December Monthly Challenge

chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
edited January 2019 in Social Groups
So the Challenge is now well on the way into those really difficult months of celebrations and holidays...........

A new challenge month but the old spreadsheet.

So don't look for a new one of those, but continue to post your weight on the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' which Nikki will update as needed. You can obviously also post your weight in this post and many do.

For anyone new out there; feel very welcome to join, we usually post our weigh Sundays and use the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' also in 'Announcements' to track weight.

We use this thread to encourage each other and to add our weight as well if we want to and generally chat!

It's fun and it's been working and we've lost a shed load of weight between us. It seems to keep us going and even if we go up occasionally (and who doesn't!) we get back to it and continue the journey.

So here we go again, good luck in December.

Sunday 12/02
Sunday 12/09
Sunday 12/16
Sunday 12/23
Sunday 12/30

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL........................2019 who can believe it!!

Good luck to everyone, welcome to everyone new and well done the old faithfuls!!


  • CarolynRSB
    CarolynRSB Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck to you too! My goal for December will be to practice portion control, IF 3-4 times a week when we don't have guests, and work out 2-4 times a week. My parents are coming to town, and we've already selected the restaurants to take them to (Korean, Indian, Afghan, and Caribbean), some of which I can stay on keto, others I'm going to enjoy the splurge. I should be able to eat on-plan when we are eating at home, which will help. There are a few holiday parties coming up, and I will stick with the cheese, meat, and wines. Hope any weight gained falls off as quickly as it might come on!
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @CarolynRSB good luck! hope they all go well!
    @chinatowninchina good luck to you & hope all goes well!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I took keto to the next level and went carnivore beginning October 1. I decided to put the scale away for a while to focus on healing migraines, inflammation and IBS symptoms.

    I do have weight loss goals that I want to get back to so I’m back in for December.

    Starting weight 192.8
    Current weight 182.8
    Goal weight 130

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • shazsam
    shazsam Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve only just started keto, 3rd day I’m so I’m well up for the December challenge 👍🏻
  • ANbowen88
    ANbowen88 Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been doing keto/low carb eating since June 2018, I decided to focus on healing gut issues , inflammation and IBS symptoms for a better health and loss weight for my heart health and my family they need me around longer.

    I do have weight loss goals that I want to get back to so I’m back in for December.

    Starting weight 204
    Current weight 190.5
    Goal weight 130-135

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    Count me in, if course!!!
    SW - 184
    CW - 155
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @xDaniDragonflyx that sounds like a great goal (especially after how you felt about eating, and more importantly enjoying, Thanksgiving dinner)
  • shazsam
    shazsam Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in too, I really need to get my act together, and finally shift this weight. No more sore knees and bad back in 2019 👍🏻 I want to reach target and finally be pain free.
    SW 186 (today’s weight)

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • rpmkarting
    rpmkarting Posts: 49 Member
    Started Keto April 2018
    Start weight 300

    SW 200 (today’s weight)
    GW 180
    Challenge goal: 190
    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • nyarcg123
    nyarcg123 Posts: 1 Member
    Started Keto November 26th. addicted to carbs...biggest challenge will be to limit cheese intake.

    Starting weight 149
    Current weight 149
    Goal weight 130

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @cheermom49 are you worried about cheese intake for the fat? or because all your calories will go to that rather than other foods? hope it goes well for you
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member
    Count me in on this challenge. Although I have lost weight I am finding myself slipping recently back to old habits and weight creeping back up. Goal for this challenge is to keep to keto, not slip back to old habits and to get into a pair of jeans that are slightly too small to do up.

    SW 237 (August 2016)
    CW 161 (weighed today)
    GW 130 to 140 range

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • Slja2013
    Slja2013 Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning all! I am coming back tot he Keto WOE after months off the wagon. Looking for support and it looks like I can find it and give it here in this group. Keto is the only thing that has worked for me since I have gotten older and I really need to get back to a healthier life. Looking forward to getting to know you.

    SW 230
    CW 226
    GW 190 (first step goal)

  • Biggster69
    Biggster69 Posts: 84 Member
    I started to eat less than 50 g of carbs a day. Not sure if this is keto. I was not losing weight for several weeks with eating 1400 cals on higher carb. Now I am eating 2000 cals in low carb and lose weight. It‘s crazy!
    SW: 66.3 kg
    CW: 64.9 kg
    GW: 60 kg

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/30
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    edited November 2018
    Joining, although a bit late. Started doing keto on 25 November as I gained 6 kg during last six month. I need to have at least 3 kg down by Christmas.
    SW: 74 kg
    CW: 73.8 kg
    GW: 64 kg

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/30
  • WV_Fit
    WV_Fit Posts: 10 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new to the keto group. Planning on participating in the challenge this December.
    If anyone has any tips or advice or just wants to support eachother you can add me as a friend. I find that I'm more successful if I have to be accountable to someone 😂
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    edited November 2018
    Ready for December? My goal is to have a loss this last month of the year. Any amount accepted!
    Started Keto Oct 1 - 180.3
    Last weight in Nov. - 174.8

