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  • rhoqueen
    rhoqueen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi My name is Monica and I am planning on starting Keto next week. My sister-in-law convinced me to try it. She lost over 100 lbs in one year and feels so much healthier. I have tried so many ways to lose weight but always steered away from Keto because I love bread and rice! But I am going to give it a try and hopefully it will become a way of life.
  • 104McKnight
    104McKnight Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2018
    My wife and I are wanting to do Keto but I would like to learn more before starting it. I have been Intermittent Fasting for a couple weeks and been dieting or (Life Change) since June 10, 2018 and have lost 41 pounds so far. Keto sometimes seems easy and sometimes seems real difficult, lol. I would like to combine my Fasting with Keto when I figure out how to do this. I also have issues getting my Macros and Calories to match up as well.

    In addition, I am diabetic 2, my blood sugars were through the roof before I started my life changing food habits. Blood sugars anywhere from 250 to 500, toes going numb and eye sight getting worse. Since I started my life change my sugars have gone down to about 130 to 157 and now with Intermittent Fasting My sugars have gone down during fasting= 90's and during eating= 120's. Life saving numbers for sure.
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi all hoping to get some help for my husband who has gone keto to help his diabetes. He hates cruciferous veg. I would be grateful for any help on how to hide the veges.

  • isabel_richie
    isabel_richie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Been on ketosis before, starting again this week, today. Fingers crossed I stay committed this time. 😬
  • sheilam1968
    sheilam1968 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Sheila. I am, I guess you, could say pre-keto, I had read that there were things you should be aware of before starting so that is where I am at. I’m gathering tips, tricks, recipes and meal plans. I started being more mindful of my eating habits 6-8 mo this ago and have already increased water consumption and cut out a lot of carbs. From what I’ve read so far, I think moving into a keto diet will be “tweaking” my current eating habits as opposed to a radical change.

    I have a large amount of weight to lose, total goal is 150+ lbs so I will definitely be incorporating exercise as well (I’m looking at the aqua fit programs). My first focus will be on diet though and I’m looking to have meals planned out for next week!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    Shoop69 wrote: »
    Hi all :) also a newbie. just finished the first week (lost 6.6lbs!) most likely water weight, but hey - a win is a win!

    70lbs to go (SW 247 - GW 176)

    It's taken quite a bit to try and balance the 5%, 75%, 25% ratios - particularly calories vs carbs (I'm aiming for 1600 calories per day) so I'm definitely open to some ideas. At the moment I'm filling in the gaps with fat bombs. I love them, but yeah - I dont plan on carrying them around for ever and would like to find real foods to fill those gaps.

    So far I'm absolutely loving it and not finding it difficult at all. I'm just obsessed with logging everything and trying to find the perfect balance.

    Nice to be in the group!

    We have abt the same goal. You will do great!!
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    traskinner wrote: »
    Hi, my name is Traci and I started Keto and Intermittent Fasting on June 18th of this year. To date, I am down 22 pounds and was just told by a friend about my fitness pal, so today is my first day here. I was searching for others who are on this path and so grateful to have found the group.

    Good job
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    wyntarra wrote: »
    Hello! My name is Carlee and I live in Queensland, Australia. I am originally from the US. I moved here in 2014 to join my LDR boyfriend who is now my husband.

    I have been heavy pretty much all of my life. I remember my 7th grade PE teacher telling me at a class weigh in that I weighed 190 pounds. That was the first time I ever really paid attention when I was weighed. My weight over the years only climbed up. I didn't really seem to care what or how much I ate. If I wanted to eat it, I ate it.

    In 2009 my first husband divorced me because after 5 years I still could not get pregnant. Not only was I morbidly obese but I had also been diagnosed with PCOS shortly after marriage. He decided having children was more important to him than being with me. That pretty much not only made me feel like I was worthless to any man, but also made me never want to have kids anyway because why should that be all I was good for?

    I am now married to a wonderful man who not only knows all about my struggles and defeats, he also accepts the fact that we may never have children. We are in our 40s and pretty set in our quiet lifestyle. We do love children and will spoil our nieces and nephews but having our own just isn't plausible.

