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Salad is the Main Dish September

Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
Actually remembered a new month had begun! I'm all stocked up on goodies to make salad the main dish for at least one meal a day.

I have red and green leaf lettuce, radishes, carrots, baby spinach, beets, red peppers, cucumbers. I plan to make some E2 hummus to mix with balsamic for dressing.

I've decided to start another round of the 6 week plan on Tuesday. While I've been eating really well lately, there's definitely room for improvement. And I still need to work on making exercise more consistent.


  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    I like the title. I have a favorite Korean place that made me a custom bowl of cabbage instead of rice on the bottom, mushroom, broccoli, red peppers and tofu stir fried and topped with avocado today. I started eating tofu again. I think the benefits outweigh the risks but need to talk to Dr. about this.

    Brooks' 60th BD yesterday. Lots of Moscow mules and Dark & Stormies! Trying to decide upon our favorite drink with ginger beer. Back on track today. He wanted to go to a big waterpark (such a kid). We probably walked 7 miles. I could feel it in my legs today.

    Mihani - I like to add hummus and balsamic to salads. Not mixed but "stripes" of each over the salad. Exercise is important to me not only for burning calories and toning but for the endorphin release and being able to keep moving and doing fun things.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    I need to get back to salad being the main dish! I hope I can live up to the title this month. My goal will be to have a salad for lunch every day. I'm going to soak some garbanzo beans after I post this so that I can make up a batch of tu-no salad tomorrow.

    I love ginger beer and all things ginger! Moscow Mule is my favorite drink to order. My MIL gave me 2 copper mugs for my birthday last year, and I should start using them again, even if it is just the ginger beer naked.

    Over the weekend, Joe and I decided to continue working on our garden shed after a long hiatus. He did the electrical for it last year and then has been too busy with work to get into it. We emptied so much junk out of there. I didn't realize how bad it really was until I saw the picture. After the 'in-progress' photo shown below, we worked on insulating, putting up the walls (in progress) and painting the window sills.

    Our progress ground to a halt unexpectedly on Sunday, when I tripped an fell over something in our makeshift construction zone. I fell really hard and thankfully managed to use my left hand to break my fall. Ouch! I have big scabs and a scraped knee, and I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital for my thumb. I took some ibuprofen and waited it out, and the next day it was improved. I can't use that hand for very much still and there's a big bruise coming to the surface. I'm just glad it isn't broken!

    I have a 2-day workshop this Fri/Sat at the art center, and Joe has a LAN party, so it looks like we won't be making much if any progress on the shed this coming weekend. I don't want the project to stagnate again for another year. My incentive is seeing it all painted after the walls go up.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Sounds like such a fun birthday, Donna. Never had a Moscow Mule. I'm a pretty boring drinker. Wine, beer, now and then a margarita.

    Wow, Carla, nice job cleaning up the shed. Sorry to hear about your mishap though. Hope you heal quickly.

    Today was my first official day of the 6 week plan, primarily because I didn't get around to finishing prepping until last night. I am all set for several days now, and will do some more prepping this weekend so I'll be good to go next week.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Day 2 is in the bag! I forgot my salad this morning so I had a Dr. McDougall quinoa cup. They are pretty good, but you have to let them sit a long time to make sure they aren't all watery. I keep them around for days like today when I forget lunch. I will eat my salad with some beans for dinner, and watermelon for dessert.
  • Sorry about your accident, Carla, and glad your injuries weren't any worse than they were. How's your thumb?

    Mihani, congratulations on starting your 6 week plan! We don't have McDougall products in our area.

    bisky, aren't you glad you are physically fit and able to visit a water park and enjoy it? Were you at the Schlitterbahn?

    Ladies, I have great news! I spoke with my manager and told her that this job was not a good fit. She completely understood and went to bat for me, checking with other managers to see if they had an opening that was a better fit. I will be working in a newly created position, less than a mile from home, with more income and less stress - what??? Feeling very blessed this evening. I'll start training next week, the clinic opens in October.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited September 2018
    Mihani - you are so good. I made a pot of quinoa and roasted vegetables for dinner, topped with pine nuts and TJ's Olive mix (has olive oil) . Brooks didn't even notice that I forgot to add cheese to his. He had two servings.

    Carla - your garden shed looks so good. I bet it feels good to have it cleaned out. How is your bruises healing?

    Karrie - did you close on the house?

    Jacqueline - how is work going?

