June Accountability and Weigh-In



  • MIRunnerMom
    MIRunnerMom Posts: 22 Member
    I need some accountability - Restarted again last Tuesday after a very fun Memorial Day weekend - too many drinks and good food.
    Height 5'6
    SW 153.4
    CW 150.4
    GW for June - 146 - this may seem a little aggressive but I feel like the bloat is still going down from last weekend - and I'm at peak hormones.

    I'm really trying to focus on not taking stupid bites. Handfuls of goldfish will not hold me over until dinner!
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello! I've been logging my food and workouts now for over 40 days! However, I haven't lost any weight, because I continue to over eat.

    Losing 2lbs a week is a bit of a stretch for me. I think if I can lose 1.5 lbs a week that would be a huge improvement. Starting the logging process today!

    Oh and I'm 5'10"

    June 5th- 180.1lbs
    June 9th-
    June 12th-
    June 16th-
    June 19th-
    June 23rd-
    June 26th-
    June 30th-

    Goal 175.6

    With only a little to lose you should be/trying to aiming for 0.5/1lb a week loss. Why? Because on one level, too high a deficit means your body will cannabalise muscle to keep up with that rate of deficit, particularly if you're low on daily protein, and on the other, it's not a good way to live. I'm the same height as you and I rarely go below 1600 and that's on days where I just move from the sofa to the fridge. You have to feed your body for it to do the work it needs to do to lose weight. You wouldn't force a car to run on little to no fuel, would you?

    Overeating isn't a sign that you're weak willed, it's a sign your body needs more nutrients. :heart:

    For the BF scale discussion

    I know my body fat isn't as high as 27.8% which is what my scale tells me it is, it's actually 21.8%, so I just use it as a base line, i.e. When I started I was '50.3%' body fat - I know, scary, right? - and now at '27.8', I know I've lost 22.5% body fat regardless of what the number itself is. So even if you feel that your scale is inaccurate in that respect, it can still be useful information.

    Thank you for the helpful tips!

    I think ultimately I would like to get back to 155 and maintain 155. Its really hard for me to stay under 2500 calories. I rock climb 3-4 times per week and do a lot of resistance training, but i also binge eat at night.

    Do you think 1lb per week is realistic if eventually I am trying to get to 155lbs?

    Thank you!!

  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    mekaerwin1 wrote: »
    @2tall4thisworld Just a little suggestion, I was having that same problem until I started cutting carbs. I add 1-2 cups of raw spinach to my lunch and dinner. It makes me fill up quicker and stay full longer. I'm having trouble with meeting my caloric needs this way, but I'm dropping like crazy now. (It's only been 2 weeks, but I went a whole year at the same weight of 140- 143.) If spinach isn't your thing, then choose some other sort of low calorie/ carb leafy vegetable. Hope this helps, because I really understand the frustration.

    Thank you!!

    I am definitely going to try to incorporate more leafy greens into my diet. :s My biggest problem is not feeling full, and then I go and binge on carbs and cheese to help me feel full!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello! I've been logging my food and workouts now for over 40 days! However, I haven't lost any weight, because I continue to over eat.

    Losing 2lbs a week is a bit of a stretch for me. I think if I can lose 1.5 lbs a week that would be a huge improvement. Starting the logging process today!

    Oh and I'm 5'10"

    June 5th- 180.1lbs
    June 9th-
    June 12th-
    June 16th-
    June 19th-
    June 23rd-
    June 26th-
    June 30th-

    Goal 175.6

    With only a little to lose you should be/trying to aiming for 0.5/1lb a week loss. Why? Because on one level, too high a deficit means your body will cannabalise muscle to keep up with that rate of deficit, particularly if you're low on daily protein, and on the other, it's not a good way to live. I'm the same height as you and I rarely go below 1600 and that's on days where I just move from the sofa to the fridge. You have to feed your body for it to do the work it needs to do to lose weight. You wouldn't force a car to run on little to no fuel, would you?

    Overeating isn't a sign that you're weak willed, it's a sign your body needs more nutrients. :heart:

    For the BF scale discussion

    I know my body fat isn't as high as 27.8% which is what my scale tells me it is, it's actually 21.8%, so I just use it as a base line, i.e. When I started I was '50.3%' body fat - I know, scary, right? - and now at '27.8', I know I've lost 22.5% body fat regardless of what the number itself is. So even if you feel that your scale is inaccurate in that respect, it can still be useful information.

    Thank you for the helpful tips!

