Just preparing to start Keto!

gamesngrades Posts: 6 Member
I’m really hopeful it’ll go well. Starting to purge the food I no longer need by giving it away or trashing it.

Anybody else about to start or pretty early into it that’d like to be buddies?

Keto vets: any advice?


  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    Welcome! I’m just on day 30, but it’s been a very satisfying 30.
  • lesliehawk251
    lesliehawk251 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started two weeks ago. I need to lose a little less than 100lbs. I don’t know if I’m in Ketosis or not. I did have to get a supplement because I kept getting tired and headaches. It’s helped a lot. I’ve been watching Dr. Berry on YouTube to get guidance. Unfortunately I’ve lost like two pounds while tracking macros. I’m right in the range, it’s frustrating. Any advice.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I started keto 3 months ago and hit my goal of losing 10 lbs about a month ago and am still losing a few more. I thought the first few weeks were hard, but I've enjoyed the foods, haven't had issues with cravings and am at or above my previous energy levels. feel free to add me!
  • AmandaJW1981
    AmandaJW1981 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm fixing to start my diet back up and could use friends to help keep me on track.
  • gamesngrades
    gamesngrades Posts: 6 Member
    The financial cost of starting it up is making me anxious, but I know that once I actually get going the cost will even out! It's just getting rid of the things I can't eat now and buying things I can.
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    I don't know about where you work but maybe promote a food drive and bring in those foods or donate to a local food bank. We did and it was actually satisfying to give away those items. I can't eat those boxes of pasta or stuffing but maybe it will help a family.

    On the flip side we didn't buy a whole lot to start out. Just a few new basics and kept to a pretty similar budget. We check the manager specials on protein, buy the deals and freeze them immediately and that saves us a good amount at the register. If we can, we also buy in bulk, portion and freeze items for dinners down the road. We have a small chest freezer and we have filled it with great finds.

    Lastly we plan our menu for the week and shop to only the menu and that saves a lot of stress and pressure because we focus on the list and we avoid the center aisles in the store.

    Anyway that's just my 2 cents and how we shifted our kitchen to keto.
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    pendennis wrote: »
    I don't know about where you work but maybe promote a food drive and bring in those foods or donate to a local food bank. We did and it was actually satisfying to give away those items. I can't eat those boxes of pasta or stuffing but maybe it will help a family.

    On the flip side we didn't buy a whole lot to start out. Just a few new basics and kept to a pretty similar budget. We check the manager specials on protein, buy the deals and freeze them immediately and that saves us a good amount at the register. If we can, we also buy in bulk, portion and freeze items for dinners down the road. We have a small chest freezer and we have filled it with great finds.

    Lastly we plan our menu for the week and shop to only the menu and that saves a lot of stress and pressure because we focus on the list and we avoid the center aisles in the store.

    Anyway that's just my 2 cents and how we shifted our kitchen to keto.

    This. Our grocery ads come out on Wednesday and I spend a fair bit of time on Wednesday night or Thursday morning going through them to make grocery lists and plan a week of meals based around the best sales. I’m feeding myself on a keto diet, a teen who eats like a fairly typical teen, a middle schooler who is on a med to control seizures that unfortunately absolutely tanks his appetite to the point that it’s difficult to get more than a couple of bites into him at a time so he needs very nutrient and calorie dense foods, and two younger boys who are competitive soccer players and seem to each eat more than the rest of us combined, so that grocery/meal planning and trying to keep it affordable are a big process here. I’m thankful that we have 5 different varieties of grocery stores that are all within about a 5 minute drive of the house - I typically shop at at least 3 if them every week. :grimace:
    Planning ahead is definitely the way to go, both for budgeting purposes and for having an easier time staying on track.

  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    edited May 2018
    Please feel free to add me too! I'm not new to keto, but I'm back after a brief hiatus. :) Kind of relearning all those things I knew but stopped doing. I agree...planning ahead for what you will eat saves the day. It seems like a pain, but for me I'm ok with repeating some meals like lunch all the time and I rarely eat breakfast other than bulletproof coffee, so it's really just dinner that takes the planning.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    The financial cost of starting it up is making me anxious, but I know that once I actually get going the cost will even out! It's just getting rid of the things I can't eat now and buying things I can.

    I am a sale shopper. Every Wednesday when the ads come out, I make a list (as mentioned by someone above). We eat by whatever is on sale. Always have. I really don't think my grocery bill has gone up but I don't have it as a budget. I'm just eternally thrifty. If I think about all the things I DON'T buy now, I think it balances out. Plus, I just eat less. My hunger is under control and I eat at maintenance calories which equates to less food than when I was gaining.

    I realize olive oil is more expensive than canola or meat is pricier than potatoes but I want to say...I'm prime example of someone who has lost weight and maintained long term without buying "specialty keto foods" (like almond flour, coconut flour, etc). I eat/buy: meat, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables a little fruit/nuts/seeds/oils. I generally buy the plain ol', plain ol' stuff. Land o' Lakes butter works just fine for me. I stock up when it is $2.49/pound versus the regular $4.99 or $5.49. Butter freezes just fine.

    You're right. It will even out. Stick with the basics and if you have a burning need to try something new you can do that slowly. For my taste, every "specialty thing" was a waste of money.
  • kboard25
    kboard25 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started keto this week!! It’s been hard but I’ve lost 2 lbs already. Would like some keto buddies
  • katzme0w
    katzme0w Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I am starting a modified Keto diet (breastfeeding) and would love any friends and support, feel free to add me!
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey I started Keto last week (for the second time) and been very successful in the past and seeing similar results now.
    I eat pretty simple: chicken, mixed greens, eggs, avocado, grass fed butter, olive oil and that’s it.
    If you do clean food and not play around too much with artificial sweeteners that can spike insulin (it does for me) you will get to ketosis fairly quickly. I’m not planing on being that strict for the rest of my life, but I know it’s best to give your body time to adapt. Also be carful not to over do your proteins.

    Add me as a friend if you want
  • tyeisah
    tyeisah Posts: 6 Member
    I have not started yet. Doing my research now on Keto. I want to lose 50lbs and I have begun Intermittent fasting. which I luv now. But I do need a meal plan. If you are feeling burn out look up DHEA. It's great with that extra boost of ENERGY and Moods. I get a this bit hangry.. lol.. Add me and let me know how's it is going so for..
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I definitely don't base my actions and opinions by what I read on WebMD but this article wasn't real favorable for DHEA. My aging heart would not favor some of those side effects and Lord knows I've already sprouted more facial hair than I want. :o


    Glad it works for you though-That's one sweet little baby-Waving from Cary-Welcome @tyeisah
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I started keto 11 days ago and am loving it so far. Definitely looking for keto friends so feel free to add me!
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    I am 11 days in, just looking to reduce body fat %.... not finding it hard to stick to the diet but am finding it hard to get fats higher than protein....
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    h4power wrote: »
    I am 11 days in, just looking to reduce body fat %.... not finding it hard to stick to the diet but am finding it hard to get fats higher than protein....

    If you’re not on a medically necessary keto diet, you don’t really have to. Carbs are a limit, protein should be a goal to hit so that you don’t end up losing muscle mass, and eat the fats that you need to feel satisfied. I almost always eat more protein than fat and am down more than 20 pounds since mid-April (even despite at least half a dozen days where I allowed myself a carb-heavy treat).