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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    What a lovely newsy post, MITM, and so nice so much good news. You certainly are in line for congrats- belated wishes for your birthday and congrats on the wedding anniversary. Your 28 years is a formidable achievement, especially in this day. To top it off you have done really well with the weight maintenance.Your time in England sounds lovely, especially the Diana exhibition.I have looked at the wreath; it really is unique.Like you, if I find something I really like for decor I am quite happy to keep it indefinitely.
    I feel as if I have been doing nothing but gardening/yard work for the past month which is not quite true though I have been very constantly in the garden. The good part is that I am early getting a lot of the jobs done. I have cleaned out my pond early as usually the lilies of the valley which are around the edges are well leafed when I do it. This year they have barely poked through. I had a tremendous amount of twigs and small branches to pick up because of the wind storms and a lot of leaves despite all the raking I did in the fall .I've top dressed a lot of the lawn and overseeded it too. In addition,the new fence at the rear of the garden had required the removal of two trees that had grown into the fence line; now that area gets more sun so I have had to dig up a number of hostas and relocate them. I've moved some iris to their spots Every job seems to require bending, lifting, and/or digging and my back has been quite sore. But I like working in the temps of 14C and every day there is something new coming along. The crocus are finished but I have some beautiful daffodils and hyacinths this year. Also my woodland flowers are appearing. The bloodroot has a delicate white flower; it doesn't last long but it is the leaves that are the main attraction.Today a nice patch of May apple shot up several inches ( we also call them the umbrella plants) Tomorrow there will be a pickup of yardwaste (leaves, twigs etc.); it is only once per month so I wanted to get as much as possible set out as my garage has been full of bagged materials.
    My brother hosted Easter celebrations at his farm on the weekend. There were over twenty of us. And of course a lot of good food. I made lemon tarts from scratch (well I cheated with the shells which I bought prepared) but the lemon filling was somewhat fussy to make (the recipe included a dire warning about folding in the six egg yolks properly to avoid them scrambling) The tarts turned out really well. My brother did an egg hunt for the 'children' who ranged from 2 to 30! My nieces and nephews seemed to enjoy it just as much as when they were really young. Some of the prizes have changed though- now there were gift cards to the local coffee shop and beer store along withe the chocolate. Nellie had her first jump in the pond for the spring which meant a very thorough wash when we got home.
    Has anyone seen the movie, Brooklyn, which came out last year? I took it out of the library. The story basically revolves around a young woman who leaves her family and friends in Ireland in search of a more adventuresome life in Brooklyn, New York. It was billed as a romance which it certainly is in part but I found it had a bittersweet air to it when you considered the bigger picture of her life and the choices she had to make and what she had to give up to leave. I wondered if I would have viewed it differently had I seen it when younger. In any case, the acting all round was superb I thought.
    Finally, It is very nice to hear of LMV and I shall look forward to her return here. Regards all.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Well Bracken your Easter sounded an absolute delight - I only wished I could say the same of mine! We had half the number you had but maybe the difference is because our guests were staying for the weekend in our home.....

    I have been reading 'The 4 day Win' by Martha Beck in a lot of ways her message is the same as Judith Beck; losing weight is not about willpower or depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy, instead the key is in learning how to adjust your behaviour patterns and the way you think about food.

    Well after the long, 4 day Easter break, in cold (we had fresh snow on the mountain tops last night), rainy, miserable weather, I realised after our guests had departed I had spent it in what she describes as the 'Rat-trap'. 'The times you gain the most weight are the times you feel trapped and joy-deprived.' I can easily identify as she advises, the specific people, situations and activities that push me towards food as a mood-lifter. However this Tuesday finds me safely back in my 'Rat-park' door firmly bolted as my husband's family have departed.

    Last night on an evening walk in the drizzle with the husband, I fully dissected from start to finish, what was for me a disastrous eating weekend and laid out to the husband, how in future we would be doing things differently. Luckily we were on the same page. What with my birthday cake and this weekend, I have ate my body weight in sugar this past week and boy am I regretting it. I actually feel worse than I look! However I feel 100 times better for just stepping on the scales and logging in my weight and being accountable. I am 4 pounds over my target weight and the heaviest I've been in a year, so it's now time to stop the bad habits which are beginning to creep into my everyday life and move on again.

    Your garden Bracken I'm sure is lovely and you have been working hard. We are far behind compared to the UK but I do have daffodils and tulips out and thankfully the hillsides are no longer brown but turning greener daily. Well I must get on with my mountain high of ironing - bedding from our guests, I am returning to the UK again on Friday but with a quick turn around, coming back on Monday and I want my house in total order before I leave!! I also need to pack away the Easter decorations - so goodbye wreath for another year.

