June Accountability and Weigh-In



  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Get well soon @glassofroses! Though glad you still have your sense of humour and used a hospital weigh in for the accountability thread. I'm sure that 0.4lbs is the average weight of an appendix... ;)
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Hope you feel better soon @glassofroses
    Well done for logging @koirakoira

    I'm having a terrible food week this week, it's hormones and exhaustion, feeling cross with myself.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    @glassofroses-best of luck on your recovery
    @koirakoira- Its the process that matters most. Keep at it.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Bad weekend (food, cake, alcohol) hasn't helped me, so a disappointing weigh in this morning. Mind you, had a good workout with my PT last night, and feel positive for the week ahead.

    HW: 183lbs
    SW June: 173.5lbs
    Ultimate goal: Around 160lbs - which I would like to reach by the end of August...
    June goal: 168lbs
    Body fat goal for June: 27.5%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    3rd May: 178lbs - Body fat: 29.3%
    10th May: 176.6lbs - Body fat: 28.9%
    17th May: 175.4lbs - Body fat: 28.6%
    24th May: 175.2lbs - Body fat: 28.5%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    7th June: 170.4lbs - Body fat: 27.6%
    14th June: Holiday - unable to weigh in
    21st June: 169.8lbs - Body Fat: 27.3%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I've taken my disappointing end to June as a kick up the backside and have started the July weigh-in thread.

    July Accountability and Weigh-In
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes, everybody, they mean a lot. :heart:
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Alyson, 43

    Height: 163cm
    SW Jan: 70.1kg
    Goal Weight: 58kg
    June goal: 58.5kg (want to reach my ultimate goal by mid July)

    May 26: 61.3kg
    Jun 02: 61.0kg
    Jun 09: 60.1kg
    Jun 16: 59.8kg
    Jun 23: 59.5kg
    Jun 30: 57.9kg

    So not only did I get my hoped for Whoosh this week it has actually taken me into my goal weight range, YAY!!! :D
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    @aeshippers oMG CONGRATS,
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Wow well done @aeshippers fantastic!!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Height 5'5
    SW Jan 17 151lb

    SW June 138.2
    GW June 134

    2/6 138
    9/6 137.8
    16/6 137.4
    23/6 136.6
    30/6 136.0

    Amazed I lost anything this week!! Didn't meet my June goal, I'm finding losing really hard at the moment.

  • tiermorelass
    tiermorelass Posts: 5 Member
    Wooo! I did it! In fact, I thought my goal was 64kg and I've finished at 63.7kg despite a trip to Dublin for three/four days with no calorie counting.

    Height: 178cm
    SW May 7th: 70.1kg
    Goal Weight: 60 kg
    June goal: 64.5kg (want to reach my ultimate goal by end of September, however I'm away on a three-day trip to Dublin for my birthday this month so I anticipate I'll relax the healthy eating over that trip!)

    Jun 01: 65.8kg
    Jun 03: 65.7kg
    Jun 08: 64.9kg
    Jun 10: 64.7kg
    Jun 15: 64.9kg
    Jun 17: 64.9kg
    Jun 22: 64.5kg
    Jun 26: 64.8kg
    Jun 29: 64.3kg
    Jun 30: 63.7kg
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    June 5th- 180. lbs
    June 9th-181.5 lbs
    June 12th-183.0 lbs
    June 16th-181.0 lbs
    June 19th-181.0 lbs
    June 23rd-179.2 lbs
    June 26th-177.7 lbs
    June 30th-179.0 lbs

    I'm very satisfied with how this month went. Today I'm only a pound away from where I wanted to be at this point. As you can see above, my month was a mountain. Never before have I logged my weight AND posted this information in a public setting. I feel so grateful to this community of women. I am motivated and empowered by your individual journey's. I drive into work each day, looking forward to getting to my computer so that I can read each and every one of your posts.

    See you all in the July Accountability Discussion!!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    @2tall4thisworld you've done fantastic this month!!
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    @mrssunshine78 thank you so much!!!! :)
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    I'm posting the last of June weigh-ins and moving on to the July thread..I haven't reached my goal but I've gotten pretty close! It's the first time I've done this accountability thread and I feel it's made a positive difference. Keeping track in a public space with a whole bunch of people who are doing the same has helped me be more consistent with my weigh-ins and helped me focus. The last pounds are always a struggle and I find it hard to be motivated to continue, but not this time :) So I thank all of you for that!

    Height 1.74/5'7
    HW 67kg/147.7
    SW June 63.05kg/139
    GW June 60.50kg/133.4
    Ideal weight 58-59.50kg

    01 June 63.05kg/139
    08 June 61.9kg/136.5
    15 June 61.9kg/136.5
    29 June 60.9kg/134.3

    Challenge for July: Get in at least two sessions of decent cardio for the week!!