Winter 2018 - Week 4 - I. Can't. Commit.



  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    @spdaphne- A huge mistake that occurs frequently in my home is pizza (delivery). My husband and I LOVE it. And I would not even feel bad about it if I only had one slice. I have the calories for that every time. But no, I don't stop at one slice. I stop at 3 (quite honestly, it used to be worse, so I guess I should give myself a little credit. We used to finish an entire large pizza together). I simply don't have 1000 calories by that time of day. I KNOW I can work it in my calories for one slice, I just seem to have no self control. Stress is a large part of my life, but I feel like it's just become an excuse these days. I think I eat really well during the day. Just lose self control in the evenings. Any recommendations in this department are seriously welcome!

    I found this recipe somewhere on MFP a while ago for flat bread pizzas and they have really helped fill the pizza void. We are HUGE pizza fans as well and it's impossible to give it up. A whole flatbread pizza, which is pretty large and filling, is about 300-400 calories depending on toppings. We found that Aldi has great flatbreads for 90 calories and Kroger has turkey pepperoni, such a game changer.

    -Preheat oven to 350
    -Put two flatbreads on a baking sheet and bake for 10 min, or until slightly crispy
    -Spread 1-2 tbsp of pizza sauce (Meijer brand has an organic one that's low cal) on each flatbread and cover with
    shredded cheese
    -Put toppings on pizza, place back in oven, and bake until cheese is melted
  • YAJ3507
    YAJ3507 Posts: 41 Member
    @SmithsonianEmpress I have a 24 oz. Camelbak bottle I sip on all day at work. Whether I'm thirsty or not, I just suck on it throughout the day. My goal is always 1 full bottle before lunch and 1 full bottle after lunch. At home I use a SodaStream to jazz up my water options. :smile: Drinking water is so important. It helps with overall health and makes your skin so happy!
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 216 Member
    edited January 2018
    Something that I can't seem to commit to is...drinking water daily

    I want to commit to it because....hydration is important for so many reasons. I few weeks ago I had the WORST case of SEVERE chapped lips. I had to go to the after care clinic to get seen. The dr said I was dehydrated. My lips are better but they still constantly peel and crack and no balm works. I do have Eminence Lip Balm (I put it on at night but not every night...I need to though) and Sara Happ gloss (I use that during the day) they both kind of work.

    The reason I feel I can't commit to it is because...most of the time I am literally not thirsty. I can go about 2-3 days with nothing but coffee and a protein shake/ far as liquid goes. Then I get hit was thirst and drink water all day and repeat the cycle of skipping days over and over. I tried having a big cup with the ounces on the side and refilling it throughout the day...I forget though. I've tried water cold and room temperature. I tried just drinking the bottles but I forget to go grab another one when I am finished. Today, for example, I had tea with my breakfast and I had coffee after lunch and that is all I have had as far as beverages. Nothing has worked. Suggestions PLEASE :(

    Coffee and tea are water-based. Coffee gets my digestion going in the morning. Even though I use a Britta filter, plain water from the tap does not taste well. I added lemon but too sour. So I switched to adding Hawaiian punch Red single serves to a 20 oz bottle as cool beverage. Got 10 cal per packet and I often dilute it more. Also a glass of water with 1000mg EmergenC. I always have a beverage on my desk.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    @SmithsonianEmpress I don’t drink enough water either but I noticed that if I have cold sparkling water available I will drink more so now I keep some bottles in the fridge.

    Also I keep a pitcher with ice water and add lemon, ginger, mint to give it a bit of flavor and it also helps drink more.

    Not sure if these are the ideas you were looking for but it has helped me increase my water intake.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Something that I can't seem to commit to is...drinking water daily

    I want to commit to it because....hydration is important for so many reasons. I few weeks ago I had the WORST case of SEVERE chapped lips. I had to go to the after care clinic to get seen. The dr said I was dehydrated. My lips are better but they still constantly peel and crack and no balm works. I do have Eminence Lip Balm (I put it on at night but not every night...I need to though) and Sara Happ gloss (I use that during the day) they both kind of work.

