JUMP IN June 2017: Week 1 (6/1-6/7)



  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1-Continue maintaining weight- Honestly about a pound up from where I like.
    2-Exercise regularly...last month I focused on Hammer & Chisel for resistance but this month I think I'm doing mostly 22 Minute Hard Corp which is more circuit training. Also of course trail runs. The weather has me all outside and neglecting my weights...I need to get more lifting in.
    3- Continue home overhaul....meh...I half assed straightened the living room and did some dishes and laundry but no big stuff.
    4- Do more outdoorsy stuff...here I'm doing great thanks to the weather. Rain today though.

    6/3-Hiked down to the river and back up the super extra steep route.
    6/4-Took the toddler to see some waterfalls. Chased her around there and the playground. Mowed the lawn.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    6/3: 1hr walk
    6/4: 1hr walk

    I've not been logging on the weekends. My weight is up higher than I can tolerate, so I'll be logging 24/7 until my camping trip on the 16th (no wifi available). And 24/7 the rest of the month when I get back. Bah!
  • KetoBelle488
    KetoBelle488 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I follow a keto diet/lifestyle. New to MFP looking for friends to help me stay motivated/share recipes/ideas.
  • Retrofit55
    Retrofit55 Posts: 68 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    Can "whatever I have to promise him to get my husband to paint the house" be a goal?

    Haha! I think that's an excellent goal -- every time you see your newly painted house, you'll get a rush of joy and peacefulness that's just gotta be good for your stress and cortisol levels, making your weight loss/fitness goals that much easier to achieve...um, at least that's the justification you can offer the hubbie! Good luck! :)
  • Retrofit55
    Retrofit55 Posts: 68 Member
    fittermon wrote: »
    Mark's Daily Apple has a June 30 days-30 actions plan. I'm taking some of his ideas and tweaking with my own (spend a day on the water, find a good dark chocolate, clean out Master closet and garage, add rosemary/sage/mint aromas at home, visit a farmer's market, sit outside at night). Also adding a daily slow walk and 5x a week 20 min low impact Body Project workout. We started LCHF on May 1, so have a month under out belt. We were trying not to exercise too much the first month so we could control cravings, but I'm missing the "me/quiet" time. Also trying some new recipes from the recipe thread I found here. :)

    Didn't know about Mark so checked him out -- what a great resource his website is! Glad you mentioned him. Good luck this month!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    edited June 2017
    Today is the first day of LTGKTB 21 day fitness challenge. My goal is to keep going till June 30th. Working my way up to a 60 day challenge. Rules of challenge are:
    1. Do the video workouts 5 days a week
    2. Eat low carb no more than 25 grams of carbs a day
    3. Track all food
    4. Drink 1/2 gallon of water working up to gallon a day

    When drinking a LOT of water be sure to be taking in a LOT of sodium. Water is like a magnet drawing out sodium from our body. Just wanted to mention this for anyone out there who wasn't aware of this, like me a couple of years ago when I had to find out the hard (3-day hospital stay) way.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    June Goals:
    Break my plateau and get below 180 (plateau for 2 months now).
    Rejoin the gym tomorrow and start strength training again 3 times per week.
    16:8 intermittent fasting 4 days a week, which started today (I'm hungry now, but not hangry)!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    June goals
    1. Eat around 20g of carbs
    2. Exercise daily
    3. Walk at least 3 miles every day
    4. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day

    I'm behind in checking in on here. I am on maintenance now and trying to get back to Eating low-carb after my vacation. My back was acting up so I did not start weightlifting until yesterday and I did a very short kettle bell session today. Today I met all four of my goals!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I only just now read this, but my goal for this month fits rather well into this month's challenge.

    For the past few weeks, I've been frustrated at my lack of being more active. For various reasons (family, work, house obligations), my ability to do something like go for a walk daily has been severely limited, and between my back issues and the fact that the room my stuff is in is filled with other stuff, I can't use my weight set. It has resulted in me being quite sedentary, and I don't like it and neither have my hips.

    I'd been thinking about a way to remedy that. In the past, I would have done my go-to StrongLifts 5x5 routine or something very similar, but recently, it makes my back very angry and between warm-up and workout, requires a bit more time and concentration than I can allot right now, and I can't get the habit going. A 3 day a week lifting routine just wasn't going to work for me.

    Dummy me, it took me until a few days ago to realize I should try a daily routine (probably because most routines I'm familiar with have a ton of exercises; the simplicity of SL5x5 is why I like it), but when it clicked, it hit me. I know enough to build a routine at least for now to get and keep me moving, and balance building/maintaining strength without overtaxing my back and causing problems.

    So! My goal is to get into the habit of working out in the mornings. Monday, Thursday are upper body; Tuesday, Friday are lower body; Wednesday, Saturday are cardio; Sunday is rest since it tends to be my most social day.

    I already know that the 15-17th isn't going to work that way, but that's because I'll be at a camping event...where I'll be spending nearly all my time on my feet going back and forth in a large campground in the summer sun. The rest of the time, though, I plan on running that routine.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, @Dragonwolf ! Let us know how it goes!

    Today I did YAYOG Novice Circuits, plus over 14k steps.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    No home projects today but lots of laying around. Did 70 step jacks and same # for the other 3 exercises. 5 min stretch + a 2.5 mile walk to the grocery store...in the rain.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    6/5: 22 minute hardcorp
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    That's BodyFit by Amy's monthly workout calendar for June. I'm tired of picking workouts, so I'm just going to plow through that thing the rest of this month. Maybe add walks here and there on weekends or days that are less busy and nice enough outside.

    6/5: June 1st workout on the calendar. Basically circuit training with dumbbells.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    That's BodyFit by Amy's monthly workout calendar for June. I'm tired of picking workouts, so I'm just going to plow through that thing the rest of this month. Maybe add walks here and there on weekends or days that are less busy and nice enough outside.

    6/5: June 1st workout on the calendar. Basically circuit training with dumbbells.

    Where do you look up the workouts at?
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    June goals:

    1) stop the snacking. It may *just* be nuts but it adds up!
    2) Consistently follow my training plan for the marathon.
    3) stay around 20 g of carbs a day
    4) do weekly menu plans

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