Me Vs The Binge -- July 2018 Challenge



  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    Me: 6
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 1
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    July 8

    Me: 6
    B: 2
    DBF: 2
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    Me: 7
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 2
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    hillmike56 wrote: »
    Me: 5
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 7

    @lamlam2013 when you were on that roll of victories what was successful in fighting the BINGE on those social days? That usually gets me as well. And I have one of those social situations coming up this evening. My last few successes in that area have been using a FAST before the event and saving my calories for the day for the event itself. Not sure that is the healthiest approach. Just curious about your experiences?

    @hillmike56 Knowing that I was determined to get a good streak going and to lose 35 lbs was my major motivation. Now that I've gained that weight back and am back to square one, I am motivated again, just trying to get back on some type of streak. Old bad habits have crept back in. Now I am sometimes successful and sometimes not. It depends on how "motivated" I am and my mood. I will eat minimal calories early in the day OR exercise to get the extra calories so I don't go over my daily total. Regarding bingeing, social situations can be hard for me, as I get anxiety. Sometimes I will do well at the event and then "reward" myself for getting through the event when I get home and eat more which is very bad. I'm trying to work on that. It's hard, but one step at a time. I also feel self-conscious if I don't eat much at a gathering, and someone will say "are you on a diet? It's a party...enjoy yourself." I'm still working on how to combat that. mostly it's in my mind and only very, very occasionally someone will ask me that, mostly family members.

    One day at a time for me.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    July 8

    Me: 5*
    Binge: 3

    DBF: 1
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    July 9

    Me: 7
    The B: 2
    DBF: 3

  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    Me: 8
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 3

    @lamlam2013 Thanks for sharing. I think I could have wrote that paragraph about your struggles in a social situation amost exactly. I gotten through events and came home to the voice of the BINGE, I know it well. I get the anxiety issue too. I still know you accomplished it for what like some 300+ days right? You must have channeled something special during that time to do that? I'd like to tap into whatever that was. I trying to use a trip to Europe to get my weight in control so those Europeans will see some normal looking American tourist for a change. This might be somewhat vain but whatever I can do to tap into the power of self-discipline and get into a healthy habit of maintaining a normal BMI.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    hillmike56 wrote: »
    Me: 5
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 0

    I hate to put up a failure to this group after so many victories. It wasn't a major BINGE but a setback. I want to be a positive member of this community. And at times I think just don't post your failure just drop out wait to you have a string of positive victories. But I'm 10 lbs away from a normal BMI and last year I did that in part by knowing that others out there were fighting the same battle as me. This I hope to be my only lost to the BINGE in July.


    I don't know about you, and why you worry so much about posting a presumed failure, etc., but I, for one, draw strength from knowing that I'm not the only one who struggles -- and I'm inspired to believe I, too, can fight back - because I've SEEN IT from others, like you...

    Our struggles are quite often inspirational to others, even when they sit back quietly, just drawing strength from your resiliency... I know I'm guilty of that sometimes...

    Nevadaden wrote: »
    July 7

    Me: 5
    The B: 2
    DBF: 1

    I know what you mean, @hillmike56. That’s why I disappear now and again.

    But, in keeping with the spirit of your post, I am going to try to hold my losses to two this month.


    All the hugs...

    Ditching the guilt of most of those negative associations, even if I only have an 85% success rate, give or take, is one of the best things I've done. I tell myself I can't fail if it is just fuel. I'm not weak, as it is not comparable to put my willpower up against being bombarded by bliss recipes (sweet, salty, and fat - literally creates a chemical response in the brain), colorful and scent-driven marketing, and literally every trick in the book used against us.

    That's like an army of one against a legitimate army of hundreds and hundreds of organized troops! It is still possible to mete out victories along the way, but until we build up our own troops, it literally is impossible to win alone...

    So, HUGS!

    I'm happy to be a troop (cheerleader?) in your ranks, friend!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    lamlam2013 wrote: »
    hillmike56 wrote: »
    Me: 5
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 7

    @lamlam2013 when you were on that roll of victories what was successful in fighting the BINGE on those social days? That usually gets me as well. And I have one of those social situations coming up this evening. My last few successes in that area have been using a FAST before the event and saving my calories for the day for the event itself. Not sure that is the healthiest approach. Just curious about your experiences?

    @hillmike56 Knowing that I was determined to get a good streak going and to lose 35 lbs was my major motivation. Now that I've gained that weight back and am back to square one, I am motivated again, just trying to get back on some type of streak. Old bad habits have crept back in. Now I am sometimes successful and sometimes not. It depends on how "motivated" I am and my mood. I will eat minimal calories early in the day OR exercise to get the extra calories so I don't go over my daily total. Regarding bingeing, social situations can be hard for me, as I get anxiety. Sometimes I will do well at the event and then "reward" myself for getting through the event when I get home and eat more which is very bad. I'm trying to work on that. It's hard, but one step at a time. I also feel self-conscious if I don't eat much at a gathering, and someone will say "are you on a diet? It's a party...enjoy yourself." I'm still working on how to combat that. mostly it's in my mind and only very, very occasionally someone will ask me that, mostly family members.

