


  • keegbren
    keegbren Posts: 2
    Hello low carbers! I am Kate. I have been LCHF for 2 1/2 weeks and I feel GREAT! I have lost 10 lbs already and I am highly motivated to lose 15 more. I find if I am reading and learning about this lifestyle, I stay motivated. So keep posting your tips and recipes and I will keep reading and keep losing!
  • courtneylee27mfp
    courtneylee27mfp Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all. I am Courtney from Ontario. I started low carb (Atkins), for the first time when I was 16. Its always been my go to life style when I start to put on the pounds. After having gained 100 pounds with my daughter, almost 6 years ago, I never got around to taking a real serious go at it. The withdrawl symptoms really kicked my but. I have managed to go from 230-195 with low calorie and exercise, but it just doesnt seem to be working for me anymore. So here I am back on the wagon and really honestly going to give it a serious go this time. Being this overweight has really held me back from things in life such as expanding my family (my hormones are way out of wack now), and not being able to shop at the same places as my friends can (and I once could) is so embarrassing. Im ready to take my life back.
  • mestrydom
    mestrydom Posts: 25
    Hi there, everyone

    I'm brand new to the LCHF (Banting) lifestyle -- 2 days now -- but I think I'm going to enjoy it. I don't really have too much weight to lose ... maybe around 7-10kg, but I think it's a healthy way of eating and something I'll be able to do. I'm ovo-lacto vegetarian (which makes it difficult to get enough protein without pushing up my carbs, so I'll be experimenting with different seed powders like Hemp and Chia etc. I also have Hashimoto's Disease, so the 'grain-free' part of this lifestyle suits me.

    Anyway, feel free to friend me. Let's do this together!


    PS Mom of 4, 44 years old. Macros: 5/25/70
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Hello everyone!

    I'm not new to LCHF - but I just haven't been able to stick to it for more than 4 months at a time. But when I get determined to lose the weight I always come back to this way of eating. Nothing else comes close in terms of effectiveness and happiness. I have alot to lose; around 140-180lbs to go. 180 would bring me into the top end of the "normal" weight according to the charts - but my Doctor doesn't necessarily think I need to get all the way there to be healthy. We'll reassess things when I've lost the 140. I really don't care ALL that much in how I look; but I really care that I'm healthy and active.

    I follow a generic Ketogenic diet. About every 10 lbs lost I like to use the Keto macros calculator at and then try to make my macros on MFP match them. I've installed the script at to modify MFP to calculate net carbs for me. You need to be somewhat tech savvy to install it; but it works REALLY well.

    Feel free to add me. I can always use more low carb friends. I log in daily and have an open diary. I like to encourage others; and I definitely benefit from the encouragement of others. I like getting ideas from other low carb dieters and like to share things with others that I find helpful. I really like food, and enjoy cooking. So I embrace this way of eating and really like to stress the things I SHOULD eat instead of trying to find substitutes for what I SHOULDN'T eat. So I've embraced fat. Boy is that a tough one. The western world sure has indoctrinated us in the evils of eating fat. Well, I'm doing my part to debunk that mindset. I know some of you probably can't eat all this stuff; but I know I can. Right now I have 1/2 gallon of heavy cream, 4 lbs of butter, and 4 dozen eggs in my refrigerator. I have a freezer full of salmon filet's, bacon is always on hand, and I have lots of good, fresh, dark green veggies. I enjoy crafting my meals. My problem is that I'm not always able to spend the time I'd like in food preparation. Still working on ideas for that.

    I'm a 54 year old man; 6'2", and had a peak weight of 401 lbs. I'm currently at 373. Right now I'm not exercising much (let's be honest - I'm not exercising at all); but I do intend to after I've lost a bit more. I WILL NOT go to a gym (don't start - I won't give in on that one) for a variety of reasons - most of them obvious. But I'm willing to invest in home equipment. I bought a really good treadmill that can manage my weight (not many do); and have purchased a good set of dumbbells. I need to get a good bench and mat. I plan to focus on strength training. I'll get my cardio in by walking initially. I'll start swimming when I can afford to put a pool in (see, I told you I was determine to not go to a gym). I've been seriously considering Endless Pools. I don't plan to ever run. My knees have already had 2 decades of abuse from all the weight they've been carrying.
  • Kimeanb74
    Kimeanb74 Posts: 29 Member
    My thoughts EXACTLY! "Feel free to add me. I can always use more low carb friends. I log in daily and have an open diary. I like to encourage others; and I definitely benefit from the encouragement of others" :flowerforyou: :wink: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • underpsi01
    underpsi01 Posts: 14
    I've been keto for 40 days . I feel so much better on this new way of eating. I'm diabetic and refuse to go on insulin. I've done a couple of intermittent fast bc the scale wouldn't budge at times but I totally love food and I feel this is the way to go. Add me, thanks!:bigsmile:
  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    I am looking for low carb/high fat diet friends. :)
  • MaitaAtienzaDiaz
    MaitaAtienzaDiaz Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm Maita. My husband and I are starting on lchf and excited to learn from all of you :-)
  • pru101
    pru101 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey guys!

