October Monthly Challenge



  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member

    You are welcome

    If it makes you feel any better, I gained 7 lbs from my compulsive weigh-in yesterday to today (when I actually record for personal & challenge reasons)
    I wish I knew what I was doing on Sunday’s that I generally gain 4-7 lbs overnight (which is part of the reason I keep my updates on the challenge to Monday)
    But. For me at least, I am trending in the right direction and that is more than I’ve been able to say for a long time
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    zanyterp wrote: »

    You are welcome

    If it makes you feel any better, I gained 7 lbs from my compulsive weigh-in yesterday to today (when I actually record for personal & challenge reasons)
    I wish I knew what I was doing on Sunday’s that I generally gain 4-7 lbs overnight (which is part of the reason I keep my updates on the challenge to Monday)
    But. For me at least, I am trending in the right direction and that is more than I’ve been able to say for a long time

    @zanyterp, the funny thing is that I ate heavier on Saturday, was down a pound yesterday...ate lighter yesterday..."went up" almost the full pound. I have lost my appetite almost completely...yesterday the majority of my calories came from almonds and thats only because I didnt want to be too low on my caloric intake...
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @Everyonelies :'(
    i get that feeling (of not being hungry but still needing to eat)
    hopefully your appetite/body decides to cooperate this week (or at least sooner than later) so you can continue to be successful
  • CDiddyGetsFitty
    CDiddyGetsFitty Posts: 35 Member
    W: 241

    Monday 10/01--234.6
    Sunday 10/07--234.2
    Sunday 10/14--235.5
    Sunday 10/21
    Sunday 10/28
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    edited October 2018
    SW - 209.8 (SW for keto 4/15/18 - 206.8)
    GW - 150
    Goal for October 31 - 172

    Monday, Oct 1 - 177.8
    Sunday, Oct 7 - 174.4
    Sunday, October 14 - 174.1
    skctilidie wrote: »
    SW - 209.8 (SW for keto 4/15/18 - 206.8)
    GW - 150
    Goal for October 31 - 172

    Monday, Oct 1 - 177.8
    Sunday, Oct 7 - 174.4

    Officially back to keto finally, after 2.5 months of being woefully off and on about it!

    How did you get back at it???
    I’m having a really hard time keeping motivated. I love keto, and I feel really good when I eat that way, AND I have another 49 Lbs to lose in order to get back to my healthy weight of 140… but I’ve been feeling pretty good about my body since I lost the first 25 lbs, so I slacked off. I’ve been cheating on and off (about once a week I go out of Keto completely) and so my weight has bounced between 187-189 for the past 12 weeks. I know that I need to get serious, but I feel as though… now that the health-related urgency is gone… I just don’t have the same willpower as before. It’s extremely frustrating. I have goals I want to achieve, but I keep putting off a real commitment. I’m running out of ideas on what I can do to get back into the groove of Keto. Do you (or anyone else who might be reading this) have any ideas on how to keep motivated/accountable? Thanks!

    Sorry, I didn’t make it back in here again between posting last week’s weigh in and now! I did well for a whole 12 days and then my littlest’s birthday party and the cake and pizza that went with that fun came around on Friday and I have been off again ever since. Oops.
    I think you and I are at a similar place. I generally like eating keto and feel good on it, but I’ve simply been lazy about planning ahead and having good food choices available. I feel so much better having lost 35, but I have another 25-30 to go and just can’t seem to get as organized or as committed to it as I was in the spring and early summer.
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    edited October 2018
    no birthday dreams come true for me. i'm ten pounds away from where I wanted to be this week.
    Start 3/1 - 184
    Current - 156

    Sunday 10/07 - 156.2
    Sunday 10/14 -
    Sunday 10/21 - 158.2
    Sunday 10/28
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    no birthday dreams come true for me. i'm ten pounds away from where I wanted to be this week.

    Keto constipation is the one thing that concerns me about keto! It seems unnatural to wait that long to void waste? I’ve had success though, by choosing cruciferous (higher sulfur content) veggies for my carbs. I call them my Bs and Cs; Brocolli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower. I also cut back on cheddar cheese which I have a habit of snacking on because it is quick and easy.

    Anyway, happy birthday. Make a wish to have a good poop when you blow out your candles on a B and C Cake.
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    no birthday dreams come true for me. i'm ten pounds away from where I wanted to be this week.

    Keto constipation is the one thing that concerns me about keto! It seems unnatural to wait that long to void waste? I’ve had success though, by choosing cruciferous (higher sulfur content) veggies for my carbs. I call them my Bs and Cs; Brocolli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower. I also cut back on cheddar cheese which I have a habit of snacking on because it is quick and easy.

    Anyway, happy birthday. Make a wish to have a good poop when you blow out your candles on a B and C Cake.