    I think ultimately I would like to get back to 155 and maintain 155. Its really hard for me to stay under 2500 calories. I rock climb 3-4 times per week and do a lot of resistance training, but i also binge eat at night.

    Do you think 1lb per week is realistic if eventually I am trying to get to 155lbs?

    Thank you!!

    Definitely! I maintain at roughly 147 and I train in martial arts so I never liked having a massive deficit in case my blood sugar was too low and I passed out. It almost happened once when I came back too quickly from having flu. 2lb a week loss is for people who have over 100lbs to lose. If you do it 1lb a week I promise you'll be a lot happier and it'll be a lot more sustainable for you.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    I set my weight loss at 2lb per week, but found that I was hungry lots, so I aimed for 1lb a week and that was more manageable. It's still taken me ages to lose 14lb though.
  • soprandi
    soprandi Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to join.

    I'm 5'0"
    Initial weight 125.7 lbs
    Goal weight 115 lbs by Aug 29

    As far as the goal for the month, I am not sure. I just started, so I don't know how many pounds I will loose a month. MyFitnessPal said I will loose 4 pounds by July 11. That seems slow to me. Using that calculation, I projected Aug 29 would be approximately the week where I will be around 115. After this week, or maybe in two weeks, I will maybe be able to tell a little better. I know it seems like a long time for a 10 pound weight loss, but it took me a year to slowly creep 10 pounds on. I wasn't keeping my eye on it and then bomb - there it was. I would rather have a slow weight loss than to become sick, so I am eating healthy vegetables and food.

    June 2 125.7
    June 6 125.2

  • ericalynnreid
    ericalynnreid Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there Ladies, I don't think i've ever posted before .. I'm usually one to keep to myself, but it seems like a good idea to share.. and celebrate with others.

    After 3 babes, I'm finding those last few pounds tricky!

    I'm 5'3''
    My current weight is 123 lbs
    My ideal weight is 117 lbs (trying to get back to what I weighed before kids!)

    I'm working out 4x/week and trying to stick to 1200 cals a day, eating as clean as possible.. and trying to kick my bad habit of picking off the kids' plates instead of making myself a proper meal :-)
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Pleased with this morning's weigh in. I intend to continue my C25K on holiday and to not go overboard on the calories.

    HW: 183lbs
    SW June: 173.5lbs
    Ultimate goal: Around 160lbs - which I would like to reach by the end of August...
    June goal: 168lbs
    Body fat goal for June: 27.5%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    3rd May: 178lbs - Body fat: 29.3%
    10th May: 176.6lbs - Body fat: 28.9%
    17th May: 175.4lbs - Body fat: 28.6%
    24th May: 175.2lbs - Body fat: 28.5%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    7th June: 170.4lbs - Body fat: 27.6%
    14th June: Holiday - unable to weigh in
    21st June:
    28th June:

  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited June 2017
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs -- more of a 'do not go past this point' goal.
    June Goal: Fat loss. 1-2% hopefully.

    31st May: 147.4 (for reference)
    3rd June: 146.8 (after Chinese takeout)
    7th June: 147
    14th June:
    21st June:
    28th June:

    I was over my maintenance calories by about a 1000 on Sunday and Monday - Sunday was good food, Monday was stress - so I'm still holding a bit of water probably. I'll gain a bit of fat which is frustrating but it is what it is. My body feels good, strong, if a little sick of processed food. :lol:
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs -- more of a 'do not go past this point' goal.
    June Goal: Fat loss. 1-2% hopefully.

    31st May: 147.4 (for reference)
    3rd June: 146.8 (after Chinese takeout)
    7th June: 147
    14th June:
    21st June:
    28th June:

    I was over my maintenance calories by about a 1000 on Sunday and Monday - Sunday was good food, Monday was stress - so I'm still holding a bit of water probably. I'll gain a bit of fat which is frustrating but it is what it is. My body feels good, strong, if a little sick of processed food. :lol:

    How long did it take you to get from your start weight to where you are now?
    I'm super inspired!

    And chinese takeout is the best!
  • Jodelieh
    Jodelieh Posts: 21 Member

    Newbie here.

