September Accountability & Weigh-in



  • FreshBrew92
    FreshBrew92 Posts: 17 Member
    Just curious, what scale (brand) do you use? I’m looking to buy a new one. Mine does whole and half pounds only and isn’t Bluetooth capable or measure body fat. It’s just an old basic scale
  • alcomer
    alcomer Posts: 101 Member
    would love to join this group for motivation and support! I am 5'10" and currently 147, starting weigh 170 and goal weight 140. It's getting tough though, haven't lost much lately. This looks like a great group!
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    @FreshBrew92 I bought a cheap digital scale online for about $15. not sure the brand, but it does to the nearest 0.2 pound. Honestly you really don't need more precise than half pound though because your body weight is actually a range within which you fluctuate based on time of day/month/etc... trying to get too precise of a measurement isn't really as important as spotting the overall trend. I do recommend digital though, and bluetooth would be up to your preference. As to body fat, I personally don't calculate that but a scale probably will never give you an accurate measure considering all it can really tell you is the affect of the earth's gravity on your overall mass based on your present location. I'm not sure how the other ladies have been calculating this, but my thought is that calculating from a table that takes into account overall general physique might be a better measure of body fat.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @FreshBrew92, mine is a cheap one by Smart Weigh. Nothing fancy, but like @ree13x this one measures to the nearest .2 of a lb. I think it cost us about £25, from Amazon.

    @alcomer Another 5'10"er!
  • FreshBrew92
    FreshBrew92 Posts: 17 Member
    alcomer wrote: »
    would love to join this group for motivation and support! I am 5'10" and currently 147, starting weigh 170 and goal weight 140. It's getting tough though, haven't lost much lately. This looks like a great group!

    Come join us! I’ve been here a few weeks but everyone has been very positive, upbeat and motivating. I am 5’8.5 and 153. My goal is 145 - 147 range. I was losing pretty well at the beginning (169) but now it seems,like a struggle to get off these last 8lbs.

    @Ree13x: Thanks for the info! I just want something a little more precise and I thought the body fat on those scales were accurate, LOL. Glad I asked before I spent a bunch of $$$

    @rianneonamission: Thanks! I will look n Amazon.

    Also, I would love to add more friends on MFP for motivation and accountability.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @FreshBrew92, the BF measurement works by sending an electrical charge up your body. The speed of it returning gives an indication of body fat as body fat slows it down. However, some say it only goes up to roughly your hips, so it doesn't give a proper indication of body fat for your entire body, not to mention hydration can affect things too. However, I record my measurements once a week and find that it will give me an indication of whether I have dropped body fat. It might not be accurate, but the trend is a reliable indication at least.

    I would only spend more money if you want a Bluetooth scale which auto uploads the data to an app for trend analysis and MFP, such as the Fitbit or Withings scales.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    For those who want to get started on some goal setting for October, a new thread has been started!

    My new month always starts as soon as I have completed my last official weigh in of the previous month, which in my case was yesterday. But please do keep using this thread until September is over!
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Sept 18: 113.2
    Sept 25: 114.0

    * I don’t think it was a full pound of weight gain. I didn’t eat THAT much this weekend. It’s probably water weight, plus I’ve been a little constipates this weekend too. (Just started adding magnesium to my regimen last night which will hopefully help.)

    Weighed myself this morning and I was back down to 113.2. Whew! The water weight is finally gone, and the magnesium did its job. Fingers crossed I can lose 0.2 by Saturday to make my September goal, and then onto October!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I got my scale at the chemist/pharmacy. It's accurate to 0.1 of a lb. The %s are in no way accurate but like @rianneonamission I use it like a sticking point. If I was less than what I measured when I started then I've made progress.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Today’s weigh in

    135.8lbs this is the lowest weight I’ve been since 2009 :) so pretty happy with that, not actually sure what my goal weight is, I’m not really planning on losing much more, would like to tone more and this weight is the highest I want to go.