    My names Pru, im 23 and a PhD student. I've been a member of MFP for a long time and an on and off dieter for ages! however i have found myself in the same place i was when i began at the same weight!!!!

    I started low carbing as it made sense to and currently on the Akins diet - (day 3). I have 44 pounds to loose by next year may! (as im getting married then EEKK!!) but my mini goal is to lose about 26 pounds by Christmas (as i will be buying my outfits then). Do you guys think this is too much??

    Anyways (i do waffle on!) Please feel free to add me as i would like supportive friends and we can share recipe ideas, im also vegetarian so any veggies out there - Holla!!!

    Thanks guys :D
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I started LCHF one week ago, and MFP 5 days ago. I need to learn from those more experienced, as this is a very different way of eating from what I've been doing all my life. I plan to login every day and would love more friends so that we could help and support each other on this journey.

  • Dalia_Maria
    Hi everyone :smile:

    I've been on MFP before (under a different username), lost some weight, slacked off, gained it back.

    I've set my MFP to about 105 grams of carbs max. Some days I eat less some more (trying to stay in the 50-100g range). Most of my carbs are coming from veggies, so fiber hasn't even been factored in.

    I 've been looking into an 80/20 Paleo/Primal lifestyle. I think that's more doable than going 100% strict and never touching another bean or slice of bread, lol. :sad:

    On the other hand, with IBS, the less wheat and beans I eat, the better.

    Leaning toward low-to-moderate carb intake. There is a long history of metabolic disorders (including diabetes) in my family, so I think this lifestyle would be ideal.

    I was gonna wing it and not even use MFP, but being a bit of an overeater, I need something to track portions, etc. until I can easily eyeball portion sizes on my own.

    Looking forward to chatting with all of you.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Hi folks! Type I diabetic, 36 years old, Crossfitter. I have been paleo-ish for years but still wasn't seeing the kind of blood sugar control I want. I am committed to 60-30-10 fat protein carb for the next 30 days then will experiment to find my sweet spot. I'm amazed at how stable my blood sugar has been the last 3 days and can't wait to see how it affects my athletic performance. My main goal is blood sugar stability, but I would also be stoked to lean out more. I have been trying to eat 1900 calories but usually go over and am maintaining at around 2300. That's total, not net.

    Did your calorie needs seem to stay the same or change with LCHF? Can't wait to learn from your experience!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all! I'm Serena and from the beautiful but lately Smokey state of Montana. I started the lchf about 2 months ago. I researched a lot and decided to go with the keto diet as it seemed the more carbs I cut the less my ibs bothers me. I feel so much better and have lost almost 20 lbs so far. Been on mfp for quite a while and lost weight but gained it back and then some...ugh... I think this different lifestyle works for me and I am.amazed how much better I feel now. I am getting the hang of things so free to add me if you have questions or just need support
  • newyorkgirlygirl
    newyorkgirlygirl Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Serena. I'm also keto and just sent you a friend request
  • Hannapie1
    Hannapie1 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I began EARNESTLY eating low carb (keto) on June 23, 2020. Throughout the years I have lost and gained weight various times using different ways of eating - including keto. I turn 56 in September and hope to lose my excess weight one last time and keep it off forever by eating low carb and eating mostly clean (no processed foods). My beginning stats on June 23, 2020 were: age: 55, height: 5 feet (although I claim 5.1), weight:197. As of today, August 2, 2020 my stats are: age: 55, height: still 5 feet, weight: 186.

    My highest recorded weight was 230 at a doctor's office and as many can probably identify with this, I am sure I have been heavier, but stayed away from the scale.

    Currently I do NO exercise and I work full time in a desk job.

    I joined MFP for several reasons. First, I love the inspiration I receive from everyone who posts - both their challenges and their victories, both scale wise and even more so, non scale wise (NSV). Second, I wanted a place to hold myself accountable.

    Some of my NSV since June 23: clothes fitting better or even able to get into them once again, my joints are feeling much better, especially my knees, fat rolls getting smaller - one even disappeared!

    I am looking forward to continuing this journey with everyone!