Schoooooool's out for summer! August weight loss & accountability



  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Height 5'3"
    CW:138.6 (Average)
    GW:120 (give or take a few)

    Lost in May:: -2lbs
    Lost in June: -.6lbs
    Gained for July: +.5lbs
    August 1st Starting: 137.6
    Month End Goal: 135
    BF%: 30.93% (Haven't measured recently. Will eventually get around to it, lol)

    8/1/18: 137.6 (138.6 Average)
    8/8/18: 135.8 (137.2 Average)

    Hey I'm finally trending down again, and not up! YAY! I hit a new low on the scale today too. So I'm hoping to get my average down to 135 this month. That would be awesome. I did manage to pick up working out again this week. Although I can tell I've had a long break. 10 minutes of squats and burpees left me pretty sore, haha.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Height 5'7"
    CW:154.8 (Average)
    GW:128-140 (not sure due to muscle mass, will assess when I get to 140)
    Aug GW: Sub 150

    8/1/18: 154.8
    8/8/18: 154.4 (Actual) 154.2 (Trend) Definitely some water retention from the move back to my intense workout program as well, so scale has been all over the place!
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member

    Height: 5'9"
    Goal: maintain 135-130

    Feb: 148.7
    March 1: 147
    April 1: 142
    May 1: 140.6
    June 1: 140.8 (moving average 137.7)
    July 1: 135 (moving average 135.2)

    August 1: 133 (moving average 132.8)
    August 8: 130.8 (moving average 132.2)

    The bloat has cleared and I’m back to about where I was before TOM.
    MAGGIED13 Posts: 24 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    August Goal: 145
    Ultimate Goal: 130
    August 1st: 158.6
    August 8th: 155.8
  • strongerbytheday
    strongerbytheday Posts: 116 Member
    edited August 2018
    Height 5’2.5”

    7/27 137
    8/3 137.8
    8/10 137.6

    I’m not dwelling on the fact that scale has not reflected my diligence and dedication in a couple weeks, despite my meticulous weighing, logging and recent addition of exercise. Although I haven’t measured, my favorite shorts tell me that I’ve shrunk some in the last 2 weeks. I’m hoping to get back to my end of July WI of 137 next week and continue the slow, downward spiral.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Height 5'5
    August goal: 155 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs.

    March 22 - 162.5
    April 13 - 160.2
    May 25 - 157.8
    July 27 - 159.8

    8/3 - 159.0
    8/10 - 160.6
    8/17 -
    8/24 -

    Bounced up a little - my own fault. Gluten and I have a love/hate relationship. I know I need to stay away from it. I know I feel better when I avoid it. And yet, I make exceptions. Last night, my son (training as a chef) made quiche. I ate the crust because I needed to know if it turned out ok. But I ate all the crust rather than a bite. Plus a slice of garlic bread. Now I ask you, why?? Why did I eat all the gluten????? Cuz I'm not truly committed to this idea of GF like I should be. I resolve to do better.
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    August Goal: 140lbs (I'm assuming I've got some water weight to lose)
    Current: 144lbs

    August 1: 144lbs
    August 8: 145lbs
    August 15:
    August 22:
    August 29:

    First week of crossfit in the bag. My only goal was to show up every day. Next week is the same. I don't expect to lose weight the first week of strenuous exercise that suddenly includes lifting. Maybe by the end of the month. If not, still fine. For some reason I love my body and I'm more lenient with myself when I'm doing incredible things.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height 5'4"
    Aug 10: 124
    Aug 17:
    Aug 24:
    Aug 31:
    August Goal: 122
    Ultimate GW: 120

    So, I did a decent job of maintaining while we were on the road for the month of July. My goal was not to gain, and I didn’t. But I suspect that is partially due to some muscle loss since I could only run and not strength train. :( We moved into the new place last Friday and I’m trying to get everything settled. I am still keeping up with my running, but may not be able to get back to strength training until September. My goal for August will just focus on switching from maintaining back to dieting.
  • FitSeachely
    FitSeachely Posts: 74 Member
    Height : 5'5"
    HW: 172 lbs
    CW: 141.2 lbs
    August goal: 135 lbs
    Long term goal: 135 lbs or body fat% below 25%.