    Highest Weight: 176lbs.
    Start Weight: 136lbs
    Ultimate goal: 121lb
    June Goal: Fat loss; from 26,6% to 25.5% and Builing Muscle from 32.2% to 35%

    June 7th: 136lbs;26.6%;32.2%
    June 14th:
    June 21th:
    June 28th:

    BTW not English native speakers and normally using KG instead of lbs.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 122.6
    June Goal weight: 115-118

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    28 May-115.0-GOAL
    June 7-116.6
    June 12-
    June 19-
    June 26

    Struggles/Success: So I am back from my trip. Totally awesome, thank you for asking! Only up 1.6 lbs, psyched for that, but I got sick ad am still not shaking it. Am resting up now so I can get back to the gym. Please excuse me as I fumble my way through maintenance. BTW-thanks for the shout out at the beginning of the thread, that was super nice to come home to.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs -- more of a 'do not go past this point' goal.
    June Goal: Fat loss. 1-2% hopefully.

    31st May: 147.4 (for reference)
    3rd June: 146.8 (after Chinese takeout)
    7th June: 147
    14th June:
    21st June:
    28th June:

    I was over my maintenance calories by about a 1000 on Sunday and Monday - Sunday was good food, Monday was stress - so I'm still holding a bit of water probably. I'll gain a bit of fat which is frustrating but it is what it is. My body feels good, strong, if a little sick of processed food. :lol:

    How long did it take you to get from your start weight to where you are now?
    I'm super inspired!

    And chinese takeout is the best!

    Roughly about 22 months. I lost the bulk of my weight very quickly, about 55lbs in 7 or 8 months, I was training heavily and undereating for the amount of exercise I was doing and I gained about 12lbs back the moment I hit 'maintenance' [154]. Part of this was stress, my mum was in hospital, but part of it was just coming off being low calorie and eating a lot of Haribo. Starmix for life. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing when transitioning, just increased my calories and expected it to be fine (when really you have to increase in increments). This led to a very traumatic moment when my stomach bloated up painfully [thank you, IBS] due to the stress of travel and I was left crying in a bathroom in Paris because it hurt to wear my clothes. I, in fact, had to buy new clothes. I got home I cut back on the BS and just ate as much as I could and still lose weight. I got back down to 154 from 164 pretty slowly, 8 months maybe? I pretty much ate whatever I wanted in a still portion controlled manner and I was so much happier. Then I just kept going because I wasn't happy with my body fat percentage. I'm lean everywhere but my stomach [genetics] so I kept losing and ended up where I am today, maintaining/recomping, because I really don't want to be any lighter than I am. I'm a UK8 sometimes 10/US4-6/size S, anything less than that is overkill. The only feasible way that I would ever go less than 145 would be for a competition because we're paired by skill and weight. The lighter you are, the smaller your opponent will be, in theory. :lol:

    What helps me now that I'm at a low weight/recomping is macros. I don't think they're necessary while you're still losing the majority of your weight but when things start to get tight, it's important to realise where the nutrients are coming from. I'm basically a vegetarian if the meat isn't precooked so I would often be under my protein and that's not good for your muscles, or even your hair. Eating IIFYM helped me to get that final push into a 27 inch waist. Not necessary for life happiness, but pretty cool. :smiley:
  • tiermorelass
    tiermorelass Posts: 5 Member
    Happy with my weigh ins! Weight is fluctuating a bit, but overall trend is in the right direction.

    Height: 178cm
    SW May 7th: 70.1kg
    Goal Weight: 60 kg
    June goal: 64.5kg (want to reach my ultimate goal by end of September, however I'm away on a three-day trip to Dublin for my birthday this month so I anticipate I'll relax the healthy eating over that trip!)

    Jun 01: 65.8kg
    Jun 03: 65.7kg
    Jun 08: 64.9kg
    Jun 10:
    Jun 15:
    Jun 17:
    Jun 22:
    Jun 26:
    Jun 29:
    Jun 30:
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm Mimi, 55, 6'0".

    June goal: Onederland... again :D

    June 01: 205.9
    June 08: 201.1
    June 15:
    June 22:
    June 29:

    78,000 steps this week - I'll shoot for 75k each week.
    Continuing with the wall sit and butt challenges for June.
  • ranaeblade
    ranaeblade Posts: 15 Member
    ranaeblade wrote: »
    Age 49
    Height 5'2"
    Weight 125.0
    Goal Weight 115 by August 19th
    Goal for June 6lbs

    June 1- 125.0
    June 8- 125.2 not going to beat myself up measurement went down
    June 15
    June 22
    June 29

  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    So week two is here! It's been a very stressful and I've been -oddly enough- under my calories due to being all over the place with work. I hope I'll be able to maintain this weight loss rhythm when I'm back to my routine next week. I'm also taking body measurements and

    Height 1.74/5'7
    HW 67kg/147.7
    SW June 63.05kg/139
    GW June 60.50kg/133.4
    Ideal weight 58-59.50kg

    01 June 63.05kg/139
    08 June 61.9kg/136.5

    I'm seeing great results from a lot of women here, great job! Even if you're not loosing the weight you wanted to, you're still here trying and that is what we're all about :)
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs -- more of a 'do not go past this point' goal.
    June Goal: Fat loss. 1-2% hopefully.

