Daily check in



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 44 Tuesday

    Checking early as I have a tennis match tonight – Played 2 set’s this am so good with calorie burn.

    Nutrition: Still working on the cleaning up part and should be under calories today.

    Day 4 – weekly 11

    Kathy – “Food taste better when I'm putting junk food in my system!!” I’m hoping you meant, Food taste better when NOT putting junk food in your system, lol Abs are made in the kitchen and we all should be focusing on eating healthier, (my worse curse!)

    Kbranch – Spanking, lol Excellent day all around, I love that you set a goal and stick to it, keep rocking it!

    Mommabeare – When we know better, we should do better, right? ;)

    Naomisds – Ditto above, lol Great job on getting in your “two-a-day”!

    Keep pushing ladies!!!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Ok the ultimate update. I gained my weight back. I havent been making the best meal choices. So back to square one.
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in!
    Won’t let me post my menu because it was under 1,000 calories, but was detoxing today and tomorrow with bone broth. It is so good for the body.
    I periodically do this to make sure That my body isn’t ‘addicted’ to anything (carbs, caffeine..)

    I did have a stare down at a peanut butter protein bar! I won (only because I went to bed early, to not think about it) lol. 8:30 and heading up!

    Into: good luck in tennis!

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello. Did a good job eating except my snack logging in as dinner. A half of a burrito while I was driving home from work. Had to eat what was around well before tennis for some fuel. Someone bought it for me and I didn't ask for it. Then after getting spanked at tennis had a tiny bit of turkey meatloaf and rice for dinner. At lunch we went out to BJ's and I had plain salmon and broccoli with 1/2 avocado egg roll. Was at about 1600 gross calories today.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you to all who continue to post, good, bad, and otherwise! It is always great to know I am not in this alone. I managed to do my two-a-day again today and, as promised, my eating was much better today, coming in under goal. Keep fighting the good fight, all!

    D 3, W 12.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 11
    Went to physical therapy early this morning, followed by 3 sets of doubles, and then another 2 sets tonight. Didn't have time to really get a nutritious meal in today. Stayed under calories but need to find snacks that are quick and good protein. I did forget to put the NOT into my junk food statement. Thanks for noticing that intotennis!! You can burn a lot of calories when house cleaning!!!
    naomi - hope you were successful again today getting in your 2 a days.
    jorange - restart is so much better than throwing in the towel. You got this!!!
    Bone broth? mommabeare - never heard of it. Way to win over that pb bar.
    kbranch - your dinner and lunch choices sounded tasty and healthy. I love salmon and turkey meatloaf too.
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    @jorange88 I feel like my body gets used to a certain way and after 7-10 days, I change it up. I"m not an expert, but I completely have to restart every so often. I also gained weight first, but I constantly remind myself that I have to gain first to lose. I get annoyed when the scale goes up, but I know I was in the right direction. I constantly remind myself that muscle weighs more than fat and to lose the fat, I have to gain the muscle. (don't let the scale control you)
    My issue is my skin now. If you lose too fast, that skin hangs and THAT is even more frustrating, so hang in there... nice and slow. My best advice is to rely on the tape measure and not the scale until you can see your muscles. I know this information, I am just terrible at taking my own advice and my body is a pain in the *kitten*, it doesn't respond well and I have to constantly shock it.
    BEST TIP I EVER GOT: my doctor told me if you go without food, your body goes into starving mode, so when you DO eat, it stores it because it assumes you will go on a starving spree... So the best thing to do is to constantly eat every few hours, so your body doesn't store it, it uses it.
    @kathyNKCSD Bone broth (have to buy good bone broth or you're just buying salt and water). Bone broth has SO MANY benefits, you should really look it up. When you have to fast or substitute meals or snack, the broth is like an actual meal with like 50 calories. I have been forcing myself to drink a cup between meals to fill me up even when I'm not hungry.. (because I'm the person that their body thinks it's starving them, so it stores EVERYTHING)... I like to eat only when starving, then I chow down.
    Right now, I'm actually drinking it as a meal to shock and fast my body. I buy Epic Artisanal beef bone broth jalapeño with sea salt (brown jar). I heat it up and drink it. The first couple of times, it was strange, but now.... I absolutely love it! I used to make my own, but realized I was making it wrong. I bought some more bones and will slow cook them for a few days to make my own. I am drinking this stuff way too fast.

