Non Scale Victories!



  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Clothing is getting looser for sure. I also am getting much closer to fitting into 2xl again.

    The other is this last week I walked 5km in under an hour. It created it's own minor victory reward. Pizza, but still keeping my net calories in line. Now all I need to do is another 300-500 more calories of burn in a day and I can add a good 750 of hefeweizen or 2 :smiley:
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Sunday morning, I wanted to wear a dress to church. I have a dress in my closet that I've had since high school, but hadn't been able to wear it for years, other then that brief few months in 2012 when I lost all my weight last time. Since I'm able to get into 26W pants again, I decided to try it on. I was able to get into it (and more importantly, get it back off!), and it's almost comfortable again - it was just a smidge tight in the bodice. It wasn't tight enough that I could see back bulges in the mirror, but was still a little uncomfortable, so I put it back in the closet, but I think in another month or two, it will be comfortable again.

    so I chose my blue jean dress instead, but it's now way too big! It's a 30W, I think, and it balloons around me. I'm going to tack some elastic in the back to pull the bodice tighter and hopefully get some more wear out of it for now, as I really like that dress - it's very comfortable - but at the same time, I'm very happy that it's too big now lol

    I bought a pretty black dress at a ren fair a few years ago that was supposed to be my motivation for losing weight the last time, though sadly, I plateaued before I ever got into it, and then gained the weight back. So I've got my fingers crossed that this time, since the thyroid issues are now under control, that I won't plateau like I did before and can get into it this time!
  • lgill1127
    lgill1127 Posts: 47 Member
    edited May 2017
    - Fitting into my old skinny jeans again
    - Donating all of my clothes that are too big for me now (no going back!)
    - Feeling slightly more comfortable in airplane coach seats (less body origami)
    - Coworkers/friends finally noticing that I have lost weight
    - (a bit of vanity speaking here) Seeing my collarbones/face bone structure peeking through
    - -Muscle definition in my arms, back, legs, tiny itty bitty abs :smile:
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    Day one of C25K done. I got poured on, ran into multiple clouds of gnats, got a horrible cramp in my right side, and had to split the last run into two segments, but I did it. It put about 5,000 steps into my Fitbit, too
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    @bmeadows380 & @Jirachii Great job guys! Truly awesome to see folks getting more healthy.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    congratulations, wind! I know that feels awesome to step into that new size pair of pants or shirt! I bought some new shirts and capris today for the conference next week, and was thrilled to find that I'm pretty much solidly into a 26W now. I tried on a pair of jeans - at Walmart, no less! and could get them on and get them zipped, though I think they were a smidge too tight still. Still, I'm hoping that I'll keep losing as the summer goes along and that by the time cooler blue jean weather arrives, I'll be into those comfortably as well.

    And 8 inches smaller! Those certainly ARE too big! And it probably feels fantastic lol
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    @thewindandthework Wow! Thats huge (pun intended)! I am struggling to get small enough to go down 4 inches and your slamming out 8. Hopefully soon I'll have moved into my first "smaller" pants in years.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Every time before that I go into a doctor's office, my blood pressure would run between 125/85 and 130/90. Today it was 116/64. I'm taking that as a sign that my lifestyle change and change in my food choices has led to an over all health boost for me, whether I'm actually losing weight or not! I just had blood work done in March, so I won't get to see cholesterol numbers or such for another year, but if I can keep losing, I'd like to see if there is an improvement there, too! My numbers have been in the upper end of the fine range, but I'd still like to see them come down a bit more.

    It's great to see those numbers falling and know YOU made it happen!!! I'm also anticipating my cholesterol report in November. Great Job!!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    This may not seem like a victory, but I'm using it as a victorious motivator for future loss. I started my weight loss in Mid January and last week was the very first week I had a weight gain. 21 WEEKS IN AND NO GAIN. I'll take it!! I had a few 0 weeks, but they don't count. So I am not as bummed today about a .8 lb gain as I was yesterday. I am starting a new streak of loss without gain. I am going to try to beat my 21 weeks streak.