Move More in May



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I would totally order my groceries if I were you, Mihani! We are going to try it out as soon as it is available in our town. We saw a sign in the store saying it was, but when we looked it up online it wasn't an option yet. I hope you get lots done during your vacation from the boss man!

    How was TJ's pizza dough, Donna? I haven't tried it before. We've been eating too many Amy's pizza and they add up in $$$ and in calories! I could dive into a bowl of hummus with naan bread right now! Craving the bread carbs big time!

    I dyed my first batch of fiber this afternoon. It took a long time to make up the dye solutions, and then the colors didn't really turn out the way I expected them to. The good news is that I made lots of notes and weighed the dye powders so that I can fine tune things the next time around, or repeat the results if I want to. The fiber is cooling right now. I also cleaned half of the kid mohair fleece the I bought this past weekend. It is drying in the sun.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Carla - I am amazed by you doing this. I think it is so cool. I love the textures and color of fiber. When we lived in Canada (in the 60's) my mother had some one knit my father and I matching heavy sweaters called siwatch (?) we both loved those sweaters but I outgrew mine. It was the first piece of clothing I fell in love with as a child. So warm and cozy.

    How is Ruby doing? Dogs are just so amazing. I had a big walk planned with Cleo this morning while temp was in the 70's but had a phone was 82* when we left and we could only walk 2.5 miles before the pavement was too hot for her. She is such a buddy.

    Mihani - you might try ordering online. You could always cancel if you did not like it. Good job today!

    The TJ's pizza dough was very good. I followed someones suggestions:

    The only thing different I did was to take a toy size rolling pin to it as we like thin crust pizza. I used the herb and garlic dough and sliced zucchini, one big shallot and mushrooms ontop or the TJ's quinoa pesto. Then sprinkled McCormicks low salt steak seasoning on the vegetables.

    I am going to make one of our favorite vegetarian pizzas from Italy for the whole wheat dough. Spread a TJ's olive tapenade, just a thin layer then add pre roasted red pepper, egg plant, mushrooms and onion and bake. Then when it is done I am going to cover it with arugula and balsamic vinegar. I also want to try the mushroom, pear, walnut and onion pizza I had the last time in Italy. I don't care for red sauce pizzas or thick crust or cheese. Brooks likes everything.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I may not get the chance to post much over the following 5 days...I signed up last minute for a master spinning class! It is intensive and is all day long from Fri - Tues. After the the 5 day course ends, I have one year to complete the homework assignments and mail them to the teacher for grading. I'm super excited about it.

    I'm making some the baked tofu recipe I posted earlier in the month, and having that with an Asian sesame dressing and mixed greens as my lunch while I'm at class. I'll bring a piece of fruit for a snack. At least since I'll be away from home all day I'll be able to stay on track!

    My FIL and his wife are going to try out the Clean Food Dirty Girl meal plans! Sylvia tried one of the soups when she was over here for our card making session and really liked it. My FIL has agreed to help with the shopping and veggie prep. I'm excited for them to give it a try. The best part is that I wasn't trying to convince them, she just said she really liked the soup when she was over, and the next thing I heard she had talked with John and they'd decided to give it a shot. Now I've really got to get back on track before they show us up!

    You pizza descriptions are making me hungry, Donna! We have similar taste in 'za. I like thin crust and nothing too "sloppy" when it comes to pizza. It might be best if I don't try out TJ's dough! Ruby is bored, but doing okay overall. Her staples come out tomorrow and hopefully within a few days we can take the cone off!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm odd girl out here. I like the doughy bready crust! Although I like thin crust too. I'm all about the sauce and veggies, and actually prefer a sprinkling of nooch to fake cheese. I like fake cheese in some things, like quesadillas or melted on a veggie burger, but on pizza I don't like it. Of course, if I'm full on ETL then fake cheese is out regardless and nooch it is.

    That is awesome you signed up for that class Carla! How fun! Can't wait to hear what you learn and what you make. And so cool your in-laws are going to try the meal plans too!

    Donna, your pizza sounds awesome. I always put spinach and arugula on my pizzas and quesadillas. It's funny how over the past few years I find a lot of things to be missing something if there aren't any greens.

    I hope the fact we haven't heard from Karrie lately means they sold the house and she's just super busy with that. And where is Miss Lia?

