Me Vs. the Binge -- June 2018 Challenge



  • AD_23
    AD_23 Posts: 2 Member
    I binged this morning and then I found this support group. My reset starts now.
    Me: 0
    B: 1
    DBF: 0
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    This group, and it's super supportive check-ins help so many of us every day!!! Best of luck to you on your journey. :)
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    DBF: 0

    Sigh. It really shouldn't be this hard
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    If it didn't matter, it would be easy. IT IS BECAUSE IT MATTERS THAT IT IS HARD.

    I don't know if you read much in the way of books or listen to e-books, but one I ran across a couple years ago really helped me to understand how much outside manipulation there is in the world, period. From colors and music to smells and cultural expectation, LITERALLY THE ENTIRE WORLD IS GEARED UP FOR INDULGENCE...for doing what we want, we deserve it, etc.

    When you realize that so much is literally geared against you, it makes it easier to dust off and move on when smaller things WHAMMY you... And develop techniques to avoid the potholes, detours, etc.

    The book is called "Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success." I don't remember the authors, but I can look them up, if you'd like. But when you realize that literally from the combination of extra, unnecessary additives in foods to make them more addictive, to the packaging appealing to certain ingrained DNA level reactions, to the arrangement of the store to have visual and other sensory triggers assault you as you enter an establishment to the colors of walls and the lighting to the tempo and type of music played to either slow down or speed up your eating (slow down when they want you to stay and spend more, sped up when they want you to eat and go during a rush time)...and such... The manipulation is ASTOUNDING, to say the least.

    It made me feel far less, "Oh my goodness, I'm so weak. This is CRAZY. Why can't I just do this?" and it made me feel far more, "Really? That's HILARIOUS. I see through your marketing BS and ingrained stress/boredom triggers now. It's still hard, but knowing that you're throwing literally EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK AT ME to try to defeat me helps me to understand why it's hard and that IT'S REALLY NOT JUST ME. The world really is geared to make it almost impossible to do this alone..."

    Just understanding that alone made all the mess easier to ignore, move past, or fight back against.

    So HUGS.

  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    June 2018
    Me: 13
    DBF: 204
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    Yikes. I have no idea how I’m doing. I’m still here though. TLDR: I’m confused and need to clarify my goals.

    I want a better definition of what a binge means to me. I let myself eat up to maintenance cals a lot rather than keep a calorie deficit knowing I’m just going to binge. I start my day meaning to hit a calorie goal but don’t, yet stay within my maintenance calories: weight loss failure, but a binge control win.

    So I need to figure out what I’m really trying to accomplish: really commit to my deficit to lean out a bit more and lose some more fat? I’m close to “goal...” But being this close, my goals of getting leaner and fighting the binge are kind of at odds with each other.

    I thought I’d “recover” by now (I’ve been close to “goal” for a year!) and then glide on to getting really lean. Haha I only started coming to terms with lifelong binge eating very recently, it might take another year or more at this incredibly slow pace to get where I’d like to be.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    DBF: 0.5

    I stopped myself last night, not that I hadn't done some damage by then, but still. I stopped myself. I'll give myself a bit of credit for that, and give it another go today.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 19

    DBF: 1.5
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    Me: 2
    B: 0

    Back from a mini-to-the-mountains vacation with family. Took a break from the routine and counting but no weight gain. Two day streak can it go "3".
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    I hope you made it, @hillmike56. I wasn't under budgeted calories today, but I wasn’t much over. It was —OK. And I will take OK over binge any day.

    June 20
    DBF: 2.5
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    June 21st International Yoga Day ... Namaste everyone

    Me: 3
    B: 0

    @Nevadaden made it glad to see you did as well. Yes I agree. I have used overbudgeted as an excuse for a full-blown BINGE in the past. But like you with this battle we fight a few calories over is no excuse for letting that voice inside our head overcome us. Thanks for the reminder!
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member

    Me: 4
    B: 0
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 21
    DBF: 3.5

    Good job, @hillmike56!

    That all-or-nothing, “I ate one cookie so I might as well eat a dozen” mentality has tripped me up countless times. I’m working on reinforcing to myself that 300 calories over for the day is not the equivalent of 3000.
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    June 23rd

    Me: 5
    B: 0

  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 22
    DBF: 4.5
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 23
    DBF: 5.5
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    June 24th


  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 24
    DBF: 6.5
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    June 2018

    Me: 24
    DBF: 215
    Urge-free days: 0

    Yesterday was a rough one, so I am resetting my 30-day counter to begin today.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    June 25

    DBF: 7.5

    Not a perfect day. Not a bad one. Indeed, today’s imperfection didn’t warrant a “half,” but rather earned a whole digit. Once again, I will happily take OK, and be satisfied that I didn’t buy binge material when it was available and I was tempted to. I am working on knowing the difference between imperfect and unreasoning, and crediting myself when I don’t let the former become the latter.

    Hope your day today was easier, @brittdee88.