    Felt really lousy past couple of days. I think I over did it with two nights of celebration and then going to the water park. It has taken me 3 days to recover. I remember how in my 20's I would work a 12 hour night shift, come home and go hiking with my dog. This week the dogs were lucky to get a 30 minute spin around the neighborhood. Swam yesterday and still felt weak. Stayed home today, roasting vegetables and making cards.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Jacquie, I order Dr. McD's from the website: https://www.rightfoods.com/ ... they often have discounts. I'm not going to say they are the greatest things you'll ever taste, but when time is short or I forget my lunch they can be a lifesaver. That's wonderful news about the job!

    Hope you're feeling better, Donna. Sounds like a wise idea to take it a little easy for a day.

    Day 3 without any snacking at work. Yay! Going to have a big ol' salad for dinner. I never got around to making hummus so I will do that tonight to top my salad along with some balsamic.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Jacquie!!! That's SO awesome! Congrats. The new position sounds perfect for you, and within a mile of home? Sweet!

    Hope you start feeling better soon, Donna. How did card making go?

    Mihani, good reminder about the McD food in a cup meals. I still have some left from when I placed that large order. Unfortunately, I think I only have the less appealing options left! Grats on day 2!

    My thumb is very bruised and I can't put much pressure on it. I had almost no use of that hand for the first 2 days. Yesterday I was able to use it carefully (to catch up on dishes!). Today and tomorrow I have a weaving and embellishing workshop all day, so I hope whatever it is we're doing isn't too hard for me with my hand. I'm still not great at opening jars!

    We made an apple crisp with the last of the apples from our orchard. It's a good thing we waited until now, because it sure turned out good! There's a bit of coconut oil and some sweetener added so it is definitely not Dr F approved, though better than anything store bought we'd get.

    .... so I came back from my workshop and saw that I forgot to post this... oops!

    Workshop was good, busy day, I'm wiped.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Nice job on day 3, Mihani!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    The apple crisp sounds like a healthy treat, Carla. Are you still doing your spinning project?

    I ended up making Dr. F's cabbage and kale casserole last night instead of salad. I forgot I had all the ingredients and the kale was starting to look a tad wilted. I am going to prep more salad greens and veggies this weekend for lunches, and figure out some easy things to throw together for dinners. I haven't been eating breakfast and don't seem to miss it or get hungry before lunchtime.

    Heading to the office today. It's a dreary rainy day so I don't really mind, and I hope to get caught up a bit more this weekend. I am grateful for the rain, it is finally cooling down here. Yay for autumn!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Yay for autumn, indeed!!! It's cool and drizzly here and I love it. I'm refreshed and ready for day 2 of my workshop. We're going to be doing surface design and embellishment today, and a few edges/joins for fabric.

    If it isn't raining too hard, I'm going to try to get a walk in during my lunch break. We were moving around yesterday but are going to be sitting a lot today.

    I'm not sure which spinning project I was working on, Mihani. I finished up 2 different skeins a while back. I have some undyed merino & silk on the bobbin right now, but I haven't worked on it since I hurt my hand. I also have a dish towel project on my loom at home and the table runner at the art center that I haven't worked on since last week. I feel pressure to get that done because I'm renting that loom and I'm sure other people will want to use it soon.

    We're not going to do batching this weekend because of my schedule, but are going to pick out a few recipes we can double to get through the coming week. I'm ready to make another batch of tuno-salad to go with my greens for lunch.

    How is the cabbage and kale casserole? Have you made some adjustments to boost the flavors?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Oops, I meant the weaving project you are doing at the art center, Carla. So I guess it is still in progress then. Can't wait to see it once it's done! The cabbage and kale casserole has turned into a favorite dish believe it or not. I add a bunch of pepper to the sauce, along with a dash of cayenne. It actually seems like a recipe that's meant to be a little bland though, an old fashioned comfort food casserole, only cabbage instead of noodles.

    Another good day. I am really finding more and more that this isn't as much of a struggle as it used to be. My main goal every day is to eat as healthy as possible, and if I think about eating non-ETL, to consider whether it's really worth it and most of the time it just isn't. It's easier to stay the course than it is to suffer the remorse. Hey that rhymes, that can be my new catchphrase! :p

    I ate some leftover broccoli and a few walnuts for breakfast, skipped lunch because I wasn't really hungry, had salad, some leftover casserole, and watermelon for dinner. The last couple watermelons have been disappointing. I guess it is getting close to the end of delicious watermelon for this year.
  • Carla, I hope your thumb is better today! You really did a number on it. Is your career in art?

    I'm all for Fall, too! I don't feel like I've had enough summer yet (it's a short season here), but I do love Fall the best! Just hoping it sticks around for a while. We are having crisp sunny days right now. Perfect.

