Wednesday Weigh in's



  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @DRJJ2004 any loss is better than a gain! Great job 😊
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member

    Hi all

    Had a Whole day of helping my parents move house. Tiring.
    But 163.4 this week 🙂
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    You’re doing so well. I can’t wait to reach 62lbs. :)
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @meepmya you are so inspiring!
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks. You are too
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Up 0.4 this week. Rough weekend, too many temptations. I obviously caved but it’s ok. I’m back on track this week.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Good day everyone. Almost forgot today's weigh in..

    CW 156.5- down 1.5 lbs from last week. I'm happy with the loss but I am still not making the best food choices.
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone. Been travelling a lot this week and back and forth helping out with unpacking boxes decorating and all the things you have to do with moving. Haven't found my scales yet. Hopefully be a bit more organised with food prep and logging this coming week and have located my scales by next Wednesday weigh in. I did manage to get a Fitbit though and wear it most days.

    Well done for getting back on track, it's hard to do.

    And well done on weight loss.

    Targets: find scales
    Gym strength exercises/toning
    Healthy food choices this week. And spend some time meal prepping/planning.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, hope you all are well and meeting your goals.

    PW- 156.5
    CW- 155

    20lbs loss total since starting MFP (July 18th this yr). It's been a tough couple of weeks for me, as far as controlling my hunger and cravings, especially sugar. I hope it gets better soon. It's more of a mind over matter thing. I try to keep myself busy when I have cravings so I don't think about it, but I don't completely deprive myself either. Trying to use things like fruit and yogurt when I am craving sweets. I also got some dark chocolate mildly sweet chocolate chips, to have a few of those when the chocolate craving hits. I'm not sure if that was a good idea or not lol but we shall see! I am also trying to get some type of exercise in every day, even if it's just for 20 minutes. My goal is to lose 15 more pounds by Christmas.

    @meepmya I hope you found your scales, and that things are getting better for you. I am thinking on purchasing a Fitbit soon also!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Good day friends 😊

    PW: 155
    CW: 153.5
    GW: 130-135 (Recently changed from 140)

    I recently added 2 miles of walking for 3-4 days/week, and a 5 minute YouTube squat video on top of my daily workout. The hard work seems to be really paying off. The best part is, I truly enjoy all of it, makes me feel so much better about myself.

    Good luck ladies 💗❤💗❤
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry been so busy. 161 now. Didn’t quite get my target for September but able to focus more on fitness now after a lot of personal upheaval. Well done to everyone
  • meepmya
    meepmya Posts: 37 Member
    CW 161 fluctuating
    1st GW 140

    Hi all, sorry to have been a bit awol. I have had to reevaluate some goals over the past few weeks, not all of them related to this weight loss health and fitness one. I have taken some time out to make a start on some other personal goals, which has meant my focus has been split as I begin to form new habits in relation to my other goals.

    It has given me the time to also evaluate where I am with my health goal, what I want and what I need to do to get there. I’ve also been focusing on what comes after and planning ahead to after I have achieved my weight loss goal. I’ve made changes to my calories allowance based on my current weight. (Up until now I hadn’t factored in that as you loose weight your calorie needs change also, which probably explains why I hit such a long plateau). So, I know I need to up my exercise, and toning up is quite important to me so I will be looking at changing gyms this week and doing some group gym exercise classes, (which apart from aqua fit I haven’t really done up until now).

    My focus for the next week is to do some group exercise and find a few I’d like to stick to. Never done yoga so that’s on my list to try. So I have a 3 day trial at a new gym which offers classes starting from Tuesday.
    I am adding more strength training to my exercise routine and HIIT workouts.
    I am working with a nutritionist now so I can have a healthy diet that is more of a lifestyle, rather than just for weight loss, so I can sustain healthy eating and have a good relationship with food, long after I have reached my goal.
    I am in the process of considering whether to get a personal trainer at the new gym so I have someone there to help keep me accountable with exercise part of my goal, set some targets and an exercise/workout program that I can accomplish.
    I’m concentrating on toning up and not just the number on the scales but my body measurements too. I’ve booked my trip to Dubai to celebrate my weight loss so far. So looking forward to that in a few weeks too 🙂


  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @meepmya thanks for sharing your goals with us. Sounds like you've got a good plan going. I also think its great that you are working with a nutritionist. Let me know how Yoga goes! I have been thinking of adding it into my routine as well. Hope you have a lot of fun on your trip!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Good day ladies :). I didn't get around to posting last week and forgot yesterday.

    October 3rd: 153.5
    October 10th: 152
    October 18th CW: 151

    My October goal I set for myself is 148. I have 3 more pounds to lose. I know I can do it, but need to make sure that I drink enough water. My eating has been just ok, I do not have a problem staying under, it's just "what" I eat. Still working on this as well.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hello everyone, I haven't posted an update in a while. Hope you all are doing well. It's still been challenging for me, but although my diet isn't the healthiest, I'm almost always within my calorie range, and exercise every day with only a day here and there missed. I'll just pick up with posting the weights where I left off:

    October 25th: 150.5
    November 1st: 151
    November 8th: 149
    November 14th: 147.5

    Halloween did set me back a little with the candy, hopefully Thanksgiving and Christmas doesn't set me back too much. Really hoping to make me end of yr goal of 140! :)

  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I haven't posted an update in a while. Hope you all are doing well. It's still been challenging for me, but although my diet isn't the healthiest, I'm almost always within my calorie range, and exercise every day with only a day here and there missed. I'll just pick up with posting the weights where I left off:

    October 25th: 150.5
    November 1st: 151
    November 8th: 149
    November 14th: 147.5

    Halloween did set me back a little with the candy, hopefully Thanksgiving and Christmas doesn't set me back too much. Really hoping to make me end of yr goal of 140! :)

    You have time to make your goal!! I haven't been here in forever!! The candy set me back as well. We just keep trying. A couple of years ago when I had broken some ribs, the Dr. asked how it happened. I told him that I didn't warm up and was doing a home tv exercise class in a cold room first thing, lol. I said here I am trying to lose weight and now look what has happened. He said that he knows it is hard, but we have to keep on trying. He was on a weight loss journey as well. We laughed when he said that he has seen people come into the urgent care being punched in the ribs after a fight and they haven't broken any ribs. What can I say?? Leave it to me, lol!! Keep going and I will, too!!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I haven't posted an update in a while. Hope you all are doing well. It's still been challenging for me, but although my diet isn't the healthiest, I'm almost always within my calorie range, and exercise every day with only a day here and there missed. I'll just pick up with posting the weights where I left off:

    October 25th: 150.5
    November 1st: 151
    November 8th: 149
    November 14th: 147.5

    Halloween did set me back a little with the candy, hopefully Thanksgiving and Christmas doesn't set me back too much. Really hoping to make me end of yr goal of 140! :)

    You have time to make your goal!! I haven't been here in forever!! The candy set me back as well. We just keep trying. A couple of years ago when I had broken some ribs, the Dr. asked how it happened. I told him that I didn't warm up and was doing a home tv exercise class in a cold room first thing, lol. I said here I am trying to lose weight and now look what has happened. He said that he knows it is hard, but we have to keep on trying. He was on a weight loss journey as well. We laughed when he said that he has seen people come into the urgent care being punched in the ribs after a fight and they haven't broken any ribs. What can I say?? Leave it to me, lol!! Keep going and I will, too!!

    Thank you for the encouragement! That's terrible about the broken ribs from exercising :(. You are doing great now though :)