Sept. Keto Challenge - Join me?



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I would like to lose 12-14lbs in September, which I don't feel is unrealistic as 3lbs/week is my current average, and I am now incorporating a new exercise routine (walking to and from work) which should maintain or increase that average (I hope!).
    I do and will continue to do, a max of 20 net carbs/day.

    I weighed 279 on September 1st (but have since lost a few lbs... I peeked)
    I will put 279 as my Sept 1st start weight and log progress on Fridays :)

    Sept 1: 279
    Sept 8:
    Sept 15:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 29:

    Feel free to add me as a friend, but send a note saying you are keto as I only keep fellow keto'ers on my friend's list. I have been keto for 11 weeks and lost just over 38 lbs. I still have 99 to go to reach my goal!

    @River_Goddess - Just remember that you might have a water retention gain. Your muscles hold in a bunch of water to heal after workouts. It can take a few weeks to level out...Be patient with it!
  • ankm729
    ankm729 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started keto yesterday. My goal for September is to give my body time to adjust to keto(I plan to add an exercise routine next month), stay under 30g carbs each day, and lose 10 lbs. I'll weigh in every Monday.

    SEPT 3 218
  • awfuldaring
    awfuldaring Posts: 21 Member
    Goal: 25 g or less carbs per day! :)
    9/03 171.6
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm just popping in to say good luck to y'all and provide some support.

    While I didn't lose my excess weight via keto, I did eat low carb and have since trialed keto for a year for reason other than weight. I have remained very low carb. My "target" is 50 total grams daily so I suppose I am in the "low realm" of ketosis most of the time. The year I ate <20 grams had a dramatic, positive impact on satiety and reduction in cravings which is why I continue with very low carb.

    For those who might have a slip or two, it is not the end of the world. I had several. Jump back into your plan. Remember why you started. Your goals are attainable if you tweak along the way (if needed) and don't quit!

    My goals (I likely won't be posting weekly..or may) are to remain physically active for my general HEALTH. I'm older (63) and have an acquired (age 46) neurological movement disorder which is not extremely limiting but frustrating. I enjoy seeing folks working on fitness as well as weight loss. I exercised as part of my weight loss but am a believer that weight loss begins in the kitchen. Exercise is for overall health and fitness. You can't outrun a bad diet, as so many say.

    Cheers to your weight loss and to your health!
  • desirae1983
    desirae1983 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello! I have been studying the keto diet for a little over a month and feel that I finally understand macros! I prepped this weekend to start my keto lifestyle today! I would love to join this group - it's perfect timing!
    -My goals are to be strictly keto for the remainder of September (although there may be a slip up next week as it is my wedding anniversary!).
    -20 grams or less of net carbs per day.
    -Work out at least 5 times a week.
    -Post weight every Monday.

    My weight yesterday (9/4) was 304 :(
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    @River_Goddess - Just remember that you might have a water retention gain. Your muscles hold in a bunch of water to heal after workouts. It can take a few weeks to level out...Be patient with it!

    Thanks, good reminder. It's true. It's only about 20 mins of intentional walking daily, but also an overall increase in daily steps, so I'm hoping my body takes it all okay and just let's go. Maybe reaching for 8-9 lbs this month would be a bit more realistic.

    Good luck with your goals everybody!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Oh, I'll give it a go.
    My weight as gone steadily up over the past 2 years (though eating LC). Doc says it is because my gut flora is out of wack.
    I have been working on fixing the gut health. The weight as SLOWLY coming down. Like 8lbs in 6 weeks but at least moving in the right direction. My weigh in will be on Friday
    Sept 1: 190
    Sept 8:
    Sept 15:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 29
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Glad to have you join us! I know about the weight slowly going up....let's do this together! Yes, get that gut healthy and you will feel so much better!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Goal179 wrote: »
    I am brand new to this. I have 2 main goals

    1) break my very dangerous and desperate addiction to sugar (or at least under control)
    2) 90-100 pounds to lose for health

    I am very confused about how to start this. Please, if you are out there, friend me and help me walk through this. My understanding Is tha this can be dangerous if not done correctly or you could backfire and gain weight. According to my keto calculator, I'm should do less than 20g of carbs per day (5%), 15% protein, and 80% fat. I have no idea how to eat that much fat everyday. Where should it come from (butter? EVOO?) and how should I consume it?

