Leslie Sansone December 2018 Walk Challenge

texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
WELCOME to all walkers!

The December Walk Challenge starts tomorrow :p , so now is the time to be thinking about our new individual monthly challenge goals!

Having Leslie's, or other walking/ workout DVDs, can be a great addition to walking outdoors in the cold and snowy days of December. For those who are enjoying the cold winter weather, walking or hiking outdoors might well continue to be a pleasant alternative on those bright sunny winter days to using a DVDs. For those of us who live where there is more rain and snow than sunshine, the DVDs are a tremendous help when it is difficult to get outside for a walk.

This group is open to any and all walkers. The majority of us use Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD workouts or other favorite instructors to mix it up, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, and on the treadmill. All of these many options count toward our miles, steps, or minutes. However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Post your miles, steps, or minutes that you have walked, however you record it... it is all good and hopefully fun also!

We are a happy, supportive group, and I promise that joining this walk challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you!

Set your personal goal for how you want to record your walk or exercise for this month. This is your own personal goal :star:. Post your results daily, weekly, or whenever you like. It is such an encouragement to read each others' posts.

If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to do for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome :) !
So... please feel free to start today, so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health goals. It is never too late in the month to join B)

It is always fun to read which DVD, whether Leslie or another instructor, that you used. Or whatever form your walk or other exercise took, whether outdoors or on the treadmill or anything in between. We all could use some new inspiration sometimes, or inquiring minds sometimes just want to know . So please share if you would care to :p .

Time to start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. I know that I say this each month but I am truly grateful for each one of our precious walkers who continue to inspire and motivate mile by mile, and step by step, each month. And especially for all the walkers who have kept this challenge active and awesome during this past year.

I know that we are all excited to see our long time faithful walking friends o:) join us for yet another amazing month together, and we are awaiting the opportunity to welcome newcomers to this month's Walk Challenge, the last one for 2018!

Lace up those walking shoes and get some water...it's time to walk into December. Can you believe it :o . It is like we blinked and December is right here, awaiting the turn of the calendar page.

We are walking strong!

texasgardnr :flowerforyou:


  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,097 Member
    Wow!! is it really December??? Coming out of my depression haze finally. I'm not setting a mileage goal this month but instead just a move goal for every day. Some sort of exercise a few times a week and building to go into 2019 strong and ready. Hubby and I set up a Total gym and a bike trainer in the basement. If I can build my bike legs this winter maybe I can ride with him in the Spring and Summer.

    Let's move, Girls!!!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    edited December 2018
    Deeder522 wrote: »
    Wow!! is it really December??? Coming out of my depression haze finally. I'm not setting a mileage goal this month but instead just a move goal for every day. Some sort of exercise a few times a week and building to go into 2019 strong and ready. Hubby and I set up a Total gym and a bike trainer in the basement. If I can build my bike legs this winter maybe I can ride with him in the Spring and Summer.

    Let's move, Girls!!!

    It is hard to believe 2018is coming to an end. You plan sounds like fun to me. I would like for my DH to workout with me, but he won't. :( You can do this, Deeder! Happy December!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Time for a change for me. For December, I intend to focus more on strength this month. 3 strength workouts a week. For sure I'll be marching with Leslie some as well as Jessica Smith. I'm going to shoot for 2 yoga workouts a week as well.

    12/1.... Strength and Stamina Workout # 2 28 minutes

    Let's get fit, y'all!!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,485 Member
    Well, November was a total bust for me. I was just out of sorts for no particular reason as it was a great month! I went home to my NY cabin in the woods where is snowed like crazy and was so pretty. I got video footage of my beautiful and graceful white tail deer and then I had to come home a day early because of a huge snow storm in MI that actually had a name it was so big!!! :laugh: Considering how much I love snow, it should have been a great month. I think adding the 7th class was just a bit too much work. So, I am recommitting in Dec and getting rid of the pounds that I put on in Nov sitting at a computer!! :grumble:

    My goal is 2 miles or 1/2 hour 5 days a week of committed exercise. I am going to start out walking, but I may get into 30 minutes of strength training later on as well. I'll see how the month goes.