    @Naomisds I found the more carbs I ate, the hungrier I get. It seems like they actually MAKE you hungry. I realized carbs and Michelle do not mix. I love my veggies and fruit, but I do realize that I can't carb load because it just makes me super hungry and I will eat the house! I had to make protein my main source... (one way to find out if that's you, too. try to cut them down for a few days and if you feel like you're sick or have the flu, you are a carb junkie ;)
    I also use stevia instead of sugar (doesn't affect your blood sugar).
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 15
    I am going to check in early today just because I have time now. Just got back from the fitness center where I tackled the elliptical for 60 minutes. Then I'll end the day on the tennis court tonight.
    mommabeare - great advice that you had for jorange and I took alot out of it as well. Reminds me that we are not perfect and each day can be a new day to make of it what we choose to. I have learned so much about my body and what it needs and doesn't need recently (last 45 days). And sometimes we don't need it physically but emotional. We need to take care of that part of us too. Goal is to be fit and happy!!!! Not just today but for a long, long time.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone!! I had my first TurboKick class last night and it was so fun! It also solidified how out of shape I am. Saturday is an hour of PiYo and I’m pretty sure I might die.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 45 Wednesday

    Completed P90X3 Yoga but was very sluggish today. Cleaned the house and mopped the floors too. Played about 2 hrs of tennis doubles so got some moving & grooving done!

    Nutrition: blah blah blah, better day tomorrow!

    FYI: Yesterday after tennis found my hubbies leftover pizza , I was so hungry I ate it! I think I might try a new thing. When I see food that I want and it’s not healthy, I’m going to “stop, drop and roll!” might work, lol

    Day 2 – weekly 10

    Jorange – I’m right there with you! I can get the workouts done but, food is my nemesis! Take one meal at a time, then one day at a time. I’ll be doing the same :)

    Mommabeare – Happy detoxing! Congrats on beating the PBB, doesn’t matter that you went to bed, you didn’t have it! Congrats! (didn’t play, my opponents defaulted my court so I practice instead)

    Kbranch – Burrito sounds like good carbs before a match! And, I’m sure you’ll do better next time and get the win!

    Naomisds – Excellent day, congrats on the “two-a-day” and better food choices, keep rocking it!

    Kathy – Crazy day of tennis for you, extreme stamina! Great job on nutrition too! Did you like the hummus? I think that’s good protein? You are so right, we can’t forget this is a journey for a healthy long life!

    Giglqueen – lol, so glad to hear you had fun with Turbokick, keep pushing forward and you’ll see improvements by next week! Workouts should be tough but fun too!

    We are at the top of the hill so let’s not slide down but, run down!

    Instead of “I think I can, I think I can!” change it to “I know I can, I know I can” !!

    Keep pushing each other! <3
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Well I've been doing couch sit-ups during commercials. Also my version of couch aerobics. It's something.

    Played dubs earlier today for a bit more exercise.

    Completely agree with starvation mode. I believe I've experienced that. Ultimately, fewer calories in helps reduce weight. My two cents anyway.

  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great with keeping active. Way to use it so you don't lose it!

    Barely won my match this evening. Had I known how many calories I was going to burn, I might have eaten a bit more today (and probably should have)! At least I didn't eat too much! Well, time for bed so I can get up and get a walk in before work in the morning to keep up with my two-a-days. Good night and much success to all of us!

    D 4, W 16.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2017
    Check in - Day 46 Thursday

    Had tennis clinic with only 2 of us instead of usual 4 so lots of running! Came home and cleaned the back yard, ran errands, etc. busy day!

    Nutrition: My mother always told me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!" :'(

    Day 2 - weekly 12

    crazychicken - Sweet way to get in some fun exerciser and keep things mixed up!

    Naomisds - Congrats on the win! Doesn't matter how you start, it's how you finish! Hey, we can all use that here, right! Great job on nutrition too! Will you be the next Queen???

    Keep rocking it ladies! :)

  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in day 46

    crazy chicken lol If I could be a fly on your wall for the couch aerobics ;)

    Naomis congrats on the win

    intotennis: I saw a pic of you and SN and you can clearly see that you've lost weight! Your face is much thinner and you're looking hot ;)

    I took my own advice (for once) and got my bones and am brewing up my own beef bone broth. I roasted my bones and veggies first, so we'll see how it turns out (have to simmer it for at least 24 hours and as much as 48). I have it in my pressure cooker/crockpot. I can't keep up with $7 a bottle and drinking 1-2 a day.