    Be good Crackers!

    P.S. I know of the film you mentioned and it's on my wish list to see - I'm interested to know how I will react!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I feel as if I am not getting here as much as I would like the moment and do apologise. This too will be briefer than I would like. I have been very busy lately with both my writers' group and book club. The book club has had extra meetings this month and last but tomorrow's meeting is the last until September so that will be a welcome break. However, it is not quite the last meeting as in May there is no book but a pot luck dinner. I would so like to skip it but there is some pressure to attend and I am too much of a people pleaser so-called. I also have 120 pages yet to read for tomorrow night's meeting! The writer's group met today.The garden has also taken a lot of time but I have so many lovely flowers this year that I really like to be there. For some reason, there are quite a lot of tulips although I have not planted any for several years because they often did not flower but just produced great flat leaves ( lack of light!). However, now both at the front and back of the house, there are some lovely ones, some already out (yellow and orange with yellow) and others in full bud, including a lovely cluster of ten that are showing a peachy pink. So I'll say more of the garden later and just add that the other thing that has taken a lot of time recently has been preparing my taxes for the April 30 deadline. They are ready to be mailed tomorrow so that is a great relief. I do feel some satisfaction that I am able to do them myself although they are not complicated really as I am not running a business and do not have complicated finances with complicated investment reportings.
    MITM, I read and enjoyed your recent post which merits more response than i can give at the moment.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hooray, Hooray Hooray!!! I am finally able to be back here! I have been having dreadful problems with logging on. I read both your Easter emails a while ago, wrote a little bit about my part of the world and next thing I knew I was on the "this food diary is private" page! It would not let me log back in although I knew for sure I was using the correct details. I tried all my technical things (phone, iPad etc) but they all did the same. One morning on trying yet again (hoping it had fixed itself overnight!) i tried and it told me I had an 18 day streak lol, if only......I also managed to get in somehow for 5 minutes a couple of times then it was back to pear shaped. OH finally took my laptop to work yesterday and they did something to it. He said it had needed cleaning, and cookies sorting. Absolutely no idea what it all means but it works. My Netflix also has a lot more content than previously so I am a happy bunny today.

    It was lovely to read the Easter emails, my son and Grandson went home on the Monday after Easter Sunday so it was quite sad here but I had a plan.......

    I joined Slimming World online (I was so unhappy and quite desperate with my weight). I joined as my Daughter who is quite petite had recently lost over a stone with them, her last bit of post baby weight, and although she took it slowly she said it was working well for her. So I joined and the first week lost almost 6lb. OH who is a bit of hostage in this as he has no choice lost 3.7lb. We were both so sceptical starting and I'm still not too sure but it does seem to be working. Ironically I am eating more portion wise than I ever have and have not been hungry once but still managed to lose weight. It is built around Syns. these are calorie laden food/ drinks of which you are allowed between 5-15 daily (each food having different Syn values etc). Fruit, vegetables and pulses etc are all "free" foods of which you can just eat any given amount of (within reason!). I genuinely find I am reaching for fruit now when peckish instead of my usual things, it is so lovely being able to eat fruit again! Every diet I have ever been on has limited it. Only time will tell, but I am enjoying it at the moment so hopefully it will continue to work. I'll close now because if I lose this mail there will be a tantrum again! lol xx

    Hope you're both keeping OK, it will be lovely to hear from LMV again. Take care,

    BM xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Morning Crackers!

    Well I'm delighted to say that TODAY is actually looking like my profile picture (which the daughter took the day before leaving Austria) after yet more snow on the mountains, over the May day bank holiday weekend.... I'm pleased Bracken your garden is giving you pleasure, the weather has played havoc with mine this year.

    BM - delighted to see you back and whoopee what a brilliant start to your Slimming World diet - don't knock it if it works and you're happy I say! Friends I know who have followed the principles have been very successful - until they come off it.... Which brings me neatly to my next point!

    Horror of horrors last Monday traveling back from the UK, I found myself walking the food aisles of a supermarket in Salzburg, hunting for junk food. Something I haven't done in over 12 months now. All my previous journeys last year I have made the effort to choose healthily and drink lots of water and I have survived. Not this time it was like I wiped my memory cells of everything I have learned from Beck and I just did the complete opposite as I ate one biscuit after another and they were horrible!!

    April this year for me has been a dieting disaster from start to finish. However it is now May! After my weekend home when I found myself once more just opening my jaws to whatever was put in front of me as I was thinking along the lines of what is a one more weekend... but I did have a nasty wake up call when I caught sight of myself in my Mother's floor to ceiling mirror and could see the gained pounds! I know it's only pounds not stones but when you have finally got use to seeing yourself a certain way it's quite a shock when you no longer look as you thought!