    Well done to everyone :)
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    Way to go @mrssunshine78! That's quite an accomplishment :smiley:
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    @mrssunshine78 That is AWESOME! I can only imagine how pumped you feel! @glassofroses I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! I really don't think I will lose 1 pound by tomorrow to meet my goal lol, but I am never EXACTLY certain of my weight as I have an old analog scale that is a little difficult to read - especially since the reading is so small, I am so tall, and I haven't gotten my contact prescription updated i ages so I'm practically blind. It's possible I'm right around 124 now - who knows! My free FitBit arrived yesterday so I am absolutely pumped to start using it! Happy almost October everyone!
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    @RMC1995 Wow, free fitbit? what type and where did you get that deal? I'm absolutely in love with my fitbit flex :smile:
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    Weekly check-in:
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 171 lbs
    Ultimate goal: Around 132 lbs
    September goal: 152 lbs (REVISED GOAL 154 lbs)
    Sep 1 158lbs
    Sep 8 157 lbs
    Sep 15 157.5 lbs (i was bad AND premenstrual)
    Sep 22 Missed
    Sep 29 157.5

    I lost exactly 1/2 lb this month. I was bad one week and super busy the others and didnt work out as much as I am supposed to. BUT on the plus side, I controlled my weight and didnt gain any, which means I can maintain a goal weight once I get there!
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs
    SW August- 174.2 lbs

    September 1st- 168 lbs
    September 4th- 172 lbs
    September 8th- 169.1 lbs
    September 11th- 169.8 lbs
    September 15th- 166.4 lbs
    September 18th- 165.6 lbs
    September 22nd- 164.5 lbs
    September 25th- 164.5 lbs
    September 30th- 166 lbs shark week

    End of September goal weight 164 lbs

    Hi all!!!! I decided to go ahead and step on the scale today. After almost two weeks of little to no exercise, a move, the start of school, AND a sudden unexpected period this week ill take the 1.5 weight gain. Because of my bloat and current period the 166 might not be entirely reflective of where I'm at. After today I will be able to get back on my workout routine. And hopefully these cramps start to subside.

    See you all in the October forum!!!! Congrats to all of those that pushed through this month and continued to check in. :)
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Sept 18: 113.2
    Sept 25: 114.0

    * I don’t think it was a full pound of weight gain. I didn’t eat THAT much this weekend. It’s probably water weight, plus I’ve been a little constipates this weekend too. (Just started adding magnesium to my regimen last night which will hopefully help.)

    Weighed myself this morning and I was back down to 113.2. Whew! The water weight is finally gone, and the magnesium did its job. Fingers crossed I can lose 0.2 by Saturday to make my September goal, and then onto October!

    Ok WOW here’s a surprise! Weighed myself just now (was out late drinking last night and just now woke up!) and I am 112.6!!

    I’m sure it’s a fluke, but I’ll definitely take it! September goal officially met, and surpassed.
  • rachls77
    rachls77 Posts: 11 Member
    SW 140lb
    CW 131 lb
    GW 119 lb
    Height: 5ft 6
    Age: 40
    September GW: 126 (1lb a week)
    1st Sept - 131lb
    10th Sept - 129lb (2lb loss)
    14th Sept - 127.8 lb (9st 1.8!)
    21st Sept - 128.2 (9st 2.2)
    28th Sept - 128 (9st 2)
    30th Sept - 126.8 lb (9st 0.8)

    So final weigh in of the month and didn't quite make my September goal, not far off though as at this weight it is always difficult for me to lose so any loss is progress.
    Had some NSV though that I am proud of. I joined the local running club and have been out with them a few times. Ran 4 times last week, twice at 5.30 in the morning. I joined a gym yesterday and will be having weight training coaching and going to body pump classes so hope to add some muscle.

    Bring on October!
  • FreshBrew92
    FreshBrew92 Posts: 17 Member
    My official last weigh in for September: September 30: 152.5lbs. 2.5 away from my goal.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Only .8lb from your goal isn't bad at all @rachls77! And like you say, you have NSVs to be proud of :)
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    HW- 186.4 lbs
    SW August- 177.4 lbs

    September 1st - 173.2 lbs
    September 6th - 175.4 lbs
    September 8th - 174.4 lbs
    September 12th - 171.8 lbs
    September 15th - 171.4 lbs
    September 19th – 169.0 lbs – September Goal Met!!!
    September 22nd – 169.6 lbs
    September 26th - 169.0 lbs
    September 30th - 169.9 lbs

    September Goal- 169.9 lbs! (I'd be really happy to get out of the 170s)

    So I made it to my goal! I didn't log my food well at all for the last week of September, but now that I'm back home I'll track more diligently.

    I'm jumping over to the October thread and starting there, but I figured I should finish this one off with the last of my weigh-in.

    See you all on the other thread!