    I went to the doctor at the end of April this year because I'd started to have severe pain in my back that just wasn't going away. I was taking ibuprofen like it was candy every day for weeks and I'd tried to talk to a few massage therapists because I figured I'd just pulled something when I'd been scrubbing the bathroom floors one day. None of them would touch me because I'd also mentioned a sensation of numbness near the location. They told me I should get it checked first. The doctor sent me off to have a CAT scan done of my back. She also wanted to get a sonogram of my tummy because I also happen to have a hernia caused by gall bladder removal surgery back in 2001. I was living in the US at the time of the gall bladder surgery and couldn't even afford it at the time let alone to go back later to have the hernia fixed. She also had my bloods checked for a few things.

    When I went back to her a week later, she told me the cat scan found I have osteoarthritis in my lower back on the right side and that it's very pronounced between vertebrae sections 1 through 5. She sent in a referral to our local hospitals surgical unit for my hernia and she gave me my blood tests results. I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She put me on 2000 mg metformin that also has 5 mg dapagliflozin for the diabetes, 4 mg perindopril for the blood pressure and 145 mg lipidil for the high cholesterol. I was also told that I am deficient in vitamins D and B12. I asked about my thyroid because it was a worry and she said that everything else seemed to check out fine. After she told me what prescriptions she was giving me, I asked her what was she going to give me for my back and she said there was nothing she could give. I asked her what should I do then and she told me that the only thing she could tell me was to lose weight. She also said she was going to refer me to a dietitian and a physio.

    As soon as my husband and I left the doctors office, we went to the nearest chemist to fill the scripts. As they were ringing us up, I just stood there staring blankly. I was freaking out inside. My doctor had just put me on 2000 mgs of metformin and that seemed a bit excessive. It scared me to death thinking that if they didn't work, the next thing would have to be needles for the rest of my life. And my back was killing me and I was so tired of having to take pain meds several times a day just so I could sit comfortably or even sleep! A switch flipped in my head then.

    I had no clue at all about keto at first. I just new that I needed to DRASTICALLY drop my carbs down, fast. I began tossing things out of my pantry and stopped buying chips, crackers, potatoes, rice, sweets, anything that I knew had a ton of carbs in it. 2 weeks later one of my sister in laws noticed what I was doing and she told me about keto. She and my brother in law had apparently been doing it for several months and they were looking wonderful! They hadn't needed to lose very much at all but she wanted to look and feel better so he joined her to support her and found he quite enjoyed how it made him feel as well. She sent me some information and added me to a FB group for Australians eating LCHF. My research and the groups I joined took off like a wild storm. I was so super excited by everything I was seeing and reading and just soaked up as much information as possible. Since I'd already pretty much limiting my carbs, limiting them even further was no problem. Figuring out the fats and proteins was a little tricky but think I have it down for the most part.

    I officially started keto/LCHF on April 26, 2018. Since then I have lost 12 kilo (26.5 pounds) according to my weigh in on Wednesday morning. I weigh myself every Wednesday morning and then I post a weekly update on my FB wall. I do that to not only help keep myself accountable but also as my own personal journey journal of sorts. Apparently I am also inspiring a few of my friends to also look at their own wellness and make goals. I've had a few tell me I should start a blog. I am a bit shy about doing that though. It just seems crazy to me that I'd have anything that strangers would want to read on a weekly basis LOL!

    So yeah, there's me. Sorry, I ramble sometimes and I love to write. So....yeah lol! :)