    But that got me thinking as I sat on the railway platform, munching my packet of biscuits how come I was happy to prance around in a bikini one summer this same weight? Then it dawned on me that although I still without fail step on the scales each morning monitoring my weight when was the last time I got my tape measure out? I use to measure myself monthly and record it in my little book - well my tape measure has not been seen this year. So I was brave and got it out after I weighed in the day after returning and surprise, surprise NOT along with my 5 pounds of chocolate baggage, I am currently 2 inches bigger all over. I might walk daily but this winter/spring I have given up any other form of exercise. So I am now back salsacising daily and this week I'm going to start doing my Jorge 8 minute exercises as I know both work wonders for me.

    I treated myself to the new Amelia Freer 'Nourish and Glow: The 10 Day Plan' it's more of a feel good book and guide to healthy eating than a weight loss book and her thinking fits in well with Becks. On flexing your willpower muscle and saying no to yourself or others when being offered something you don't really want, she says and I quote 'It wasn't a 'worth it' moment to go off-piste with your food choices (as it might be for your own birthday cake or a special pudding at your favourite restaurant).' And that really sums up my month as I use to be so good at thinking this way, I would indulge in treats but only on my terms when it was a 'worth it' moment but this month I have let everyone and myself sabotage my way of eating but I have at least learned from the experience along with realising giving up chocolate for Lent was not sensible as I ate far more after Lent to compensate!

    Anyway I feel better now I've got that off my chest, I have been home a week and I'm back following my rules and I'm delighted to say I've knocked 3 pounds off and I'm exercising so hopefully I will be able to face that mirror again in June and get into my summer wardrobe!

    Be good Crackers!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    It is good to hear, BM, that you have chosen a diet plan that you are happy with and that is giving you results. it is so important to be satisfied with the kinds of foods recommended and I would be hard pressed to not have any fruits although because of some digestive issues I mainly eat berries (plus apple if cooked and small amounts of orange and banana) I also eat dates, figs, and other dried fruits though I know they are higher in sugar and try to eat them judiciously.Blueberries I consider a basic food and eat them often. Also I sympathise with your
    recent computer problem- so frustrating.
    MITM, I hope you are having a better May than April. It truly is frustrating to find oneself indulging in mindless eating, especially of food that isn't even that appealing.You seem to have stages a good intervention however with the renewed exercise and a fresh 10 day plan to focus on. I absolutely agree with you about the measurement issue. I have found the exact same thing over the past number of months and it is probably also due to decreased exercise for whatever reasons. I too had a poor April. I had family birthdays as well as Easter and additional meetings with my Book Club and Writing group, all with food. I find it difficult to immediately return to my regular eating after these occasions even though I may not have had that much indulgence. Anyway, better this week despite continuing wretched weather- going down to 2C tonight with possible flurries in the air tomorrow. This is after huge amounts of rain, almost continuously for the past three days. The ground here is completely saturated. Yesterday and the day before my fish pond was overflowing and my garage was flooded. I had just put the fish I wintered over out the day before the rains; I have not seen them but think because of the cooler weather they are sheltering under the bridge. I mentioned earlier that I have had surprising tulips this year and some of them have been bent right over by the rain. I have put all my plants in pots and baskets ( pansies, geranium, and begonias) in the garage during this weather which was also very windy. I was going to plant some nasturium seeds as they grow very easily but have held off because I thought they would be washed away. However, as much as I am complaining about my little garden problems, I know that my little areas of south western Ontario has escaped the worst of this storm. In Toronto and Ottawa, homeowners have been sandbagging their homes and face evacuation from some areas and in Quebec the premier called in the military to assist with the flood threat.
    Must off now- yet another birthday, this for my niece who is turning thirteen. She is a lovely girl, very creative and also with a great interest in nature. She also takes riding lessons so I have bought her some apparel she needs as she is also at the growing out of everything stage.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I see that my last post complained about all the rain and here I am today on another rainy day. However, in the meantime we have had some relief though it has continued cooler than normal with frost warnings for several nights so I am still putting my tender plants in hanging baskets into the garage at night. I have continued with a lot of gardening recently. A good factor about this wet spring has been that it has made dividing hostas an easy job so I have done a lot of that. This coming weekend is a holiday and the traditional time to plant the vegetable garden though often it is safe to do so earlier. I have done nothing regarding my vegetables so really hope to get to it this weekend.
    I also need to get my window boxes planted. I have mentioned how I was also putting bird feed in them in the winter and am still doing so. I think the birds have trained me through my enjoyment of seeing them. This morning while eating breakfast, I had a red cardinal, a blue jay, and the usual sparrows at the box as well as the chipmunk. I feel as if I could almost reach out and touch them. On the chipmunk scene, I have been delighted to have seen two chipmunks at once. Last summer I told the sorry tale of how Nellie caught one of the chipmunks, how I tried to rescue it, treated its cuts, and left it in the garage. I never saw it again nor did I ever find a chipmunk body. I like to believe that this second chipmunk is the one from the garage as it does not live under the front step where the other one does and definitely comes from the side of the house with the garage.
    On another note, I mentioned in the last post going to a niece's birthday. I was talking about it to one of my sister's who was at the gathering but had to leave early and before the presents were opened. She gave my niece a substantial gift of money and has not yet, over a week, heard a word of thanks. Her sister on a recent visit for Mother's Day was hinting broadly to me and my sister about prom gifts and graduation gifts. (She is off to university in the fall). Both these girls are in many ways, lovely girls but have fallen short, I think, on basic manners here. I hesitate to mention it to my sister, their mother, as she will be upset and blame herself and I think she has enough worries in her life. I have thought of speaking to the girls but am not sure if I should. Should I say something? I know this really bothers my sister, not just for these siblings but for many of the nieces and nephews (we have 14, not including now several of the following generation) and we have both given many birthday, graduation, shower, wedding, birth of child gifts over the years. We have certainly been thanked, occasionally overlooked. It particularly bothers my sister that the older ones (20's, even 30's)take no initiative to keep in contact, particularly as there was a lot of close contact when they were children. My sisters and I kept in close contact with our aunt in England from childhood until she died and as we grew older we always sent cards, letters, and little gifts. Of course, our mother always asked us if we had written thank you letters to her. Am I to suppose it is just a change in generational behaviour? I think it does raise interesting questions in general about the nature of modern relationships. For one thing, children at a very early age here spent a lot of time in activities with their friends rather than family- having sleepovers when they are so young that
    they have their parents called to get them in the middle of the night. I can recall at least two instances of that from my own nieces/nephews.
    I have been able to get better focused on my diet and exercise recently. I am slowly getting back to riding and asked the stable owner if she would monitor my riding once a week- sort of a lesson but not really formal. She was very positive about it. We will start first of June. It gives me another goal again. Last weekend, I watched a dressage clinic with two of my friends. It gave me some inspiration just to have some small riding goals of my own again.
    Rain has stopped. Must be off. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Well sadly Bracken I am having an indifferent May! However I am glad to hear that you are focused again. The only consolation for me, I haven't gained any further weight but I haven't lost any either. I enjoyed my new book, it was nicely presented but I didn't learn anything new and although there are dishes I would like to try out, it's not a 10 day plan I would want to follow - I don't like set plans. But what I do know is, if I want to start losing weight again I've got to stop eating the rubbish!

