NSV's - Share Here!



  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    This is awesome! And more energy must feel amazing!
    Thanks for the permission to share.
    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    This is amazing! You're so awesome for sticking through it and I'm so happy to see you are getting the benefits now. This is tremendous encouragement to others who are just where you were.
    May I share this with others in the fam to encourage them to keep on going?
    This post made my day! :)
    Team EM2WL
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I came across EM2WL several years ago. I jumped right in and was so excited to get to eat more! I had been a binger for as long as I can remember so I had no trouble adding a good 1200 calories or more to my day. I exercised a lot but worked on a more reasonable amount (such as only once a day and not 1 1/2 hr sessions) and added actual weight lifting, not just swinging around weights. But I gained. And gained and gained. 6 months, 20+ lbs, and 3 sizes bigger later I couldn't take it mentally. I tried lessening my workouts even more so I could eat a little less and anything else I could think of but the lbs wouldn't budge.

    After about a year I panicked, stressed, binged more often, and pretty much gave up. I learned to appreciate resting and giving my body a break and keeping weights in my routine. I eventually lost the weight I gained but that was it. Then my family and I moved to Louisiana, the land of the littles! I'm a corn fed Midwest Iowa girl, bigger and taller than a lot of the men here! The Acadians in the south are tiny people! I felt so large. The humidity doesn't help! I started the 21 day fix and loved it. No more calorie counting, focusing on a more macro level. I got smaller. This Year I started gaining. I had started a new job where I was on my feet from 8:30am until sometimes 6:30pm and rarely got a lunch. I was eating much less but gaining. I'm in a run group that meets at a bar then after your run the first beer is free. A few weeks back a friend half my size showed me her food calories for the day but still hadn't added her alcohol calories. All my calories combined where just above her food calories alone, before her alcohol ( she's a drinker) I pulled up MFP again and calculated what I should be eating at a 10% deficit. I was consuming at BMR or less.

    I could barely make it to 1800 calories. I felt sick and awful. Even having trouble getting my protein to go down. After a few days wondered if this was even going to happen, but then I noticed my left knee wasn't giving me trouble anymore. Maybe a little tightness occasionally but 95% better after what, 3 or 4 years of issues? The next morning I realized....if I can get a little real here a minute, that I was having bm's like a person is suppose to. So I kept up with working my way up to my deficit calories. I stopped having more than one mug of coffee. I feel clear headed, like a fog was lifted. I am more awake and much less exhausted, needing less time to talk myself into starting my day in the a.m. My flexibility is coming back, I'm not as tight. My right hamstring that has been tight/pulled for 8 months or more is now hardly noticeable. It's been 3 weeks today since I started eating more!

    I have gained 4lbs in the first two weeks but haven't weighed recently. I think I'm finally feeling hungry and and ready to up my calories. I'm definitely bigger, I have some clothes I'm not comfortable wearing any longer but most of my clothes are just tighter than they were. I am scared to gain more. I'm hoping by adding more food slower than I did the first time, I might not gain as much. I'm more vain than I ever cared to admit. I'll probably never make that protein goal but I'm okay with that. I'm working on being less intense and strict.

    I'm still at a 10% deficit but now at the strenuous 5-6 hr level as of today. Once I'm comfortablely eating there, I'll work up to TDEE. My goal this time is slowing down and taking baby steps.
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    I need an NSV! I've been doing this 5 weeks and I've gotten a little stronger but I struggle to not eat over my 15% cut (1795 calories) and I go over 2-3 days a week. I work out with weights, having started the Surge program last week (love it BTW). My jeans are tighter. Im not going to panick, I'm not going to panick . . .
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    Ok i know, I'm panicking. It's like what was said in yesterday's boot camp, the before, after, after-after analogy. I will get through this just like all of you have. I just have to persevere
  • vanlew
    vanlew Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2017
    It kind of a strange NSV, but it's a big deal for me mentally. Before when our family has bought pizza we would end up eating it all within the next day, because I already blew it so if we just finish it 'it won't tempt me.' I'm talking pizza for all the meals until its gone.
    We got a pizza over 2 weeks ago, and we had about half left, which I froze in individual portions. I'm just barely eating the last of it today!
    We had pizza in the house for that long and I didn't crave it, it didn't tempt me. Because I was eating other good things as well.
    If I wanted some, I got it out and had a portion, then I adjusted my macros for the rest of the day. That was it.
    And I went to the gym by myself yesterday and did my weight routine. Usually if I didn't have someone with me I would stick to the cardio machines, but I just put my headphones in and went about my business!
  • gillexplores
    gillexplores Posts: 151 Member
    I feel like this forum isn't very active anymore... But I just want to say: I lost ~30lbs in 2015 eating about 1500 calories/day, and bingeing regularly. Of course, I gained that all back.

    This time around, I'm eating about 2000 cals/day. I haven't binged once in the past month and a half, and I'm still losing. I feel so much healthier and happier. It's great.
  • NSharma20
    NSharma20 Posts: 106 Member
    I feel like this forum isn't very active anymore... But I just want to say: I lost ~30lbs in 2015 eating about 1500 calories/day, and bingeing regularly. Of course, I gained that all back.

    This time around, I'm eating about 2000 cals/day. I haven't binged once in the past month and a half, and I'm still losing. I feel so much healthier and happier. It's great.

    Hi I joined the grp. But I don’t see any activity here. I am not sure how and where and what to start from? No guidance?