    I also struggle with PCOS and other things but was able to get pregnant with metformin and clomid some fertility meds. It is possible. Another reason why i started keto other than loose weight is to get off the meds and have more kids naturally. I choose to believe that you will be able to have babies once your health will get better.
  • Hi! My name is Trisha, I started Keto May 15th! I wanted to lose 25lbs for my wedding at the end of June. I was super strict and dropped 10lbs. I don’t work out but take walks for activity. I have continued to loose but not quickly. I’m down 13lbs now. I just decided to come in here to see if I should start counting my macros to see if that would get that last 10 lbs off. I love Keto as a sustainable way of eating but I’m feeling a little defeated.
  • JoanneJosephsen
    JoanneJosephsen Posts: 31 Member
    Hi :) I'm Jo and been keto 4 years. I have lost 300lbs and loving my new life. Been on fittnesspal over a year but kept myself to myself really. Mainly has I was fed up of people telling me that Keto was bad for me lol. Have a fantastic day everyone xx I'm also Dyslexic so sorry if spelling or grammar gets messed up.
  • Kristiale0072
    Kristiale0072 Posts: 4 Member
    HI, my name is Kristi and I have been doing lazy Keto since June. I have lost 17 pounds since April, but 14 since June when I started Keto style. Last week I didn't lose a pound, instead gained one and was super Keto lazy so I am looking for a group with some support. Open to any new friends. My starting weight was 194, today I am 178. I am 46 and fairly muscular so my goal weight right now is 150.
  • ElleJayVee
    ElleJayVee Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Leslie and this is my second week on Keto. So far I am loving it. I do not feel deprived and I have lost 3.2lbs which I think is great considering I am not exercising and I am eating lots of bacon! Haha I love the Keto community (I have been lurking in the background learning and taking notes for a while now) and I have embraced it as a lifestyle change. after trying so many other diets and not being able to adapt to the lifestyle change I believe that this one will be the one I'll be able to stick to for the rest of my life. I am doing this for myself first and my family second. I truly believe that if you don't take care of yourself first it will be difficult to take care of others. I want to be able to do the things I used to do when I was fitter and healthier, as my child is getting older and I need to catch up with him soon. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you. Keto on!
  • frankiem1207
    frankiem1207 Posts: 18 Member
    HI, I started my keto journey on July 16, 2018. I had quit smoking over a year ago and gained 30 lbs. I've done pretty well so far. I'm learning new things daily, most importantly is each of us loses at a different pace
    I stick to the basics that's what has worked for me. Sw 172 Cw 147 #ketolife
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    HI, I started my keto journey on July 16, 2018. I had quit smoking over a year ago and gained 30 lbs. I've done pretty well so far. I'm learning new things daily, most importantly is each of us loses at a different pace
    I stick to the basics that's what has worked for me. Sw 172 Cw 147 #ketolife

    LOL. Your avatar brought a huge grin. :) Go NC State and Hawkeyes.
  • melbrien1223
    melbrien1223 Posts: 15 Member
    I started keto today, after reading up on it for the past few weeks. I have had persistent back pain since January, which has forced me to stop my usual 3-4 day/week bootcamp classes. Needless to say, I have put on some weight and don't have the same level of energy as I once did. Hoping keto will put me back on track, while I work on fixing my back.
  • groovy_D
    groovy_D Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Denise. I've been on keto for almost a month. I feel great and have lost about 8 pounds of water weight. I have autoimmune and I'm hoping the ketogenic diet will help with some of the symptoms that occur. This past week I have altered my macros and updated my weight ticker to zero so I can start fresh and see more results. While my body is becoming more keto-adapted, my skin has cleared up and I feel sharper and have more energy. I truly believe sugar has been such a poison in my body for so long and I didn't even know it. I'm so glad to be here with all of you and learning more about this journey.
  • GrannyGoes4it
    GrannyGoes4it Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome new too third weigh in for me down 14.5, Feel much better too.
  • rhb1918
    rhb1918 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! New to Keto concept and believe a support group will be helpful in getting going.
  • Moooofit
    Moooofit Posts: 4 Member
    Hey y'all I'm Laura. I've had real success on keto and I've also fallen off. I start back tomorrow. I am trying to drop about 45 lbs before new years!
  • Faithy345
    Faithy345 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Carol (or Faithy), I'm 34 and live in Wisconsin. I'm new to keto, only about a week in. (I started last Tuesday.) I started the keto diet after a friend of mine had been raving about how much it's improved his (and his wife's) lives, and then shortly after, my new doctor recommended it to me to help me with my weight. I had dieted and counted calories before using MFP, so I figured if I was going to buckle down and diet, I would return to this site and use it again to help me on this new journey. So far, so good. I lost 15 lbs already and feel amazing! Looking forward to hopefully more of the same!
    I'm an open book, so anything you want to know, feel free to ask. :)