation, I'm doomed to failure... I'm sorry for my part if I came across as 'boorish'...