Just Do It June

Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
edited June 2018 in Social Groups
No more excuses! Just do it :)

Thanks for reminding us about a new thread, Donna, who knows how long it would have been otherwise!


  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited June 2018
    OK. I'm gonna do it. Note to self: Time to get serious!!!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Oh I love the title!!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Thanks for remembering it's June, and thank you Carla for starting the thread. Love the title!

    I read end of May posts and need to respond but I am SO tired and feeling a bit overwhelmed by life and work. We are upgrading all our software and going to the cloud and I wasted at least an hour and a half today on the phone and exchanging emails and gathering information for the implementation. It's important, and I'm happy we're upgrading (this was all my idea after all), but it's mostly on me and it's just extra pressure/work. I do have to laugh at all the titles though... I have a "client success manager" and "engineer" and "implementation specialist" and "client relations manager" ... good grief. If all these people can't make it easy then I'm well and truly screwed lol.

    Anyway, I am going to be more busy than usual the next week or so... will check in as able! <3 y'all
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hope you get through the software upgrade, Mihani!

    I have to go and face the music with my physiotherapist this morning. Since my spinning class started, I haven't kept up with the exercises and stretches. I'm going to do a few stretches this morning and hope for the best.

    Tonight's dinner is roasted Kabocha tacos. Our local grocery store didn't have Kabocha squash. I haven't decided yet if I'll stop at Whole Foods for them or just sub in yams. I was visiting a friend all day yesterday and didn't get around to batching. Dangerous! I will make a few of the meals today and then play catch up during the week.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Painted the boathouse this past weekend. Blah. But it looks much better.

    Have a meeting tonight for my DD's grade 8 trip to Quebec; I've been designated the free parent chaperone. Yay! I like free. But it's gonna be work to fundraise for my DD's spot. So there's that. But if anyone can do it, it's me. I've fundraised tens of thousands of dollars before, I can do a measly two grand...

    Hopefully after that meeting there will be time for me to make a few smoothies before bed. I also need to portion out some nuts so they're ready to grab in the mornings.

    No idea what I'm eating for supper just yet. Ugh. I need to win the lottery and hire a personal chef...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    That sounds like quite the adventure, Karrie! How long will you be in Quebec for? What all will you guys be doing there? I am brushing up on my French skills with DuoLingo. I've been back at it for the last month or so and I'm surprised by what I remember from oh so long ago!

    We had the Kabocha squash tacos last night. They were pretty good but next time I won't bother with a special trip to Whole Foods for the Kabocha squash, I like roasted yams better and they are everywhere. I didn't batch everything on the weekend, so today I'm making some baked tofu for the baked tofu caesar sandwich. there's a tomato mint salad on the side and I get to use up some of the mint we have growing like crazy in the garden. I need to dust off my dehydrator and make some mint tea!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    My in-laws haven't signed up for the Clean Food Dirty Girl plan yet, so I'm not sure if they changed their minds or are waiting a while. But, Joe just told me that his sister and her husband tried the sample meal plan we gave them and loved it. They are signing up. They already had almost all of the ingredients because they have been vegan for years, but they don't eat a lot of whole foods, and cook with oil. I think they are going to continue to use oil, just less of it.

    My food isn't back on track. I'm having coffee with a cheesecake cookie dough square (vegan) right now.

    Here's the same yarn all finished and in a skein. I'm spinning a blend of merino and seacell next (bottom pic).


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    I love that green/blue Carla... my favorite colors!

    The computer thing didn't happen, I really wondered when they said they were doing this because it seemed like they were moving a helluva lot faster than originally said, and apparently there was a whole snafu in sending an email about part of the implementation that went out way too soon. The guy I talked to kind of implied it was my fault, and I set him straight on that. He had no idea the email for scheduling went out to me, and said he was going to look into it. I'm sure he got right on that. But still super busy so I haven't had much time to check in here.

    My eating is totally off the rails. Pretzels and blue corn chips at the office, and after 11 hours in the office yesterday, I ate toast and pickles for dinner last night lol. Seriously need to take some time to prep at least the basics on the weekends.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla_wfpb wrote: »
    That sounds like quite the adventure, Karrie! How long will you be in Quebec for? What all will you guys be doing there? I am brushing up on my French skills with DuoLingo. I've been back at it for the last month or so and I'm surprised by what I remember from oh so long ago!