    I'm having either very good days, or very bad days. The days which go wrong are because I'm allowing myself to comfort eat... I had a dreadful weekend where my husband crazily agreed to cook for the Austrian ski team - which turned out to be 500 people. He did his prepping the evening before at home and of course I got roped in to help.... It was all super, healthy, rabbit food, so I was just peeling endless vegetables for hours on end whilst he did the actual cooking. We didn't finish until 11.30pm and he then had to get up at 3am to get to the venue with the organizers. Leaving me to clean the kitchen of all the pots and pans, I made a start but gave up at 1am which is when I started eating in anger. Having finished clearing up the following day, he then arrived home in the evening with all the dirty pots and pans from the event which I just couldn't face doing then and there and he was obviously shattered. The following day Mother's Day, the husband was helping another friend doing 200 covers leaving me to clear up. I just felt so annoyed about the whole set up and I let myself over eat which of course only made matter worse!

    I did make Brownies for Mother's Day as the week before when I was going to make some, I talked myself out of it, but ended up eating everything else in the house instead, so this week I made a batch. The good news, I froze most of them in bundles of 2, to defrost each Sunday after our afternoon hike. So far this week, I have stayed in control although the scales do not want to play along yet. Finally some spring warm weather has arrived which is helping (as my summer clothes fit too well) and I have done a lot of work in the garden, cut the grass and we have planted up lots in the vegetable garden. I have also bought my window box geraniums and I've planted them up and although my neighbors have put their balcony flowers up, I shall allow mine to adjust first under the covered terrace, as we have cooler weather forecasted again for the weekend and I shall wait before planting my petunias as they will be exposed. I did see on the news the dreadful flooding Canada had.

    Right I shall post this and then continued part 2!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Part 2!

