Foods you find most filling?

EleniSylvia Posts: 6 Member
Hey :)

I am somebody who is ALWAYS hungry, and craves carbs constantly, and I literally eat so much it's crazy :neutral:

I was wondering if you could post the foods that you find keep you fullest for longest. I have been googling high-satiety foods but want your two cents as well.

Thank you :blush:


  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Meat and eggs :)
  • Melika8
    Melika8 Posts: 2 Member
    I tend to add chia seeds to everything, such as smoothies, protein shakes, and oatmeal. I'm like you -always hungry- so pretty much every bag I own is stocked up with nuts, dried fruit, protein bars and larabars. Nothing keeps me full for long.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    I like to make a vegetarian curry during Lent, that still does well any time. It's chickpeas, potatoes, and cauliflower in a yellow curry, but I think it's way better in a curry made with garam masala :)

    Also, Greek yogurt with almonds, cottage cheese with nut and a small amount of fruit, or a boiled egg with a serving of cheese.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Protein and fats for me too. I can satisfy myself with a protein bar, yogurt or cottage cheese and some berries or a couple of slices of deli ham or turkey and a slice of cheese. All of these are around 200 calories.
  • BeautifulBrandy44
    BeautifulBrandy44 Posts: 6 Member
    Boiled shredded chicken, diced tomatoes and black beans mixed together. Satisfies and reminds me of comfort carbs.
  • rachelannette
    rachelannette Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2018
    eggs, light mayo for some fat, on whole wheat. I make egg salad with just some salt, pepper and a little pickle juice and mayo. Turkey slices also stays with me. I was introduced to Farro grain. It is very good, calories similar to brown rice. I like it better than brown rice
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Fat is satiating. Getting enough fat is the only real "goal" I set for myself each day. For me, personally, if less than 50% of calories are coming from fat, then I didn't meet my goal. Of course, this does lean more towards "low carb" territory, but I find that this is what works best for me. I rarely snack between meals and routinely practice IF without ever truly being hungry.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    Fat is satiating. Getting enough fat is the only real "goal" I set for myself each day. For me, personally, if less than 50% of calories are coming from fat, then I didn't meet my goal. Of course, this does lean more towards "low carb" territory, but I find that this is what works best for me.
    I love this ^^ although my limit is lower. Most people seem to view fat limits as a "not to exceed" amount. I've wondered if we changed fat limits to a minimum goal (like protein), would that help reduce obesity? Fats satiate me too and cut cravings. Also, they're good for my heart (see spoiler article)
    For too long, nutrition recommendations have focused on the nutrients that should be restricted or avoided, with little to no guidance given on how to replace what is removed. One unfortunate consequence of this has been the rise of the reduced-fat diets high in refined carbohydrates, contributing to increased plasma triglycerides, decreased HDL-cholesterol, weight gain, insulin resistance, and a cardiovascular disease risk similar to that of high-saturated fat diets.
    Monounsaturated fat (MUF) foods*
    • olive canola, peanut, safflower and sesame oils
    • avocados, peanut butter, and many nuts and seeds
    Polyunsaturated fat (PUF) foods*
    • canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil
    • fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and trout
    • walnuts, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, tofu and other forms of soybeans
    *From the AHA website
    And what about peanut butter, guacamole, olives, olive-oil-based mayonnaise, almond non-dairy products.... :yum:
  • inkeg
    inkeg Posts: 1 Member
    Pistachios or flax seed
  • skigal303
    skigal303 Posts: 39 Member
    I stay full when I have a balanced plate with good representation from all macros. Healthy fat, some protein, and some carbs. I get hungry all the time and crave carbs, too so I have to make sure I'm eating carbs that will digest a bit slower rather than reaching for sweets or white flour/sugar. That's just what works for me, though.
  • littlegibbs62
    littlegibbs62 Posts: 756 Member
    Bottom line for my body (we're all different): If I have too many carbs, I simply can NOT stop eating! I will eat every 30 min-1 hour if I had my evil way. So I keep my carbs low and coming mostly from veggies, fruit, and VERY limited dairy and eat only protein adequate (ave about 70g of protein daily) and eat low fat. And I stay sustained from meal to meal without issues.
  • alexcamaroti
    alexcamaroti Posts: 3 Member
    My new snacks are Apples and Bananas. Yay!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 359 Member
    Just started my 4th week of clean eating and I feel the same. I would have thought that eating proteins and veggies would be filling but I'm finding the opposite to be true.

    One of my favorite filling breakfasts is eating pancakes made from Arrowhead Mills organic buckwheat pancake mix with coconut oil, coconut sugar, almond milk and an egg. Over the top I put macerated blueberries heated with 1 tbsp. pure maple syrup. So tasty and fills me up.
  • anniemccall1129
    anniemccall1129 Posts: 3 Member
    I disagree with everyone saying protein and fat, I can eat the hell out of meat, nuts, avocados, eggs, and not feel full. I can eat whole bag of pistachios and not even blink. And the calorie count for those things are so high, I like those things to pacify my taste buds, but they don't fill me up. For me the single handed most filling food is beans. Black Beans especially. And Veggies too, I mean you can eat so many vegetables without hardly adding to your calorie total. Squash and kale are super filling. You can try to eat an entire butternut squash 300 to 400 cals for instance, but you won't be able to because you'll be full after only half of it.

    I agree! I can eat a lot of nuts and they do not satisfy me. Chickpeas are great at keeping me from being hungry for a long time, and also greek yogurt. Homemade protein cookies made from a mix of almond meal+coconut flour instead of regular flour are very filling.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    Well, tbh if you ask me I think the idea of "feeling full" is a luxury that people who've never struggled with weight, or needed to lose weight get to have. Sorry to say this, but after you lose weight you will always have feelings every now and then of hunger or not feeling full. That's just the way it is.