Solo or with spouse/significant other/partner?

zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
Have you told your spouse/partner/significant other that you are doing keto/LCHF? If you did tell them, are you doing it together or on your own?


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Solo for non-keto weight loss and routine maintenance.

    I trialed medically therapeutic keto for 52 weeks and let my husband know the specifics of macros and purchased a food scale. Some in my circle of friends knew of my trial and why (neurological movement disorder). Keto minimized my involuntary movement for a couple of months...and then it didn't.

    I now eat LCHF for satiety with no emphasis on ketosis. When people ask how I have maintained my loss, I tell them I eat less than when I was gaining. It's true.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    thank you
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I am keto. My spouse is not. All our shared meals are keto but he has his own stash of non keto snacks. He'll make himself a sandwich or something if he wants carbs. It's not an issue for us at all!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Definitely shared with my husband. I dunno how you could live in the same house and not know each other's eating habits. ^_^

    For the most part, he eats keto, except when he's on the road (he's a truck driver) in which case, he'll stop at Arby's or Carl's Jr. and get himself what he wants. He also has his own snacks and space in the cupboard for his lunch bag, but then again, so do I. He doesn't usually eat my snacks, because mine tend to be more expensive, and I'll bite his head off. :lol:

    So I'm doing it on my own for the most part.
  • LeLum5
    LeLum5 Posts: 26 Member
    My husband is doing it with me (kind of lol) he is 6'5 280.. If he skips breakfast he loses 10 He is that type so he cheats and is not as strict as I am but he can afford to cheat. I told him he is not allowed to bring any cheat meals in this house so he eats his pizza or whatever at work. Its working for us and he is really supportive.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    My partner has adopted all my LCHF/ Keto eating patterns and loves them. He periodically thanks me for introducing great food to him.
  • AgaeCan
    AgaeCan Posts: 5 Member
    I started out by myself about a month ago and my husband decided to join me 2 weeks ago. It's been an interesting journey! It's more fun with him as we plan our meals and cook together.
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    We are in it together. We are both overweight and it wouldn't work if only one of us tried to eat healthier.
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    I am on my own. Wife and I really have never shared the same dinners anyway so it’s pretty much business as usual at my house.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    My husband is the opposite from me. He can't put weight on, even if he tries. Carbs don't trigger any cravings in him. And if he even looks at a piece of bacon, his cholesterol goes through the roof. He does an excellent job of avoiding drugs by controlling his diet.

    Keto isn't for everyone, but it is for me!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I told him right away but he has no intention of doing it though he does eat significantly fewer carbs than he did before. He will never believe a glass of orange juice every morning is anything other than completely healthy and still thinks as long as you choose whole grain bread and pasta that it’s really no problem as long as you don’t overeat it.
    He’s a classic believer of everything in moderation. So his cutting back on carbs is just smart moderation in his view.
    I’ve been keto and now carnivore for over 3 years and have achieved the best health of my life and also my smallest body size since I was 15 years old. Meanwhile my husband continues to fluctuate up and down but always remains about 25 to 35 pounds overweight and I have no idea if he has any health issues because he refuses to ever see a doctor.
    I tried carnivore out of curiosity and discoverd that my remaining IBS symptoms resolved and I stay symptom free as long as I don’t eat plants. My hubs thinks the gas, bloating, constipation then diarrhea that I experience from plants is all in my head. He thinks fruit and vegetables are the healthiest food you could possibly eat so he cannot rectify how they affect me in his mind.
    He cannot argue that I’m doing something right though because I had fast and dramatic fat loss and kicked a really bad sugar habit in the process. So he really doesn’t say a whole lot to oppose me and it wouldn’t stop me if he did.
    I don’t put pressure on him to change either but I don’t know if that would be different if he had a health problem that I knew could be improved by low carb. I think I would have a hard time watching him eat foods I knew were harmful if that were the case.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I do keto on my own, and my husband & 3 kids eat a more typical, but mostly healthy diet. Largely this has to do with our schedules. I have always been an early riser and exerciser (like 5-6 am) and my husband and kids hate waking up in the morning and if they have anything in the morning, it's a little fruit or yogurt and often skip breakfast. I meanwhile want lunch at noon and dinner at 6, and they all kind of graze all day long and aren't hungry until after 7-8 for dinner. I am exhausted by 9 pm.

    It's an annoyance, but for years, I've just made a quick, small dinner for myself (keto now, but before, it was just whatever I wanted but fairly simple) and then I make the family dinner, and have some tea with them while they eat. So I guess what I am saying is--nothing has changed since I started keto, except the actual foods I am cooking for myself!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    My husband is very aware because he's the main cook in the house. LOL - but I am doing it solo. He makes food for everyone and if I can eat it, great. If not, I find my own food. But he usually tries to keep it pretty Keto or make it so he'll just add a side of rice or something for everyone else. It works pretty well. He said he's not ready to give up beer just yet to try it out. LOL
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    My wife knows that I eat keto/carnivore and since my Dr is supportive of keto, the wife accepts it, but does not practice it. We tend to make meals that can easily be split out to support the ways that both of us eat. She doesn't eat a lot of starches, but she absolutely will not give up potatoes and she is another one who believes that a person cannot be healthy if they don't eat a truck load of veggies - it does bug the *kitten* out of her that I haven't been eating veggies for the last 2 months (I have been eating carnivore since the last week in June).
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    My wife is a fantastic cook. We eat lots of produce and nothing in a box. She has a wheat allergies so switching to keto was very easy for her and we are doing it together.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,607 Member
    I started the LC and then the keto to try to get my glucose under control as a newly diagnosed T2D. My wife was very supportive. I started losing a little more than a pound a week, and the glucose was looking much better than it had been. She decided to join me almost two years ago. Now - I don't think she is as strict with it as I am, and I *think* she has mild cheat days when doing meals with work, but at home she is pretty good with it. In her defense, she is just wanting to drop some weight and does not get the feedback from the glucose meter. She has lost about a pound a month.

    I am currently in maintenance and off the diabetes meds. I am sticking with the keto because it suits me and it keeps my A1C low. She is sticking with me on it to continue losing a pound a month.
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm single so I'm on my own but all my friends are very supportive and really stay out of my plate. I have a close friend who leaves far away who would not support this at all (I know from past experiences), therefore she doesn't need to know. My little guy is my biggest supporter: always asking me if something is ok for my diet or not.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm single and do my own thing usually... but I get some odd responses when eating with others. That is because I eat a bit differently. I think low carb would be pretty easy to get by with when eating with others. Keto is also pretty easy (I was keto for awhile). But now I eat zero carb and avoid dairy and eggs as much as possible. In fact, I try to stick with only beef, water, and coffee / tea unless traveling or restaurants make that extraordinarily difficult.
  • shortnsassy422
    shortnsassy422 Posts: 22 Member
    The entire family is on keto. The kids do usually eat some carb loaded foods once a week though, when they're at someone else's home.
  • CarolynRSB
    CarolynRSB Posts: 84 Member
    Solo, but with a supportive spouse. He keeps non-keto foods on shelves too high for me to see what's on them, and cooks what I can eat when he makes us meals.