Weekly Post 29.8 - 2.9.2017



  • hannahbananna80
    hannahbananna80 Posts: 21 Member
    ckmama wrote: »
    August weight loss -7.2 lbs yay

    Amazing @ckmama! Half a stone. .. whoop whoop!
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Hey I'm jumping back to fasting after a couple of weeks with too many treats!
    Today will be a fast day for me then either Saturday or Sunday!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Welcome @chiccam we are glad you joined us!
    Quick one for now... Down .8 for the week. Slow and steady lately!
    Off today so going to do some Factory Outlet shopping. New gym sneakers! Woo hoo! Have a good day.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited September 2017
    Again no loss to speak of today - .5 lb. I am starting to wonder if my non-fast calories are too high at 1800. It was the calorie count given by several calculators if I want to maintain at 155 (I am 5' 7"). I am weighing and measuring all of my food and I am hungry a lot so I don't feel like I am overeating. The plan does say to eat normally on non-fast days. I am definitely eating less that I did before I started two weeks ago. I am working out and exercising a lot so I am building muscles but I don't want to give that too much credit, if you know what I mean. I think I will give it another week. Don't want to go too low and start to feel really deprived. At least I am not gaining anymore!

    Hope you all have a great weekend. I am hoping to escape to the beach as we are experiencing triple digit weather here in Southern California. :sweat:
  • hannahbananna80
    hannahbananna80 Posts: 21 Member
    @jknight001 I just wondered if you had considered water retention? Either due to exercise, hormones or food? Apparently if you eat something salty (like gammon) the night before you weigh it can cause you to hold water and impact on scales. I made the mistake of weighing myself once after i had been for a run but first thing in morning thinking it would be great on scales.... but no! Total opposite! Anyway you prob know all this so I'm sorry if you do! :#:)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @hannahbananna80 Thank you for your thoughts. I have considered water retention. I didn't know that exercise can cause water retention. Hard to know if that is it. Wish my body could tell me! I am going to to give it a bit more time to see if the scale budges. If it doesn't then I will cut my non-fast calories.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @hannahbananna80 I did some quick research on the water gain and exercise and it is absolutely true! I found this website that explains it: http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=11331

    Here's what it says:
    "Weight gain with exercise may be disheartening. But before you hang up your running shoes, take heed. Exercise has not betrayed you—this weight gain is short-lived.

    In the short term, exercise causes some bodily changes that may temporarily bump up your body weight. Your muscles not only get bigger and stronger, but their chemistry changes too. That is, you increase certain types of enzymes that cause your muscles to store more carbohydrate in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is a "hydrophilic" compound, which means it attracts water. So that extra glycogen in your muscle cells includes extra water. This can add some weight.

    Over the long term, however, if your weight continues to go up, it's very unlikely that you gaining because you are exercising too much. It is more likely that you are eating more and/or exercising less than you think.

    Bottom line: You want to see the number on the scale drop, but give it time. As you continue with your exercise routine and begin losing fat, you will see a drop in both body weight and clothing size. And you'll benefit in the long run: Building muscle increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories during exercise and at rest."

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I think that is it. I have been very intentional about exercise since I started 5:2 so I think that is why the scale is not budging. I was so discouraged because my first go-around with 5:2 was effortless. This time I began to be concerned that my metabolism had come to a standstill in the two years since I did 5:2. Now I have renewed hope that my body is still adjusting to my exercise schedule. I will gladly give it more time to catch up.

    Thank you so much for mentioning the water weight. :kiss:
  • hannahbananna80
    hannahbananna80 Posts: 21 Member
    @jknight001 That is fantastic info you have found! Thank you for sharing. It is a really clear explanation; v interesting :) . Hopefully things will start to shift with persistence :) yay!!! <3
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @hannahbananna80 Me too! Thx!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    @jknight001 If I lift weights I cannot weigh in for 2 days after ward the water retention is so bad. If I do long cardio it is the same way. I only weigh in after my 2nd fasting day it seems to workout with fluid.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    The water weight is also true for cycling, back a bit when I was putting in 100+milers I could be up a couple of kg's for the next couple of days and my thighs could be an inch bigger in circumference.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good information here! Going to check out that link.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Wow! Thx everyone. This is new to me. Hoping the exercise and my body will work things out this week. :smile: I appreciate all of the input.

    @Meghan509 - if you google the topic you will find more articles on how it works. I picked the Weight Watchers article because it seemed accurate and easily understandable.