    Not doing any recipes yet. Also not ready to start investing in expensive foods until I know this works. I'm starting very simple:
    Breakfast: Mini spinach quiche with onion, mushrooms cheddar cheese and salsa
    lunch: 2 chicken legs baked in Italian dressing (1g carb) and EVOO. Broccoli with butter
    Dinner: Salmon baked in butter
    Snack 1: GReek Salad with olives and peppers feta cheese and Greek dressing (1g carb)
    Snack 2: pork rinds

    Also, I haven't plugged this into my diary yet to see if it hits the macros. If anyone has time, please look this over and give me your thoughts. I Meal planned so this will be the Same meal all week. But I will happy to take your feedback to make changes for next week. I'm scared, but excited.

    9/1 - 256.6 :0(

    Looking good, and glad to have you! I watch "Go Keto With Casey" on YouTube. I have learned so much from her. There are many keto followers on her channel that can help you. Also, Keto Zone on Facebook is very informative. Feel free to friend me to see what I am eating....though I am no expert. I try to stay around 20 net carbs and only eat when hungry. After some practice you will find what works for you!
    INSPRD2LOSE Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, all! I've used MFP for quite some time, but have never been active in groups. I've been keto since about May and successfully lost 40lbs, which was within 5lbs of my goal weight. However, I've slacked off the past month due to personal reasons and challenges (not an excuse - just an explanation). I need to get back to keto, as I felt so much better (and it certainly didn't hurt to see the scale drop and the clothes "grow").

    My goal is to keep my carbs in check (20-25 net max daily) and get in some exercise 3+ times per week.

    I use MFP to track pretty regularly, but don't engage much with others at this point. I'd love to do so though, as I know feeling accountable works for me (and for others!), so please feel free to add me with a message that you're from the keto group. I'll weigh in on Mondays.

    SW: 174.4 (May 2017)
    GW: 130

    Sept 4: 146.4
    Sept 11:
    Sept 18:
    Sept 25:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    We are so glad to have you join us! You have had great keto success so far!
  • JJ_Mamma
    JJ_Mamma Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Would love to join in as I have successfully lost on Keto but sadly have put back all the weight. I like this WOE but I am weak and the carbs always sneak back in so it would be nice to find some like minded people to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Aussie lady her, mum of 2 and working full time.

    Started 8/9 weight 181lb
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    My weight as gone steadily up over the past 2 years (though eating LC). Doc says it is because my gut flora is out of wack.
    I have been working on fixing the gut health. The weight as SLOWLY coming down. Like 8lbs in 6 weeks but at least moving in the right direction. My weigh in will be on Friday
    It's Friday again... small loss but I'll take it.

    Sept 1: 190
    Sept 8: 188.2
    Sept 15:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 29
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good for you, Tina! That scale is going in the right direction! xoxo
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    JJ_Mamma wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    Welcome!! You can do this!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sat. check-in:
    9/2 173
    9/9 170.4
    Lost 2.6 =)

    Win - Ate close to 25 net carbs most days. The challenge helped me say no to temptations!
    Still need to up exercise - My goal is 3/week. Getting a walk in today - it is a beautiful day here today.

    Prayers for Florida and Texas! How are you doing??

  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Sept 1: 279
    Sept 8: 273.6 (-5.4lbs)
    Sept 15:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 29:

    I have been keto 3 months as of today, and this morning cracked the 40 lbs lost mark! I'm so thrilled about this progress. Sometime keto is so easy, I feel like I'm doing it wrong! (But clearly I am not!)
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    My Sept goals are to stay under 25g net carbs, daily, and also increase the amount of water I drink. I'm so terrible about drinking enough water. I have a daily 10k step goal/1hr exercise. I hope to continue that. I think 8lbs off is doable for me. :smiley:

    9/4: 241.0

    Some of you are already mfp buddies. Anyone else can feel free to add me.

    Most days were good as far as macros. I had 2 days at net 30g carbs, but those were days I had lots of veggies, so I'm okay with it. I have been doing much better with water, but I think I will start logging that too, just to see where I can get more water in. I met my steps & exercise goal EVERY DAY!! Woot Woot!!

    9/4: 241.0
    9/11: 239.2 -1.8

  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    @NikkiJRM , I too have to remember to drink water. They make smart water bottle now or lately I have just been setting reminders on my phone. Every 2 hours between 6am and 2pm.... beep beep... drink.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Fist of all, don't consider this a diet but a way of life. Hubby and I actually got rid of ALL the carbs from out house. The only sugar that has been in the kitchen for the past 13 years is powdered hummingbird mix. :) We do have some packets of stevia for those who like that in their coffee, and a bag of xylitol by DH uses in his fat bomb. When it's not in the house it make it easier no to cheat. Even my grandsons love the Zevia soda we have in the fridge.