    Another so-so day...
    B - oatmeal w/ blueberries
    S - lara bar
    L - TJ's vegan tikka masala
    D - hummus quesadilla with loads of veggies and greens (And a little daiya cheddar shreds... sigh... I don't use much at least. It just helps everything stick together and gives it that cheesy taste. I should work on a nooch or nut based replacement.) It's homemade oil-free hummus at least.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Sadly no, I haven't sold the house yet. I've just been busy with 4x ball hockey games every week and work and excuses.

    I've not been eating well, I've not been exercising. I need to get back on track. It's getting ridiculous...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Oh bummer... was really hoping you had sold the house Karrie! Sending good vibes your way for both the house sale and getting back on track.

    Okay I took the plunge and did an online grocery order. In all honesty because I mostly needed dog food, milk bones, cat litter, laundry detergent, etc. and those things aren't much fun to shop for in person anyway. Should be here within 2 hours. Woohoo! Didn't take too long to order online, certainly less time than going into the store, and I assume once I get all my favorites in there then I can shop in no time. I didn't order any food though. I have to go to the store tomorrow for a birthday card so I will grab my greens while there. I like browsing the produce and deciding what I want.

    I did a "little" better today. Tomorrow is a birthday dinner for my brother, Sunday dinner with a friend, then I'm going all in for another 6 weeks.

    B - oatmeal with blueberries
    L - Dr. McD's miso soup, some triscuits
    D - veggie quesadilla, some wine

    Going to be working all weekend, but boss is out of town through the weekend so I'm looking forward to it actually. Will be able to get a lot done with no boss and no phones. I am hoping/praying to take a 4 day weekend next week with it being Memorial Day the following Monday. We'll see how that works out, but I really really really need a break away from the office.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Too bad about the house, Karrie. I am off track with food and exercise too. It doesn't feel good. Once my spinning class is over I'm going to get back to batching. I'm not used to having my days so full.

    Mihani, I really hope you get the 4 day weekend. You sure deserve it. Nice to have a quiet weekend at the office this week!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this master spinning class. It is packed full of information. The first day was awesome and apparently that was just the tip of the iceberg. They have 6 levels of this course, and if they don't offer Level 2 near me, I'm considering traveling to Olds College in AB where the campus is located. I've met some women who are also willing to travel there and we would get together and rent a townhouse and save money on lodging. Even though the course only lasts 5 days, there are 140 to 160 hours of homework that needs to be submitted and graded in order to pass. I just hope I can keep up my energy over the next 4 days!

    My FIL is coming over for dinner tonight, so we made an artichoke and zucchini lasagna with white sauce from the meal plan. The white sauce turned out really good and I have high hopes for the lasagna. We doubled the recipe so that we have ready-to-eat food while I'm away at class all day.

    Had a good breakfast yesterday and a salad with tofu for lunch and trail mix snack but then blew it when I got home tired and had pizza. I have to fit in my physio exercises today. I missed them yesterday and I'm feeling a bit stiff and sore.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Mihani - I think that is smart for you to order on line the stuff that you know you need: pet food, TP, dry or canned food and then spend your extra time enjoying the produce department and meal prep. I am starting to think about it because if all I had to do was run in to get produce I would be less tempted on other junk and save money.

    Carla - I love your enthusiasm for your master spinning class! What a great skill to learn. The lasagna sounds delicious.

    Brooks & I went on a 25.5 mile bike ride yesterday with several rolling hills and 1 big hill at the end that I had no leg left for and it was +90* by that time. We are going to ride it again on Monday...he has trauma call tonight and gets Monday off. We are going to park past the hill and work on distance and speed rather than hills. Our ride next week is 30 miles and in a flatter area of Texas. We took Cleo on a 5 mile morning walk before the heat set it and now going to go do a 30 minute swim before he goes into work.

    I am having a hard time staying on track. Delicious red wine last night plus fish tacos. I was all set to order a quinoa salad at this place we went to and last minute changed.

    I made hummus for friends and added pesto and extra pine nuts then made the almond milk/cashew salad dressings with the "dregs" at bottom of Vitamix. Going to have a big salad with roasted cauliflower and broccoli tonight.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Carla, so happy to hear you are enjoying the class so much! Lasagna sounds really good!

