JUMP IN June 2017: Week 2 (6/8-6/14)



  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    So a co-workers sister is a personal trainer so I figured talk to her and get some help getting a weight program put together. She did them for free! Three routines that don't take up anymore time than I'm used to with the treadmill. It's given me a lot more direction.

    6/8 - body weight (arms)
    6/9 - W3D2 Zombies, RUN! C25K
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm feeling so upbeat about all the changes I've put in place in May! So starting on May 18th gym first thing in the morning, 15000 steps on Fitbit, logging every single bite (often before I eat to make sure they fit my macros/calorie goals), keeping Keto, and cold showers after gym sessions in the morning (trying to get more energetic/ stimulate skin - too much cellulite).
    I just feel I can do this for life!
    And 5 pounds down since June 1st. 13 down from May 1st!!! Thought this wouldn't happen to me. I've always struggled with emotional eating, binge eating and other mental health issues. This last three weeks just feel great! May God keep helping me. Thanks to everyone who's sharing their experiences too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Been working at this keto thing for a little over a week now. A little background, I signed up for a Gran Fondo this September (the biking version of a marathon) and realized I'm a little too fat to be much of a serious cyclist, that I'm going to need to cut weight to show any real improvement. Down from my heaviest around 225-230 to around 211 now I think. Can't wait to be under 200lbs again, it's been a few years. My sticks are finally showing a darkish pink color so that's a good sign. Tracked my macros for the first time today and they were right where I wanted them. (Probably a little protein heavy for pure Keto, but I am breaking down and repairing muscle fairly often so I thought it made sense to do that something like 60-35-5 on the macro board is what I'm shooting for.)

    Went on a bike ride yesterday for 80 miles and 5700 ft of elevation gain, my longest ride to date and my highest total climb. It amazes me that I can do that without a constant intake of carbs. One of the hardest earlier climbs of the day was done in a fasted state. I've been sleeping better and my brain feels more focused. The constant thirst and peeing is a bit annoying and I miss the hell out of beer and ice cream, but this diet seems to be a pretty good fit for me. A glass of red wine or a scotch on ice keeps my sanity and I haven't felt the need to over do it with alcohol (This was a bigger problem for me when I was just ate whatever)

    Anyways, this is my first post to the group. It's been encouraging reading about everyone else. I'm from a really small town so the internet is pretty much my only option to talk or hear from others on subjects like this

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    My life is so Crazytown...

    6/8: Wedding Cardio Jam and Murder Your Abs Express Abs (Amy's June calendar btw from last week)
    6/9: Kettlebell Shred and an hour yard stomp that turned into 85 min since I got to chase a rotten-face midget-goat who got out.

    I reported a loss (finally) of .6lb. Today I gained 1lb back. I'm not weighing again until next Friday or the scale gunna be BROKE! :rage:

    My goal this weekend is to log all weekend. So I'm fat-fasting this morning with a cup of Kevlar Coffee and don't intend to eat until supper, so I can make sure my calories stay down. And I'm also not imbibing in adult beverages. That should help, too. Hopefully the hanger will not result in blood.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Good keto day, just tested purple ketostix.
    A little worried about being home alone on Sat night as it tends to be a set up for lonely type binges...but I'm prepared to go to bed before I go to the fridge.
    This time, I'm doing it for real. Weight did not go down today, but my trend statistic did by 1/10 of a pound...and that's good enough for me! Really like that trend feature.
    Wish me strength tonite, pals!!!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Strength to you @elize7. The eve will be over sooner than you know. Do what you know is best and feel GREAT that you did!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Steph_Maks wrote: »
    I've been keeping up with the indoor cycling on weekday mornings, but on weekends when the weather is good, I'm heading out and trying to increase my endurance and range. This morning I set a new personal best, 36km in 2 hours.
    I'm also trying to build up my confidence so I'm not as scared sharing the road with cars. The bike paths are nice but to actually get anywhere you have to take tha road. :frowning:
    Edited out image.

    Good job on increasing the distance/time. Well done.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Probably be over my carbs today (unless I'm really strict with dinner, which could happen), and continue to find the weekend more difficult, but been a decent week (even the non-logged bits) and I am back to my running schedule despite it being a super stressful week, so am happy about that. Hoping to actually log everything next week. Fruit is going to get really tempting soon, though. I may have to do some strawberries with balsamic vinegar tonight, although strawberries aren't too tough to fit.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @elize7 - So happy for you that you are back on track again. I too lost it over the winter and back on track again to fit into my summer clothes from last summer. I had a great weekend (exercise and diet). The weekends are my weakness so to weigh in on Monday with no damage is always a success in my book.
    Back at it for another week. Lost 1 pound last week, so the scale is back cooperating with my efforts. I have really reigned back in the quantity and quality of foods so I am optimistic for another good week! The heat wave is going to impact my walks, but maybe I will get one in tonight this evening if it cools off.

    Next week is vacation. Not to where I'd hoped, but this is not going to be a difficult time to keep carbs in check. The cruise last year was a disaster. This one is a road trip. Can't wait.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    6/10: Rest day. Had to go to a family party. Also jarred my shoulder in the fall Friday.
    6/11: Took the toddler to the pool. Swam a bit and just generally chased her around.

    I now have a sunburn to go along with my scraped up face and jarred shoulder. So today might be a rest day. We'll see how I feel after work.
  • LizinLowell
    LizinLowell Posts: 208 Member
    Moved my elderly parents to their summer home this weekend. That was fairly hectic and sort of a workout, it was a nice temperature where they are now. Husband and I got back home to our city condo last night which was 95 degrees F, the air conditioning for the whole building is broken!!! Waiting on chiller repairs and sweating it out. Sometimes living in an old mill is not as glamorous as it sounds LOL. I did not want to pass out so I postponed my workouts until the inside temp goes down to at least 80F
  • krisbusyb
    krisbusyb Posts: 9 Member
    This past week my goal was to get in Ketosis and stay there. I have been using pintrest and other forums to get healthy recipes to cook that my family will like as well as me. I have not seen any movement on scales which is really frustrating. I was told my fat intake is not high enough but it is around 60%. I was told my protein levels are too high which was at 50%. So this week I am working on getting my levels right so I can see movement on scales.
  • CyndiRN7
    CyndiRN7 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all:
    my goal work out
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Boy is it hot here in New England! Ug. Haven't had a chance to get my walks in. Tomorrow should cool down. Tonight is a b-day for a friend. Probably will just do strawberries and cream as my splurge. Keeping at it today. Stay cool friends.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Totally nailed triometrics yesterday - mostly at level 3, there are still a few exercises that I had to stick to level 1, but only a few out of the whole workout!