Getting back on track.



  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I'm feeling super indecisive lately! I feel good when I eat paleo. Yet, I seem to stick with it for a couple of weeks and then I decide that I don't want to eat strictly paleo and I revert back to eating just gluten free. But then a week or two of that goes by and I am missing paleo meals. Anyone else struggle with this?
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @MyEvolvingJourney I think I slip back into eating more non-paleo/primal things, if I'm not careful. I don't want to beat myself up about it, but try and think of the 80:20 rule. But sometimes it becomes more than 20%! Atm I am trying very hard to get back on track after having family over for 2 weeks and then Easter. I've been tracking for ages, but every so often, I need more of a push. I'm a great believer in whatever works for you, you could try using the food notes when you track as to how you feel and see how what you eat affects you.
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    Today, mostly as an experiment, I have eaten mostly paleo. I'm unsure as to whether it's the lower carbs or it's the no grains (gluten free), but I'm already feeling a little less puffy. Like I'm not retaining as much water. It might be a bit much to expect for one day. And...I'm liking not needing to eat every three hours! I think sometimes I need these reminders.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    I can definitely tell when I am mostly/all paleo versus when I put any type of gluten/starch in me. I am a recovering (hehehe addict) carb-o-halic. Crackers, good bread---those are all are my triggers. If I have any, I tend to get seriously bloated, and feel kind of spacey. When I eat clean I do feel so much better. My recent rendezvous with red wine and a few crostinis put my into water weight land!! It always amazes me. Although I can be under in calories, it never shows up on the scale if I eat these things. Inversely, if I chow down on protein, veggies, and tons of avocados, I lose the water weight. Fun times!
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    I was on the edge of having candida recently, but have noticed that eating much more primal has knocked that on the head! I quite like using the food notes to remind myself if something makes me feel a bit bloated etc.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    Today has been good.

    Breakfast & Lunch (grazer that I am at the office):

    Avocado, mini heirloom tomatoes with cucumbers, kalamata olives and 1 oz of real feta cheese, 1 hard-boiled egg, 3 ounces cantaloupe, 4 strawberries, 4 oz homemade greek yogurt with 1 tbsp of raw honey

    Sheet pan Korean cod with broccoli, zuchinni, onions, garlic, and a couple mini tomatoes. Yummy.

    I am addicted to Korean chili powder lately (probably because the only bag they had at the Korean grocery store was 3-4 lbs)! I'll be eating it the rest of my life!!

    If anyone cares to ever try the most amazing Korean marinade sauce ever:

    Soy sauce (or coconut aminos depending on how strict you are)
    rice wine vinegar
    Korean chili powder
    raw honey
    fresh grated raw ginger
    minced garlic

    I use this as a marinade for both chicken and fish, and it is really amazing. As far as amounts, I wing it to taste. Yeah, I am that kind of cook.

  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @madwells1 your food sounds delicious! I had quite a grazing day, yesterday too, as it started with a cafe meeting (I resisted the biscuits and brownies on offer) just had an americano, and lots of jobs/chores like bank etc. I later had a protein pot (egg and spinach), coconut bite (low sugar dark choc and coconut), once home manchego cheese, walnuts, a few black olives (I must get some melon!), ended the day with steak burger and salad. I think it's good for me to mix up my eating a bit, I'm still pretty much in a 12-7-ish eating window. I also managed some yoga, weights and lots of walking.

    That marinade sounds great, I do a cheaty teriyaki one with soy and balsamic, adding whatever you want, ginger, chilli, lime. I tried a maple mustard one with salmon the other day: mustard, maple syrup and cider vinegar, but found it was a hassle to cook down to a glaze and tasted really sweet.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    @eve70 - Here is to grazing, eating chocolate and yoga---and steak burgers!!

    Everyone have a great day!!
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    madwells1 wrote: »
    I can definitely tell when I am mostly/all paleo versus when I put any type of gluten/starch in me. I am a recovering (hehehe addict) carb-o-halic. Crackers, good bread---those are all are my triggers. If I have any, I tend to get seriously bloated, and feel kind of spacey. When I eat clean I do feel so much better. My recent rendezvous with red wine and a few crostinis put my into water weight land!! It always amazes me. Although I can be under in calories, it never shows up on the scale if I eat these things. Inversely, if I chow down on protein, veggies, and tons of avocados, I lose the water weight. Fun times!
    Yes! I've been super spacey lately! Really bad. So I think it's time to get back to cutting out the grains, because it's sounding like they don't work for me!

  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    madwells1 wrote: »
    @eve70 - Here is to grazing, eating chocolate and yoga---and steak burgers!!