    Goal: 30 minutes/day 5 days a week (2 miles/day =62 total miles minimum)

    12/1-WAH Burn Body Fat-2 mile walk-30 minutes=2 miles total

    I'm sorry about your depression Deedder. Every piece of advice for lifting depression says "work out, go for a walk, exercise etc" and I always wonder if these people have ever been blue before! The last thing I felt like doing last month was exercising! I just decided to let it go and commit to December being different. Sometimes, we need the "haze" I think! I am ready to move with you as well!!!! Let's go!!!

    Good to see you Annof B. I have missed everyone!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I have no idea what to make my goal for this month. Let's go for 100 miles and hope for the best.

    It is beautiful here today and Dave and I decided to golf even though we are recovering form some virus. We managed 13 holes before Dave quit. To be honest I am glad he did. I am was I was running out of steam myself. WIth that said...I walked 6.66 miles.

  • Walking704
    Walking704 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to join this group because i need to loose weight. I have 2 girls to do it for. I would love to be able to wear a dress. Its been 20 years since i wore one. I would love some advice.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Walking704 wrote: »
    I would love to join this group because i need to loose weight. I have 2 girls to do it for. I would love to be able to wear a dress. Its been 20 years since i wore one. I would love some advice.

    Welcome Walking704!

    My best advice is to do a little each day and increase your walks as you go. Start slow and gain momentum. I walk to music and I find joy in walking and singing.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    3.65 mile walk this morning.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Walking704 wrote: »
    I would love to join this group because i need to loose weight. I have 2 girls to do it for. I would love to be able to wear a dress. Its been 20 years since i wore one. I would love some advice.

    Hello Walking704! Glad you joined us. I second what PinkyPan1 said. As Leslie says in some of her workouts, "...you will be amazed at the difference short workouts can make." I have found that keeping an exercise journal motivates me a lot too.
  • pnash4508
    pnash4508 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm joining in. My goal is 75 miles with Leslie for the month.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    pnash4508 wrote: »
    I'm joining in. My goal is 75 miles with Leslie for the month.

    Welcome pnash4508!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    12/1.... Strength and Stamina Workout # 2 28 minutes
    12/3.... 30 minutes of Walk Off Fat Fast and 60 minutes of yard work (using the leaf blower)
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,485 Member
    edited December 2018
    Goal: 30 minutes/day 5 days a week (2 miles/day =62 total miles minimum)

    12/1-WAH Burn Body Fat-2 mile walk-30 minutes=2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.8 miles=4.8 miles total
    12/2-Vivofit tracked 5.8 miles=10.6 miles total
    12/3-WAH-5K with a twist=45 minutes (to make up for yesterday)=3.1 miles=13.7 miles total

    Geez, I make my first goal to walk 30 minutes a day and do not do it on DAY 2!!! :explode: I got a lot of miles in though because we went to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert in Grand Rapids yesterday. Lost of walking to the arena, out for a great dinner and back to the hotel. However, I know me and if I do not make it up and stay on task, I will fizzle out again and that can't happen so 45 minutes today and tomorrow will make up the 30 minutes I skipped! I hate self discipline! :grumble:

    Welcome Walking 704. I third (is there such a thing :laugh: ) Pinky and Anne! I lost 100 pounds and it does not happen over night, but I did not gain it over night either. I also tracked everything in a journal, like AnnofB the entire way. So, start slow and small and let your fitness guide you. I started out walking 5 minutes away from my house and then turing around and walking back (you have to come back so you get in 10 minutes in spite of yourself :-) ). I was kind of a slow walker at first, but I noticed each day the walk was less stressful and I could add time and walk farther. I was able to walk for 30 minutes when I found Leslie and the first one of her workouts I did was the Heart Association's 3 mile walk because I figured the Heart Association would not let her kill anyone with a workout! :noway: So what the heck, might as well try it. I did it ... not as fast as she did ... but I did it and you will too. Slow and steady will have you in a dress in no time!!! We guarantee it! :+1:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    AnnofB wrote: »
    Time for a change for me. For December, I intend to focus more on strength this month. 3 strength workouts a week. For sure I'll be marching with Leslie some as well as Jessica Smith. I'm going to shoot for 2 yoga workouts a week as well.

    12/1.... Strength and Stamina Workout # 2 28 minutes

    Let's get fit, y'all!!

