June 2018 Monthly WL Challenge

:star: NEWCOMERS! If you are new and want to join in, by all means do! We love to celebrate those losses with you! This is the standard format we try to use for these threads:

Name: (if you'd like to share) :wink:

My Numbers:
SW: Starting weight before you lost anything.
CW: Current weight at the beginning of the challenge.
GW: Goal weight for the month (what you would like to weigh at the end of the monthly challenge) Try to keep it realistic and SAFE!
LTGW: Life time goal weight ( What you would like to weigh at the end of your weight loss journey)

Weigh ins: What days you will weigh in, for example; Fridays
6/1/18 = (Fill out after each weigh in.)
6/8/18 =
6/15/18 =
6/22/18 =
6/30/18= (Final weigh in for the month.)

Total WL/G for the month=


  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member

    My Numbers:
    SW: 290.6
    CW: 279.0
    LTGW: 150.0

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    6/1/18 = 279.0
    6/2/18 =
    6/9/18 =
    6/16/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=

    Keto is working great for me. I'm losing weight and I have a lot of energy. Yesterday I managed 47 mins on the elliptical!! In the past, I've only ever been able to do a max of 15 mins. After the elliptical, hubby and I cooked dinner together. I had a beef stuffed pepper and a mushroom cap with cheese. Then I enjoyed the nice weather ( it's been raining here the last two weeks) and weeded the garden for 45 mins. After coming inside for the night and getting cleaned up, I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for hubby's co workers and I didn't steal a nibble at all!! :smiley: I'm so proud and encouraged right now. I hope this continues for me. I would really like to be at 250 before we start trying again for a baby.
  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'll join your silly little game (giggle) JUST JOINED TODAY - I'm a tart - I posted this in the May challenge and just realized hahaha

    Name: Dana

    My Numbers:
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 257 (heaviest weight)
    SW: 241 (surgery weight - VSG 01/11/16)
    CW: 215Ish (haven't weighed in forever)
    GW: 205
    LTGW: 165

    Weigh ins: What days you will weigh in, for example; Fridays
    06/01/18 = (will fill in after work)
    06/08/18 =
    06/15/18 =
    06/22/18 =
    06/29/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    edited June 2018
    Name: Malia :blush:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 260
    CW: 259
    GW: 252
    LTGW: 140-150

    Weigh ins: Fridays

    Total WL/G for the month=
    Hey everybody! It's been kinda rough getting back at it, but I am still determined to succeed! Just gotta get refocused when I make mistakes, and remember to log my calories. Deep breath, we got this!!! :wink:
  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
    I'll join your silly little game (giggle)
    JUST JOINED TODAY - I'm a tart - I posted this in the May challenge and just realized hahaha (Sorry for the duplicate post, I couldn’t figure out how to edit on mobile). I swear I’ll figure out this website eventually

    Name: Dana

    My Numbers:
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 257 (heaviest weight)
    SW: 241 (surgery weight - VSG 01/11/16)
    CW: 221 (ridiculous right?)
    GW: 215 (fingers crossed)
    LTGW: 165

    Weigh ins: What days you will weigh in, for example; Fridays
    06/01/18 = (will fill in after work)
    06/08/18 =
    06/15/18 =
    06/22/18 =
    06/29/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    Hey again everyone! Welcome Dana! Looks like everyone is doing great and has a plan. Great job, Kitty Kat, on not eating all the yummy cookies....I fail...FAIL!!!! when it comes to cookies...except girl scout cookies (I am the ONLY person in the world that hates girl scout cookies) Gotta do this!
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member

    CW: 268.8
    GW: 260.8
    LTGW: 150ish

    weigh ins: Tuesdays


  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
    HOW DO I REPLY ON here? Thanks mram3582 for the comment!
    mram3582 wrote: »
    Hey again everyone! Welcome Dana! Looks like everyone is doing great and has a plan. Great job, Kitty Kat, on not eating all the yummy cookies....I fail...FAIL!!!! when it comes to cookies...except girl scout cookies (I am the ONLY person in the world that hates girl scout cookies) Gotta do this!

  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    On the website, reply is at the bottom of the page. I don't know what it looks like on the app though.
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 290.6
    CW: 279.0
    LTGW: 150.0

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    6/1/18 = 279.0
    6/2/18 = 279.4 (+.4)
    6/9/18 =
    6/16/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=

    I was pretty lax on counting calories over the weekend. We traveled for a first birthday. I brought a salad with me and still managed to eat mostly keto. I had one bite of a cake because it’s bad luck if you don’t partake. Still proud of myself for only gaining .4lbs.
  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    On the website, reply is at the bottom of the page. I don't know what it looks like on the app though.