    The trip is just a whirlwind 5 days, but making a point to stop in vieux Montreal and vieux Quebec so the kids can see the cobblestoned areas of the city. Also going to the Bascilica, Olympic park, visiting a sugar shack for a maple syrup treat, etc. It'll be fun and after 5 days I'm sure I'll have had enough of a bunch of 13 year olds. lol.

    Your yarn is great - love it! And that fluff is gorgeous; can't wait to see it all spun up! I'm plying my most recent singles right now, so I'll have some finished yarn to show soon. :smiley:

    My eating is hit and miss right now. The pickles and toast sounds kinda like what I've been doing this week too...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Probably a good thing that the computer thing didn't happen, Mihani! Not there's ever a slow time in your office.

    You will be busy on that trip, Karrie! I'm sure it will be fun and also that you'll be ready to get away from the kids by the end! Have you been to Quebec before? I was only there once, for my immigration interview, and it was freezing cold and I was sick and we only had 3 days!! I would like to go again some time.

    The fluff is spinning up slowly. I'm spinning much thinner than I normally do, going for fingering weight once it is plied. I really like how the colors are working together and the sheen from the seacell is lovely. I will be buying more blends with seacell in the future. I'm prepping some fiber for Tour de Fleece which runs at the same time as Tour de France (July 7 to july 29)

    The coming week's meal plan is picnic themed. It all looks good.

    Today I've got to come up with a dessert or snack for the potluck at my spinning guild meeting tomorrow. Maybe the citrus celebration salad. It isn't super salad-y, lots of rice, some greens minced in there, a creamy dressing and good citrus flavors from fresh squeezed orange, lime and lemons. At least that way I'll have something filling, appealing and vegan/wfpb to eat.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Actually made a decent dinner last night. Kamut spiral pasta with cheezy chickpeas and steamed broccoli. Tasty! Now just to keep doing better, one meal at a time. I have to go shopping today for some summer slacks for parties coming up plus I really need a couple more summer things for work. I hate shopping.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    All stocked up with good groceries for the week. Going to get back to super simple plan of oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, beans/greens/veggies for dinner. Working from home today, feels good not to go to the office.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yay for working at home, Mihani! The pasta dish sounds delish!

    I'm gearing up for batching today. Bit of a slow start, but as long as it ends up done, it's a win.

    Yesterday I actually worked out! I did intervals of walking and jogging. I had overeaten and was feeling lousy so I got on the treadmill. I was nauseated during the workout, but I did feel good about 15 minutes afterward. I was coughing up a bit of phlegm (i know, gross!) for about an hour after so I guess my lungs needed it!

    This week we're having beet gazpacho and pimento cheese pinwheels, no-so-crabby patty lettuce wraps with chipotle remoulade and orange slices, portobello muffuletta sandwiches with a side salad and sunny artichoke dressing, curried temph pecan salad stuffed pitas with pimento cheese celery boats and grapes, and fattoush salad with turmeric millet and zesty pita chips. I can get on board with all all of that! Having a friend over on Thursday evening for dinner. Hopefully the meal isn't too scary for her!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi back from a week in CA. We went to Napa, Lake Tahoe and San Francisco. I ate mainly fruit and Korean oatmeal for breakfast. Korean oatmeal is made from beans and my friend Minja added black sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and pine nuts. Delicious. pf7o900lxabe.jpeg

    Then lunch was usually salad. I had an interesting lunch at Boudons- avocado “smashed on whole wheat with a sliced egg and black sesame seeds. ap55vu0m69jg.jpeg
    Evening we had Vietnamese food, vegetarian springs rolls and seafood pho a couple of times and another meal with tofu seaweed, noodle and veggie bowl plus Minja taught me how to make miso from a bean paste and spices, tofu and what ever else you want. All in all a great time. Didn’t gain or lose.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I have been to Quebec and Montreal before, for my grade 8 French trip. :smiley: I don't remember a lot, just a few highlights, probably none of which had to do with any of the sights.

    Carla, I'm doing TdF this year too. My first time. I've joined a few different teams on Ravelry. This month I'm going to try to n-ply a small bit of scrap fluff that I have (I ruined the first bit of the fluff when I was still learning, so it's not a full 4 oz. Not sure how much is left; I'll have to weigh it.) I really enjoy spinning for fingering weight.

    I plied my yarn last week (I still have some singles left over that I'll have to Andean ply to use it all up, but the bulk of it is plied). I love seeing how it all comes together, how the colors blend, what the overall look of the yarn ends up becoming based on how you split the fiber, etc...

