Weekly Post - 13.11.2017 - 19.11.2017



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Light day for me, but I've been busy (so I can't write much but wanted to check in), so I'm feeling fine with it. So far today I have NOT snuck any candy, not even a Starburst, which is a first since Halloween. Tomorrow one of my kids has his class Thanksgiving feast day, so we'll see! I'm bringing these insanely delicious-looking pumpkin rolls that I bought at Costco. My son is beyond excited (he's in first grade), but since I'll be around other adults to whom I am not related by blood or marriage, I'll probably eat like a bird. They say people tend to binge eat in groups, but I've always been a closet eater. Anyone else like that?
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Todays light day was much better. Monday night was just a light soup and this may have sabotaged the tue light day. Wed night was a good meal and today was good.

    Supplements I take fish oil, Glucosomine, and B vits.

    Todays weights were hard but I do need to get up to target.

    Weight is up but I am growing muscle, and the muscles will be holding water to help with the repair process so I am not concerned.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hi all!

    Great, thanks @ryenday I am totally looking forward to picking up some of the Costco Fish Oil supplements over the weekend or the next time I can get in to Costco without looking my mind in the parking lot alone. Darn you Thanksgiving crowds! :p

    @RBXChas I know what you mean about overeating in front of a big group. I won't go crazy either since I am not gong to be with my family. I do the exact same thing. If I am at someone's house who is not family, I will take it easy. Won't have a big plate, may or may not have seconds, etc. If I was home or with my family that is a different story - bring it on... So I guess I will be good by default on Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Eve / Day may be a different story as we will be with my family. :)

    I will be eating at maintenance levels starting on Monday, as well as going to the gym. I won't count calories on Thanksiving Day either but I don't plan on going nuts. Yes I definitely will have dessert!

    Supplements I take:
    Hair, Skin, and Nails Extra Strength multi-vitamin. Don't laugh LOL it has a lot of good stuff in it and I have been able to grow my hair longer and it is thicker. My skin is feeling really good is not as dry.
    Magnesium Oxide, 400 mg. Helps keep everything moving in the GI tract. Also good for muscle pain and can assist with headaches / migraines
    PB8 probiotic - good gut heath is important to me and I find it helps me keep healthy from the typical colds, etc. that go around *knocks on wood*
    Calcium 600 mg
    Low dose aspirin - one per day
    Will add the fish oil soon :)

    Glad you are doing well @Marmitegeoff growing muscle is good, as it helps us burn more fat! I am trying not to focus too much on the number on the scale if I can as I know the muscle will help me in the long run.

    Have a good night and see you all soon!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited November 2017
    Lol! I tried to tell folks on the regular board that the Apple Watch steps calorie adjustment was borked. They kept telling me it was working as intended. (If all I did was get a step adjustment I’d get a modest amount of calories added to the day but if I logged a workout the adjustment went negative for no good reason. I wonder if they would still argue it is working as intended


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Today's food intake was NOT weight loss friendly. Let's just leave it at that. :|

    My supplements: Enzymatic AM/PM perimenopause formula, calcium+D, an additional D by itself, a multiple vitamin, fish/flax/borage(omegas), and, recently, astaxanthan, a great antioxidant, especially for your eyes-my husband is 60 and his vision is improving every year since he started taking it. I also take magnesium sometimes, but it upsets my tummy a little.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hi all,

    Another frustrating week on the scale. Lost the .2 that I had "found" last week but have not managed to get past my low from a few weeks ago of 171. I know my body is in desperate need of a re-set (mind too) so I wasted no time and reset my calories on MFP to maintenance. I am planning to eat at maintenance until Sunday, November 26. I will still be going to the gym and working out via my new gym schedule of cardio and weights, six days a week. This is assuming that we get to the gym on Thanksgiving Day - still waiting to find out what time we need to be at Turkey Day. Our gym closes at 1pm that day and we don't know our timing yet. Hopefully we can pull off a workout that morning.

    MFP puts me at 1700 or so calories which seems low. Another TDEE type calculator has me at around 1900 because I had put in my actual body fat %. Mind you that is the body fat % that my scale tells me and not some fancy test that a trainer does with calipers, but I have seen that number go down each week. So I think the higher number is a little more accurate, but 1700 is fine for now and gives me a little flexibility with Thanksgiving. I will see how it goes. :)

    Hope everybody is well! Love all the posts about what supplements people are taking.

    I will check back later. Have a great day!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!
    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
    Yesterday I managed to get one of the last bags of Yukon gold potatoes, thanks to a nice worker in the produce section of our grocery store!
    Off to the gym. See you soon. :)