Problems, hardships, and issues.



  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    @thewindandthework and @bmeadows380 — y'all are right. This community is amazing, easily the most supportive one I've ever been in.

    It's taking me some time to get back on track, but I will. Took a walk this morning and reminded myself that I can be sad, or I can do something about it. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and it looks like as of this morning some of the stress weight came off. Baby steps.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    I am still over my lowest weight, but only by 1.2 pounds now. My reaction to the stress of this car accident has been to stress eat, and to let my food logging get interrupted.

    I started today with the promise to log faithfully -- which I have done -- and to eat within my calorie goal -- which I've already messed up. I'll burn some of it off when I go running tonight, but it's just noon and I've already eaten over 1600 calories. Wow.

    But being honest about what I'm doing will help me get it back under control. I'm not letting a couple bad weeks stop me in my tracks.
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    I'm still 3.7lbs above my lowest low weight, but I shed 1.7lbs over the weekend, which I'm hoping is stress/water/etc. - but I feel infinitely better. @thewindandthework - we both got this! Tracking and moving forward.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I"m still 30 lbs over my lowest weight back in 2012; I don't remember what I weighed in college, but I think I was down to 250 at one point, though I'm not even looking that far yet! I'm striving to get under 300 right now.

    My parents are up this week to help me get some jobs done so I can get my house on the market, and that always spells trouble for my diet - it's so hard to stay under my limit when there are other people in the house being cooked for! Hopefully, I can get a lot of physical work done in the evenings after work, and maybe that will counter-act the worst of it.
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    Jirachii wrote: »
    Yesterday was my third day of drinking 100oz. Yeah, it's rough. I've just started chugging 16 oz at a time (once in the morning, try to drink another while in class, another when I get home before I eat, and so on.) Thats what works for me so long as I space it out to avoid water intoxication and not pee it out all at once :| I miss my sweet tea, but I can't even imagine how many calories are in a glass of that.

    I drink about 100-120oz/day. I have a 30oz insulated tumbler that I fill before work, try to fill again before lunch time, then again mid-afternoon/before I go home. And I also fill it again when I go to bed, because I sweat at night and get thirsty.

    I gave up soda last year for iced tea, then gave up the tea for water when I received the tumbler for my birthday in January. I've noticed since I've been drinking water, I'm also down to 1-2 cups of coffee/week, and now i consider that a treat.

  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Gave up coffee about a year ago do to heartburn. One of hardest things I have done. It was harder than giving up tobacco by far. I like you drank lots of soda but I also had 2-3 beers ever few nights. Big heavy 300-500 calorie beers. That was pretty easy to give up once I decided I wanted to loss weight.

    For water I don't really even track it anymore. I drink when thirsty and I don't force extra water for some goal. I saw a pretty funny "Adam ruins everything" that made me rethink why I needed to drink so much.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm on week 3 of being stuck at 199 pounds haha. Like, I made it to onderland but now I'm stuck right at the edge. I did weigh in around 197 the other day but was back to 199.8 today. Noticed my sodium intake was high last night so I'm hoping that's why. It can't be sodium stopping 3 weeks of progress though :/ I'm not giving up but I'm antsy for progress. On the bright side, I finally have a sports bra.

    What kind of pants should I get for running? All I own is jeans.
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    edited May 2017
    I really like compression pants (the capris) for working out.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    The last 2 weeks have been really bad for me. My parents came up last week to help me complete some projects that needed done at the house before I can put it on the market. The front porch landing (my house sits on a hill, so there are 3 steps down from the porch, a landing, and then a flight down to the lower ground level) was in terrible shape, and the whole porch and steps had settled. I had only planned to re-pour the top landing and try to level the steps up, but when Dad pulled the old concrete steps out, he pull the whole porch down. So we ended up spending the weekend leveling the porch, laying block, pouring concrete, and building new steps.

    I'd go to work at my desk job during the day, then come home and work on the indoor projects with my parents until bedtime, such as building a wall in the basement. I took Friday off, and after finally finishing up the front porch work on Saturday, I pried off the basement steps treads and risers because they were in bad shape and needed replaced. We put in 2x4's to reinforce the steps and then put in new treads, and I was doing the cutting and fitting while my mother put the steps into place.