    Someone asked me what it was good for: it is awesome for your gut or any stomach issues and it repairs it. If you're prone to the Big D or anything else, this is what you want to be sipping on.

    Night ladies
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 3, week 18
    Had a crazy busy day with no time to even grab a snack until 1:30. 7 am this morning I had to take a friend to the emergency room and sat there until they released her at noon. She is OK thank goodness but I completely missed breakfast and lunch. I had to rush to bowling where I missed the first game but got in the next two. Got home and ate a can of sliced carrots, pudding cup and half a banana. Ran to the dentist for a quick visit and then golfed from 3 till 6:30 pm. Finally had a good dinner of meatloaf, sweet potatoes, and peas. Just got done doing my shoulder exercises before seeing the PT tomorrow. Wow, glad today is over. Should sleep well tonight.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Mary, you will have to tell me more about couch aerobics! They sound awesome! ;)

    Kathy, I'm glad you didn't pass out!

    As you know, I have been faithful to doing my two-a-days all week and my reward for my efforts is...a blister! It's always a blister, always the right foot, always the fourth toe. Not sure what I keep doing wrong, but I am not going to let it stop me! I'm going to bandage it up and exercise twice again tomorrow! Plus, I have kept my eating under control all week so at this rate, I should be skinny in no time! Lol!

    As always, keep pushing forward, everyone, and good night!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checkling in

    I kept meals under control, had a salad at a party, drank 3 nice size glasses of wine, and brought my own dessert ( 2cookies that I ate on the way home)... I took a meal that I knew would not sabotage my efforts or cost me tomorrow. I had planned ahead. (salad with protein and 2 cookies for dessert).

    felt nice to get out of the house and away from the responsible life.

    Calories say good job, but am super full and the wine buzz says you're a naughty girl...

    I thought I was prepared, we'll see ....

    Happy Friday all and enjoy your weekend, make smart choices.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I came in under my calorie goal again. Planning to play singles twice tomorrow so maybe I can afford a small treat. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to hear from you all again soon!

    D 6, W 24.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 22
    I'll check in early today before I doze off for a well needed nap. I got run ragged this morning playing singles. Really felt the exhaustion set in the final tie break.
    mommabeare - really great how you planned for the party and what you were going to put into your body. It was nice to enjoy friends and make responsible choices with all the food and drinks. You are doing well!!!
    naomi - so proud of you succeeding with your two a days this week. I knew when you set your mind to something that you would do it!
    To all you die-hard football fans - enjoy your games but beware of the easy to grab football watching junk food. Make smart choices and good luck to all your teams.
    Cubbies are playing tonight- first game against Dodgers!!!!
    Polish Club dinner/dance tomorrow - menu has polish sausage (which can't be very healthy). I'm going to have get on the dance floor for every one of those polkas they play.
    Everyone is doing great - keep it up!!!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 47 Friday & 48 Satuday

    Friday: Didn’t do any “exerciser” on Friday but, was up early and cleaning the house and back yard for a party. I literally sat down for only 1 hr after cleaning before I had to get ready to party; I know I burnt some calories!

    Saturday: Played about 2 and ½ hours of tennis singles, lot’s of running! (I’m officially pooped!)

    Nutrition: Really didn’t eat much at all on Friday to busy running, not the best choices either but, should be under calories today. Plan on taking it easy today and starting tomorrow back to logging food and making better choices. (I have to clean out the frig of all the goodies everyone left me but, there’s lots of veggies too)

    Day 2 – Weekly 14

    Mommabeare – You’re my new best friend & thank you! Did I tell you I love you! Lol I’m not sure I want to try the bone broth but, excellent job on planning ahead and controlling yourself at the party. Sweet!

    Kathy – Crazy day and I'm glad your friend is doing better; sometimes life gets in the way so we just have to do the best we can at that moment. Excellent job on still doing your shoulder exercises after a long day! It was a very tough day on the courts today but fun; enjoy your nap!

    Naomisds – Awesome job on keeping your goal but stop abusing your little toe! Super job on keeping your calories under, toughest part for me ! Playing singles “twice”, you’re a rock star!!!! (enjoy the treat, you’ve earned it!)

    Keep kicking butt ladies, you’re doing awesome! <3<3<3<3