    I found your last post Bracken most interesting about thank yous. I am very old fashioned and I have always written thank you letters and I have insisted from the moment my daughter could write her name, she too send her own thank you notes/letters. When she was very young, she would draw or we would craft something simple onto a card and she would then write her name and I would write the thank you note. And now aged 18 she automatically writes to say thank you for any gifts she receives from her many aunts, uncles and great aunts and uncles who have been kind enough to send her something. And every now and then she will drop them a line or send a postcard as they always ask after her and she sends Christmas cards and Easter cards. I too always kept in touch with my Grandmother/Aunts and like you Bracken would send letters and little gifts until they died, I've only the one Aunt left now which is very sad!

    But it has to be said I don't receive even a thank you verbally from many of my nieces and nephews! The one that annoys me the most is my brother's child. I know he is spoilt rotten and receives so many gifts he has no idea who gave him what. However his parents do know that I have made the effort to get my present organized, gift wrapped (beautifully if I say so myself!) and left in the country ready for his birthday. If they can't be bothered to send just a text to say thank you, they could as they take it from my Mother ask her to pass on their thanks - but no nothing!

    Anyway I remembered a letter I had read on the very subject to a help page after Christmas which I had kept so I hunted it out!!

    'I'm a widow with 2 children of my own and 2 step-children. All are married and each have 2 children. Each Christmas and birthday I give my step-grandchildren money in their cards. This is always the same amount I spend on my grandchildren.

    However the eldest step-grandchild turned 18 last summer and I gave her a larger cheque than usual (normal amount 30 pounds but I gave her 100 pounds that time). But even though she lives 100 yards along the road, I never got an acknowledgement or a thank you. Her mum (married to my step-son) said when I bumped into her a month or 2 later 'Oh thank you for Emma's cheque, yeah, I think she wrote you a note but... well... you know what she's like.'

    Well I feel at 18 she should have said thank you in some way and since she lives along the same street it can't be that difficult. So now I don't want to give her anymore money. I bumped into her mum (10 days before Christmas) and told her this, making the excuse that, as she's an adult now, I thought it was time to stop and also she's now working full-time. Well my step daughter-in-law didn't seem best pleased. I really wanted to tell her the real reason I was stopping but didn't have the courage.

    Though my step-grandchildren live just down the road, I never have any phone calls or anything to ask how I am - while I've always gone along to them to take their Christmas money or birthday money and I've sometimes been invited to sit down while they carry on watching TV! I do get cards on my birthday and Christmas from the mum. I just wanted to know what you would do as I need your thoughts and clarity.

    Though it's certainly too late to give you advice about Christmas donations, printing your email now is timely - because Christmas is over and thank you notes must be written. Yes they must.

    Since I am on your side, I'm hoping your dilemma will be read by parents like your step-daughter-in-law who need to get their act together and ensure their children say thank you properly for Christmas and birthday gifts.

    I remember all those Christmases when I handed my 2 children pencil and paper and instructed them to write down a list of gifts and givers. Then after Christmas, came the ritual of enforcing. And the nagging was just as tedious for me as it was for them - but it worked. Are kids and teens going to write thank you letters without being made to? No. So it's up to parents to ensure their youngsters grow up with a proper understanding that gratitude is essential.

    I know this sounds judgemental, but if parents fail in this duty, they do so through laziness (why else?) and that very feebleness lets their own children down as well as disappointing the older people who have every right to be thanked, yes, even for the smallest gift. And if any parent reading this is irritated by my uncompromising opinion I suggest it might be because you feel guilty.

    Teaching gratitude is one of the most valuable lessons to bestow. Expressing thanks is one of the most positive and beautiful things we can do. Simply saying 'oh how kind, thank you so much' spreads happiness around -since the person doing the thanking, doubles their own happiness by making the giver pleased.

    In your place I would continue with the 30 pounds (because it would be odd to stop now) but let it be known that you will indeed stop when the young people come of age. I doubt you should deliver the cards and money in person, though frankly if they have not been taught to bother much with this lady who has always been so generous to them, I see no reason why they shouldn't now pay a visit to collect their loot. At least that will require effort. There would be nothing malicious about this shift: all you would have to do is get their email addresses and send a festive greeting, saying there is a gift for them at your house.

    My suggestion to everyone is simple: give thanks every day. And get out a pen today and write thank you notes to everyone who gave you a Christmas gift no matter how small. Or pick up the phone.'

    Hope you are still with me Bracken and that this helps you in your decision on what to do!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the last few posts. I have to say I agree entirely with the response given on the help page. I do agree it's lazy parenting and have been through similar. My Brother and I don't speak any more and it is partly over just this situation. I never received any thanks off his 3 daughters for anything I bought which, which I did for every occasion. In fact my own 3 children never received a card or gift off my Brother and Wife for any occasion and I was still gullible and daft enough to keep on buying and giving to them. Eventually when the children got older I snapped and said enough, I stopped completely and for over 15 years now have not even sent a them a Christmas card. I feel no guilt for this and they are no loss. I think the mistake I made is thinking that I must persevere and ignore their ingratitude just because they are family. If any "friends" had disrespected me the way my Brother did I would have cut ties with them a lot sooner.

