Daily check in



  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Saturday!! Today has been so busy! I took a PiYo class this morning. It was great! The instructor offered up 30 minutes before class as a quick instruction to the moves so I wouldn’t be lost the entire class, so I had a great 90 minutes workout. The rest of the day was cleaning, weeding, playing soccer with my son, Keto pizza for dinner and now I’m on the couch, just popped some Aleve, and ready to relax. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking In:

    Everyone seems productive and very aware of the choices and consequences. Isn’t that what this is all about- Being aware.

    Kathy, Naomi, Into, giggle, you guys are really setting a great example on staying active. I love how open and putting pride aside we are about our success and failure, but not quitting.

    If I even start talking myself out of exercising, I see you’re checking in and say- if they found the time, I surely have the time!...kathy found couch aerobics... great example of ‘how bad do you want it’
    Halloween is coming up and all that leftover candy... start your game plan! I am buying candy that is gf and bit size, so I know if there are leftovers, it will be ok if I have one a day... sounds like bite size snickers for me...
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    After playing singles twice in one day, I am exhausted! Shouldn't I also be skinny now, too?

    It sounds like everyone is doing great, but I am too tired to comment further at the moment.

    Keep up the good work, everyone, peace out, and GOOD NIGHT!

    D 7, W 28.

    Am I the queen again yet???
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member

    And!! Drum roll please!!!

    The queen this week is Naomisds! Congratulations on kicking butt! You've set your goals and have stuck with them! Super job so enjoy that crown!

  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 49 Sunday

    Played 2 hrs of tennis fun & went to the driving range with hubby for about 45 mins. Scheduled rest day for P90X3

    Nutrition: Back to logging and should stay under calorie goal.

    Day 4 – Weekly 4

    Giglqueen - Super happy your enjoying your classes, that should help you in the long run! Nice job finishing the day with more moving and grooving!

    Mommabeare – Love your consistency of checking in, supper motivating for us all! My “trick” for Halloween, is I buy candy I don’t like (that much,lol) it helps!

    Naomisds – Playing singles twice in one day is amazing!! Unfortunately “skinny” doesn’t happen over night! Keep focusing on your goals and making healthy choices and before you know it, a beautiful side effect will be a smaller, health version of yourself. PS: This week, I’m coming for that crown! :p

    Keep pushing forward ladies, it's a new week!!!!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 4
    I probably ate too much at the Polish Club dinner, a link of brautwurst, roasted potatoes, and loaded up on the carrots. Finished with a chocolate cupcake with icing. I tried to dance off as much as possible with some polkas, waltzes, line dances, macarana, hokey pokey, and cupid shuffle. I'll do my stretches after the Cubs game. I got a lot of tennis in yesterday but will be off the court for a few days now so I'll try to get to the fitness center.
    My community is all 55 and over so we never have any trick or treaters and therefore no reason to buy Halloween candy. Whew!!
    intotennis - getting in tennis and golf in the same day is a great way to work those back and shoulder muscles.
    naomi - congrats on queen for the week. You deserve it with sticking to your two a day goal.
    Hope all of you that haven't posted lately are hanging in there and doing your best. Love to hear from you all!!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check in

    Redskins won........ drops the
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Happy to see posts from giglqueen, MommaBeare, intotennis, and kathyNKCSD. Keep working hard, ladies! After tennis as well as a 1+ hour walk, I am again beat! Good night, all, and I look forward to more posts from everyone tomorrow.

    D 1, W 4.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Checking in!

    Last week was awesome scalewise. Then the weekend happened. Will get back on track.

    Let's do it this week.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 50 Monday!

    Hubby worked all weekend & had the day off so we played over 4 hours of golf that was cart path only so lot’s of walking!!! Did not complete my P90X3 :'(

    Nutrition: had a big salad with grilled chicken so had to guess at calories, did have 3 bites of artichoke dip but, over all not to bad.

    Day 3 – weekly 6
    Note: adjusted my count from yesterday. After I completed my day, hubby made popcorn and I had a small bowl so was over on my calories. I do not want to eat my exercise calories back so need to tighten it up!!

    Kathy – Your dance and dinner sounds like a win/win in my book!!!

    Mommabeare – not much of a check in, lol and I don’t understand, "drops the"??

    Naomisds – You’re doing excellent with your “two a day” hope the nutrition is as awesome as you need extra fuel to keep you killing those workouts! Keep rocking it my Queen!

