Getting back on track.



  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    Hi everyone, I’m back.

    I don’t know what happened! I love eating mostly primal. I get some momentum going and feel great. And then I think, a little more of _______ today fits m CI/CO, I’ll be fine. But I just crave more of those non-food foods as the days progress.

    How many times will I have to learn this lesson?

    Well I’m grateful I only binged up to maintenance calories and that I’m halfway back in the swing of things. I’m catching up with the past couple weeks on this thread now! Hope you’re all well :)
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member

    How many times will I have to learn this lesson?

    I think you already have!! We all ask ourselves that question, which is the first step to confirming that we know how much better we feel when we eat right, regardless of CICO.

    Nice to see you back!
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @wellnesschaser We've all been there! I keep using the food notes, to remind myself of how I feel when I eat something not so great. I've done 5 days of no sugar, but feel I'm substituting a small square of dark choc for some greek cheese (feta or halloumi) and black grapes, as well as a little strawberries and cream (which is resulting in eating more fruit and dairy than I would like, so I think I will go back to a small piece of 85% dark choc instead, but still substitute the jarred mayonnaise for a drizzle of avocado oil and lemon juice over salad. I might look into making my own mayonnaise, too.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    madwells1 wrote: »

    How many times will I have to learn this lesson?

    I think you already have!! We all ask ourselves that question, which is the first step to confirming that we know how much better we feel when we eat right, regardless of CICO.

    Nice to see you back!

    Thanks @madwells1. Well said.

    @eve70 - thanks for mentioning food notes, I am going to start using them.

    In all I’m feeling much better since reigning things in. I wish - no, can’t wish! - I would like it if I had more family support. If I’m not planning and cooking dinner, my husband will not settle for something like greens and a protein and some avocado like I want to prepare. He orders from our local pizza and sandwich shop. Tricky! It’s getting better over time. I’m just trying to do “me” and someday I will stop stealing fries.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to this group but not to Paleo. I've been floating along for so long now and gaining some weight back, so it's time to tighten things up. I really like eating paleo, albeit low carb paleo. I feel SO healthy eating this way! I also just love how many options there are out there that's paleo at the local grocery store. It makes our lives so much easier!! I am looking forward to getting to know my fellow primal/paleo friends! Feel free to send me a friend invite - the more support the better!
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @wellnesschaser I hear you, I'm the only one who is paleo in our house. I'm trying to persuade my partner, as he's been told he's pre-diabetic, so at the very least he needs to rein in the sugar and white carbs.

    @carlsoda welcome. I've been on mfp for ages, but only recently on these boards, because I really need to eat how I want to as it makes me feel so much better. I've also been feeling much more energetic and active, which is great. I've upped my weights, really gone forward in my yoga, doing lots of energetic chores like spring cleaning, carpet shampooing, gardening and walking more.
  • curltess033
    curltess033 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, it's been a while and I'm trying to catch up. It is helpful to see how everyone has struggles but stays consistent. We are all doing our best!

    On Mother's Day I decided to try out pilates private sessions to really start rehabbing my core. It's going great, but really expensive so I need to figure out my next step in building core strength. I still need more time but I spent over $600 on pilates last month!

    In other news, I have been dealing with stress which has led to drinking a bit more, and then having more carbs and even some grains. With grains/sugar, I feel tension in my jaw shortly after eating. Other carbs like potatoes and fruit don't seem to affect my joints but I do feel bloated. I'm getting back on track today and not giving up for anything no matter how many times I stumble. My mother is managing stage 4 breast cancer and right before Memorial Day had unexpected brain surgery. I live closest to my parents and work from home most of the time so I take on a lot with helping them. The week after was my 35th birthday full of treats, and now I am in the midst of dance recital prep with my two daughters - which is exciting but stressful too.

    I don't even want to weigh myself. Before Memorial Day I had a couple of great weeks with consistent IF and finally feeling fat adapted, and my weight had gone down to within 3 lb of my mini-goal weight, but as things piled up I slid and I'm pretty sure I've bounced back up. I feel great this morning. I really think keeping 0 sugar and pretty low carb without counting is key for me, but also not going crazy with fat.

    About to get in some at-home blogilates before I start the day.
  • curltess033
    curltess033 Posts: 15 Member
    @wellnesschaser my husband is the same way. I recorded Food; What the Heck Should I Eat -- it was a special on PBS featuring Mark Hyman who is now promoting a "pegan" diet which is pretty paleo/whole30, but the approach isn't as stringent - he promotes a 10 day reset and eating mostly plant foods, smaller meat portions, no grains, no dairy (unless high quality). I believe his plan allows for starchy tubers a couple of times a week. I like that it isn't really "keto" but the carbs are very controlled.

    What I like about the special versus something like the Miracle Pill, is he is talking to "regular" people in a lecture format and makes it seem simple. He mentions "Feel Like Crap" syndrome which is something I am pretty sure my husband suffers from but doesn't realize it. While he isn't going to say no to pizza, from watching this on PBS and another documentary on netflix he does agree with the value of high quality food. I am pretty sure if he was convinced that he himself were "sick" he would move to this style of eating to more like 90% adherence but I even 70% at this point is fine for now. I think next we will watch Mark Hyman's series on the brain because memory problems are starting to surface in my husband's family as his grandmother and father age.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    @curltess033 --you've had a rough couple months haven't you? Hope things are evening out a bit. Great job keeping with the pilates.