    I'm right there with you on the strength workouts, @AnnofB. I love your plan to do 3 strength workouts a week. I think I went at it too hard last month trying to do it 7 days a week and that's the reason I had trouble sticking with it. Do you personally count walks with Leslie as strength if they involve weights or like her Miracle Miles band? Just curious. :smile:
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Okay Walkers, I decided I'm going to go for 120 miles this month and if I get more in, then it's a bonus boost for me! I'm unsure with the holidays about days I'll be out of town, if I'll be able to get mileage in, so that's why I'm backing down on my goal a bit.

    I'm personally going for strength training as well ~ 3-4 times a week.

    Dec 1: 5 Miles: 3 Mile AM walk + 2 Miles Burn Body Fat & Sculpt Arms
    Dec 2: 3 Miracle Miles using the band

    8 of 120 miles
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    AnnofB wrote: »
    Time for a change for me. For December, I intend to focus more on strength this month. 3 strength workouts a week. For sure I'll be marching with Leslie some as well as Jessica Smith. I'm going to shoot for 2 yoga workouts a week as well.

    12/1.... Strength and Stamina Workout # 2 28 minutes

    Let's get fit, y'all!!

    I'm right there with you on the strength workouts, @AnnofB. I love your plan to do 3 strength workouts a week. I think I went at it too hard last month trying to do it 7 days a week and that's the reason I had trouble sticking with it. Do you personally count walks with Leslie as strength if they involve weights or like her Miracle Miles band? Just curious. :smile:

    Hi VeggieGirlforLife. I do count the Muscle Mile (I think this is from the Walk Away The Pounds set) of Leslie's as a strength workout. I don't think that the Miracle Miles are a strength workout. The strength sections seem to me to be too short to produce results.

    I have to admit I'm not really a fan of strength workouts but I know I need them, so, I'm "making" myself do them. I'd rather be sidestepping and knee lifting with Leslie and Jessica. :) What sort of strength workouts do you do? Do you have DVD's or youtube workouts that are your go-to's? Good luck this month. I admire you for going for those 120 miles AND doing strength too. You go Girl!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited December 2018
    @Deeder522, I'm glad that you feel yourself coming out of your depression haze and are posting again. I think that your new plan of moving in some way several times a week this month is a very insightful, as well as a gentle way to ease back into exercise. <3 That is so cool that you and your husband put a Total gym and a bike trainer in your basement! That is awesome!

    @AnnofB, that is a good plan to to focus more on strength this month. I also need to purposely do that. I tend to forget all about that or think it is enough what is included in a walk.

    @zichab, I'm very happy that you are back with us for Dec <3 . That extra class with all that additional computer time would certainly add extra stress especially with all of the extra screen time and sitting it caused. Moving more this month will definitely help a lot! You go girl, and then go some more :p .

    @VeggieGirlforLife, that is very insightful to figure out what made it hard for you to stick to your exercise plan last month, and then modify that plan into a more sustainable one for this month. Excellent new plan!

    @PinkyPan1, That is great that you were able to get some golfing miles in again after being ill.

    @Walking704 and @Walking704, welcome to the monthly walk challenges. We are glad that you are joining in!

    My goal for December will be the same as November: to do a workout/walk/or an activity that requires extra walking or exertion such as yard work, however I do it, at least 5 days a week. I am challenging myself to do it again this month.

    December 1: 2 hours garden clean up and raking/ bagging leaves in yard

    December 2: Rest day
    December 3: 3 miles, Fast & Fun Miles, 2 Walk Blasters, 1 hour raking/ bagging leaves in yard

    Walk Strong!
    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    December 1: 2 hours garden clean up and raking/ bagging leaves in yard

    December 2: Rest day
    December 3: 3 miles, Fast & Fun Miles, 2 Walk Blasters, 1 hour raking/ bagging leaves in yard
    December 4: 2 miles, Burn 30, 15 minutes Firm 30, 1 Walk Blaster

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal for December: 3 Strength workouts a week.

    12/1.... Strength and Stamina Workout # 2 28 minutes
    12/3.... Low impact aerobics 60 minutes
    12/4.... Strength workout 48 minutes and 1 mile of 3 Fun &Fast Miles
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    3.36 mile walk this afternoon. Baby it is cold outside! 29 degrees and not a fellow walker to be seen. It took a mile to get my heart rate up and get me warm but once I did I loved it.