Karma Reminder: Don't Brag, K is a B!



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    edited August 2017
    Those girls love my flavor. Just got back from Alaska and not one bite!!!!! Now I wore pants and tee shirts with repellent in them. I've been fat burning/keto this summer as well.
    When we were waiting to board a ship for a cruise to a glacier others were getting attacked by huge biting flies, another group that usually favors my flavor, but they just kept flying past me and I did not have the tees nor the pants I had been wearing just regular jeans and a spray jacket. My husband was gobsmacked by that, he hardly ever gets bitten by anything, it is always me, so he was really amazed I didn't get one bite.

    So not sure what caused this miracle, but I am happy it happened. So urban legend or not, I'm sticking with this way of eating and will see how next summer fairs for me.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I get eaten alive if I don't use copious amounts of bug spray (and then still do sometimes).

    FYI - Unless you have diabetes and run high BG normally unless on keto, your blood isn't more or less sweet on this WOE than otherwise. In either case, we do not have a whole lot of glucose moving around in our blood at any given moment. Regardless of whether keto or not, the primary macronutrient contained in blood is fat. Protein is next, and finally carbs (glucose).

    If your BG is at about 80 mg/dl; and you have around 5L of blood, you will only have 4g of glucose in all of your blood (a mosquito will not take anywhere close to all of your blood).
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm gonna make myself distinctly unpopular here, but it wouldn't be the first time, and frankly, as (1) it's a topic in which I am well-versed and (2) repeatedly drawn on, it's not something I lose sleep over...

    Karma means Action. Pure and simple.
    It's not revenge, it's not pay-back, it's not a smart-*kitten* kick-in-the-pants, it's not judgemental, it's not retribution, it's not come-uppance.

    It's Action.
    We all Act.
    Therefore we are all subject to Karma.

    It simply means Cause.

    Effect, or consequence, is Vippaka.

    With the greatest of, and deepest respect, it tires me when people bandy the word around without truly understanding its sense, or meaning.
    I was born, baptised and raised a Catholic, and it is disrespectful of those who are determined atheists, to mock, deride, mis-quote, misunderstand or misinterpret the works of Christian literature, when they are ignorant of the accurate and deeper meanings of The Word.
    I am now a practising Buddhist and have been, for over 20 years.
    But I still have nothing but the utmost respect for those who choose to follow God and adhere to the Lessons of Christ, in the Bible.
    I have been too long on this earth to do otherwise.
    I trust that this small iota of education will benefit those who are equally interested and respectful of other Walks and Callings.

    And if it's any help, killing Mosquitoes is fine.
    The Greater Good is served by their demise.

  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    edited September 2017
    Minnesota native, here! Our unofficial state bird is the skeeter :) Luckily, our state has undertaken a lot of good serious work in controlling the population with stormwater management - to the point we have an actual official task force dedicated to it, and it hasn't been as bad in recent years.

    Research Agency - Minnesota's Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Not the right thread for this but wanted to share with the OP @CRZYFTM who has an interest in NAFLD so placing on a thread originated by her. This popped up on my computer as being from Low Carb Down Under so I thought something might be of interest to you.

    Dr. Nicolai Worm: Nutrition Therapy of Non Alcoholic Fatty Live Disease
  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Not the right thread for this but wanted to share with the OP @CRZYFTM who has an interest in NAFLD so placing on a thread originated by her. This popped up on my computer as being from Low Carb Down Under so I thought something might be of interest to you.

    Dr. Nicolai Worm: Nutrition Therapy of Non Alcoholic Fatty Live Disease

    Thanks, lovey! I appreciate it!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Great presentation. Thanks for the link.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,607 Member
    For 20 years, I have had high liver enzymes - outside the normal range. I asked my doctor about this, and he said I had NAFLD. He said we could confirm this with an MRI or something, but there was nothing to be done in terms of treatment.

    My last blood panel after 8 months of <20 net carbs a day (and some weight loss) had liver enzymes at the very low end of the normal range. It was a dramatic change. I have an appointment coming up, and I will ask about the change in levels.
  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    2t9nty wrote: »
    For 20 years, I have had high liver enzymes - outside the normal range. I asked my doctor about this, and he said I had NAFLD. He said we could confirm this with an MRI or something, but there was nothing to be done in terms of treatment.