    I have been pretty good lately with my eating habits. I did make a pot of pinto beans the other day though, as I wanted refried beans so bad. Odd craving right? I ate one serving two days ago, and wow. I still have gas (sorry for the TMI). Hehehehe. No pilates for me for a couple more days!!

    I had surgery (carpal tunnel) a little over 2 weeks ago so that has set me back slightly. I started a new weightlifting routine before the surgery so I had to take a slight break. I don't know when I will be able to do push ups...still sore in the palm although I am healing well.

    Hope everyone is well.

  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    It's fitting that I started this thread, and here I am, getting back on track! I wanted to enjoy "food freedom" and I did that for a little bit. But my digestion and my sleep were starting to suffer. I'm a few days easing back into paleo/primal eating and already my sleep has improved! Bloating has gotten better. I just need to stick here because my body just seems to respond well to it!
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    @MyEvolvingJourney isn't that all part of the 80/20 rule? I think acknowledging how it affects you is good too. Yesterday, I had some tortilla chips and today we have a sit down lunch at a garden party, so I'm going to allow myself some freedom as it's unlikely to be very paleo, then get back to it properly tomorrow.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    I had pasta this week. "So not paleo". I have been running a lot, and my body was craving. It's amazing to me that now I can actually only eat 1 serving of pasta (instead of the whole box) because that's all my body tells me it wanted. Unfortunately, an hour after eating it, I was hungry again.
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    @eve70 @madwells1 Great point about the 80/20 rule! I think it's great to enjoy foods but also keep in mind how it makes you feel. I do love pasta and will probably occasionally have some gluten free pasta. But same here, it's just not super filling.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 818 Member
    I plateaued, and then increased! recently. Looking at my data, I see I lose when I eat basically one meal a day whether it’s midday or evening and that I easily fall into that pattern when following I.F. and low carb/high fat. Weekends are hardest for me because someone is always either eating or asking me to make them a meal all day it seems.

    @HestiaMoon1 and @eve70 - could be time to teach the children to make their own!
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I feel like I haven't been super active here. Up until the past few days, I had been tracking my food consistently. I've been consistent since March, and I'm feeling ready for a break despite the fact that I finally started losing when I got back to paleo eating! I decided I wanted to do a Whole30 round, so I'll be starting that August 1st! That way I can take a break from tracking and the scale, but still be focused on eating healthy!
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I did paleo for just over a year, and felt wonderful. I have IBD and it helped with a lot of the symptoms. I became pregnant and veggies and red meat just tasted bad to me, and I fell off the wagon. My baby is now almost 8 weeks old and I want to feel good again. So I am back on the wagon. The sugar cravings are no joke, but getting better each day. I dont do low carb, as I am nursing and feel light headed without carbs, but my carbs are all paleo and I am eating lots of fat. I eat 3 meals a day and stop eating after 7 pm and I dont eat again until 9 am or so.
  • eve70
    eve70 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been tracking loads, but not very active on the forum either.

    @GCLyds I think you always need to listen to your body, especially when going through major changes like pregnancy and nursing. If your basing your meals around good, nutritious real food that's always going to be good. I didn't start low carbing or primal until after I'd finished nursing my youngest, so I don't have any experience of that, but I know I had to adjust my IF (I was doing 5:2 fasting) with the start of perimenopause as I felt shaky.

    I pretty much eat 2 meals with a small snack and eat roughly between 12am and 7pm. But that's flexible, so I'll eat a small breakfast, if I'm particularly hungry etc. Some days I can still eat low calorie and low carb, as long as I eat enough protein (20-30% macros). If I don't hit 20% I feel off and crave carbs.
  • curltess033
    curltess033 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, it has been a while. My mother ended up losing her battle with breast cancer on August 30, and two weeks later my husband's grandmother died from lung cancer. I have managed to maintain my weight, but I have strayed from primal focused eating and I really want to get back on track to lose bloat, reduce joint pain and have more energy. Sometimes "restricting" foods seems so inconvenient but I have been so low energy and unproductive for the past 4 weeks. Of course, I am dealing with significant loss, but it also makes me "want" to eat in this way more, but I just am finding it hard to put into practice. I think the biggest thing I've gotten back into is grazing throughout the day. I thought about joining weight watchers, mostly to get a group accountability push into habits that stop me from just shoving food into my mouth. I don't want to spend $45 a month for that but I have no accountability and my motivation is pretty low. I also don't really care how much I weigh since I'm not overweight, just want to lean out and have my clothes fit better, and maybe see some cheekbones. Any tips here on what gets you back on track? Thanks!
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I'm sorry for your losses @curltess033. That's so hard to go through. I would focus on just making one change at a time to get back on track. That way it's not overwhelming.
  • curltess033
    curltess033 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I took it easy but maintained my weight through the holidays and now I’m back getting into Primal. There is so much good information out there that it is hard to pretend you don’t know it.