Egg fast makes me sick

So I did the egg fast a month go to break through a plateau. It went well.
I decided to do another one starting today, but by dinner I almost threw up the last few bites of my eggs. Is it the eggs or what? Maybe I'm having an aversion to the eggs, should I just nix the whole fast? Advice please.


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Give more details about the plateau.
    In general I'm not a fan of egg fast-type tricks; I think it's better to take the tortoise approach of slow and steady.
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Give more details about the plateau.
    In general I'm not a fan of egg fast-type tricks; I think it's better to take the tortoise approach of slow and steady.

    My scale wouldn't move & my Keto stix weren't where I wanted them to be, so I did the fast to kick myself into Keto overdrive I guess
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    @gracerichter3213, how's it going overall?
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @gracerichter3213, how's it going overall?

    Well the first time I did it it went great! After the 2nd day I felt energized & leaner. No problems and I lost 7 pounds. Today I feel gross, like sick to my stomach and I never want to eat an egg ever again lol
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Have you kept your sodium up?
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Have you kept your sodium up?

    Pretty average amount!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Give more details about the plateau.
    In general I'm not a fan of egg fast-type tricks; I think it's better to take the tortoise approach of slow and steady.

    My scale wouldn't move & my Keto stix weren't where I wanted them to be, so I did the fast to kick myself into Keto overdrive I guess

    The darker color doesn't mean you're making more ketones necessarily. It just means the concentration of that particular sample has more. How much fluid is in that sample affects that a lot. If you're eating 20-30g total carbs you're in ketosis. Going down to 5-10 from eggs only doesn't put you 'more' into ketosis.
    Think of it like a pregnancy test. You either are or you aren't. You can't be more or less pregnant and the pee strips can't tell you if you're making more or less ketones. There are too many things that affect their results.

    Sometimes the scale just doesn't move. Doesn't mean you aren't losing bodyfat though.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Did you do 1 tbsp fat per egg like the protocol suggests? Sometimes my body wants to reject coconut oil or butter if I try to force too much in at once (I gag on too much oil). It could be the tbsp+ of fat that's upsetting your system?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Keto ruined eggs for me. I'll eat them maybe once every 2 weeks now. More than that just makes me gag. I don't even like deviled eggs any more. :confounded:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I think that a fat fast like the egg fast is intended as a short term tool, to simplify your eating. Going carnivore would be similar. I don't think anyone intended an egg as whole nutrition for a month at a time...

    I have hit difference phases where certain fats became just a total NOPE...seemed to be more related to needing digestive support for me than full aversion, though i do rotate phases periodically.
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    I like the egg fast and have done it twice now to break a weight loss stall (both successful). I'm convinced my body likes to hold water which is one of the things the egg fast helps with. I love eggs so it is not that difficult for me. Make sure you are consuming enough sodium, fat and water.
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    edited July 2017
    So I did the egg fast a month go to break through a plateau. It went well.
    I decided to do another one starting today, but by dinner I almost threw up the last few bites of my eggs. Is it the eggs or what? Maybe I'm having an aversion to the eggs, should I just nix the whole fast? Advice please.

    It may not happen to everyone but when I eat just anyone thing for an extended period of time the taste can be nauseating. Before I went LCHF I tried eating bananas like some of the Fruitarians in my wife's vegan group and more than one banana just made me gag. I didn't see how people could eat 10 in a day or more. I found out really quick this can occur with any type of food if I eat too much of it and its definitely a mental thing that causes a physical reaction.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    I really don't think it was the fat. I tried to eat a hard boiled egg at lunch, with just salt and pepper, I ate one half and almost threw up again. I feel like I won't be able to eat eggs for awhile...
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited July 2017
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    I can do any fast ONCE
    Try it again and I fail.

    The only fasts I can do consistently consists of no food for 18-36hrs, just water, salt and maybe some broth. I think it is a mental thing for me. Too much of something really does have an effect on me, and I struggle to do it again. I feel nauseated and sick.

    This faux "fasting" gimmick reminds me of a friend of mine whose mom made him choke down a pack of cigarettes and a pint of booze when he turned 13. :s

    Sure, he drank beer and got high now and then, but he never touched cigs or hard liquor.
  • richb178
    richb178 Posts: 47 Member
    I could never do an egg fast. I have a hard time eating two eggs in the morning. I was eating one with one slice of bacon and it was perfect, but now I'm trying to eat more protein and the second egg just feels like too much. I may go back to eating lunch just so I can have a smaller breakfast, which I don't want to skip (I just hate the thought of preparing a lunch to bring to work).

    What's funny is before I could easily eat 4 fried eggs on buttered toast (is HC food porn discouraged here?).
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    pdxhak wrote: »
    When I did an egg fast once I didn't add any fat. They're already a high fat food.
    Just cook them in a normal amount and don't add extra when you eat them. Could just be that it was too much fat at one time. You really don't need more than they already contain.

    If you do not add the fat then it is not the Egg Fast diet as designed. Obviously anyone can fast with just eggs but it would not be the Egg Fast Diet.

    Why do you have add extra fat to an already high fat food? There's plenty of fat already in it. Cook in fat, but why put more on the plate? To what benefit?