    31st May: 147.4 (for reference)
    3rd June: 146.8 (after Chinese takeout)
    7th June: 147
    14th June:
    21st June:
    28th June:

    I was over my maintenance calories by about a 1000 on Sunday and Monday - Sunday was good food, Monday was stress - so I'm still holding a bit of water probably. I'll gain a bit of fat which is frustrating but it is what it is. My body feels good, strong, if a little sick of processed food. :lol:

    How long did it take you to get from your start weight to where you are now?
    I'm super inspired!

    And chinese takeout is the best!

    Roughly about 22 months. I lost the bulk of my weight very quickly, about 55lbs in 7 or 8 months, I was training heavily and undereating for the amount of exercise I was doing and I gained about 12lbs back the moment I hit 'maintenance' [154]. Part of this was stress, my mum was in hospital, but part of it was just coming off being low calorie and eating a lot of Haribo. Starmix for life. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing when transitioning, just increased my calories and expected it to be fine (when really you have to increase in increments). This led to a very traumatic moment when my stomach bloated up painfully [thank you, IBS] due to the stress of travel and I was left crying in a bathroom in Paris because it hurt to wear my clothes. I, in fact, had to buy new clothes. I got home I cut back on the BS and just ate as much as I could and still lose weight. I got back down to 154 from 164 pretty slowly, 8 months maybe? I pretty much ate whatever I wanted in a still portion controlled manner and I was so much happier. Then I just kept going because I wasn't happy with my body fat percentage. I'm lean everywhere but my stomach [genetics] so I kept losing and ended up where I am today, maintaining/recomping, because I really don't want to be any lighter than I am. I'm a UK8 sometimes 10/US4-6/size S, anything less than that is overkill. The only feasible way that I would ever go less than 145 would be for a competition because we're paired by skill and weight. The lighter you are, the smaller your opponent will be, in theory. :lol:

    What helps me now that I'm at a low weight/recomping is macros. I don't think they're necessary while you're still losing the majority of your weight but when things start to get tight, it's important to realise where the nutrients are coming from. I'm basically a vegetarian if the meat isn't precooked so I would often be under my protein and that's not good for your muscles, or even your hair. Eating IIFYM helped me to get that final push into a 27 inch waist. Not necessary for life happiness, but pretty cool. :smiley:

    I can completely relate to the under eating for the amount of exercise your doing thing. Thats the main way I have reached my goals in the past. Eating a 1300 or less calorie diet and sometimes working out twice a day. It works initially, even for a couple months sometimes. I used to do that and drop 10-15 pounds fast. Hypothetically I could do that now, I just don't want to. I don't want to be hungry all the time and tired. I don't know if it's getting older or what, but I just don't feel the same sense of urgency any more to crash diet. I want to fit back into my clothes again, and I want to drop weight for climbing but I just don't feel like cutting corners this time.

    I have the same issues with IBS. Especially working in an office environment. Sitting all day plus stress make it so bad. I notice that if I dont wait too long in between meals to eat,, then my chances of bloating go down. Eating throughout the day, not too big of portions helps a lot.

    Thank you for all of the helpful information. You're hard work has paid off! I hope I can get to that point in the coming months :)
  • MOB125
    MOB125 Posts: 2 Member
    If it’s not too late, I’d love to join! I could really use some motivation :smiley: Hoping to get to around 140ish
    Age: 29
    Height: 5’8

    HW: 163lbs
    SW June: 163 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 140lbs
    June goal: 153lbs

    May 12: 156.8
    May 19: 155.6
    June 8: 157.3
    June 15:
    June 22:
    June 29:
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Alyson, 43

    Height: 163cm
    SW Jan: 70.1kg
    Goal Weight: 58kg
    June goal: 58.5kg (want to reach my ultimate goal by mid July)

    May 26: 61.3kg
    Jun 02: 61.0kg
    Jun 09: 60.1kg
    Jun 16:
    Jun 23:
    Jun 30:

    Thought I'd posted last week but can't find my post so have looked up last week's weight.
    Had a bit of a whoosh this week, the weight above is following the bounce as I got down to the low 59s for one day, getting closer to that goal :)