    Reading this back makes me sound hard and cold, I assure you I am neither. I am a coward who hates any confrontation, but ingratitude, injustice and bad manners are my weak spots and probably the only times I will take action. Unbelievably my Mother blamed me for causing a rift in the family with my Brother being "too busy" to bother with cards and his Wife doesn't drive so couldn't get to the store to buy any (seriously!). I was a one parent family with two jobs but God forbid if I was a day late or forgot a card for anyone in the family!

    I am so proud of my 3 children. Not just because they all have good careers etc but because they are polite and caring. My boys will still open the car door for me, carry my bag and call me just for a chat etc My Daughter works crazy hours and has 3 young children of her own but still manages to take my parents for their weekly shop at the weekends (the boys work most weekends). The irony that my Daughter lives 20 miles from them and my Brother 20 yards is completely lost on my parents. (He's still "far too busy" to be troubled!).

    I think families are such hard work, I firmly believe the saying "friends are the family you chose". I appreciate what I did with my Brother is not the answer for everyone but the older I am getting I am realising life is too short to waste or worry on people who are not worrying about me! I now accept I can't control or change other people's behaviour, but I can control how I react to said behaviour.

    On a lighter note I have lost 11 pounds, I am still waiting for the feeling "I am on a diet" to hit me! I am eating well and more than I ever have. I am just loving eating all this fruit! I have also noticed I am reaching for a banana, a few grapes or even a boiled egg when I am peckish instead of a quick cup of tea and maybe a biscuit/sandwich. I still have a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend so haven't felt like I am missing out at all. I also eat practically everything I did before I just make a healthier version now. OH is delighted as he has lost just over 6 pounds and doesn't feel like he is dieting either!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oops, pressed the button a bit too quick! I have to leave soon anyway, I have my monthly cut and Colour to endure now. I pulled my back again on Monday so it has been sore and painful all week, it's a little better now so hopefully I won't be too uncomfortable whilst they sort my hair out! I have been wondering if I have managed to lose this weight whilst being unable to walk/swim would I lose more when I can start gentle exercises again? What a lovely thought to dwell on!

    Wishing you both a lovely weekend and hopefully the weather will be kind to you. (When I come home later, I am going to make a herbal tea and sit and read again your last posts, I read them quickly earlier, but want to take my time and enjoy them, I was exhausted reading them with all you have both been doing!).

    Take Care, Deborah xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    BM and MITM, your posts have been delightful, inspiring, and thought provoking to read. MITM, I am virtually shaking my head here as I read about the work you have done related to all that food preparation. Besides being angry, you must surely have been exhausted and tiredness is definitely the enemy of willing compliance to regulated eating which is hard enough at the best of times. So do not be hard on yourself. You will surely overcome this blip.
    How interesting that both of you have strong feelings and experience with the issue of thank you notes and more widely the whole issue of gratitude. The article was a terrific one; I can see why you saved it, MITM. It should be posted in public places! But seriously, to be raised or given a fine sense of gratitude is really a great gift because it is a way of looking at the world and extends far beyond thank-you notes.
    Deborah, I am very happy for you to hear how well you are doing with your (shall I call it a diet or not?) plan. 11 pounds is a significant achievement.
    My own eating plan has been somewhat disorganised this week with so much continued gardening but I've basically kept within the portion boundaries I want at the moment and have been quite active. I was able to ride my horse this morning, still slowly working back up into it but at least I'm on. I rode quite early and had just returned home when predicted rain began which has lasted nearly all day so I could not do any gardening. I've been heavily mulching, more than usual this year, so hope to have less weeding during the really hot weather. In the afternoon, I went to a couple of garden centres to 'have a look.' Of course, I ended up buying more plants. My excuse was there was an excellent special offer on hanging baskets of the large tuberous begonias- I bought two. One is red and the other has a mixture of yellow plants and pink. The baskets were very lush. I also bought some cream coloured marigolds which I don't often see so could not pass them by. I wanted a packet of watercress seeds (I read they have the highest amount and variety of minerals and vitamins of all the greens) but have not found them anywhere yet. I have planted up my raised veg box with tomato, pepper, lettuce, beans, spinach and zucchini so it is quite full. At present, the lilac is in bloom; it is a dark purple variety. It came from a shoot that came from my mother's place and that tree came from a shoot that my grandmother dug for me to take home when I was quite a young child. I have some iris in bud that came from my mother's and also some from a good friend who died of breast cancer. The friend also gave me some Virginia bluebells which have just finished blooming. That is one thing I love about my garden. It has a lot of associations with
    people who meant a lot to me. Also some English bluebells are in bloom; they too came from my friend who was a really excellent gardener.
    Take care of yourselves. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers

