August LC Basics Boot Camp 2017: Week 3 (8/15-8/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Repeat of the challenge parameters :wink:
baconslave wrote: »
Welcome to the August LC Basics Boot Camp!

One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:
Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Consistently nailing the basics is so important. And consistency creates good habits, routines, and gives you momentum that will carry you through hard times or disruptions to your normal schedule. Forget motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing. Discipline carries you through when motivation fails you.

So what are the basics?
Well, hitting your carb goal, obviously, right? There are other very important basics we need to lock in: staying hydrated, keeping electrolytes up, logging consistently (if you're a logger), exercise (if that's one of your goals), hitting your macros, staying away from trigger foods and other things you know set you back...

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
I'll keep links to the weekly threads at the bottom of the stickied post should the thread get buried. 2 clicks, to this post and the Weekly link, will get you back to it.

So go ahead and post your goals in this Thread.
My daily post would look something like this.

Wed 8/1:
Logged: :+1:
Water: :+1:
Electrolytes: :+1:
Calorie Goal: :+1:
Carb Goal: :+1:
Exercise: HIIT :+1:
Prelogged next day: :+1:
No booze!: :+1:

But this is your show. So focus on your basics.

Make this month count! Tear it up!:+1:



  • Chillycatmum
    Chillycatmum Posts: 188 Member
    OK well after an attempt to add some veggie carbs back into my diet I have been met with the stomach distress I had before I went ZC - have decided that they just don't like me anymore but it has given me the confirmation that ZC is the best thing for me, will just have to try some different meats for variety when I need it - have had 2 days of uncomfortable stomach but am back on the ZC wagon today and hoping the tummy calms down quickly again. Have been building up my exercise, and hoping this also becomes a proper habit for me, it's still tough going at the minute but in time it will become second nature, water has been good been getting my 2l per day in and have logged nearly everything properly apart from Sunday when I blipped in the evening so all in all August is going well
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    My c&p

    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Carb Goal: :+1:
    Exercise: :+1:
    No booze!: :+1:

  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    Both 8/14 and 8/15

    :) All goals met!! Woohoo!!!
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Being sick def has its perks sometimes. Not being able to smell anything always decreases my appetite. Finally lost that pound I inexplicably regained.

    Under 2000 calories <3
    Under 50 carbs <3
    12,000 steps (8 on the weekend) <3
    Lose 10 lbs by the end of the month (-6.2)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Aug 15
    Weighed in: o:)
    Electrolytes: o:)
    Calorie Goal: o:) (Actually right around 900 today b/c of GI issues, so MFP yelled at me. :tongue )
    Protein Goal: Well ... macro ratios were fine but didn't hit goal since calories were lower.
    Exercise: Rest day due to sickness. (My plan was to swim ... my digestive system prevented that.)
    Well, sort of 3/5 but I'm OK with that under the circumstances!
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm back up a pound this morning. What the actual f-ck? I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do anymore.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    exercise 111 :)
    calories 1971 :)
    carbs 117 :)
    protein 130 :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited August 2017
    Being sick def has its perks sometimes. Not being able to smell anything always decreases my appetite. Finally lost that pound I inexplicably regained.

    Under 2000 calories <3
    Under 50 carbs <3
    12,000 steps (8 on the weekend) <3
    Lose 10 lbs by the end of the month (-6.2)

    You've lost 6lb in a month. That's more than a pound per week.
    The up-down is water fluctuation in the body, not real weight. It's worse for women, especially because of the stupid cycle nonsense we go through.
    Weight loss is unfortunately not linear. After a point, if you graphed your weights, it would look like an EKG for a cracked out kangeroo. But overall the bouncy line will trend downward. Just breathe. I hate the scale for this reason. I refuse to weigh but once a week right now. The scale isn't reflecting your yesterday, it's reflecting everything that's gone on several days before. Trust the process. Hang in there. I know it's hard.

    ETA: Make sure you take measurements and/or photos alongside weighing for this reason. I've lost count of the times my scale has been a complete *kitten* but measurements have gone down.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :(
    Calorie Goal: :(
    Carb Goal: :(
    Exercise: :(
    No booze!: :+1:

    2/6 - schnockers!

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    8/14: squeaked in 30 minutes of slow jogging around the the cul-de-sac.
    8/15: off
    8/16: Today. 3 mile walk to the grocery store for stuff to make pico-de-gallo. Fish taco night. Hot, sunny, breezy. Norman Greenbaum. Spirit in the Sky. Groovy.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Aug 16
    Weighed in: o:)
    Electrolytes: o:)
    Calorie Goal: o:)
    Protein Goal: o:)
    Exercise: o:) (YAYOG)

    And I lost 1.6 lbs yesterday thanks to my GI issues. :tongue:
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Went over my total carbs, but net carbs were about 30, so I'm not too upset. I'm giving up on my fourth goal to lose 10 lbs this month. Maybe it's the fact that I have this stupid cold - either my body's just acting weird because it's fighting an infection, or possibly the cough drops are affecting my insulin levels. Either way my body's gonna do what it wants; best I can do is keep calm and keto on, right?

    Under 2000 calories <3
    Under 50 carbs :|
    12,000 steps (8 on the weekend) <3
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    exercise 152 :D
    calories 1153 :)
    carbs 29 :)
    protein 91 :/
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :(
    Calorie Goal: :(
    Carb Goal: :(
    Exercise: :(
    No booze!: :+1:

    2/6 :(
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    8/16 sucked!


    Log everything: <3
    Macros within 3-5%: ;)
    Under calorie goal: <3
    Water intake 80-100 oz: ;)
    Step goal made: <3
    Gym 3-4 days a week: :o not today
    Exercise: ;)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    exercise 91 :)
    calories 2406 :)
    carbs 106 :)
    protein 106 :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I promise I'm doing the thing.
    More madness. Kids, a midnight pick-up of hubby, then camping the next morning is what I'm looking at for the next day and a half. Yesterday was beyond... :rage: The 6-year-old was acting like a psycho-*kitten* and also slammed a car door open and hit a truck. :rage:
    So, off to mad-dash, making the rounds here and camping prep. I need to squeeze in an extra workout today since I missed one yesterday due to taxi-mom/personal secretary duties all day.
    Mad. Ness. :confounded:
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    I think I'll join you folks here. I need the accountability and support.

    I'm Ginger and I live in Texas.
    Daily goals.
    1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    2. Fiber 30g
    3. Vegetables - big salad daily
    4. Track/complete MFP entry daily
    5. Steps - average 5000 steps,30 Fitbit minutes

    On 2013-14 - I quit smoking and dropped 60 lbs doing 50 carbs, 1200 cal and walking 4 miles, 60 active Fitbit minutes. I did my first 5k in Aug 2014. Started training for another 5k and tore meniscus in my right knee. Surgery, PT.., I let the set-back take the wind out of my sails. I gained back 50 lbs and I've been struggling since. Binge eating is s problem I'm working on.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • ctdebbie
    ctdebbie Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm new. Can someone explain Macros?
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Under 2000 calories <3
    Under 50 carbs <3
    12,000 steps (8 on the weekend) <3

    3 for 3 yesterday. Went over on the calories today but still under on the carbs. I'm not stressing about it since I've been sick and my appetite's been weird. Today I felt like I'm getting better, listened to my body and ate what I felt like I needed. Hoping I'll be able to go for a run tomorrow!