Autumn leaves: October accountability & weight loss



  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    SW: 156lbs (4/1/18)
    GW: 120
    April End: 148
    May End 140.7
    June End:133.4
    July End:129
    September End: 121.3 (t: 121.1)
    October Goal: 117-123

    October 1: 120.8 (t: 121.0)
    October 5: 119.9 (t: 120.6)
    October 12: 119.7 (t: 120.4)
    October 19: 121.5 (t: 120.6)
    October 26:
    October 31:

    That trend is holding steady :)
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Hi! I am new to Fitnesspal! I am looking at losing ten pounds! I am motivated and would to support others as well. Please add me as a friend, if you would like.

    10.19 140lb

  • leah_not_leia
    leah_not_leia Posts: 78 Member
    Height: 5' 9"
    HW: 167 lbs (Jan. 13, 2017)
    Ultimate Weight Goal: 145 lbs
    Sept Weight: trend 155.3 lbs
    Fitbit BF: 32.5%

    Oct 01: 159 lbs (trending 157.1 lbs) :s
    Oct 08: 156.6 lbs (trending 157.1 lbs)
    Oct 15: 157.0 lbs (trending 156.9 lbs)
    Oct 22: 156.5 lbs (trending 156.8 lbs)
    Oct 29:

    Oct Goal: trend around 156.0 lbs

    Slowly coming back down woo! My husband and I switched up our gym routine, now we are going everyday for 30 minutes at 6 AM. M/W/F are weight lifting days and T/TH are cardio days. The 30 minute workouts on weekdays are kind of throwing me off since I am used to us doing an hour, so I feel like I'm not getting as much stuff done. But I think we are going faster and trying harder since we are trying to get as much in during the time frame. I guess I will see how we feel after the week and then change accordingly.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    Hi everyone! Looks like many of you are making good progress and hanging in there! Welcome to the newcomers!

    I got sick at the beginning of October and thought at first it was an asthma flair-up from allergies, but I wasn't coughing at all, just a lot of pain while breathing. Turns out it was an infection of the membrane around my lungs and it took forever to heal. I stopped working out for a couple of weeks and did nothing. I'm finally back to feeling good again and started my workouts back up this week. I know some of you have asked about my youngest kiddo since his surgery in August, and we finally found him a fantastic, attentive dentist so that has been a HUGE relief.

    I'm inadvertently back on the losing train, and possibly never left it and was just retaining a huge amount of water through September.

    Height: 5'1"
    SW: 195
    GW: 120

    October 2nd: 126.8
    October 8th: 126.2
    October 14th: 124.8
    October 22nd: 125
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    So I feel like I might be getting stronger but the number is not moving in the direction that I had hoped, not so sure I'm going to get to my goal but I am going to take measurements at the end of the month, hopefully some progress is happening.

    Height: 5'7"
    Oct 01: 177.4
    Oct 08: 181.2
    Oct 16: 178
    Oct 23: 179.4
    Oct 29:

    Oct Goal: 165 175
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    HW: 176
    CW: 155
    Height: 5'8"
    September goal: 153

    Oct 2: 154.5
    Oct 9: 155
    Oct 23: 154.5

    Weight keeps holding steady, but to be fair I haven't had much motivation to try lately. I'm switching back to Body Beast because I felt so great while doing that program. I finished day 2 today and it looks like I won't be able to walk tomorrow :) do it for the ice cream
  • jesshreddy
    jesshreddy Posts: 4 Member
    Ahh super late but no harm in doing the last week and continuing through November ;)

    HW: 170
    CW: 142
    Height: 5'5"
    October Goal: 140
    November Goal: 125-130
    December Goal: 115-120

    October 9: 147
    October 23: 142
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    edited October 2018
    Height 5'7"
    Oct GW: Sub 151 trend

    10/1/18: 152.8 (Actual) 152.7 (Trend)
    10/8/18: 153 (Actual) 152.9 (Trend) - I was really bad about eating this past week and a half or so :(
    10/15/18: 152.2 (Actual) 152.5 (Trend) I did have my lowest weigh in for 2018 (not on the 15, different day) this week
    10/22/18: 152.6 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    Height 5’6”
    GW 125
    August LW 127.4
    Oct 1: 133.2
    Oct 8: 132.2
    Oct 16: 131.2
    Oct 23: 131.5

    Late check in... Saw 129 last week, went off the rails with a wedding weekend, back on track now I hope.
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    Well that didn't work out as planned but I do feel stronger so I need to adjust my goals from losing weight to gaining strength

    Height: 5'7"
    Oct 01: 177.4
    Oct 08: 181.2
    Oct 16: 178
    Oct 23: 179.4
    Oct 29: 182

    Oct Goal: 165 175
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    edited October 2018
    Height 5’6”
    GW 125
    August LW 127.4
    Oct 1: 133.2
    Oct 8: 132.2
    Oct 16: 131.2
    Oct 23: 131.5
    Oct 28: 130.8

    Got back on track, dropped some, and seem to be maintaining here while I take a logging break. But back to logging today. Because Halloween candy.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Height 5'7"
    Oct GW: Sub 151 trend

    10/1/18: 152.8 (Actual) 152.7 (Trend)
    10/8/18: 153 (Actual) 152.9 (Trend) - I was really bad about eating this past week and a half or so :(
    10/15/18: 152.2 (Actual) 152.5 (Trend) I did have my lowest weigh in for 2018 (not on the 15, different day) this week
    10/22/18: 152.6 (Actual) 152.4 (Trend)
    10/31/18: 152.6 (Actual) 152.8 (Trend)

    Not such a great month overall :(
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Height: 5'5
    HW: 165
    Final goal: 115-120 lbs
    October goal: 139

    Oct 1: 143.2
    Oct 8: 139.6
    Oct 15: 141.0
    Oct 22: 138.2
    Oct 29: 137.4
    Oct 31: 137.6

    October loss: -5.6 lbs