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • kahart625
    kahart625 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, Im new to the Keto Diet and only on day 3, but im hoping this will work where other "diets"/"lifestyle" changes have not.
    My question is, by mid day, i have eaten my macros of carbs and protein but have like 100 Fat to go! And thats having eggs/bacon for breakfast; cheese/deli meat for a snack if needed/ and then lunch and dinner are sometimes a challenge. I made Keto meat pie which was awesome but 600 calories and took me over the top for the day in all my macros. So today i had turkey and brussel sprouts and brocolli,, met my protien and carbs already, but have all fat left. now what! any suggestions to make this easier? I dont want to eat bacon and cheese all day, as tempting as that sounds.
  • Bassagirl51
    Bassagirl51 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey , I am in ! I need all the motivation I can get. Just started in November, this is my second week😮 so far no set backs!! I started at 183 ,current weight 175.5
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    kahart625 wrote: »
    Hello, Im new to the Keto Diet and only on day 3, but im hoping this will work where other "diets"/"lifestyle" changes have not.
    My question is, by mid day, i have eaten my macros of carbs and protein but have like 100 Fat to go! And thats having eggs/bacon for breakfast; cheese/deli meat for a snack if needed/ and then lunch and dinner are sometimes a challenge. I made Keto meat pie which was awesome but 600 calories and took me over the top for the day in all my macros. So today i had turkey and brussel sprouts and brocolli,, met my protien and carbs already, but have all fat left. now what! any suggestions to make this easier? I dont want to eat bacon and cheese all day, as tempting as that sounds.

    I think your macros maybe wrong? There's plenty fat in eggs, bacon and cheese and very little carbs. MAybe you could post what your macros are either here or in the general part of the Keto forum and someone could take a look for you? I would but I'm currently with only occasional internet coverage and won't have any for a few days, sorry! Don't give up though.
  • GDowning2Fit
    GDowning2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all! I've been a member of fitness pal for a while now but never really engaged/used it. I really want to begin a healthier lifestyle and lose this weight. Any tips, motivation, encouragement is most definitely welcomed b/c I surely need it! So how does the group/challenge work? Do you guys share tips and recipes? Is there a menu or list of food suggestions?

    CW 180
    GW 165
  • GDowning2Fit
    GDowning2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you! Very useful and thorough information! I really need to cut back on wine too! I think I can handle the food a lot better :)
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I am in for December! I have put back on a few lbs that I keep trying to address, but I have been letting so many things get in the way that it is embarrassing how many times I have had to admit it. Would love to end the year strong!

    Starting weight: 153
    Current weight: 141
    Goal Weight: 115ish (I'm 5'1")

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Thank you! Very useful and thorough information! I really need to cut back on wine too! I think I can handle the food a lot better :)

    NP, I hope it is useful. Make sure you're tracking those alcohol carbs/info as well. I know it's harder to do and think of when imbibing of a few brews, but the things that seem hard at the start get easier with time. Plan out what you might have, track it, then drink. Set yourself a limit, etc. The phone app makes this easier once again. Gotta love technology aiding us in such ways.
    I am in for December! I have put back on a few lbs that I keep trying to address, but I have been letting so many things get in the way that it is embarrassing how many times I have had to admit it. Would love to end the year strong!

    Starting weight: 153
    Current weight: 141
    Goal Weight: 115ish (I'm 5'1")

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30

    Good luck and here's hoping you reach the goals!
  • CarolynRSB
    CarolynRSB Posts: 84 Member
    Start Date: 29 July 2018
    SW: 178
    GW: 138

    Thursday 11/29: 160.5
    Sunday 12/02:
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30

    I was 158 on Thanksgiving, and I'm still working the last 2.5 pounds off from that meal... my counsin's mashed potatoes and the apple pie were worth it though! I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so 160.5 will be my end weight for November, which is still a few pounds down from the beginning of the month. I would like to be 155 by the end of the year, so fingers crossed I can make that happen, so with my parents coming to town and us showing them around, I won't be surprised if that doesn't happen. So long as I am in the 150s at the end of the year, I will be satisfied.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    December will be the 12th month I’ve been a member of this group. In my opinion, this group has contributed more to my success in gaining back my health than any other single factor this year. I’ve told everyone on this group that I <3 keto! The truth is I <3 all my friends in this group. Your support, encouragement and thoughts have inspired me to be better. I look forward to 2019, knowing it has the potential to be another happy, healthy year thanks to all of you. December is going to springboard me into 2019 on a positive trend. Bring it!
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    kahart625 wrote: »
    Hello, Im new to the Keto Diet and only on day 3, but im hoping this will work where other "diets"/"lifestyle" changes have not.
    My question is, by mid day, i have eaten my macros of carbs and protein but have like 100 Fat to go! And thats having eggs/bacon for breakfast; cheese/deli meat for a snack if needed/ and then lunch and dinner are sometimes a challenge. I made Keto meat pie which was awesome but 600 calories and took me over the top for the day in all my macros. So today i had turkey and brussel sprouts and brocolli,, met my protien and carbs already, but have all fat left. now what! any suggestions to make this easier? I dont want to eat bacon and cheese all day, as tempting as that sounds.

    Look up and make some simple fat bombs to add fat. Most people say to only worry about reaching fat% for the first few days to week (unless your goal is other than weight loss.) After you're in ketosis, the fat % is a maximum limit, not a daily goal you have to reach. The most important macro is the carb limit. You don't need to worry as much about the others. You can tweak those later as you learn more and what works best for you.