    Well I logged in my weight which I forgot to do yesterday and although it somehow doesn't feel right after last night's dreadful attack on the young, innocent, defenseless youngsters in Manchester, at the same time I feel strongly terrorists cannot be allowed to win, so we must continue on with our daily lives. My thoughts and prayers are with the family's of the victims and the many injured.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I know exactly what you mean MITM. I was worrying about which buttons to buy for a cardi I am knitting believe it or not. When I heard this news a little later I felt such a shallow person with so little to worry or complain about. However by feeling guilt we are allowing the cowards a victory and as you rightly say we cannot let them to dictate or change our way of life.

    My heart goes out to these innocent victims and their families, they will be in my thoughts and prayers too.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Ditto to what you have both said. Lots of news of Manchester here. I notice now after these attacks much more emphasis is put on giving a face to the victims. One heart rending story here was of a 22 year old man whose mother was trying to make money by selling her crafts at a local craft show but no one seemed to want them but the young man got his friends to buy them so the mother did not feel discouraged. Also a story about how two homeless men who had been outside the arena went to the aid of victims- a reflection of real values.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    As we enter the 6th month of the year I'm finally back in the dieting groove! Although as always I use the word 'dieting' lightly - I mean healthy lifestyle.... I'm once more in control of what I eat and at last I'm moving more again which combined with the better eating habits has equaled a minor weight loss in the past 2 weeks!

    I am painting again... I did the main kitchen as when I was in England in April, I saw in John Lewis some material I liked for new curtains (I've been looking unsuccessfully for years!) so my Mother is kindly making them for me to bring back on my next trip in 2 weeks time, so I wanted to do it before I put them up. Because it was the 'kitchen' I felt obligated to get it done in the one day as there isn't so much actual wall to paint. However it still took me 12 hours in total to clear, clean, paint and then put everything back again. The following day I couldn't get out of bed - the pain! It was just like the first time I ever did the dreaded shred with the lovely Jillian! To walk down the staircase was sheer agony. It took me 2 days to recover but I lost 0.8 of a pound which made it all worthwhile and I'm pleased with my kitchen.

    This week I'm painting my sitting room which was in dire need as it hasn't been done since I moved in 18 years ago! Again I spotted in London, this time some ready made curtains which were perfect and even better in the sale. As the daughter returns with me for the summer at the end of the month, it was a case of now or never as I need her bedroom to store everything. I have allowed myself a week, to slowly do the room without any pain and there's more to paint and I had far more prepping to do but it's keeping me occupied and out of the kitchen and I can feel the difference it's making to my body, as I'm up and down and stretching but without the Jillian pain! And I have been rewarded with a further 0.8 of a pound loss this week.

    I have also been in the garden lots. What a difference 2 weeks of sunshine makes. The flower beds are full of colour, my pot plants are out on the terrace and my window boxes are up and the vegetable garden is fully planted hurrah! It makes me so happy! Which brings me to my final subject. I'm currently reading 'the Gratitude Diaries' by Janice Kaplan - how a year looking on the bright side transformed her life. I purchased it last year, having read a book review written by Bel Mooney who funnily enough wrote the reply to that letter on thank you letters! Anyway I haven't got far yet but I'm enjoying it and I'm currently reading the chapter on 'raising grateful kids' and I quote;

    'It turns out that empathy is fundamental to gratitude - and to what psychologists now describe as 'emotional intelligence'. Various studies in brain and behaviour suggest that IQ accounts for only about 20% of a child's success in later life. A full 80% is determined by other factors that revolve around emotional style. When kids can step outside of themselves for a moment and imagine what it is to be someone else, they are better able to respond to other people's emotions - and to recognize their own. They also start to appreciate both what they have and what others have done for them.'

    In a study done at Boston University on gratitude and kids one less positive side showed 'Teenagers have a sense of entitlement that fights gratitude. If they code it that parents or the community or the world is obligated to provision them with the things they want, then the parent is just living up to their obligations. That's not a mind-set that creates a grateful disposition.'