    The reason I feel I can't commit to it is because...most of the time I am literally not thirsty. I can go about 2-3 days with nothing but coffee and a protein shake/ far as liquid goes. Then I get hit was thirst and drink water all day and repeat the cycle of skipping days over and over. I tried having a big cup with the ounces on the side and refilling it throughout the day...I forget though. I've tried water cold and room temperature. I tried just drinking the bottles but I forget to go grab another one when I am finished. Today, for example, I had tea with my breakfast and I had coffee after lunch and that is all I have had as far as beverages. Nothing has worked. Suggestions PLEASE :(

    I used to be the very same way, now I LOVE water and drink it almost exclusively. It was a journey getting there. Here is what I did, maybe you can pick something out of this:

    I tried every way of drinking water I could think of over a period of many months. I tried ice water from a glass and with a straw. This did not work well for me because I learned my teeth are extremely sensitive to cold, so no drinking cold water at all from a cup, glass, or bottle. I like ice water from a straw, but I found I sip it very slowly and could nurse one glass for too long. I tried room temp water from a glass (same thing, straight from a cup or bottle and with a straw). I have learned that room temp to colder temp (not ice cold) works best for me from a bottle. For some reason, the smaller opening works best and tastes best to me. I don't care for tap water, and certain bottled brands gross me out. So, I would say that you should experiment over a period of time. Also, try Crystal Light or something in these methods as well. It's still water!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    mebelfanti wrote: »
    leonadixon wrote: »
    @spdaphne- A huge mistake that occurs frequently in my home is pizza (delivery). My husband and I LOVE it. And I would not even feel bad about it if I only had one slice. I have the calories for that every time. But no, I don't stop at one slice. I stop at 3 (quite honestly, it used to be worse, so I guess I should give myself a little credit. We used to finish an entire large pizza together). I simply don't have 1000 calories by that time of day. I KNOW I can work it in my calories for one slice, I just seem to have no self control. Stress is a large part of my life, but I feel like it's just become an excuse these days. I think I eat really well during the day. Just lose self control in the evenings. Any recommendations in this department are seriously welcome!

    I found this recipe somewhere on MFP a while ago for flat bread pizzas and they have really helped fill the pizza void. We are HUGE pizza fans as well and it's impossible to give it up. A whole flatbread pizza, which is pretty large and filling, is about 300-400 calories depending on toppings. We found that Aldi has great flatbreads for 90 calories and Kroger has turkey pepperoni, such a game changer.

    -Preheat oven to 350
    -Put two flatbreads on a baking sheet and bake for 10 min, or until slightly crispy
    -Spread 1-2 tbsp of pizza sauce (Meijer brand has an organic one that's low cal) on each flatbread and cover with
    shredded cheese
    -Put toppings on pizza, place back in oven, and bake until cheese is melted

    Ooooh! I am so excited you posted this! I will be trying this very soon. I had no idea there is turkey pepperoni! Than you so much for this suggestion! :smiley:
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    edited January 2018

    At the gym and in the car I'm happy to chug out of those 20-oz Blender Bottles, but once I'm home I get very bored with the water thing. So I started keeping a full glass of water on the kitchen countertop. If I go into the kitchen, there's my water waiting for me. Chug, refill, and leave it out again. The next time I wander through, there's the water, all ready for me. I'm trying this with a cup in the bathroom now too.

    I hope everyone in your household shuts the toilet lid before flushing, or that would be gross! :s My husband is constantly leaving the lid up and I have to lecture him about how the particles fly all over the bathroom and probably onto our toothbrushes and just ICK! Why is it so hard to remember?!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    edited January 2018
    @brianneangell08 oh haha you make a good point! Maybe I won’t try this habit in the bathroom after all. The sink is kind of separate from you know where, but still...
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member

    Apparently there are apps for tracking/reminding to drink water! This one looks good - it counts other drinks like coffee and you can set reminders too.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member

    Apparently there are apps for tracking/reminding to drink water! This one looks good - it counts other drinks like coffee and you can set reminders too.

    Thank you. I’ll check that one out.
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi all so had a very tough week they say death comes in threes I’ll be going to my third wake this week. All folks had a great long life so more of a celebration than sadness. In any event back on track and need to commit to this community you are all so inspirational and self appreciative of that... Also need to commit to following thru on completing food diary past lunch time. Seems that I’m good through the witching hour then I drop off.

    No excuses I will commit !

    Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. Started mine of with half hour session with my wonderful gym trainer then a burn class. I’m ready to go.

    Hugs to you. Don't forget to let yourself move through the losses you've recently experienced. Do things that you can easily commit to for the time being, even if it's just working out or moving in some way. But there are times we need breaks from things to deal with life's changes.
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