    ThANK YOU!! I deleted the part about constipation because I thought my poop talk might gross people out. But i could talk poop all day!
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    HW: 321
    Keto SW: 301

    Sunday 09/30: 274.2

    Sunday 10/07 274.2 (~0) Well, dang it.
    Sunday 10/14 270.2 (-4) Happy Dance this week!!!
    Sunday 10/21 269.8 (-0.4) And another Happy Dance this week!!!
    Sunday 10/28

    Wednesday 10/31

    My goal for October was to simply make it below the 270 mark. I am there!!! I have guests coming in from out of town this week, so my goal for the rest of this month will be to simply maintain what I accomplished this month and to stay out of all the dishes of Halloween treats that seem to be every place I go!
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member

    Monday 10/1- 180.3. Blood glucose 91, BODY fat 45.1%
    Sunday 10/07- 177.5. Blood glucose 79
    Sunday 10/14- 176.3 BG 84, BF 44.6%
    Sunday 10/21- 176.3 BG 76 BF 44.4%
    Sunday 10/28
    Wednesday 10/31

    Hard not to be disappointed with not losing this week, but I guess you can't lose every week.
  • jaclynsmills25
    jaclynsmills25 Posts: 7 Member
    Sunday 10/07: 141.6
    Sunday 10/14: 139.0
    Sunday 10/21:135.6
    Sunday 10/28:

    Since starting I have lost 6 pounds! I haven’t strayed once and still fast everyday. I can see as the days go on I get stricter with my macros. My ultimate goal is to get down to 125. Very excited I started this new way of living.
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    Start Weight (May 24,2018) 248.2 lbs

    GW for October 194 lbs.

    Near term goal 179.9 lbs

    October start weight 202 lbs

    Sunday 10/7 no access to scale
    Sunday 10/14 200.8 lbs (-1.2)
    Sunday 10/21 198.6 lbs (-2.2) 🏆🏆🏆
    Sunday 10/28

    I'm financially in Onedeland and "only" 12 lbs from my lowest recorded number for the last 5 years.
    Now it doesn't seem so far any more after losing almost 50 lbs on this program. October has been a bit emotional since I so wanted to see a number that doesn't star with a 2. And although I lost some every week, it felt like my body wasn't going to let go. So now I just have to run away from that number. And say - never again. And. This time I really mean it.
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    It's been a good month so far. I've lost all that I gained while visiting a completely non-keto family at the beginning of the month and even a little bit more. And that's without exercising at all because of time conflicts and bad weather. I was just thinking wouldn't it be awesome if I could break through the 150s this month!? It's totally doable, but I won't hold my breath. Experience has taught me not to have those kinds of expectations because I'm usually disappointed. I'll just keep plugging away with what I know works for me and be happy with any little success.

    NSV: I've had to punch two holes in my watchband since the beginning of summer, and it's loose again!

    SW - 175
    GW - 140

    10/7 - 156.6 (+4 - Traveling)
    10/14 - 154.4 (-2.2)
    10/21 - 152 (-2.4)
    10/28 -
    10/31 -
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    SG- 180 by 12/31/18

    Monday 10/01-199.8
    Sunday 10/07-196.8
    Sunday 10/14-195.8
    Sunday 10/21-195.8
    Sunday 10/28

    I don't get it...😔

  • Re_Banana
    Re_Banana Posts: 73 Member
    @Everyonelies I see that you just started in September. I've read that some people experience a stall after the until water weight loss while you body is adapting. I've copied below info from the keto FAQ on reddit. Just hang in there! I know it will happen for you. (https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq)

    "Results vary, but you will typically go through three phases

    Honeymoon: Lots of weight comes off fast. This is water that was tied up with glycogen. Note: if you don’t experience rapid weight loss in this period, do not despair. Not everyone is so lucky, and men may be more likely to see rapid initial weight loss than women.
    Keto Adaptation: Water and glycogen find a new balance and this causes a stall or even weight gain, which lasts for a week or two. Relax, this is both normal and temporary.
    Fully keto-adapted: After 3-4 weeks the body is burning fat as its main fuel and the brain has switched to running on ketones. A bumpy downward trend in your weight will begin. The trend is "bumpy" because there will be days or weeks when your weight stalls, or even goes up slightly. This happens to everyone, on every kind of weight-loss diet. Please don’t post to /r/keto that you gained a pound or two, or plateaued for a week. The trend will be especially bumpy if you are female. In particular, shark week will play hell with your scale weight.
    If a plateau lasts more than a couple of weeks, you may need to make adjustments to your lifestyle to break it. See the plateau section."
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    10/1: 233.3
    10/7: 231.0
    10/14: 231.0
    10/21: 230.6

    Another loss this week, which is really surprising given how much I've eaten all week long! I was just feeling really hungry, didn't do any IF at all. Still, I'll take it. ^_^

    I'll be missing my weigh in next week, since I won't be home. Keto on, everyone! <3
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    shirli2018 wrote: »
    Start Weight (May 24,2018) 248.2 lbs

    GW for October 194 lbs.

    Near term goal 179.9 lbs

    October start weight 202 lbs

    Sunday 10/7 no access to scale
    Sunday 10/14 200.8 lbs (-1.2)
    Sunday 10/21 198.6 lbs (-2.2) 🏆🏆🏆
    Sunday 10/28

    I'm financially in Onedeland and "only" 12 lbs from my lowest recorded number for the last 5 years.
    Now it doesn't seem so far any more after losing almost 50 lbs on this program. October has been a bit emotional since I so wanted to see a number that doesn't star with a 2. And although I lost some every week, it felt like my body wasn't going to let go. So now I just have to run away from that number. And say - never again. And. This time I really mean it.

    It should read I'm finally not financially- haha love auto-correct
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    SG- 180 by 12/31/18

    Monday 10/01-199.8
    Sunday 10/07-196.8
    Sunday 10/14-195.8
    Sunday 10/21-195.8
    Sunday 10/28

    I don't get it...😔

    @Everyonelies we all had weeks like that. It just doesn't seem to make sense at times, but just keep working the plan and the scale will catch up. One week without losing is nothing to worry about.