    I still have to skein it and wash it, but here it is on the bobbin:

    I was really good this morning. I made 6 smoothies for the week and I packed myself some dragon fruit, an apple, one of my smoothies, a big salad for lunch and an ounce of almonds. For supper I'll have some veggie spring rolls and roasted cauliflower and maybe a little rice. I'm also going to cook up some quinoa so I can make a quinoa salad for my lunches for the next couple of days. It's really time to get on track.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    That is beautiful yarn! Karrie and Carla should go in business together!

    Karrie - do you make your spring rolls yourself?

    I am loving this Miso soup. Instead of noodles (it isn't traditional Miso soup but it is made from scratch) I add thinly sliced cabbage. 8 years ago my Dr. recommended avoiding soy but now I think it need it as a protein source so I am going to add tofu to my diet. I might slowly get to the vegan diet. I can't believe how good I feel. Swam 62 minutes today! Was starving after. Now going to gym during hot part of day here and ride the spin bike. Next big Triathlon is in August and one more in September. I decided next year's goal is the Lake Tahoe sprint triathlon.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Welcome home Donna! Beautiful yarn Karrie! Menu sounds super this week Carla... and yay for treadmill!

    I am extra busy with secretary on vacation this week. I really hate answering the phone. I have to remind myself not to sound annoyed at the interruption... not a good impression for potential new clients lol. I am doing "okay" with food this week but still grabbing some blue corn chips or pretzels. Tomorrow I'm going to power through and not snack at all. I know I can, I just choose not to because I'm tired, stressed, busy, etc. Tomorrow my mantra will be "no excuses".

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Beautiful yarn, Karrie! I have only had dragon fruit frozen from the store in smoothies, so I'm not sure what it tastes like. It is so pretty! I should try it in a fruit salad.

    Donna, nice job with all of your activities. Did you and your friend get in a lot of hiking when you were visiting her? I get on a miso soup kick every once and a while. It is tasty & easy.

    I get filled with anxiety just thinking about having to answer the phone, Mihani. I'm sure for you it is more the interruption and not having time for yet another thing to do. Hard to believe I actually used to work as tech support on the phone. Used to hate it when the phone rang then, too!

    Funny you mentioned starting a business, Donna. I just formed an LLC and applied for a business license. I've been thinking about selling fiber and yarn at a few farmer's markets and maybe teaching some spinning classes. I decided that even if I'm not ready now, I may as well set everything up. I might be able to get some wholesale prices on supplies, though most places want you to buy in large quantities.

    This week's menu has been tasty as usual. The only thing I'm not overly fond of is the beet gazpacho and I guessed that going in. It's okay, but cold beet soup can only be so good in my humble opinion. I'm sure it is super healthy though. I had some for lunch yesterday and felt virtuous. ;) We had the not-so-crabby cakes last night and they were good. I loved the curried tempeh pecan salad pitas, too. My friend is coming over for dinner tomorrow and I'm going to serve them.

    Tonight Joe and I are going out for Thai food to celebrate our 9th anniversary. We're going to get in a nice long walk on the weekend as well.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Lake Tahoe was almost a disappointment for me. We had another friend join us and as soon as we got there they headed into the casinos. It was a beautiful sunny 75* afternoon and I went walking by myself. Next morning, same thing. After breakfast, they went into casinos. I went on a 3 mile walk by myself. What a waste...then they both lost money and were cranky at lunch....sigh. Just like food you sometimes have to be stubborn in your lifestyle. I brought hiking shoes and a pole. No hikes, just stayed on walking so as to not get lost but it was still pretty. I think my friend who is a widow would have felt better walking/hiking. She use to be a Pro tennis player for Korea and she has not done much activity while her husband was ill and since he died. The 3rd day the other friend left and we did go on a short walk.

    I have a new snack food I like. Korean popcorn, kernels are bigger and puffier, no oils or salt. Minja served it with a herb cleansing tea.

    I admire you being proactive Carla with your weaving and spinning plans. I wish I could have the sheep and sheer the wool for you! I love sheep. Maybe next March you can go to the Spider's Market in Albuquerque! A friend and I have been talking about opening a small paper craft store and yarn (she loves to knit and weave). She is in Italy but moves back to San Antonio in September. I would teach card making and be involved on that side. Relesfiota9vg8.jpg
    t cards.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    I played tennis today, first time in a long time. A new group asked me to play a league on Wednesday. One of the players was 2 years younger than me and had early Alzheimer. She was a very good player but we had to keep score for her and remind her where she was suppose to be on the court. A friend of her's picks her up and drives her to play tennis almost every day. It was a very nice group of women. It was so sad.