Progress Report

bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
A previous group had a thread like this, and I thought I'd start one here, too. We've been doing updates in various threads, but this will give us a centralized place to keep track, and would be less likely to be lost if we all had individual threads! I know those participating in the challenge are putting their updates in there; I figure this is for the rest of us lol

I'll start:

My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
Milestone: 270 lbs (5 lb increments till goal)
Current Weight: 21.0 lbs, 3/22
Loss this week: -1.5 lbs
Total loss: -104 lbs

What's Working: I raised my calorie limit finally. I had just been spinning my wheels for 2 months and feeling deprived, so I raised my limit to try to take a diet break. I also have tightened up my logging this week, and its made a difference! I'll keep at this level another week to see if I level out; if not, then I'll raise it again until I can find my maintenance level, stay there for 2 weeks, then slowly lower it back down again.

My sister started calorie counting this week too, which is helping me because I'm trying to set a good example for her :)

What Needs Work
:I needed to tighten up my logging. I was getting very sloppy and taking in more calories than I thought I was because of my "cheats" and because I was just downright feeling deprived. I tightened up this week, made myself cut back out of the halfcut teas - no calories from drinks except for milk in my coffee! - and even recording the sugar free lifesavers, and that's made a difference!


  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~393 lbs (07/01/2017)
    My goal: 199 lbs
    Milestone: 293 lbs (6 lb increments till goal)
    Current Weight: 299
    Loss this week: -1
    Total Loss: -94 lbs

    What's Working:
    Right now I am trying to figure what is working best. I am stuck in the same place I was when I last weight 12 years ago. But I don't know if it is that or 10 days of TOM.

    What Needs Work I need to try and get more activity in. I have been trying to get to the gym but something always comes up. I have also taking a liking to walking.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    My Starting Weight: 321lbs (2/1/2018)
    My goal: 161 lbs
    Milestone: 261 lbs
    Current Weight: 298.4
    Loss this week: .6
    Total loss: 22.8

    What's working: I am fanatical about logging. I am incorporating more movement. That's all I've got at the moment.

    What needs work: My internal dialogue. My last 3 weeks were up .8, down 4 and then down .6 and the weeks without at least a pound of loss I have been having lots of self doubt. I have health problems not related to weight and had been on prednisone for 8 months before starting MFP this round. My legs/ankles were seriously swollen and I started a diuretic a week or 2 before starting MFP. We all know a lot of the loss in the first few weeks is fluid so I am currently torturing myself wondering "was it ALL fluid?". I also take the medication Humira (yeah, the one on TV all the time). It comes in the form of a shot I have to take every 2 weeks. My shot day is Wednesday and my weigh day is Thursday. My 2 recent bad weigh ins were the day after a shot. Is it a coincidence or a sign that the Humira may be starting to cause weight gain (it does for some people).

    And blah and blah and so on, I could go on forever. I am just over thinking it all and need to let it all go and trust the process. I'll let you know if I ever figure out how. ;)
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member

    My Starting Weight: 333lbs (01/01/2018)
    My goal: 155lbs
    Milestone: #1- Getting into the 200s #2 - Losing 100 pounds in 2018
    Current Weight: 304.6
    Loss this week: - 2lbs
    Total loss: -28.4lbs since Jan 1

    What is working - I swim at least three times a week and attend pound class one to two times a week as well. I track my food intake and drink a ton of waters. I feel like I am on the right path eating wise as I am doing low bread, pasta, pop, sugar etc. I gave up Diet Coke and eat clean.

    What needs work - my impatience! I know that I didn’t gain all this weight overnight and will not lose it overnight, but I find myself getting frustrated at times. Last week I gained 0.5 pounds, yesterday I lost 2 pounds, but today am back up two pounds. I know in my head this is normal, but I am a little impatient to get below first milestone! So I need to work on my mindset a positive and be patient. Remember that this is a marathon, not a dash!
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @JJKM02 - I have been struggling with impatience lately myself, but we'll get there. I won't give up if you don't.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @jjohn0129 that is awesome! Such a difference in the photos! Congrats!
  • jjohn0129
    jjohn0129 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @jjohn0129 - Wow! Great progress in such a short time.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 270 lbs - achieved!
    New Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 266.2 lbs, 3/29
    Loss this week: -4.8 lbs
    Total loss: -108.8 lbs

    What's Working: Wow - I didn't realize apparently just how many extra calories I had been consuming! That, and I KNEW I was having water weight issues; I knew it! lol The funny part was, I raised my calorie limit by 400 to try to find maintenance, then dropped 6 lbs! My trend this week was slower, so I'm going to continue eating at the 1800 this week to see if I can get a better idea of where maintenance is. I still intend to take a diet break, but I have no idea where my maintenance limit is, though MFP calculates it should be somewhere around 2300 calories. I'll raise again next week based upon my weight loss, and then see if I can maintain for 2 weeks before starting into another deficit.