    Donna, your bike rides are epic! I agree about the grocery delivery and think I will continue to order those things online. I think I would end up saving money by not making impulse buys, and there would be no chance of me thinking "welllll... maybe I'll get a bag of blue corn chips. I can moderate them." (Despite all historical evidence lol) It also popped up instant coupons and discounts as I shopped which was kind of cool. I tipped my shopper, but even with that I don't think it was much different than I would have spent in the store and I saved time/gas.

    Made a trip to the grocery today and I'm all stocked up with lots of lettuce and veggies, prepped for salads as soon as I got home so I wouldn't get lazy about it. Also got collards, kale, broccoli, asparagus and chard for cooked greens this week. Really looking forward to getting back on track starting tomorrow. I am seriously craving my greens!

    B - oatmeal with blueberries
    L - skipped it
    D - birthday get-together for my brother, we just had munchies like hummus and guacamole and salsa with blue corn chips and veggies for dipping, fresh fruit, etc. We seem to like that more than actual dinners over the past few years when the family gets together. Also some wine.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    New Clothes!

    Well not really. We arrived in Texas last memorial day and I was 40 lbs heavier. I was wearing long pants & tops to hide under and the heat was miserable. This year it has already been 100* and I refuse to have an ice cold house with A/C full blast so I have been wearing my tennis skirts and tank tops inside. I went to look for my summer clothes I packed last fall and found all my old tennis clothes (some brand new) that I grew out of and had forgotten. It felt like xmas. What a score. I don't want to spend money on summer clothes as I m not working. My 2 shorts from last summer are too big and I gave them away. What is funny, some of the tennis teams I was on the "team uniform" were very bright colors that I did not like. Now I love them! I also think these tennis skorts look better than shorts. Didn't find my summer clothes yet from last year.

    Taking the day off from activities as Brooks has tomorrow off and we are biking & swimming. In the heat of the day we are going to the movies. I ended up making vegetable pizza last night instead of that big salad.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Closet shopping is the best Donna! Free new clothes!

    I put in a full day at the office, then I brought some work home to do, had my salad then went upstairs for a nap which turned into 2 hours. It is too late to start now, I'd end up working until all hours and be dragging tomorrow. Going to have a cup of tea and relax, get back to bed early.

    Much better ETL day today!

    B - oatmeal with chopped baby spinach topped with banana, cinnamon, chia seeds, a couple walnuts
    Late lunch / early dinner - big ol' salad with red leaf lettuce, shredded carrots and beets, chickpeas, chopped tomato and cucumber, Jane's Dancing Dressing (aka 3,2,1 Dressing - recipe below), watermelon, sprouted grain toast
    Snack - small handful of walnuts, a pear

    This was a really good salad dressing, and so easy to throw together. I think it will become a standby. From Jane Esselstyn:

    3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
    2 tablespooons mustard of choice
    1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
    Fresh dill and/or pinch of white pepper (optional)
    Whisk and pour!

    Looks like it would be 2 or 3 servings. I used almost half of the batch but I had a seriously huge salad. I added a little ground black pepper and some jar dill. I used regular yellow mustard this batch, but I think it would be even better with a spicy brown mustard. I am going to try it in the blender with a date or a tablespoon of raisins instead of maple syrup and see how it turns out.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    That sounds delicious Mihani. Glad you are catching up on some rest. I need to drink more tea.

    I am rather bummed but in a good way. I had a pair of very nice khaki pants that were too tight but I could have been wearing them 20 lbs of the things I found in my closet. Brooks told me tonight they were baggy and looked sloppy. I guess I will give them away but then a little voice in my head says: what if you gain the weight back???? :#:#:#

    So I have khaki pants in 3 sizes 18-16-14....these were the 16. I guess I need to let go and trust myself.

    I made trader joes cauliflower rice mix and added more roasted vegetables. Such comfort food now. Much better than mac & cheese.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    A lot of things I've read say get rid of the clothes as they get too big so you have more motivation not to allow weight to creep back on, Donna. I've been getting rid of things lately. I think it's kind of a mental acknowledgement that you aren't ever planning to be able to wear them again.

    Starting my day off with a big bowl of oatmeal, greens, banana, cinnamon, chia seeds, walnuts.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Carla must be all tied up (in yarn) with her spinning class.

    How was your day Donna? What movie did you go see?

    Another good day!
    B - oatmeal as posted this morning
    L - big ol' salad same as yesterday, 2 wasa crackers, was too full to eat the watermelon I had packed
    D - steam/sauteed broccoli, asparagus, chard with brown rice, watermelon

    A little too many starches to be full on 6 week plan, but I'm okay with it for now. Mostly focusing on getting back to whole foods only after a couple weeks of too many slips.