    Crazychicken – Awesome job with the scale and I’m sure you’ll do awesome again!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Monday peeps!! I am still super sore from my PiYo class Saturday. I was trying to get to a Zumba class tonight but I got stuck at work. My food has been awesome and I’m super proud of myself. My scale didn’t move but I hope I’m just holding water in my sore muscles. I’ll check again next Monday morning. :) Hope everyone had a great Monday!
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in

    IT was suppose to be drops the mic (picture of a microphone) but guess it didn't go through.

    I had a heavy lunch, so was planning on fish for dinner, then hubs comes home and says let's go out.... which is rare.... so we went to Black Angus and OH MY OH MY!

    I did the 12 oz ribeye with bacon/blue butter
    loaded baked potato
    *no bread, 1/2 the potato-just the insides lol, 1/2 the steak, 2 bites of pilaf, all of the salad and ranch dressing-no croutons*

    It was a doozy, I know I'll pay for it in the morning, but will make sure to hit the gym to counter it. I had something other than water for once. 1 glass of tea sweetened and 2 glasses unsweetened.

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Howdy troopers. I've been sticking with working out, but not posting. However honestly I'm cheering when I browse through the activities you ladies post. Thanks for keeping me motivated.

    Did someone say polish sausage?
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    CC2017 - Love your attitude!

    Intotennis - Way to keep up your activity!

    Giglqueen - Great job with your workouts and your nutrition!

    MommaBeare - Way to NOT clean your plate and good plan to hit the gym!

    Kbranch75 - Good to hear from you again and learn that you are still pushing forward!

    KathyNKCSD - Love the dancing! Sounds like a much more fun way to burn calories than to go for a run!

    I wasn't able to do a two-a-day today due to an extra long work day, but I did get a walk in before work and then did a little work around the house this evening. Will be back to my two-a-days tomorrow. In the meantime, I managed to stay under my calorie goal today just barely! Going to try to get to bed soon - - earlier than usual!

    D 4, W 8.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Taco Tuesday!! That’s me wanting tacos, but a grilled chicken salad it is! I just got finished with my TurboKick class and I’m sweating like a pig! My nutrition today was great and I’m just trying to get more water in. I think I’m doing pretty good, I had to get up at 3 to use the restroom
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 51 Tuesday

    Played over 3 hours in a tennis match and I’m pooped! Didn’t do P90X3 but, I’ll do two tomorrow to catch up.

    Nutrition: 1st half of the day great, 2nd half not so much, still in a food funk but, I'm working to getting better!

    Day 3 – weekly 9

    Giglqueen – Awesome job on nutrition, that is the hardest part for me! Don’t worry about the scale, if your sore & your nutrition is good, that scale will change! Keep kicking butt!

    Momabeare – Glad you enjoyed your dinner and hope it didn’t get you to bad the next day, keep up the great job!

    Kbranch – Great to hear from you! I knew you’d be killing your workouts but still check in, we love to hear how you’re doing and it helps to motivate knowing your doing it right!

    Naomisds – sounds like you got your “two a day” to me! Walk before and after – 2! Awesome job with the calorie goal too! Excellent job my Queen!

  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Early check in

    I ran to the gym, ran a little at the gym, hit the weights on lower body, and rows for my back. Walked home. I know the leftover steak and potato took most of my calories, but someone had to eat it... :)
    I countered it with some salmon for dinner.

    I sure liked it when I was on ketogenics and didn't have to count calories or worry when I used good fats. I noticed that carbs are starting to make me hungry and I am starting to not be satisfied... might toy with keto tomorrow and see if I really am more productive with keto than calorie counting.

    Be blessed all and use the tape measure, not the scale :)
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Pumpkin bread is getting the best of me!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 9
    Checking in while I watch the Cubbies play. We need a win!! Had PT this morning and went to the fitness center this afternoon to put 35 min. on the elliptical and do some leg machines. Calories are down thanks to being on a soft food diet plan right now thanks to my dentist. I'm thinking a small bowl of vanilla ice cream might get on there before hitting the hay tonight.
    mommabeare - steak and potato doesn't sound bad to me and I love salmon too. I am going to have to google ketogenics because I have no idea what that is.
    intotennis - I know you love your P90X but I think you rocked your workout today on the court.
    gigiqueen - Way to go taking salad over tacos. It sounds so great the variety of workout classes that you are participating in. You must be working all different muscles! Keep consuming all that water.
    naomi - you're doing great with your exercise and attitude!!
    kbranch - I know if I ever hit the running track I'm sure to run into you or should I say wave hello as you pass me.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds like the food side of things is going all right and the activity side of things is going great for everyone! Keep persisting, everyone, and eventually we will all attain our goals!

    D 4, W 12.