    My last blood panel after 8 months of <20 net carbs a day (and some weight loss) had liver enzymes at the very low end of the normal range. It was a dramatic change. I have an appointment coming up, and I will ask about the change in levels.

    I've had a doctor tell me the same thing. He basically said there was no cure/treatment because there wasn't a pill for it out there. When I discussed LCHF, he told me that our body's aren't built to run of fat! (Insert hysterical laughter). I found a diff doctor!
  • poli22
    poli22 Posts: 170 Member
    My Dr. just told me it wasn't that bad yet and we didn't need to do anything about it. At that point he almost swallowed his teeth. I went on to lose 40 lbs. and when I went back he praised me for losing wt., my liver enzymes were normal and when I told him I did it with low carb, he told me it was impossible and that I should go back to a high carb, low fat diet. He almost swallowed his teeth a second time. I haven't been back and have no plans to see him again. My problem is finding someone who will support me on this WOE.
  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    poli22 wrote: »
    My Dr. just told me it wasn't that bad yet and we didn't need to do anything about it. At that point he almost swallowed his teeth. I went on to lose 40 lbs. and when I went back he praised me for losing wt., my liver enzymes were normal and when I told him I did it with low carb, he told me it was impossible and that I should go back to a high carb, low fat diet. He almost swallowed his teeth a second time. I haven't been back and have no plans to see him again. My problem is finding someone who will support me on this WOE.

    Isn't it amazing when they have the proof right in front of them, yet refuse to open their eyes? My BIL's diabetes doctor is actually advocating that he eat a high carb diet and just take meds.... why not try to reverse it? Nope... let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again... and expect a different outcome... insanity! The reason why your doc didn't want to do anything about your liver is because there's no magic pill to push at you! This is strictly a diet issue! Did you know that in the 1700's, they would purposely feed geese a high carb food for a specific dish? This dish was called "fat liver goose" or something similar. Ergo, the method to getting a fatty liver is so simple that even the people in the 1700s figured it out.... obviously our diets are a major contributing factor to the fat in our liver.... and should be considered in the reversal of this disease. But what do I know, I'm just a patient.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited September 2017
    CRZYFTM wrote: »
    ..... Did you know that in the 1700's, they would purposely feed geese a high carb food for a specific dish? This dish was called "fat liver goose" or something similar...

    It's still done today, and the dish is still considered a delicacy. It's regularly eaten both in France and elsewhere. The USA produces it too.

    It's called 'Pâté de foie Gras' and the geese are force-fed copious quantities of corn, and also sweetcorn. The practice actually goes back as far as 2500BC and was first documented by the Egyptians, who used to do it.
    France considers it to be a Dish of gastronomical, cultural and historical significance.

    I used to eat it when I lived there. it's outrageously delicious.

    The big issue for many people is not the state of the liver, but the manner in which it's produced.

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    2t9nty wrote: »
    For 20 years, I have had high liver enzymes - outside the normal range. I asked my doctor about this, and he said I had NAFLD. He said we could confirm this with an MRI or something, but there was nothing to be done in terms of treatment.

    My last blood panel after 8 months of <20 net carbs a day (and some weight loss) had liver enzymes at the very low end of the normal range. It was a dramatic change. I have an appointment coming up, and I will ask about the change in levels.

    It sounds as if your doctor went to the Eeyore School of Medicine many moons ago, then stopped reading. Luckily, you followed a different path!
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    ...It sounds as if your doctor went to the Eeyore School of Medicine many moons ago, then stopped reading. Luckily, you followed a different path!


    You were saying....?

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member

    It's called 'Pâté de foie Gras' and the geese are force-fed copious quantities of corn, and also sweetcorn. The practice actually goes back as far as 2500BC and was first documented by the Egyptians, who used to do it.
    France considers it to be a Dish of gastronomical, cultural and historical significance.

    I used to eat it when I lived there. it's outrageously delicious.

    The big issue for many people is not the state of the liver, but the manner in which it's produced.

    I love the stuff. In France many farmers who do this are kind and loving with the geese, after all, they do this in the fall when the geese are in the hyperphagia phase, an increase in feeding activity driven by a biological need to fatten up. Man has taken advantage of that biological urge.

    And no, I will not apologize or feel bad about my love of foie gras. Offal at its best, folks.