May 2018 Move Your @$$ Challenge



  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 3,002 Member
    Happy May Day! I spent today laying a floor in the Habitat for Humanity house my church is sponsoring. I have no miles to report but I'm exhausted all the same. Hope you all are enjoying some better weather.
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,931 Member
    Please put me down for 600 miles
    Good luck everyone... :)
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,931 Member
    24.75 miles
    24.75 miles MTD
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    I’ll. try for 150 this month

    @kar328 - every credit to you missus, aiming for your PT quals - an amazing commitment
    @ Dean - hope your clients didn’t have too any difficult ‘humans’ in tow!,

    Happy May everyone <3<3

    ..... I’m hoping this posts ..... it keeps telling me I “ need permission” from Vanilla to make this thread favourite,!
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    ... aiming for 85 this month! Started off the month with 5 miles ...

    Good luck to everyone and thanks a million for keeping this going!


  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Did the first mowing of the year. 3.5 hours & that is only half of it!
    Rode my ex bike 7.


  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited May 2018
    May Day! May Day! I remember teaching kids Maypole dances and doing them in elementary school with long colorful streamers of crepe paper on a tole pole. I wonder if anyone does them nymore? Probably no time for such things because the kids are too busy on their iPads.

    I am in for 200 miles this month. If I get rolling, I will add more. I have five weeks to get 43 years of my life sorted, given away, thrown away or packed for home. The next few weeks will be a blur.
    Thank you Dave and Janet for keeping us running for another month.

    @ Lamlam: Sounds like we are running parallel lives. I hope things improve for you. My dad has severe lymphadema in his lower extremities and left arm. My husband is heading for rotator cuff surgery as soon as I finish teaching. I have a dog on chemo six days a week and another that can’t walk very well and cannot get up on her own strength. And I just messed up my right knee with some strain or another meniscus injury. I am limping right along. Between my dad, hubby and I, we might make an entire non-injured person.
    May 1: Adding 10 miles today of limping along.
    TTD:10 miles

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting the month with 29 miles.
    adding 29 miles for 29 out of 300.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It's May day! May Day! May Day! We're going down! :smile:
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Goal: 275.0 miles

    05/01 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 23.0 miles


  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    Can you please add me for another 60 miles in May?
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hope everyone has recovered from May Day. ;) Thanks for the smile this morning Dean. :) I'm in for 75 miles again this month. I should aim higher since we have a vacation next week but since we are going with my Mother in law, I don't know if we will get in the walking/hiking I would like to.

    Started out the month slowly with 1.75 miles.


  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    ... managed a 4 mile run at lunch time today


  • pdfrazier08
    pdfrazier08 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in for 110 this month.

    May 1st = 5.87

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 3,002 Member
    Three mile run this morning. That puts me at 3/75. I have a whole day ahead of me with nothing on the calendar!
  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    edited May 2018
    May 1 3.53 miles

  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    edited May 2018
    Trying to get my *kitten* moving again.. here we go!

    May 1- 1.68 miles (OTF workout)
    May 2-
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    edited May 2018

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    @CLEPANT - Great video! I had often heard of dancing around the maypole, but had never actually seen it! :smile:

    @NAREENATHEGYPSY - Welcome to you too! As I said to @COUNTRYCREEK, feel free to ask any questions you have of the group and try to post your mileage updates as frequently as possible.

    I made it to the gym this morning for lifts and exercise bike for 6.0 miles. :+1:


  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited May 2018
    Does anyone have any idea what this message means ..... who or what is Vanilla.Discussion. ..... see below.
    I keep getting it whenever I try to ‘favourite’ this thread

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    edited May 2018
    k80flec wrote: »
    I’ll. try for 150 this month

    @kar328 - every credit to you missus, aiming for your PT quals - an amazing commitment

    Thank you @k80flec. I needed to hear that today.

    Starting off with 1.8 miles. I tweaked my lower back doing deadlifts, so I just walked on the treadmill this morning. Walking on the treadmill is even worse than running on it.

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