The Five-Letter Game
I can imagine napping gloriously!
R O S E S0 -
Rich old sisters eat sumptuously.
O L D E R0 -
One last documentary Eminem raps.
M O N T H0 -
Make one new tiny home.
M A K E S0 -
Making another killer estate sale.
S A L E S0 -
Sheryl always lulls effortlessly, sitting.
(Hi guys, been so pre-occupied with appointments...will probably continue to pop in here only now and then)0 -
welcome back Sannferris
Lately using lovely lemon squares.
U S I N G0 -
Unusual songbird inside Nottingham Garrison.
S I D E S0 -
Sometimes in December everyone sings.
S I N G S0 -
So, Ingrid, nothing goes south.
S O U T H0 -
Sweet oranges usually tastes healthy.
S W E E T0 -
Stay on upper turret Harry!
Unicorn party poopers everyone ridiculed.
P A R T Y0 -
Pastries are really tasty, Yvonne.
T A S T Y0 -
The amazing style transcended youth.
Y O U T H0 -
You only understand the heavens.
S T A N D0 -
Shopping therapy addiction naturally distracts.
T R A C T0 -
Tracy really acts confident, truly.
T R U L Y0 -
Taking risks urges leveraging yearly.
R I S K S0 -
Reading incitefully sends kids sleuthing.
S E N D S0 -
Santa's elves need directions south.
S A N T A0 -
Staying active now transcends achievements.
Spend tonight above your stairs
0 -
Anticipating better Olympic view examples.
V I E W S0 -
Visually I enjoy watching stars.
W A T C H0 -
Why are the cats hiding?
H I D E S0 -
Healing intestinal diseases eliminates stress.
Can eggs and salsa evoke?
E V O K E0 -
Eager veterinarians open kennels early.
Eating adventurously gets everyone right.
R I G H T0