Week 1 Daily Exercise, Weekly Challenge, Chat, and Discussion

Week 1 Daily Exercise - 30 minutes of cardio a day.

This is the week 1 daily exercise challenge. 30 minutes of cardio per day. Whatever cardio you want: run, walk, jog, swim, elliptical, bike, hike, etc. Anything that gets you up, moving, your heart rate up, and body burning. FOCUS on your DISCIPLINE this week. By day 3 or 4, when the "new challenge start" hype wears off, and your body is sore and tired, be disciplined to get your work in. Be disciplined to measure your food and track it, good or bad, and learn from ourselves. Be disciplined to do what you are supposed to do when no one is looking and take the hard road, the road less traveled; the struggle we face and the choices we make will help forge that discipline we need.

Week 1 Weekly Exercise Challenge - 15 miles of exercise completed this week.

Keep track of the cardio you do this week and it can count for this as well. But if you can complete 15 miles or more total this week, good.


  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Hmm, well it's already Monday here, and Sunday was my rest day. So I guess I'll have to catch up a cardio session.
    I did spend the day setting up my gym equip for some serious use however. Everything but the red multigym is from my previous get fit effort last year. The weights were all rusty old things people had discarded, I soaked them in vinegar then gave them a fresh paintjob. The multigym I bought on Friday. It's all 2nd hand gear.

    Check out what happened during my first strength training session on the multigym.. LOL

  • rh0322
    rh0322 Posts: 101 Member
    Took a spin class this morning...little less than hour cardio. Not sure how that converts to miles :-)
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry fyreside, i forgot you were ahead of me. That home gym looks awesome though.

    And rh0322 great job on the spin class. I took one of those one time and thought I was going to die.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    edited October 2017
    Wow Fyreside - don't think Duck Tape is going to fix that, whoa. Let us know how you resolve that - I'm curious!

    rh0322 -- Spin bike - wow - that is tough.

    Love the home gym pics. Here are mine. I mostly work out in my room so I hope there is no embarssing easter eggs in the photos. No guarantees in life though hu? haha.

    I use the blue matte for Yoga and I try to get in 'Daily Burn 360' (an app) a few times per week. I also have some 10lb and 5lb weights, sit up bench, and my treadmill in my garage.

    My primary sport is trail running. Lately though my mileage has been very low, like 6-10 miles a week and I haven't hit my workout goals. I have some health issues and I really have to be careful with my prep and execution and recovery. So I really want to get a strong Yoga habit in place (I find Yoga insanely boring - but it does make my body smile all over happy - it's very good for recovery and sore spots).

    I'm really tired of being fat, I'm in Pre-menopause and I don't have pretty young person fat, I have old woman emergency intertube tire around my waist. I probably float like a trooper. Dietary stuff that used to work for me - doesn't work anymore. I've had a profound crash course on hormones and genetics lately and realized I'm going to have to really change things up if I want to lose weight and it's probably a dice roll if it works at all. I do look just exactly like my mom and grandma in later life, so genetics - what do you do. *sigh*

    Anyway -- here is my "gym" -- the rest of my gym is outside in the woods and along the beach.


  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Love those pics. I'm not sure what everyone's plan is going forward but mine is to follow the Paleo Plan (relatively strictly). I had a lot of success with it in the past, actually lost about 50 pounds on it, but then when I met my wife, she cooked so good and I stopped doing what I was doing, most of it came back... story of a lot of people's life, I know. But I find that it is relatively simple, no processed food, dairy (although I love milk and use it in my protein shakes), just meat, veggies, fruit, and nuts. Through the first week, I feel my energy levels rise and just feel great again. Not sure what everyone else is planning to do, but that's my game plan. I'm not sure of anyone's dietary needs, concerns, or restrictions, but I would recommend going in with a plan and sticking to it for a few weeks to, enough time to see results. If its not working, then make some changes. If it is working, stick to it.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Liking this challenge. I probably can't adhere to challenge #1 super strictly; my Mondays are busy enough that I kind of have to use them as a rest day from any deliberate workouts (while I keep the step counter on my phone on and I usually walk/run about 3 miles just doing the day-to-day activities of Monday, I don't really count it as a workout because that feels like cheating). What I can do, though, is average at least 30 minutes a day and 15 miles total - I've been coming pretty close to that lately; time to close the gap!

