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Unwelcome Comments



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    @VeryKatie yikes, he sounds like alot to handle. I think your doing it right by just being blunt with him though, he sounds like the kind of person not worth trying to guard your relationship with, he will just *kitten* all over you if you let him.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    He sounds a pure delight!

    I wouldn't want him around my kids either.
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    The same person 2x!

    1) When we announced at 12 wks "I thought you were getting bigger"

    2) At a party with my husband telling someone I'm pregnant, this guy thinking i didn't hear the whole story, "he's just explaining your pregnant and not fat, the other guy was calling you fat"

    WTF - most people say "where's the baby? You haven't gained." And this guy thinks saying "you're fat, j/k your just pregnant" is really funny. I was so confused i think i just said "yeah, water weight". Next time he's getting some 'tude. And you know there will be a next time with this guy.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I've had the issue that people are trying to find a baby bump. I told people I was pregnant when I was 23 weeks. For some reason my friends just stare at my stomach and spend a good thirty minutes trying to see if I am showing. My husband says that because they all showed before 12 weeks they are trying to feel better about themselves. It's annoying because now I whenever I see them they pull my shirt tighter to see if I have a bump.
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    @karen_thinmint and @wantoldme I wish folks didn't feel like pregnancy gives them a free pass to comment on our bodies. We are still human women who don't need to know and don't really care what you think about the shape and size of any part of our bodies! I'm not showing yet and haven't told anyone yet, but I'm dreading what I know is coming. (3rd pregnancy) I might just be sassy enough this time around to snap back at folks...
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I went to a 4th of july party last week at a family friends house and happened to be wearing a shirt that discuises pretty well. So I stopped by to say hello and thanks for having us to the host, and she commented that I was barely showing. I just made a little joke about it being ky magical shirt, and not kidding she lifts my shirt up in the middle of the party. I had a moment of whoa, wtf! Its just a belly so its not really a big deal but at the same time geeze, really?
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    marianlyn wrote: »
    @karen_thinmint and @wantoldme I wish folks didn't feel like pregnancy gives them a free pass to comment on our bodies. We are still human women who don't need to know and don't really care what you think about the shape and size of any part of our bodies! I'm not showing yet and haven't told anyone yet, but I'm dreading what I know is coming. (3rd pregnancy) I might just be sassy enough this time around to snap back at folks...

    The funny thing is they never did this to anyone. It's like because I'm not showing yet they are shaming me. They also are trying so hard to find a bump.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    edited July 2017
    "i'm SO glad you're pregnant you have NO idea i'm SO glad i thought you were just getting FAT but now i am SO glad OMG" and on and on.
    same person 2 hours later...
    ...when i thought he was going to apologize for his earlier comment and therefore i didn't confront...
    "let me know when you are ready for me to send the Goodyear" (took me a minute to figure out what he meant by Goodyear) the GOODYEAR BLIMP

    I was told to report him but there's no form that addresses it, I don't see him but in passing maybe twice ever don't know his name and there's nothing in the employee handbook addressing this. but i think pregos are covered by the ADA
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Ah the uninvited bump touchers. I've had a few that have approached me, hands out, look of glee on their faces but then thought better of it. I must have an excellent resting b!tch face.

    PS, I don't mind if it's someone I know well, and they ask me first. But uninvited, hardly know you acquaintances. No thanks. If anyone did, I might give their belly a friendly rub in return to see how they like it.
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    My father-in-law's girlfriend was my worst belly-toucher during my first pregnancy! Always uninvited, never asked. I got good at crossing my arms as she was approaching and adopting that ever-helpful resting *kitten* face, too.
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    I had someone kiss "for luck" my not even showing belly when they found out. They didn't land that kiss, but just odd. They are not a close friend.

    People are just crazy when it comes to pregnant women
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    Woman doing intake at the eye doctor's office reviewing my medical form I filled out, noting that I am pregnant and had a c-section in December, "Did you intend to have them so close together?"
    "The c-section was for my stillborn son."
    "Oh, I'm so sorry! We just have to ask these questions..."
    Really? Whether I intentionally or accidentally had two pregnancies close together is medically relevant for my eye health? Cause I think someone was just feeling a little nosy/judgmental... Meh.
  • artgalchitown
    artgalchitown Posts: 103 Member
    This is more of a random one - wasn't offensive but still left me wondering how perfect strangers can feel comfortable making comments to pregnant women. The woman working at the Walgreens photo counter told me with 100% certainty - and completely unsolicited, as I was merely just trying to scan some photos and wasn't even talking with her - that I am having a boy based on how my pregnant body looks.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    This is more of a random one - wasn't offensive but still left me wondering how perfect strangers can feel comfortable making comments to pregnant women. The woman working at the Walgreens photo counter told me with 100% certainty - and completely unsolicited, as I was merely just trying to scan some photos and wasn't even talking with her - that I am having a boy based on how my pregnant body looks.

    I have to ask, are you? I find the old wives tales both intriging and ridiculous.
  • artgalchitown
    artgalchitown Posts: 103 Member

    I have to ask, are you? I find the old wives tales both intriging and ridiculous.

    We decided not to find out, so no idea!

  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    This one wasn’t so much unwelcome as odd, but I thought I’d share anyways. I was called “handsome” yesterday. By another woman. And then she said congratulations, so I’m quite certain she was talking about my belly. Meh?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,958 Member
    @marianlyn definitely weird. But I keep calling my baby boy beautiful by mistake haha so maybe the wrong word just slipped out?
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited October 2017
    I recently told coworkers, and one lady said to me that when her and another lady found out, the other one said "Well, I did notice she was snacking an awful lot lately... but since shes pregnant it all makes sense now". Im only 10.5 weeks.

    I was so uncomfortable and self conscious after hearing that, pregnant or not, and still am when it comes to work meals/snacks. What if I hadnt been pregnant? It was apparently something people were clearly watching and being attentive to before they even knew anything. I didnt think it was so strange to snack a lot when dinner is at 5pm at work, but cant go home to bed until 11pm. Im certainly not going to wait to go home to eat at midnight- lol.
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    I was at a family Christmas party and my husband made a joke that I was eating an extra dessert for baby, and my cousin sitting across from me responded, “For Joshua?” (Joshua is my 3 year old). I said, “No, this one” and pointed to my 31 week belly. She hadn’t realized I was pregnant! She fumbled and said something along the lines of she noticed something but knew that it’s hard to lose the baby weight... Good to know I can still pass for fat instead of pregnant! Lol!
    (And this cousin is 51 years old with 4 kids of her own).
  • Balanced_Elephant
    Balanced_Elephant Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in the military and I'm a personal trainer on the side. I have a FB page that I use to post workout videos, food, tips, etc. Since finding out that I was expecting (19 weeks ago) I have been focusing more on the food side of things. No crazy workouts... Apparently, that gave ppl the green light to say rude crap. "You sure you aren't farther along? Your face is looking fat."... "Why aren't you posting more fitness videos? You gained too much?"... "You better slow down on the eating or you will look like a whale by the time you deliver."... This is my 3rd baby... I've bounced back pretty quickly with my last 2 but it's still irritating and it's hard to be taken seriously while pregnant. There is also a girl at work that is a week ahead of me (first baby) that feels the need to always comment on how much bigger I am than her. I just want to stay home in my pajamas haha.