TEAM: Gutbusters (February)



  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    February 15
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 6km in 46 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Post dinner walk. I think I walk faster after having eaten. :)

    Work day today.

    Also I seem to drop more weight if I exercise post dinner, before bed than if I do most activity before dinner. This is irrespective of what I had for dinner (like double dessert :) ). It seems like the burn and after-burn from activity after the last meal of the day prevents the meal from being "stored" overnight (and seems reflected on the scale in the morning).

    Part of a sumo wrestlers training is to eat a large high calorie lunch then nap. They are trying to add weight (as weight makes them harder to push). So it makes sense that in order to reduce weight the formula should be, eat, activity then rest. This way the activity stimulates the use of the more of the nutrients instead of storing them for later.

    @MoyMG. Nice to enjoy the occasional treats. Hope you had a great day.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for February 15 is side planks. ()

    2 sets
    • First set 15s, 30s each side, wait 2 mins
    • Second set 15s, 30s each side.

  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 610 Member
    Username: Stimpy56
    Week: FEB WK 3
    Weigh day: Thursday
    Previous week: 239
    Current weight: 239

    Just getting over my sickness for the 2nd time, but at least I did not gain this week.
  • tinigirl74
    tinigirl74 Posts: 63 Member
    Feb 14
    Weigh in: 181 lbs
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: no
    Tracked: yes
  • parinzz
    parinzz Posts: 25 Member
    Username: parinzz
    Weigh in Week: February Week 3
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    Previous weight: 140.0
    Current weight: 140.0
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    ... I quit smoking last week and gave myself a grace period of 5 days to have ANY thing besides a cigarette and the extra snacks definitely resulted in some minor gain and major bloat.
    Happy to say that I'm 8 days nicotine free and 2.5 pounds down since Sunday (like I said, MAJOR bloat!).

    @aeloine. Well done for giving up smoking. One of the very BEST things you can do for yourself. (and also very hard). I hope you can stay away from them for good.

    (fortunately, I never started :) , but I know a lot of people who have quit successfully including my mother, father and wife. By coincidence, my wife quit smoking on the day we met :) . We probably would not be together if she had continued to smoke).

    Don't worry about the reported gain for the week. As you mentioned, the weight will come back down (with care - as the replacement snacks become less desirable too).

    Breath easy.

    You do know you exhale most excess weight :) . Fat + oxygen becomes water + carbon dioxide (+ energy). Clear your lungs and you can do more (and more efficiently expel the excess carbon dioxide :) ).

    Thank you and @GoBlue1981 for the words of encouragement! Weight is steadily coming off and I'm 9 days, 13 hrs, 2 minutes down!
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all, sorry for being absent, work is manic!
    No change again in my weight this week :neutral: I'm signing off now until Monday 26th Feb as I am off on holiday for my half term holiday. I'm skiing in Canada so won't be able to sign in :smiley: see you all in just over a week x
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    February 14
    Exercised?: Yes
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    February 15
    Exercised?: Yes
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    February 16
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 6km in 46 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Post dinner walk.

    28th Wedding anniversary tomorrow.

    Looking forward to the weekend.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for February 16 is push ups

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Username: Tdrjustus3
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 295.6
    Todays Weight: 295.0
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    Username: alydanbeads
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 144.0
    Todays Weight: 144.6
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    edited February 2018
    Username: typeitdaily
    Weigh In Week: Week 3
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 241.4 pounds
    Current Weight: 242.8 pounds
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2018
    Username: Esmile777
    Weigh in week: Feb Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weeks weight: 226.5
    Todays Weight: 223.9

    Much better than last week! Will work to do same or better next week!
  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    @GoBlue1981 Could you please remove me from the challenge? I have enjoyed my time here (down 17.6 pounds since I joined) but I'm dealing with some issues at home regarding privacy/public posting, so I'm going to bow out. Thanks! :)
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Username MoyMG
    Weigh in day Fri
    Week 3
    Previous weight 270.6
    Current weight 270.0

    At least it went down...
  • sandflower81
    sandflower81 Posts: 399 Member
    @GoBlue1981 thank you soooooo much. It truly is a DECISION you make each and every day. Thank you for taking the time to encourage and support.

    @craigo3154 THANK YOU tremendously. I am going to have to look into your diary. I believe I am not getting in enough protein. I eat a ton of veggies ... but maybe I need more lean protein. I will add you if that is okay so I can get an insight into your eating habits.

    I will also refrain from belittling my accomplishments... thank you for that reminder. :)

    @emmclean congats on your engagement!!!! Thank you for the support... :) I was having a moment.. le sigh

  • sandflower81
    sandflower81 Posts: 399 Member
    Hi everyone! I weighed myself this morning and the scale is still inching along BUT I do have a NS victory - I am losing inches!!! I am so glad about this....

    I do 100 burpees every other day.... and lift whenever I work out....and I'm just so glad I can see the inches coming off.... I'm only down a POUND this month so far... and it must be because I'm not getting enough protein and/or that I lift daily.... I really like lifting.. it makes me feel so good after... and it's more engaging to me than traditional cardio...

    Or maybe I'm just older and it's going to take a little longer for it to peel away... BUT yay for losing inches. I especially notice it in my core and arms....
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Hi everyone! I weighed myself this morning and the scale is still inching along BUT I do have a NS victory - I am losing inches!!! I am so glad about this....

    I do 100 burpees every other day.... and lift whenever I work out....and I'm just so glad I can see the inches coming off.... I'm only down a POUND this month so far... and it must be because I'm not getting enough protein and/or that I lift daily.... I really like lifting.. it makes me feel so good after... and it's more engaging to me than traditional cardio...

    Or maybe I'm just older and it's going to take a little longer for it to peel away... BUT yay for losing inches. I especially notice it in my core and arms....

    @sandflower81. Inches come first. Weight will follow.

    Inches are the most reliable way to measure true progress. They are largely unaffected by water retention (major source of weight fluctuation). Also lean muscle weighs more than fat for the same volume. It is possible to reduce size and not weight (but then weight soon follows).

    With all the activity, I think the protein is now the key. Vegetables give the essential minerals and fibre. Fibre with the carbohydrates in important so the blood sugar is kept in control and the digestive system remains regular. But short change on the protein and the lean muscle development/maintenance stalls (and the metabolism will start to slow down to keep things in balance).

    Lifting will help you maintain/lose weight in much less activity time than cardio. Burns more per minute and works more muscles.

    As you get older it takes longer to re-ramp up the metabolism.

    It definitely sound like you are doing the right things. I'd expect in a few weeks that the pounds will seem to fall off (ie. woosh).
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    @craigo3154 - thanks for the lifting advice!

    February 14
    Exercised?: No, resting the foot again
    Calories: No
    Tracked?: Yes

    February 15
    Exercised?: Yes, 4.82km run on the treadmill
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    February 16
    Exercised?: Yes, JM 30 day shred round 12
    Calories: No
    Tracked?: Yes

    Hoping for an ok result when I weigh in tomorrow, this week has been particularly bad on calories for me! Still averaging under 2,000 but it doesn't take much for me to gain at the moment.
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