    Also loving the home gym pictures - makes me wish I had one of my own to show off. Sadly I live with my boyfriend in a tiny little studio with no room for this kind of setup...one day in the near future we'll move into a two-bedroom apartment and I'll find myself some good equipment and we'll all be good, but for now I can make do with the nearby park (will share photos of that later, at least) and actually using the gym memberships I'm paying for.

    I don't have any strict diet plans, beyond staying within my target calorie range with a reasonable nutrient balance. The only thing I want to actively work at changing is that I want to get my protein intake up and my simple carb intake down - particularly, I've gotten into the unfortunate habit of going for juice or soda just to push me over the edge when I find myself under the low end of my target calorie range toward the end of the day, and it doesn't really make me feel that great, so my goal is to start replacing that with a high-protein snack or "second dinner".
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I am just plain old counting calories and losing very slowly. If I had a home gym it would just have cobwebs on cobwebs. I need the social aspect to push me. I swim 2-3 days a week, take yoga classes, hip hop, and whatever else I find at the gym that looks like fun. No weights. Looks like I need to add some walking this week.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @OregonRunner5 Great setup you have there. I can't really run trails, but I do enjoy getting out into nature whenever I can. Would love to see a pic of your favorite trail. And yes, nothing short of welding will fix that bench. Its raining for the first time in 4 months here, but when it subsides I will fix it up and post a pic.

    @burly_man308 The paleo diet is one that just makes sense to me. Getting back to the foods our bodies are built to eat. The heavily processed food that lines our supermarket shelves is so unhealthy . If I wasn't such a fussy eater, I would give it a try. My plan involves strict calorie counting of the foods I like to eat. With a secondary goal of increased protein intake and a tertiary goal of reduced sodium.

    @explodingmango Love that name :) I would count any miles covered in daily activity. It's all burned calories after all.

    I've done the gym memberships in the past, but the hurdle of getting out and going there was high enough to stop it from happening enough. Then I got so big that pride became an issue. There's nothing fun about going to a place full of fit people wearing clothes that barely cover me and trying to not look like I'm about to have a stroke on an exercise machine. Anyway, with the gear I've gathered, I'm all out of excuses now.

    Hey, if it's cool with people, I'm going to start inviting group members to friend on here.
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    I've invited people to be friends on here and highly encourage it. It allows you to see the person's daily log and see if they finished their journal for the day. It keeps us accountable.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Hey Burly, are we doing daily checkin/updates or just weekly?
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    I would like people to be active on here daily, just to hold everyone accountable. I would suggest dropping a post to say you have completed the daily exercise and food log to get the points, it makes it easier for me to check here than having to check everyone individually. So yeah, I would like everyone to at least drop a post saying how they've done each day and any words of wisdom, advice, encouragement, etc.

    Hope you all take charge and own today. Tomorrow is never promised. Do what you can today and everything will take care of itself. Keep moving forward.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm getting started again with FitBit - okay I admit it, I don't really know how to add friends on there or how it works exactly but it gave me this public URL if you want to buddy up and do step challenges together:

    I use my Garmin, PShackles or Paula Shackles should bring me up.

    If you do the step counting challenges or something, add me, might be fun!
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    I like all the pics. I wish I had my own to share, but my 5YO son takes over every room in the house. I usually work out in my living room. We have a high ceiling which makes me feel less crowded.

    I started my weight loss journey in May with one thing in mind - I cannot diet! I can't. I've tried and failed so many times. So I decided just to eat better. That's why I joined MFP. It helps me stay within my calorie goals, and I keep a sharp eye on my fat, carbs, sugar and sodium. If I get too high on any of those, I adjust what I eat for the rest of the day so I still eat enough calories for energy, but I don't go over (too much) on the rest. I cut out most junk food, most fried foods, candy and sweets, and cokes. But I haven't done away everything. Now and then, I'll have a some cookies, I'll sneak a drink from my husband's coke. I still eat regular fried eggs, white bread, ice-cream sandwiches. all in moderation and I keep an eagle eye on serving sizes.

    Two things I have changed fitness-wise are I make sure to get a minimum of 10,000 steps a day and I work out 45-60 minutes 4-5 times a week. I bought a cheap fitness band on Amazon to remind me to move every 30 mins and to monitor my steps. It also keeps track of when I workout and how many miles I've put into each workout.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited October 2017
    Well, my day was thrown off before it even started. I'm trying to recover so that "thrown off" doesn't mean "completely ruined."