    I cook my veggies in batches in a skillet lately. I love them roasted but it's getting hot and I don't want the oven on that long. I do a batch of broccoli first, then the asparagus, then greens. The broccoli and asparagus will last probably four dinners, I'll likely cook up more greens by Wednesday. I have it down to where it takes me less than an hour to clean/chop/cook all of them. I usually season with some garlic and coconut aminos, although I also add ginger to the asparagus and I like chili powder, cumin and maybe a dash of cayenne in my greens.

    Lots of work to do yet tonight so time to eat then get busy!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hahaha, yes Carla probably is.

    Good job Mihani, way to start the week off right.

    I agree about the clothes. Going to donate.

    We ended up not going to a movie last night because I was baby sitting a friend's dog and picking them up at the airport...their plane got in late due to the weather.

    I am lazy so I try to roast all my veggies at once. I have a big roasting pan that I used in the past for large turkey . I can put lots of vegetables in it. I can't believe how quickly we go through them.

    We went on a 22 mile bike ride...back to the same place last week that I had to walk up the big hill. I made it up today! I stopped midway to breath and let my heart rate drop a few beats. Brooks was surprised, he had pedaled ahead and was going to come back and pick me up.

    Was a little better prepared with an orange and a banana during todays ride that Brooks and I shared but we also shared a Cliff bar. I made a cookie mix from Skratch * this afternoon. I am going to freeze some for Saturdays bike tour of 30 miles.

    We came home and had a big salad of roasted broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and arugula. A friend came over and I helped her with a wedding card. I will have to post a pic when we get done with it tomorrow.

    b- blueberries and oatmeal
    swim 8:30 a.m.

    snack: fruit
    walk dogs 10:00

    L - salad
    D - sweet potato and black beans (need a recipe)

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hi gals! Sorry I have been tied up!! Crazy class full of lots to learn and do and some new good friends. So happy I took the class. Last day is tomorrow, so after that I will be back on track with checking in more regularly and hopefully back on track with food too.

    Great news about your clothes, Donna. That is so rewarding!!

    Is the your 4 day weekend off going to happen, Mihani? The dressing sounds good.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla, I'm intruigued about your master spinning class! Sounds awesome (and like something I'll never be able to find time for... Will message you on Ravelry...

    House is still not sold. Not really much action on it either. It's depressing.

    I did get up this morning and go for a 4km walk with my zombies app. So that was fun. And I saw a little baby bunny hiding in the bushes just off the path. Sweetest little thing ever.

    Breakfast: toast and pb. banana
    Lunch: quinoa salad & avocado
    Dinner: probably just a green smoothie - I don't feel like being in the kitchen tonight.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Woohoo getting up that hill Donna!

    Glad you are having so much fun with the class, Carla. I don't know about the 4 day weekend. I hope to get a day or two out of there, but we're still swamped and deadlines coming up end of month.

    Hi Karrie! Sorry to hear about the house. :(

    B - oatmeal same as yesterday
    S - lara bar (oops, last one in my desk drawer won't buy more)
    L - salad same as yesterday and some watermelon
    D - leftover veggies with some sweet potato, more watermelon

    So happy it's time for good watermelon again! Brought work home again, best get busy.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, you should take the master spinner level 1 class ASAP and then you can join me for the level 2 class next year! If they don't have it locally, I'm going to travel with my new spinning friends and attend at Olds. Fantastic class, totally worth it.

    re: clothes and getting rid of them...I know it is important to move forward and get rid of clothes/bet on myself, but I have been through this cycle before and re-purchasing items is very demoralizing and expensive. I am donating the things I don't love, and keeping several key pieces that are comfortable in each size. It is also important to look and feel good at whatever size you are :)

    First day to take a breath after 5 days cram packed with learning and fun. We are batching this coming weekend and I am going back to no evening snacking and strictly on plan. Have been having coffee galore for the last week, so I won't go cold turkey but I need to cut it back to one a day.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Long day, getting longer. Meals same as yesterday. Thank goodness for having food prepped! Making a big batch of collard greens for the next few nights, and a batch of great northern beans with onions and mushrooms and whatever spices are easiest to reach in the cabinet.