    Another thing that is working is that my sister started calorie counting last week. She desperately needs to lose weight, so I'm thrilled, and I'm thrilled also that its working for her. I'm doing the meal prepping and helping her log, and its been helping me when the desire to cheat comes because I tell myself "nope, you behave yourself for Suzy's sake - set the right example, and it wouldn't look right if you sneak that reese's cup when you've had your calories for the day" lol

    What Needs Work:I've learned a valuable lesson here - I'm horrible at eyeballing things and an expert at lying to myself! Keeping myself accountable to myself needs work and vigilance.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    I had an absolutely miserable week. Woke up one day 5 lbs heavier than the day before (daily weigher). My official weigh day was today and I was still up 3.4 lbs for the week. I know weight isn't linear but it was such a huge jump in one day that I really let it get to me. I log everything, didn't go over, have been increasing my steps so intellectually I knew it couldn't be 5 lbs of fat that I put on but I was still taking it pretty hard.

    Then came morning pill time. I have some non-weight related health problems and I take a lot of pills. So many that I have one of those weekly organizers for the morning and another one for bedtime. I fill them on Sunday for the whole week. When I took yesterday's pills I realized my prescription diuretic was missing from my pill case, for yesterday and the whole rest of the week. I looked it up and I am about a week late for a refill. I take so many pills that I didn't even notice it was missing.

    I guess the mystery of the 5 lbs is solved. But I need to find a way to handle gains better. I was seriously depressed all week. :'(
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    @MzCara148 Glad you figured out about your missing med! Hope your pharmacy has it in stock and that you feel better about your gain.

    I've been off-track the last couple of weeks eating loads of cheese and crackers. Yesterday was some better and today I've even made it back to the gym and did 37 minutes on the elliptical. I feel more focused now and I'm so glad.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 267.2 lbs, 4/5
    Loss this week: +1 lbs
    Total loss: -107.8 lbs

    What's Working
    : sticking to my calorie limit works, and my sister continuing with this has helped me refrain from cheats, as I find myself wanting to support her in being good and truthful in her logging, and know that I need to do the same myself :)

    What Needs Work: this week isn't truly a weight gain, and I know it's not. I had a lot of ham over Easter weekend and did overeat both days, but not anywhere near enough to actually gain a lb of fat in 2 days. This is water weight as a reaction to the sodium in the ham, and from what I've been told, it can take as much as 2 weeks to slowly get rid of it. And I have been dropping a little every day, so I know its water weight. Though it still throws me off, however, as I was trying to establish my trend in loss to determine where maintenance was. so I'm
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    My Starting Weight: 321lbs (2/1/2018)
    My goal: 161 lbs
    Milestone: 288.9 lbs (- 10% of my starting body weight)
    Current Weight: 292.4
    Loss this week: 8
    Total loss: 28.6

    What's Working: This week was a big loss but I think it was a "woosh" and really represents 3 weeks worth of work. I am back on my diuretics so water retion is under better control.

    What Needs Work: I haven't been mindful of the quality of my calories lately. Watching CICO but not making sure to get my fruits and veggies in and spending a lof of "empty" calories on Halo. So far I'm getting away with it but I think I need to keep an eye on it or I will slide back into old habits.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    way to go, @MzCara148 ! You still must have felt mighty pleased to see that 8 lbs off, even if it did represent 3 weeks of work :smiley:

    I know what you mean on the empty calories thing - it is so, so easy to fall back into those bad habits!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Milestone: 260 lbs
    Current Weight: 271.2 lbs, 4/19
    Loss this week: +4 lbs
    Total loss: -103.8 lbs

    What's Working: apparently I forgot to give an update after staring my diet break on 4/6. Today (4/20) is the end of the diet break and I am lowing myself down today by 500 calories. I'll run at that level for a week or two and then go down to the full 1,000 calories. It's going to be a bit of a challenge as I've been slowly raising my calorie limit for over a month now, but I'm ready to start seeing some true loss in weight and inches!