    Last night after I got home from climbing, my boyfriend and I got dressed up and went out, just for the hell of it, which was mostly nice. Except I chose the wrong thing to wear and it made me really acutely aware of just how much I have left to lose. Sometimes I forget how small my frame is and think I'm pretty close to ideal...then I find myself spilling out of parts of my tightest outfits no matter how I adjust them and I remember, and god is it ever discouraging.

    The good news about that is, I've recognized a messed up thought process that sabotages me - in moments like that, I always wish there truly was some kind of negative-calorie food that I could just shovel into my body to make it happen faster, and for some reason my disorder feels like there should be such a thing. I'm trying to replace the impulse to try and find that mythical food with going out and exercising, or...something else actually productive. But that's easier said than done.

    Then last night as I was going to bed I saw the news about Vegas. That was...a little stressful, but there were way fewer details then than there were this morning, and...I'm kind of glad because I don't think I would have been able to sleep if I'd known more.

    My boyfriend and I are planning the wedding in Vegas. It's only a 5-6 hour drive away from us. We need to go out there one of these weekends to tour likely venues. We were strongly considering this weekend, but communication was slow and other plans came up. So basically we narrowly avoided getting wrapped up in that just by "bad" luck.

    I...am more than a little rattled. The stress is making me physically ill. I'm taking the day off school because I won't be able to focus, I physically don't feel good enough to sit in class, and I don't trust myself on the drive. But that means I don't have my usual Monday movement...I'll have to work something out that I can do, possibly without being able to go beyond walking distance today.

    For right now, I'm going to look up some good recipes for healthy comfort foods to make for lunch. Boyfriend and I both need it.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey everyone, love the motivation and competitiveness going on. I'm excited for this weeks' challenge, and seeing as my goal was to hit the gym at least 4 times this week, well I can kill 2 birds with one stone.
    Question: How will you know if we actually completed the challenge? For example, when I'm on the treadmill, I don't log it as an exercise because I track my steps and I don't want to double log. So, do I not log it and enter the exercise on MFP, or is it on the honor system at the end of the week?
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    What happened in Vegas still seems unreal. I actually felt a little selfish going through my normal routine today when so many aren't able to and many others never will again.

    I'm sorry you're feeling so much stress. I hope you find a way to center yourself and bring some peace back to your day. Take care.

  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @explodingmango ((BIG HUGS))

    This is the first year since I moved to the West Coast I had to cut out some of my running routes and places I would normally go because I just didn't feel safe and had to deal with harassment.

    Comfort foods -- well -- a nice hot cup of tea. Recommend today a fall blend with a little cream and sugar. Maybe a nice scone to go with it or a few graham crackers.

    We have some rather lovely coffee houses here on the Oregon coast - so if you were here I would recommend a nice Americano at Coffee Girl with a slice of their home made cake and watch the sea lions play while you relax and listen to tall tales from fishermen in the background ("well back in '82 we caught so many crab that year - yeah how many?") or the rumblings of lost tourists, ("is that the ocean? I think that's the ocean..some older guy who is always with them nomatter the group pops in as the expert, expert on absolutely everything...oh yes that is the Pacific Ocean!" while pointing out at the Columbia River -- cracks me up, every time.)


  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Awesome job meat!! Keep it up! Great start. My steps were only 12,000 today. Entered my food but it wasn't like I wanted. Got my cardio in, but feel like I could do more or go harder. Didn't get a chance to get to the store so still scrounging around for food right now. Hitting the store tomorrow. Seems like everyone got off to a good start today. Stay strong and stay disciplined.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Well, I feel a lot better after a good lunch and going on a nice evening run in the park. It's the first time in years I've built up the courage to go on an outdoor run that wasn't part of a class or event. Even found ways to work the playground equipment into the whole thing, which was a lot of fun. According to my phone, including warm up and cool down, I covered 3.86 miles in 42 minutes. I don't know how accurate that is, but my average pace through the bulk of it was apparently close to 7 miles per hour, which is...way better than I typically do on the treadmill.

    Still feeling kinda sick, and still avoiding most news, but at least I got some good activity in!