    Then there was the hauling off all the scraps, putting tools away, mowing grass on Saturday, and of course cooking meals and cleaning up the kitchen afterwards. And then yesterday, we spend 3 hours getting the old concrete blocks off the hill and over a bank out of the way, then I drove 3 hours to my ex-roommate's apartment to pick up my car that she had borrowed while hers was in the shop, and then drove 3 hours home, finally getting in bed some time around midnight last night. In short, the last 4 days have been exhausting!

    With all that was going on, and with feeding mom and dad this week, my eating habits were terrible. I only halfheartedly logged, and didn't get it all in, and I know I was well over my calorie goal all week. All the physical labor I was doing made me ravenous, my will power was down this week as well, so I know I over did it badly. I had a lot of sodium intake over the weekend, too.

    My official weigh day is Thursday, and I didn't even log last week's weight because I was up for several reasons. All I can hope for is to break even this Thursday, and hope and pray I'm at least flat-lined. I'm definitely not going to meet the mini-goal I wanted for myself, and I'm disappointed in myself. I'm easily influenced by the people around me when it comes to meals and snacking, and this week made that obvious.

    But today I need to get back on track. I'm only 1/4 of the way I need to go, and I can't afford to stall out now! I'm trying to double down, re-commit, and see that scale go down again next week. I still have a lot of work to do around the house, so that's good exercise, but I need to learn how to curtail the hunger that comes with the extra exertion.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Still struggling. Coming up on three weeks now. It's becoming clear that I'm not just gonna pick up where I left off. I need to make some changes to put myself on a path that will work. Eventually I'll get back into the swing of things.

    I think part of the reason I haven't been logging is that I'm embarrassed about what I'm eating. I know that my friends understand what it's like to make questionable food choices, and that nobody is judging me, but I still feel embarrassed. So for now I am making my food diary private. This way I can get back into the habit of logging everything without worrying about what people think.

    I'm also gonna make a change to the breakfast I prepare for work days. I've been getting hungry too soon after breakfast and making unwise choices in response.
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    @thewindandthework We seem to be on the same track, hah. I'm also still struggling, and I did the same thing! I made my diary private last week. It seems to be helping, although the long weekend definitely did not. The desire to stress/control eat is horrifically strong and you're exactly right - I can't just pick up where I left off.

    I have to change again to get back to where I was.

    We can do this!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Still struggling. Coming up on three weeks now. It's becoming clear that I'm not just gonna pick up where I left off. I need to make some changes to put myself on a path that will work. Eventually I'll get back into the swing of things.

    I had the same stalling - 3 weeks also, I changed my macro percentages for a few weeks and I think it "jolted" my system. I was initially at 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein, I switched to 30%/35%/25% just for a few weeks. I lost 3.4 lbs and 3.8lbs on week 2 and 3. I am now back to 40/30/30 and had a 3.6 lb loss last week (nothing this week because I overdid it for the holiday weekend.)

  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Having a hard time staying at or below my calorie goal when I swim. Over the last 2 weeks I have started swimming for 30-60min. When I get done I am a bit hungry so I eat something light but with a decent amount of fat. The fat helps fill me up for the ride home from pool.

    The problem is when I get home I am ravenous. Yesterday I ate around 1500 calories just during lunch! Now I nearly went over with calorie eat back for the whole day. I only like to eat back 60-80%. I do this to make up for errors in my reporting to many calories burned. The food I ate yesterday was mainly nigiri rolls and sashimi so I easily kept my macros right.

    I just feel bad cause it happens a lot after swimming, but I love swimming for cardio more than anything else. My body is tired and muscles are sore everywhere. Still it's a good sore not sharp like I get from walking over 3k. Anyone got an idea to keep post workout hunger down?
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'd like to know to, because I've been experiencing the same sort of thing, though not from workouts. I've been doing a lot of labor intensive chores at my house, trying to get it ready to sell. This means a ton of painting, yard work, cleaning, and even carpentry and masonry work. Yesterday, I had to dig a ditch line. So all this highly physical work has been a great workout for me, but the problem I'm finding is that it makes me ravenous! I have no earthly clue just how many calories I'm burning doing all that work, so I really have no idea how many I can safely eat back. Also, because I'm usually exhausted by evening time, I'm finding myself hitting Subway a lot for dinner because I'm too tired to cook.

    Like this weekend. yesterday, I was over my calorie limit by about 300 calories, all said and done - I think. There might have been a few missed calories in there. But I scraped and painted 2 doors and the front of my shed, dug a ditch, and put up paneling in the basement. Today, I was over by about 400 calories, and may end up with another 100 before bedtime because I'm sitting here hungry even now, but I spent the afternoon digging in my flower beds, spreading mulch, moving dirt from said ditch line, and then hand trimming weeds on the bank in front of my house front around my day lilies.

