May Challenge



  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Kirstie155 I have a full-time job in town. My husband works from home selling on eBay and we have a couple of rentals on the place and then it is a never ending list of things that need to be done! There are a lot of things that got pushed off and not fixed over the past 10-15 years while his parents were living on the place, so we are playing catch-up. Fencing, landscaping, cleaning, etc.

    We usually have a big garden but aren't real sure we will get it in this year. Last year the weather was so cruddy we didn't get it in until late June and didn't get anything out of it except a few zucchinis and green onions. Everything else was a bust. Really hoping we can get it in by June 15. If not, rather than fighting it, I'll just save the money (and time) and head into town for the farmers market. We have a really good one here, I just don't like dealing with the crowds and pretentious folks that flock to it. If I go in early, I can usually get what I need to be out of town before it officially opens at 8am.

  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    May 1st 147
    May 5th 145
    May 19th 145
    May 26th 145.9
    May 31st 144.4

    Goal weight end of May 145 - goal met!

    Back on track! Need to be much more strict when logging next month to avoid a mid month gain again.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member

    May 1st: 197.2
    May 4th: 194.6
    May 11th: 195.0
    May 18th: 195.8
    May 25th: 195.2
    May 31st: 192.2


    May 31st: 189.0

    Well I didn't make my goal, but I'm down 5 pounds and I feel better than I have in a very long time! I know where I went wrong this month and I'm prepared to learn from those mistakes. I'm also starting a new outdoor bootcamp tomorrow so I'm excited to see what June brings!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    So I've been pretty much nonexistent in this thread because I wanted to try something different this month. Instead of making goals and not reaching them or making plans and not doing them, I decided to just see what I could do this month and I'm rather pleased with the results.

    May 1st: 205
    May 31st: 201.2

    I've managed to end every week in a deficit. Some weeks didn't have as steep of deficits as the others but this is the first time in a long time that I've been able to be in a deficit consistently so that in itself is a huge win in my book. haha

    What I decided to do this month was set a minimum amount of steps to get in (this has kept me more active), a goal for calories burned for the day on FitBit and to look at the week as a whole (or the month if necessary) to ensure that I end it in a deficit. Doing it this way has given me the ability to have a day or two where things may not go as planned (hungrier that day, special occasion, etc) and I can still salvage it during the week or over the month if necessary so I don't miss out on anything but I'm still able to work toward my goals. I learned rather quickly though that I still have to keep things in check and that I need to be in a deficit more often than not in order for this to work but so far it seems to have given me the balance I need to move forward so yay! haha

    TL;DR: I had a successful month. haha

    For all those that had a good month, awesome job! For all those who struggled, keep at it! you've got this!
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