    One day at a time for me.


    This hard wiring and social conditioning we have endured our whole lives, being blamed for our anxiety and insecurity, resulting in torturing ourselves with a binge/restrict cycle to just "appear normal" for is no wonder we all struggle so much...

    How many of us heard growing up, "a lady doesn't eat so much in public." or "a man shouldn't like sweets or delicate foods, it's not manly." Many of us grew up in poverty with little access to food in quantity -- or fancy/indulgent foods at all. Many others of us grew up in a world when food was restricted (to keep up appearances in richer families) or for display only - making our friends envious of the appearances - when we were really jealous of their families sitting down and sharing food together...

    There is so much emotional connotation to food. Our older generations often showed affection through food, and setting your own boundaries and turning down excess servings was considered a familial insult. Indulgent meals because "treats" for the family...and so forth...

    It's so hard to escape that training, generations deep... So all the hugs for continuing to share your struggles - and your strengths - with us here in this group. (HUGS)
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Thanks for all your kind words, Carly. You always give so positively of yourself.

    July 10
    Me: 8
    B: 2
    DBF: 4
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Me: 10
    B: zero
    DBF: 10

    Consistency remains king
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    edited July 2018
    Me: 9
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 4

    @KnitOrMiss As always you have some great points. I understand your points about the army of capitalist pushing food on us and the grip that poverty & obesity has on the poor. I'm fortunate enough to not fit those categories, my failures maybe I could markup to brain chemistry. This is category is well beyond my education level of human biology. But self-discipline and that moment I break a positive "new" habit after having many days of successful change. That seems to be on me. If I try to put that on some aspect of society or brain chemistry will it not give me the freedom to continually lose this battle against the BINGE?
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    @hillmike56, have you read Brain over Binge, by Kathryn Hansen? Your last question is in essence the sum of her book.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    hillmike56 wrote: »
    Me: 8
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 3

    @lamlam2013 Thanks for sharing. I think I could have wrote that paragraph about your struggles in a social situation amost exactly. I gotten through events and came home to the voice of the BINGE, I know it well. I get the anxiety issue too. I still know you accomplished it for what like some 300+ days right? You must have channeled something special during that time to do that? I'd like to tap into whatever that was. I trying to use a trip to Europe to get my weight in control so those Europeans will see some normal looking American tourist for a change. This might be somewhat vain but whatever I can do to tap into the power of self-discipline and get into a healthy habit of maintaining a normal BMI.

    At that time I made an effort of Sept 1 to lose 35 lbs. I just kept determined. I honestly don't know how I got through it, but I did. I think my willpower was stronger then, as I as extremely determined to lose the weight. Now I've put that weight back on. Lately with life stresses of having my dad stay at my house while he recovers from a small stroke and not having time to pay attention to myself is really sabatoging my good efforts.

    Just remembered...when I went to the doctor shortly before my decision to lose weight, my MD encouraged me to lose weight. That was motivating for me, too.

    So, in short, your determination has to be stronger than any cravings, and making it a lifestyle change is key. I'm determined to get back to it!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    July 11

    Me: 7
    Binge: 4*

    DBF: 0

    Tomorrow is a new day...
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    July 11

    Me: 9
    B: 2
    DBF: 5
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    I’m also guilty of dropping off when I fail as well. I binged on Monday, so I removed all of the triggers I had in my home as a first step. It helps that things are a little tight financially because I can’t afford to go out and buy junk food right now. I look forward to getting back to the days when those thoughts were few and far between.

    I don’t even remember my DBF since it’s been so busy and I haven’t been updating, so I will start from my first binge-free day this week, which was yesterday.

    July 10 - July 31
    Me: 1
    B: 0
    DBF: 1
  • hillmike56
    hillmike56 Posts: 485 Member
    Me: 10
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 5

    Thanks @nevadaden for the suggestion it's downloaded to my kindle. @lamlam2013 I think your right my most successful times against the BINGE has been when "your determination has to be stronger than any cravings". Your personal situation now seems challenging. I'm sure all of us here hope you find that motivation again. You site helps me in my journey for some accountability to a community of like minded souls. Thanks for that again.

    @brittdee88 so glad to see you back. It sounds like your about to tap back into the power you had.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    edited July 2018
    Thanks so much for this @KnitOrMiss Truly appreciated! :)

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    @hillmike56 DUH...I just realized this morning something that I did do during that long streak I had. I cut out my trigger foods of ice cream and desserts like chocolate, etc. That was key in my weight loss and my streak. I'm going to do that again. It can be a little challenging when at friends' homes for meals, but I think I can do it. If I have to indulge a bit, I'll make sure to just have a taste. The more challenging thing will be to not indulge in those "trigger" foods at home, as my dad is still at my house recuping from his stroke, and I want him to have a few goodies. I know my hubby will support me, too.