  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    yes, you got it. On the website you just click the peson's post and then reply at the bottom of the page, I didn't know how the app works, but you've figured it out.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 738 Member

    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 289
    LTGW: Dunno

    Weigh ins: Thursday

    7/6/18 =
    14/6/18 =
    21/6/18 =
    28/6/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member

    CW: 268.8
    GW: 260.8
    LTGW: 150ish

    weigh ins: Tuesdays

    6/5=268.6 (-0.2)


    This week has been stubborn, but I got my shot yesterday and that always makes it better
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Name: Brooke

    My Numbers:
    SW: 387.2
    CW: 159
    GW: 156
    LTGW: I really don't know. But I'd give my right arm to be under 150. I'd probably have to, too....

    Weigh ins: Saturdays
    6/9/18 =
    6/16/18 =
    6/23/18 =
    6/30/18= (Final weigh in for the month.)

    Total WL/G for the month=

    So hi. I'm back. I've been in this group for years but have taken a lengthy haitus over the last 6-8 months because life. And breast cancer. But hey...new boobs right? The medication I'm going to be on for the next 5-10 years is causing weight gain, which is harder than you would think, mentally---to have 7-10bs of skin/fat removed (Hey, I was gonna be under anyway...) then weigh the same?...means you gained 7-10 lbs right? And that's after gaining 10 outside my comfort zone.

    I've missed y'all.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    WOW! Hey Brooke and welcome back. I was feeling sorry for what I know is going to happen to my boobs after 100+ lbs, but I don't envy your new set at all. You earned that rack! I'm glad it sounds like you are doing so well. I wouldn't worry too much about that 7-10lbs...you've been here and done that and it will be back off before you know it...cause...you got this! (before it became a thing again)!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    True story, my breast surgeon laughed once. Not the plastic surgeon but the BC surgeon. I wasn't hurt or insulted, I was jokingly opening up the robe in a flasher fashion (you get REAL used to showing your boobs when you have like 5 doctors dealing with them and multiple appointments each week) and I thought it was because of how I did it but she said that it was just that I have this baby face and look so young (bless her) but my body doesn't match at all. I totally went from a 46H to a 34 long. Still....loose skin, you can really deal with. Compression garments and a good bra and nobody but you knows. I do love my new boobs though. They look better than they ever did in my life, THANKS BC!
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    I'm glad it worked out really well for you! Congrats on your boobies! I'll start researching getting a lift when I get closer since a plastic surgeon is the one thing we don't have in our family. Modesty does not run in my family either. Everyone in my family is a MD (dad, mom, aunt, 2 uncles, grandfather) so nudity means absolutely nothing to us. That is how my husband got really inducted into the family. It was my youngest brother's bar mitzvah, and we had all come back from the temple to the hotel room to change. I thought nothing of our getting out of our clothes and changing into the party attire until I noticed Joel's face as my aunt was casually having a conversation with him while zipping up her dress and adjusting her boobs. Yeah, 20 years later, he is almost over his aversion to the casual nudity in my family...along with some of the most random comments ever uttered...."hey, that brisket smells just like my medical cadaver. That is a smell you never forget." Yep...my family.
  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
    I'll join your silly little game (giggle)
    JUST JOINED TODAY - I'm a tart - I posted this in the May challenge and just realized hahaha (Sorry for the duplicate post, I couldn’t figure out how to edit on mobile). I swear I’ll figure out this website eventually

    Name: Dana
    My Numbers:
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 257 (heaviest weight)
    SW: 241 (surgery weight - VSG 01/11/16)
    CW: 221 (ridiculous right?)
    GW: 215 (fingers crossed)
    LTGW: 165

    Weigh ins: What days you will weigh in, for example; Fridays
    06/01/18 = 221
    06/08/18 = 215.5 (-5.5) yay!
    06/15/18 =
    06/22/18 =
    06/29/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=
  • Daynacrd
    Daynacrd Posts: 210 Member
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 290.6
    CW: 279.0
    LTGW: 150.0

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    6/1/18 = 279.0
    6/2/18 = 279.4 (+.4)
    6/9/18 = 276.8 (-2.6)
    6/16/18 =

    Total WL/G for the month=

    2.8lbs until I reach my monthly goal! Everyday this week I’ve met my 10k daily step goal. I’m super excited. Can’t wait until I’m down to 250!