Introduce Yourself



  • soniadupte
    soniadupte Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am Sonia. I am an on and off runner. I have a couple 10Km and a half marathon under my belt. I ran consistently before kids. After my two kids (and 80 additional pounds) later its been difficult to be consistent. As well I have a PF in my left foot. I run a few days and then have to stop to let my foot heal. Hoping this will be a good way to stay on track. Thanks, Sonia
  • RunnerElken37
    RunnerElken37 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I’m an American living in Sydney for the last 12 years. I don’t remember ever a time when I didn’t run. I think my first race I was 8. I’m now a marathon runner with 14 marathons under my belt and I have lost count of how many half marathons I have run. I travel all over the world to run races.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Hello I am back to this challenge after about 4 years :# off.

    I am a former marathon runner (4:50 PR in 2012) and I miss running! I tore a calf muscle (while walking not running) in May of 2016 and have been a very infrequent runner since then. It's time for me to make a come back!

    I've run a total of 3 full marathons including NYC and at least 12 halves, and countless 15K, 10K and 5Ks. Thanks to the NYRR.

    I moved across the country and my last races were a half marathon (2:30) in February of 2016 and a 15K in April of 2016.

    I am going to start with a small 28 mile goal. Just a mile a day. I ran a 5K last night on the treadmill and I've still got some of my old running endurance so I am optimistic!

    No races planned yet but I am working on it.
  • barryhiro
    barryhiro Posts: 12 Member
    I am Barry and new to this challenge. I want to run a couple times per week and be part of a group. Cycling is my main activity but I want to start running again.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    I'm Tony, ... and I'm back. I had issues with my left foot, doc told me not to be running. My pain is about 99% gone. So, I'm strapping on my shoes, and hitting the road. Looking for friends for motivation, so feel free to add me.
  • avocardiothyme
    avocardiothyme Posts: 52 Member
    New to the group, but not to running :smile: I have been running off and on for the past five years. I run for my mind, body, and soul. Hoping to find some friends that can help keep be on track with a running schedule; sometimes I can be sporadic.

  • Km818818
    Km818818 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm Kyle. Just joined the group. I used to run. 3-7 miles 5 days a week but have since regrettably slacked off a lot. I'm looking forward to getting my passion back for running and running some races in the near future. Also looking forward to learning, talking, influencing, and encouraging everyone along this journey. I'm also from Alabama.
  • RustysTbone
    RustysTbone Posts: 8 Member
    Well, I guess I'm going to bite.
    I'm Kevin. I live in Ketchikan, Alaska, however I have lived all over the world.
    I enjoy the Hash House Harriers and I try to run at least 25 miles a month and total at least 300 miles a year. I know I'm no where close to most of the people on this thread/group, however I'm definitely looking for support and motivation.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Stacey and I started running when I was 44 years old after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I am now 45 and have completed 2 half marathons and many 5ks, and I am currently in training for a full marathon in April. After that, I will be doing obstacle races and my friend and I want to form a team and run a Ragnar. I am also a Mom to two teenaged boys and a wife, and a full time social worker in Toledo, Ohio. I am looking forward to joining in the next challenge and getting to know everyone!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,285 Member
    edited February 2018
    Well...I'm Janice and I live in Edmonton,Alberta,Canada...I fear I'm way out of my league joining this group, but really enjoy reading the posts. So inspiring.

    I was a long distance runner in my 20's and 30's...then nothing. I have just started getting back into it...I actually have osteoarthritis in both knees but lately all has been good. So started jogging about a month ago and working my way up. I will never be a marathoner but would love to do a 5k/10k one day...
  • Ldevpic
    Ldevpic Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning everyone! I too feel like I am out of my league by joining this group but I'm going to do my best to catch up and keep up.

    My name is Lauren and I used to run about 7 miles 3-4 days a week, ran a few 5k's and I enjoyed every minute of it. The past few years I became a slacker but starting to get on the treadmill again and then hopefully hit the road once the Spring arrives here (Massachusetts).

    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and staying motivated.