    Everyone have a great day!!
    Yes! And steak burgers. :smiley:

  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    I keep losing my posts, for some reason.

    Yesterday was more 2 meals with a snack inbetween: fish pho for dinner with cinnamon, cloves, ginger, garlic, fish broth, miso, lots of fresh herbs and cashew nuts.
  • annk18
    annk18 Posts: 85 Member
    How do you make Paleo pho? What do you use for noodles?
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    I use kelp noodles, mountain yam noodles (shirataki ) or zoodles. I like the kelp and yam noodles best in pho, but sometimes can't get to the Asian grocery (i.e., plan ahead).
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @annk18 I made mine without noodles that time, but sometimes use a spiraliser to make courgetti (zoodles) or sweet potato noodles, as long as you watch the carbs.

    Just to prove we're all human, we had a very social day, yesterday and I slipped up a bit, but won't beat myself up about it.
    Lunch: mushroom soup, manchego cheese, a few black grapes
    Then had a little gluten-free cake
    Dinner: red wine, a tiny square of pizza, lots of salad, crudites, some comte cheese, pate, salami and olives

    I still managed an eating window of 7hrs, and stayed quite low calorie, which I hope will make up for it!
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    I'm cranky today!!! On another note, I made Instant Pot Korean BBQ spare ribs with broccoli and cabbage coleslaw for lunch.

    I ate two of the ribs (smaller side about 4 oz of meat), a small side of coleslaw, and I cheated and had some fingerling mashed potatoes (about 1/4 cup). I have been feeling very dizzy lately (almost like vertigo) and wanted to see if upping my carbs would make me feel better.

    Unfortunately, I still feel kind of yucky. I don't particularly know why...perhaps it's because of the food, or because I am cranky!!

    Going to bed early tonight and hope tomorrow brings me less crankiness.

  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    Hi guys, just catching up...

    I'm making bacon-wrapped roast cabbage and thinking of you all. We had a bunch of good sheet pan meals this week. I got a new 3/4 sheet pan and it's been mind-blowing how much fun roasting big batches of veggies can be! Hope everyone's well! ... if a little tired. I'm ready for bed myself and it's 6pm!

  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @madwells1 hope you feel less cranky today.

    @wellnesschaser I love loads of roasted veg, if you have extra it's great on a salad too
  • curltess033
    curltess033 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone! My sugar challenge with the kids and husband is going well. My three year old, who has multiple food allergies, has been the hardest and is the only one still whining. We are set to be done Wednesday. Unfortunately the kids want to go to yogurt beach (fro-yo) Thursday night. I'm allowing it and I think my go-forward will be to not have sweets in the house, and allow a weekly treat. Either getting a pint of Ben and Jerry's and sharing it at the park, or allowing grandparents to have a treat for them after a Sunday meal. The next step is to reduce the grain product consumption, which seems daunting!

    I have plans to watch 2 documentaries with my husband this week: 1) The Magic Pill on Netflix and 2) Food What the Heck Should I Eat on PBS (Mark Hyman).

    I have been playing with more carbs/less dairy the past week, and it is safe to say I feel more satiated with additional carbs at the moment I eat, but overall don't feel as well energy-wise. I find it so easy to slip into overeating- this week it was watermelon, banana and potato. I think I need to train my brain/emotional appetite to eat smaller portions and get used to feeling satisfied instead of overstuffed.

    Today's plan: coffee w/ 1 tbsp cream and 1 tsp butter
    Meal 1 @ 11am: kale shake w/ 1/2 avocado, almond milk, 1 scoop collagen
    Meal 2 @ 2pm: 3 fried eggs on mixed greens with onion and pecans
    Meal 3 @ 6pm: chicken & mushrooms with cauliflower rice

    @wellnesschaser what kind of veggie mixes do you use when roasting? That sounds great. Isn't it amazing how the right tools can make a huge difference when preparing foods!

    @MyEvolvingJourney I can so relate to your post about indecisiveness -- mine is mostly between straight paleo and low carb/keto primal. And I usually have some sort of mishap before I actually get fat adapted (like 3 glasses of wine and then some kids' veggie sticks the next day). I have days where I am totally committed to being 100% and then later in the week want the flexibility to have a piece of pizza with the family on Friday nights. But I am sticking with it and I know one of these days everything will work out because this way of eating makes the most sense to me.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    I am getting back into this, although I generally have remained Primal I have become more sedentary the last few years and the weight has been climbing slowly up. My main failings is corn and rice and on rare occasions wheat so it seems a Whole 30 is in order and I will be doing one starting this weekend. It is good to see this group still active and new people adding to it but sad to see many of my friends have moved on but then again so did I. Any who I press on...