    The exercise is good for me, I know - but how do I keep from eating too much back?
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    edited June 2017
    Have you tried a protein shake after exercising? My trainer recommended Labrada Lean Pro 8 (I buy it on Amazon) and it's amazing. I work out in the morning and I rarely eat anything before going to the gym because it's so early and I'm not hungry. So you would think that I would be starving by the time I get to work a few hours later but I'm not! I have a shake after every workout, my trainer said it's important to drink it within 30mins of exercising, and all you need is a shaker bottle and some water, nothing fancy. Bonus points for this shake is that it has some kind of slow release formula that helps prevent your muscles from getting sore, and I can definitely vouch for that. I've had VERY few sore muscles considering how out of shape I am/was. I've tried all the flavors except vanilla and they are all delicious but my favorite is the strawberry ice cream. I think they all range between 200-220 calories per serving, my diary is open if you want to check the macros and they're also in the MFP database.

    It's kind of expensive but the 3lb size lasts about 6 weeks with me and my husband each having a serving just about every day. We usually order two 3lb containers at a time for variety's sake and my new favorite thing to do is to mix half a scoop of the chocolate with half a scoop of the strawberry. I know this sounds lame, but's decadent right after a hard core work out.
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    I think I finally pinpointed why this plateau is bothering me so much more than the last one.

    230 is the weight I was through most of college, and it's my 'low' weight in grad school. The lowest weight I have tracked anywhere - and last year when I lost weight I got down to 236 and then started climbing back up. I've been at 230 for almost a month now and it feels like I'm just fighting to not go up again, rather than going down.

    It's probably launching me into a vicious cycle, too, where I'm stressed about not being able to lose more weight and the stress is causing me to hang on to the weight.

    And since I feel like I've just gotten back to my 'normal' weight, the 30lbs I did lose doesn't feel I only just shed holiday weight, or something like that. Now is when the real work starts, I guess.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    @mebelfanti Started using protein in morning after my workouts as breakfast. Getting round 50g now right after. Going to keep it up for couple of weeks to see how it goes.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Not such a great loss this week - only 0.5 lb. With all the heavy work I've been doing the last 3 weeks, I've been having a really, really hard time stick to my calorie limit. I know I can eat a little over since I am doing strenuous activities, but I think I'm going over more than I should. Its hard, though, to figure out how many calories I've burned doing the work I've been doing, though.

    the last time I counted calories, I used Calorie Counter at, but that's gone defunct now. They had a much better excerise calorie estimator - they had estimates for all kinds of daily household chores and tasks, such as mowing the lawn, cleaning, washing the car, etc. I found another site that gives some estimates for that; I just need to be disciplined enough to make myself go and get an estimate for how many calories I can go over and stick to it!

    But right now, I know I need to be a little forgiving of myself (which is the hardest thing for me to do of all!) After all, 0.5 lbs is still a loss, and that's better than nothing or a gain!
  • Tatyanakuster
    Tatyanakuster Posts: 163 Member
    I thought my fitness had activities like that in their exercise database. I remember several years ago before I got a fitbitb logging individual activities just like those! Also, I couldn't be happier with my fitbit. It's extremely accurate and syncs up with mfp. Also, like you said, a loss is a loss and this is a learning experience. And you are learning!! Congrats!
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member

    Shoveling snow: 400-600 calories per hour
    Heavy yard work (landscaping, moving rocks, hauling dirt): 400-600 calories per hour
    Raking and bagging leaves: 350-450 calories per hour
    Gardening: pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc.: 200-400 calories per hour
    Mowing the lawn: 250-350 calories per hour

    Hope that helps.

    Also Map My Fitness has "Yard Work" and "Chopping Wood" for entries. It should sync with MFP but half the time it does not for me. I just manually put in the workouts for now.

    I have been at a stall most of week myself. I know I am under my goal. Heck yesterday I was almost 500 under and just did not feel like eating. I think it is actually the additional exercise doing it. I think my muscles are retaining a lot more water as part of healing process and that is why I have been going up and down around 126.5kg. There is no damn way I am not losing putting out over 1000cals of exercise every other day and sticking to goal. So while you may actually have lost fat it might just take a couple of weeks to see.