Plant based friends?



  • TrioMama23
    TrioMama23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the whole food, plant-based lifestyle. Fortunately my husband is supportive and is trying to change (he loves meat!). But it's a challenge to make WFPB meals that my 5yo triplets will eat. Also, for some reason WFPB meal planning seems harder than omni meal planning. So any quick, tasty recipes would be greatly appreciated. As well as the friendly support!
  • gothoats
    gothoats Posts: 6 Member
    Vegan over two years :smiley: !
  • dmenon24
    dmenon24 Posts: 14 Member
    Lacto-ovo vegetarian. Struggling with lowering carbs when the majority of my proteins are high in carbs too (e.g. lentils and chickpeas). Any suggestions besides tofu?

    I eat eggs but to be honest I just don't love it - but it's been the easiest way for me to get a low carb protein.
  • SarahsAtItAgain
    SarahsAtItAgain Posts: 3 Member
    New to the journey. Hubby and I are moving into Flexitarian. Was vegetarian a few years back but got off track. Looking for vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian support. Recipes, snack ideas, community base and accountability. Also hard to find a way to exercise regularly wuth a newborn in tow.
  • joey200for2
    joey200for2 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm new to plant based eating and would love to add any new friends for recipe sharing and support!
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    I'm about 80 to 90% plant based. I follow Mediterranean food pyramid. If I do eat meat its going to be fish 99% of the time. Changing really helped me with energy levels, digestion troubles, and I lost a bout 30 lbs over the last year. Anyone here feel free to add me.
  • sarahwaid
    sarahwaid Posts: 3 Member
    I become vegetarian in 1996. When I become pregnant in 2007 I started eating meat. After my son was born in 2008 went back to vegetarian. I have went back and forth a few times because my husband and son both are meat eaters. I am returning to vegetarian and hopefully by my birthday in September I will return to vegan. Nice to have support during this journey!
  • kasiakozakiewicz89
    kasiakozakiewicz89 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I've become vegan around half a year ago after being vegetarian for a year :) I'm absolutely loving it! I feel so much better, I do exercises and running, trying to be as active as possible and I love looking for new recipes :D Kinda addicted to it! Nice to meet you all :)
  • josephparsons92
    josephparsons92 Posts: 23 Member
    hi everyone, I also have have a plant based diet however I do still indulge in fish and chicken at times for dietary purposes. but salads and mushrooms are the staple of my diet right now. can't have fruit. i'm still new to the mfp and looking for and learning different methods to add protein to my diet. I know that meat is a source of protein but not necessarily the best source but will do (sometimes) until i find other methods. started looking at powdered protein online yesterday.
  • RockinBaker5210
    RockinBaker5210 Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2018
    I have gone vegetarian (more towards vegan) this past weekend. I eased into it last week and this weekend was 100% I decided to make the switch after watching a couple of documentaries and reading Eat to Live. So far I am loving how I feel and have slept so much better after removing processed foods. I'm excited to see how I feel and changes in my body after I've been on it for several months and years even. Feel free to add me!
  • kcam113
    kcam113 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I have been following a vegan diet for a bit over a year now and aiming to be WFPB at least 80% of the time. Would love to add more friends for support and meal inspiration!
  • BeesAreWorthSaving
    BeesAreWorthSaving Posts: 7 Member
    I am Plant based and WF a lot of the time but still a bit of a challenge for me.

    StevLL. Hiw do you make carrot dogs? Sounds interesting!