    Mihani, thanks for the link for the Dr. M products. I'm going to be working three 12 hour shifts a week so I'm looking for ways to eat healthy and conveniently on those days. For the next four weeks I'll be working four 9 hour days while I wait for the clinic to open so the same is true now, really (the need for convenience).

    It's been a hectic weekend so I just ran to the store for bagged, pre-chopped kale/cabbage salad kit. I'll keep the sliced almonds but toss the dressing. A friend dropped off a bag of produce from her garden so I'm prepping that in a few minutes. And, I just pulled a baked oatmeal out of the oven to have for breakfast this week. I'm trying to get my husband to break from his 30 year Cheerios habit and eat a better breakfast. I had to tweak the baked oatmeal quite a bit so I hope it's edible. I left out the butter, used one egg instead of two, reduced the brown sugar to 1/4 cup. I added in applesauce and a flax egg and added plant-based milk for dairy milk. It looks a bit dry, but edible.

    Donna, are you feeling better?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Hi - everyone is doing so well. Good planning Jacquie and congratulations on getting a job that works for you!

    It has been raining for last few days. Temp down into 80's at least. We did a spin class this afternoon as it is too wet to ride bikes outside. We have a bike tour this weekend in Corpus Christie along the coast and then the following weekend I have my last Tri for the year! Had lunch at my new favorite korean place...they will substitute chopped cabbage for brown rice in the veggie with tofu bowl...all fresh vegetables.

    A MFP friend is 64 years old, lost 150 lbs and just did the swim part of a team Tri. The exciting part was the Iron Nun participated. I had never heard of her before today. I bought her book on Amazon after reading about her. She is 88 years old! This is a link to copy & paste to read about her: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10694495/a-little-present-for-triathletes#latest
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    That's really cool, Donna. Thanks for sharing.

    Those bag salads really come in handy when I'm rushed too, Jacquie.

    I stumbled across some baked no-oil tostadas at Fresh Thyme. I made a black bean and corn salsa (can of black beans drained/rinsed, defrosted frozen corn, half a jar of salsa, let sit in the fridge overnight for flavors to meld). Then I water sauteed a bunch of kale with fajita seasoning, just enough to wilt and soften a bit. I loaded a couple tostadas with some of the salsa and a big pile of the kale. It was so simple, and so good! Probably enough for 4 dinners.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    The house is sold. They took possession last Wednesday. DONE!!!

    I've been busy trying to unpack the final boxes, and I had a garage sale last weekend. That basically took up the last 10 days or so. But everything that didn't sell is being donated today; my parents are loading it all up in a truck and dropping it off. Mess is GONE!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    YAY! Congratulations on the sale and letting go of stuff. I bet you feel great! You know with all my moving I get rid of a lot of stuff and most recently my childhood piano and a big cabinet that I never liked. I never miss it and feel much freer.

    Mihani - I love baked tostadas. I put fat free refried beans, salsa and veggies on top too. So much you can do with them. I am going to try the sautéed kale with fajita seasonings plus a bunch of peppers and onions.

    Going to go pick up Brooks during his lunch hour and swim at the 50-M pool on base today.

    I don't know how much this is true but a fitness instructor said to me yesterday...if you work too hard during the hour...you use up your glycogen stores and crave carbs...if you work a little less intense you burn fat. It kinda makes sense because I lost a lot of weight doing slow long walks...verses all this swimming and biking. After the higher intensity workouts I feel starved. After this tri...I am going to cut back on intensity and increase duration with everything.

    Breakfast: Ezekial toast with 1/2 small avocado, hummus, pine nuts and sesame seeds.
    Lunch : Salad
    Dinner: Veggie Fajitas (thank you Mihani) on baked tostadas with refried ff beans.

    snacks: fruit and homemade spiced garbanzo beans

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Yay Karrie! Great news. :)

    I don't think I've ever had a tostada before, Donna, but I am enjoying them. Sometimes I miss crispy/crunchy/snacky when eating 100% WFPB. I was thinking I could break them up for "tortilla chips". The fajita tostadas sound perfect. How do you make your garbanzo beans? I have roasted them a few times with different spices and enjoyed them added to salads or soup like croutons.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Brooks made the garbanzo beans with a 5 spice asian seasoning...I will ask him...I know he used the dried beans and soaked them first.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Had to get to the store today to restock greens. I'm going through a LOT of greens lately. Took the dog to the vet because he has a sore on his foot and is now on antibiotics. Work is crazy. That's all the news here!