    All very interesting. Well I must stop and get to my bed!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I had just been writing at some length when out of nowhere the screen changed to a screen that I had never seen before which brought up earlier entries and seemed to be a kind of print screen. Needless to say, my post has disappeared. At the moment I am too annoyed, rather tired,and can't face beginning all over tonight. So I will return tomorrow. In the meantime, I was delighted to read your post, MITM, and glad to hear you have found your groove again for healthy eating.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I'm back after the annoyance of losing the previous post but may do this in parts and post before it gets too long.
    MITM, I am always interested in your painting projects. They usually make me feel quite exhausted just reading about the amount of painting you take on. You did not mention anything about colour choices which I always find interesting. What have you gone with this time and how do the curtains work into that? It is surely a nice bonus to find that the painting seems to be helping with your weight efforts too- well done. The Gratitude Diaries sounds interesting. There have been a number of books on gratitude here but yours sounds particularly interesting with its analysis of the importance of gratitude. It may seem like an obvious concept but I do think such books help us to focus on what may be obvious but is so easily taken forgranted and overlooked. I would say I have tried to be more conscious of the small joys around me as I have aged. I am glad I can take pleasure in the birds that visit my feeders although I am not a birder who will ever have huge list of birds I have seen.My garden would never win awards (not with Nellie in the backyard as well as the difficulty of having large trees that make it really shady and dry in summer!) but still I've had lovely flowers this year. A wiegelia bush has flourished with the extra rain and is full of pink blosoms. I had a surprising number of bluebells and now many purple spiderwort and a few iris that have bloomed in the shafts of light between the trees.
    Today is lovely and sunny after a cloudy couple of days and the most dreadful thunderstorm on Sunday. I was caught in it driving home from my sister's. The rain was so intense I could hardly see the vehicle ahead and the wipers could not keep up with the rain. I was finally able to pull into a parking lot and wait out the storm. It was actually quite scary.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Next part! Last week I visited my friend from the stable who has ALS. She has deteriorated further and now can not speak at all and sadly was having trouble using her tablet or cell phone to communicate as she has little strength or control in her right hand which is now her only hand with any function as her left is completely withered and gnarled, and she was left-handed on top of everything. She managed to scrawl a few written phrases with a pen. However, I think she was happy to see me as she managed a sort of smile. She is in a long term care section of the hospital where most others are very old, often with dementia. The days must be so long for her. The stable owner has been very good about visiting her with her two adult daughters and has also taken along other friends. I was surprised, and frankly disappointed, when another woman at the stable who has known her for over twenty years told me she would not visit her because she wants to remember her as she was before this disease. Also this person had for many years ridden her horse a couple of times a week (at little cost) because she only ever rode three times at most. I do not like to be judgemental but I think it would mean a lot to her if there was a visit from this woman. It is very sad that my friend has never shown her frustration, anger, fear, but always seems 'positive.' I know this is a rather sobering post but it is also by implication a reflection on gratitude.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    The heat has come with a vengeance after the days of somewhat below usual temps and lots of rain. We have now jumped into the thirties with humidex making it feel about 35C- definitely not my kind of weather. Suddenly the plants need watering daily and my pansies which had remained glorious for so long have just wilted away; no amount of water will help them but rather seems to only make things worse and turn their leaves yellow. Today my two David Austen rose bushes, both lovely shades of pink, are suddenly in bloom. One thing I am missing is red geraniums for a large planter that I put on my front steps. It seems impossible to find them this year. All the red geraniums seem to be in pre-planted pots that are much more expensive. I suspect this is because of the Canada 150th anniversary and that it is more profitable to sell them in that fashion.
    I weighed myself on Sunday after not doing so for quite a while. I had seemed to be stuck at the same weight for ages regardless of exercise or eating. So I was very surprised and pleased that I had dropped 6 pounds. I certainly have been exercising more- walking Nellie and some biking (this morning I was able to do almost half an hour despite the heat) as well as gradually doing more riding ( a long way to go still to get back to some of my better rides and at the moment definitely no jumping). I'm never quite sure about the weighing. One reads many different views from everyday to once a week to never. Of course, there always seems to be 'research' to support every view. One view I have read that seems quite agreed upon is weighing daily for people who are at their goal weight; however, that is not me. So for the moment, I am intermittent. I know Beck is quite supportive of daily weighing but in her thoughtful way advises people to be mindful and have the correct attitude before stepping on a scale. I do often think about the idea of remembering that weight, or even losing weight, is not a behaviour but the result of other behaviours like exercising or keeping one's sugar grams to a certain number. However, I'm sure that I am not alone in sometimes approaching a scale in a rational manner and can be frustrated, demoralised, etc. by a scale that won't seem to budge.
    I'll leave off shortly as I have decided to go to a nearby theatre (surely air-conditioned unlike my house) to see "Megan Leavey" the movie about a woman in the U.S. army and her bomb sniffer dog- based on a true story. I wouldn't normally go to see a war themed movie, especially Iraq, but I can't resist a dog story!