    I knew to expect a scale jump when I started the diet break, and I did pretty much the day after I started it- that is what the +4 lbs is. I also maintained roughly in that 271lb range the whole period. I may have been in a bit of a surplus, but its a little hard to tell as I've had a couple of high sodium days in there, and TOM is lurking around the corner.

    I did find it strange though that the scale jumped 4 lbs and stayed there; everything I had read about diet breaks said to expect that jump due to water weight increase due to the extra food and carbs, but that it should settle back down after a day or two. I didn't settle back down, though :(

    Now that the diet break is over and I'm going back on deficit, we'll see if I get the promised woosh!

    What Needs Work: getting back on track. I'm fighting depression right now which is just completely sapping my energy, physically and mentally, and that makes it hard sometimes to tell myself no. That also doesn't help my stress levels which can raise cortisol which can lead to water weight gain.......thankfully, my 4 legged depression monster has reduced to a 2 legged monster over the last year and a half, but unfortunately, those last 2 legs are the hardest ones to deal with, especially the job-related leg, which is the #1 source of all my stress.

    Anyway, I'm hoping spring will finally show up and I can get myself moving some! I need the exercise to help with my mood, its just that its really hard to motivate myself to get going - I've tried pleading, I've tried shaming, I've tried bribing, but so far, no luck.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Im so glad to see you back. Sounds like you have a wonderful plan. You have accomplished so much on your journey. Love yourself be kind. The hardest part in depression is making that first step. Remember how moving makes you feel better. Once that first step is over take the second and third. Here cheering you on hugs and good vibes <3<3<3
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    My starting weight: 321
    Goal: 161
    Current Weight: 300.2

    So I went off the rails for about 2 weeks and am now up about 9 lbs because of it. I was up about 5 as of last Thursday then ate a lot of sodium and didn't drink any water over the weekend so I just moped 4 more pounds in 4 days. It started with a birthday party, then some stress - and I knew I had a vacation coming up so I just said screw it.

    So I did it and I own it.

    But there are some positives. I know at least half of it is fluid - and that will come off easily. Also I didn't log on vacation but I did do a lot of walking so it balanced some of it out. The biggest positive though is that it was 2 weeks and now I'm back. I haven't just given up totally.

    Today is a new day!
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    Hey, @MzCara148.

    I am adding some of my daily/weekly calorie deficit to an imaginary emergency fund, an emergency calorie fund, for that inevitable day I go off the rails and need the grace to forgive myself for not being perfect. I'm tucking away 100 calories per week. Sounds incredibly nerdy, I know, but knowing that I have that emergency fund building for difficult times ahead is actually helpful from a psychological aspect, just as my emergency bank account gives me confidence. A couple of times I've been really tempted to blow my momentum on something that was totally not worth it (if you know what I mean), and by asking myself if I really want to use up some of my emergency calorie fund on a stale doughnut or a handful of this/that has resulted in a "no" every time.

    You are doing great. This is a long journey. There are going to be speed bumps along the way. Maybe you need an emergency calorie fund too. :)
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    I was away for work the past month and my healthy eating definitely took a hit. I was almost nervous to come back to mfp to deal with it, but I also know that ignoring setbacks tends to lead to never getting back on track. I planned my next trip for 6 months from now, so I can make my weight loss my first priority.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    @bmeadows380 You've been dealing with depression for quite a while, and I know how you are feeling; but, I'm glad it has improved some. Do you have anytime to do some therapy? That has helped me before. Maybe it could help you. You also could be dealing with more stress and depression, trying to find new ways of thinking--with all the changes in you, with your wonderful weight loss. I do hope you can find something to help you with both the depression and stress.

    What things have you tried to help cope with your stress?? I'm interested and concerned about you. Is there any way that you could take a walk for your lunchtime period, when you don't have meetings, or conferences, etc? that might make the work day more manageable. Things like writing your feelings down, (or typing them) can be quite helpful. Let us know how you continue to do.

    @PloddingTurtle , Your banking of your weekly calories is really working well for you! So happy you found this and work with it so much. Great way not to blow it with life's temptations.

    @CheezWhiz88, Congrats on thinking so well into things and making that commitment to come back to MFP and get back to logging and losing weight! You did a great job of catching yourself in time!