    August 3rd - 141.2 lbs
    August 11th - 139 lbs
    August 17th -
    August 24th -
    September 1st -

    The heat wave finally subsided! I finally am able to stop adding salt to my water to prevent dehydration (I have a very active job outside). I finally saw my numbers go down. 2 weeks to go to my shopping trip and visiting family this weekend where food and alcohol will flow. I’ve got this. Logging in a long bike drive this morning and plan on bringing my bike with me so I can do another one tomorrow morning.
    My plan for this week, 7000 steps a day and 30 minutes of cycling or 10000 steps on my rest days. Yoga 3 times. Keep on track with my food intake on the pms week.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    edited August 2018
    Aug 1: 131 - 22.7 % BF
    August 6: 127.4 - 21.5 %
    August 8: away
    August 15:
    August 22:
    August 29:
    Goal 125 but focus on BF

    That is mostly a water weight drop again. But nice to leave for a beach trip at a new LW. Stayed on plan the week before even with some stress. Now I’m away and not being super diligent so we’ll see what happens. Getting lots of activity and enjoying this break anyway.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    SW: 156lbs (4/1/18)
    GW: 124
    April End: 148
    May End 140.7
    June End:133.4
    July End:129
    August Goal: 124

    8/4: 128.3 (t: 128.8)
    8/11: 128.3 (t: 128.2)

    Well, at least my trend weight accurately shows that my weight was low all week but went back to the same for weigh in day. Weigh in was frustrating today, I've been in the 127's most of the week, as low as 127.0. But weigh in day? Same as last week.
  • leah_not_leia
    leah_not_leia Posts: 78 Member
    2018 Starting Weight: 165 lbs
    Weight Lost: 8.7 lbs
    Height: 5' 9"
    Ultimate Weight Goal: 145 lbs, aiming to lose between 1-3 lbs/month while maintaining muscle
    NonWeight Goal: 5 pull-ups in a row

    June 04: 159.2 lbs (trend 159.7 lbs)
    June 12: 158.0 lbs (trend 159.2 lbs)
    June 19: 158.5 lbs (trend 159.0 lbs)
    June 25: 158.9 lbs (trend 158.9 lbs)
    June 29: 158.9 lbs (trend 158.7 lbs)
    July 02: 158.5 lbs (trend 158.7 lbs)
    July 09: 156.6 lbs (trend 158.2 lbs)
    July 16: 155.2 lbs (trend 157.1 lbs)
    July 24: 156.7 lbs (trend 156.8 lbs)
    July 30: 156.7 lbs (trend 156.9 lbs)
    Aug 06: 156.3 lbs (trend 156.7 lbs)
    Aug 13: 155.8 lbs (trend 155.9 lbs)
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:

    Aug Goal: 153 (~3 lbs)
    Aug Loss:


    My mothers birthday was last night, so we enjoyed a nice night out at a restaurant and some ice cream afterwards to celebrate! Extremely bloated today (my body does NOT handle dairy well and I know this, but I hadn't had ice cream in a long time and decided the uncomfort was worth the reward lol :D:# ). My other weigh-ins last week were around the 154s-155s, so I'm back on track with my trending weight!

  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited August 2018
    Height: 5'5"
    Ultimate goal: 120-122 LBS
    Current Weight: 128.6
    August Goal: 125 LBS

    August 1: 128.6
    August 13: 129.2
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Height 5'3"
    CW:138.6 (Average)
    GW:120 (give or take a few)

    Lost in May:: -2lbs
    Lost in June: -.6lbs
    Gained for July: +.5lbs
    August 1st Starting: 137.6
    Month End Goal: 135
    BF%: 30.93% (Haven't measured recently. Will eventually get around to it, lol)

    8/1/18: 137.6 (138.6 Average)
    8/8/18: 135.8 (137.2 Average)
    8/15/18: 136 (136.9 Average)

    Last weekend was one of my last full weekends spent at the lake. So that usually means for me, a high activity level balanced out by a high calorie level. :grimace: My dad tries to tell me "lake calories don't count". If only :lol: But my trend is coming down, and if I put a good effort & keep my calories low in between indulgences I think I'll meet my month end goal & get my trend in the 135 range.
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    edited August 2018
    Height: 5'6"
    August Goal: 140lbs (I'm assuming I've got some water weight to lose)
    Current: 144lbs

    August 1: 144lbs
    August 8: 145lbs
    August 15: 147lbs
    August 22:
    August 29:

    I've made it to crossfit for 4x weekly workouts this week and last (They built in Thursday rest day so you can't train 5 days in a row). My macros are pretty good- I'm close to 40/30/30 and under calories. I'm a little surprised I'm gaining because my pants are looser and I feel slimmer. It's also day1 of my period today so maybe water retention is a little of it. Or maybe lifting weights is going to have me gain before/alongside losing. I'm loving crossfit and how I feel so I'm just going to keep putting in the work at the gym and with my nutrition. Everyone there looks amazing so I'm sure I'll achieve something similar if I just keep at it.
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    August Goal: 130 lbs

    August 15th: 139 lbs
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member
    edited August 2018
    Height 5’6”
    Aug 1: 131 - 22.7 % BF
    August 6: 127.4 - 21.5 %
    August 8: away
    August 15: 129.1 - 22.1 %
    August 22:
    August 29:

    It’s taking me a while to get back into the routine...