  • ShufflingTurtle
    ShufflingTurtle Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am 48 years old and have recently started running again in the last couple of weeks. I ran during my twenties and also pretty seriously a few years ago. I have 5 half marathons under my belt, but I am no where near being able to do that at the moment. When I say run, I mean jog, and when I say jog, I mean a slow jog. I run a 12min mile. I have tried a few times to increase my speed, but I always end up with aches and pains or just getting burnt out when I do. Because of this, I have come to the realization that my 12min mile is just fine for me and it is what works best for my running journey. It is on my bucket list to do a marathon. I am currently on week 5 of the Couch to 5k program. Slow and steady is my motto. I am happy to have found this group!
  • larosita57
    larosita57 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I'm Christine and I live in Chicago.

    I've run for many years, but haven't logged as many miles in the recent past due to injuries (had knee surgery) and some burnout. I haven't done a marathon for more than 5 years, and want to return to that next year. Right now my goal is to get energized about running again, and work on getting my diet on track. I've put on some weight the last few years that I really want to get rid of.

    Running-wise, I started doing trail races a few years ago, and found that I really love it. I am soooo much slower on trails than the road, but love running in nature (not easily done for this city dweller). I hope to sign up for some longer trail races this summer.
  • iomramh
    iomramh Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I'm Makaila and I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    I was an avid runner about two years ago, finished my first half marathon followed by my first full marathon. Then work and life got in the way and I find myself, 20lbs heavier and starting my running path all over again, which seems a lot harder than the last time I started. I've gotten up to a mile and a half 3 or 4 times a week, but I'd like to get back to running half marathons. I'm not sure if I could do a full marathon again.

    I'm excited to have some people to help keep me accountable!
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! I have a love/hate relationship with running. I ran my second half marathon in February, my first last April, and my second 5k of this year scheduled in two weeks. I am also at my heaviest ever so trying to cut calories without affecting my running. I tend to gain when training for long distance runs. I plan to train distance Sept to March and 5-10k distance April to Aug.

    Wetumpka AL but moving to Santa Rosa Beach FL in June.
  • alc649
    alc649 Posts: 467 Member
    Hello :) I'm a beginner runner, just joined this group. I love running! Never thought i would say anything like that. I started about 4 months ago with c25k on the treadmill. Ran my first 5k on march 11th-time was 47 mins. I'm pretty slow, but if i keep my slow steady pace I feel like i can run forever. I'm training for a 10k in May and have a 5k coming up on April 14th. I'm shooting for 28 miles for the month of April, which i know compared to a lot of others here isn't much. But, that's what my 10k training plan calls for this month :)
  • pinelakecutie
    pinelakecutie Posts: 28 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi everyone. I’m Barbra. I live in metro Atlanta. I’ve been a runner/walker for years (started in my late 30s while living abroad), but unexpectedly won the NYC Marathon lottery, so I’m running my first marathon this November! My daughter and I have a tradition of doing the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta every July 4th (the biggest 10K in the world, 60,000 participants). Every runner should do it at least once. They also have a lottery, but we eventually joined the ATL Track Club so we could have guaranteed entry. For those interested, the lottery opens in March each year.

    I’ve been sedentary for months, so I’m starting back at square one with a Couch to 10K program. Training started last week. My goals this month are three running and one cross training session (weights for my legs) per week. I don’t know the mileage but I’ll start tracking.
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    I'm Shannon. Live in central IN. Been running for just over 2.5 yrs now. I have done 3 5k; 2 in Detroit (the Hockeytown 5K) and a virtual Halloween run. I love it! I tend to slack off in the winter months and I need to break that. I broke my foot after my first 5k so I try not to compare that with my progress.
    My goal has always been 3 5k per wk and do some toning in between. I try to do at least 10 mins of yoga everyday. So I am back on that plan! Here we go!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I’m Sarah. I’ve been running for a little over 6 years-and I’m still slow AF but that doesn’t seem to affect my enjoyment, desire to continue improving, or the stress relief that running gives me.

    I’m perpetually injured-never through running though. Most recent: knee ligament injury while doing a recovery swim (out from running for 8 months), and in January I sprained my ankle when I tripped over an empty laundry detergent bottle (out for 6 of weeks).

    I did the Bemidji Blue Ox 26k (was just shy of 17 miles for me because I got lost) last October. I had kind of tough time mentally when the runs got long enough to start feeling like a second job. I still loved it and I ended up running the best race I’ve ever run-so it all worked out fantastically.

    But I’ve signed up for a marathon and these runs will be even longer and I do well when I surround myself with people who think this kind of thing is normal.