TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (August)



  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Wednesday August 8

    Tracked yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise no :(

    My apartment flooded Tuesday night so the next couple of days will be major clean up and trying to readjust my timing. So I will be looking for alternative ways to exercise like walking a bit more, the house cleaning and hopefully getting my bike out of storage. What I have been doing as my extra stretch is the insanity program, which is a DVD set but because I no longer have a space for now to do it, I don't know what my exercise will be looking like the next couple of days. Mind you the clean up job is pretty big so I might just count that as exercise.

    I've had a flood happen to me before, it's a ton of work! I'm sure you'll be burning more calories with that clean up than most exercises. Especially walking. Sorry you're going through this! :frowning:
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    August 9
    Weigh in day - Thursday
    Previous- 247.0
    Current- 246.6

    I am stunned! I expected a gain cause if vacation, and a bounceback the following week. I ate carb loaded meals for 4 days and drank at craft breweries for 3 days. I guess walking around town and the mountains really helped. And getting out of vacation mode too

    I am very happy for you, Erik! You worked really hard before you left, and really hard after you returned, and probably a lot harder than you realized while you were there!! It just goes to show you that not everyday has to be perfect in order to lose weight. Of course, you would have dropped more had you not gone to Denver, but then again, you wouldn't have gone to Denver!! So a win/win!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 182.5
    Current- 182.2

    Going in the right direction!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Wednesday August 8

    Tracked yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise no :(

    My apartment flooded Tuesday night so the next couple of days will be major clean up and trying to readjust my timing. So I will be looking for alternative ways to exercise like walking a bit more, the house cleaning and hopefully getting my bike out of storage. What I have been doing as my extra stretch is the insanity program, which is a DVD set but because I no longer have a space for now to do it, I don't know what my exercise will be looking like the next couple of days. Mind you the clean up job is pretty big so I might just count that as exercise.

    So sorry to hear about your flood! You'll know if the cleanup counts as exercise when you do it, and I suspect it will! Good luck with it!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    August 9th Mini Challenge
    Calories: tracked and under
    Exercise: 30 mins biking.
    Today was soooooo much better than yesterday. TOM hit today so when I weighed this morning I was shocked to see I had lost a little more. Hopefully I keep up the momentum and see a good number on weigh in day. *fingers crossed*

    Love seeing you all so excited about your next weigh-ins!!!
  • kidkees
    kidkees Posts: 108 Member
    Tracked and under
    Long walk with my dog, 17,000 total steps for today, danced at Train/Hall and Oates concert!
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Username: Tracie_Lord
    Weigh in week: Aug Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 212.50
    Todays Weight: 212.75

    Up 0.25lbs but had a heavy social weekend and a corporate dinner on tues evening so its ok I can pull it back next week

    5 weeks today I will be at the airport woo hoo!!

    SW 298.50
    GW 180.00
    Loss to date 85.75lbs
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    August 9
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- no (over by 177)
    Exercise- yes

    Not too bad at all!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Aug 9 Thursday
    Tracking yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise 16,600 steps
    Won my day game, went to an amusement park (Kennywood) I was so tempted by all the food. Ate ok and was under calorie target. Made a hoop and won a stuffed animal. Peace to all! We can do this.

    Good job on going to an amusement park and not giving in to all the food temptations. You sampled some, but were still able to remain under. And you won a stuffed animal. That's the way to do an amusement park!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    miroller wrote: »
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes. 30 mins les Mills Sprint BEFORE work :)

    Love the BEFORE work!! That shows some true dedication there!!! Is it like "found" time, or do you pay for it in the evening, by crashing earlier?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    jkdooley wrote: »
    Sat all day! Attending training.
    Calories: over 400 calories.
    Exercise:. Walked

    Yes, it is tough staying on track while away from home for work related training!! You got some walking in, so that's good. And with only 400 over, you were probably still under maintenance.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    kidkees wrote: »
    Tracked and under
    Long walk with my dog, 17,000 total steps for today, danced at Train/Hall and Oates concert!

    Oh, I love Hall and Oates!! What city did you see them in?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Username: Tracie_Lord
    Weigh in week: Aug Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 212.50
    Todays Weight: 212.75

    Up 0.25lbs but had a heavy social weekend and a corporate dinner on tues evening so its ok I can pull it back next week

    5 weeks today I will be at the airport woo hoo!!

    SW 298.50
    GW 180.00
    Loss to date 85.75lbs

    A quarter pound is maintaining in my books!! You can attribute that to a few factors, so it's good that you know the reason why the scales didn't go down. Like you said, just pull it back this coming week!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Thurs 8/9
    Tracking yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise 30 min T25 Lower Focus

    @abowersgirl Ugh so sorry about your flood. We've had a couple flooding incidents in our home and it definitely is a lot of work!
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